// Python include #include // stl includes #include #include #include // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // effect engin eincludes #include "Effect.h" #include #include // Python method table PyMethodDef Effect::effectMethods[] = { {"setColor" , Effect::wrapSetColor , METH_VARARGS, "Set a new color for the leds."}, {"setImage" , Effect::wrapSetImage , METH_VARARGS, "Set a new image to process and determine new led colors."}, {"getImage" , Effect::wrapGetImage , METH_VARARGS, "get image data from file."}, {"abort" , Effect::wrapAbort , METH_NOARGS, "Check if the effect should abort execution."}, {"imageShow" , Effect::wrapImageShow , METH_VARARGS, "set current effect image to hyperion core."}, {"imageLinearGradient" , Effect::wrapImageLinearGradient , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageConicalGradient" , Effect::wrapImageConicalGradient , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageRadialGradient" , Effect::wrapImageRadialGradient , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageSolidFill" , Effect::wrapImageSolidFill , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageDrawLine" , Effect::wrapImageDrawLine , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageDrawPoint" , Effect::wrapImageDrawPoint , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageDrawRect" , Effect::wrapImageDrawRect , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageDrawPolygon" , Effect::wrapImageDrawPolygon , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageDrawPie" , Effect::wrapImageDrawPie , METH_VARARGS, ""}, {"imageSetPixel" , Effect::wrapImageSetPixel , METH_VARARGS, "set pixel color of image"}, {"imageGetPixel" , Effect::wrapImageGetPixel , METH_VARARGS, "get pixel color of image"}, {"imageSave" , Effect::wrapImageSave , METH_NOARGS, "adds a new background image"}, {"imageMinSize" , Effect::wrapImageMinSize , METH_VARARGS, "sets minimal dimension of background image"}, {"imageWidth" , Effect::wrapImageWidth , METH_NOARGS, "gets image width"}, {"imageHeight" , Effect::wrapImageHeight , METH_NOARGS, "gets image height"}, {"imageCRotate" , Effect::wrapImageCRotate , METH_VARARGS, "rotate the coordinate system by given angle"}, {"imageCOffset" , Effect::wrapImageCOffset , METH_VARARGS, "Add offset to the coordinate system"}, {"imageCShear" , Effect::wrapImageCShear , METH_VARARGS, "Shear of coordinate system by the given horizontal/vertical axis"}, {"imageResetT" , Effect::wrapImageResetT , METH_NOARGS, "Resets all coords modifications (rotate,offset,shear)"}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 // create the hyperion module struct PyModuleDef Effect::moduleDef = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "hyperion", /* m_name */ "Hyperion module", /* m_doc */ -1, /* m_size */ Effect::effectMethods, /* m_methods */ NULL, /* m_reload */ NULL, /* m_traverse */ NULL, /* m_clear */ NULL, /* m_free */ }; PyObject* Effect::PyInit_hyperion() { return PyModule_Create(&moduleDef); } #else void Effect::PyInit_hyperion() { Py_InitModule("hyperion", effectMethods); } #endif void Effect::registerHyperionExtensionModule() { PyImport_AppendInittab("hyperion", &PyInit_hyperion); } Effect::Effect(int priority, int timeout, const QString & script, const QString & name, const QJsonObject & args, const QString & origin, unsigned smoothCfg) : QThread() , _priority(priority) , _timeout(timeout) , _script(script) , _name(name) , _smoothCfg(smoothCfg) , _args(args) , _endTime(-1) , _interpreterThreadState(nullptr) , _imageProcessor(ImageProcessorFactory::getInstance().newImageProcessor()) , _colors() , _origin(origin) , _imageSize(Hyperion::getInstance()->getLedGridSize()) , _image(_imageSize,QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) { _colors.resize(_imageProcessor->getLedCount()); _colors.fill(ColorRgb::BLACK); _log = Logger::getInstance("EFFECTENGINE"); // disable the black border detector for effects _imageProcessor->enableBlackBorderDetector(false); // init effect image for image based effects, size is based on led layout _image.fill(Qt::black); _painter = new QPainter(&_image); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(EffectEngine); } Effect::~Effect() { delete _painter; _imageStack.clear(); } void Effect::run() { // switch to the main thread state and acquire the GIL PyEval_AcquireLock(); // Initialize a new thread state _interpreterThreadState = Py_NewInterpreter(); // import the buildtin Hyperion module PyObject * module = PyImport_ImportModule("hyperion"); // add a capsule containing 'this' to the module to be able to retrieve the effect from the callback function PyObject_SetAttrString(module, "__effectObj", PyCapsule_New(this, nullptr, nullptr)); // add ledCount variable to the interpreter PyObject_SetAttrString(module, "ledCount", Py_BuildValue("i", _imageProcessor->getLedCount())); // add minimumWriteTime variable to the interpreter PyObject_SetAttrString(module, "latchTime", Py_BuildValue("i", Hyperion::getInstance()->getLatchTime())); // add a args variable to the interpreter PyObject_SetAttrString(module, "args", json2python(_args)); // decref the module Py_XDECREF(module); // Set the end time if applicable if (_timeout > 0) { _endTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() + _timeout; } // Run the effect script QFile file (_script); QByteArray python_code; if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { python_code = file.readAll(); } else { Error(_log, "Unable to open script file %s.", QSTRING_CSTR(_script)); } file.close(); if (!python_code.isEmpty()) { PyObject *main_module = PyImport_ImportModule("__main__"); // New Reference PyObject *main_dict = PyModule_GetDict(main_module); // Borrowed reference Py_INCREF(main_dict); // Incref "main_dict" to use it in PyRun_String(), because PyModule_GetDict() has decref "main_dict" Py_DECREF(main_module); // // release "main_module" when done PyObject *result = PyRun_String(python_code.constData(), Py_file_input, main_dict, main_dict); // New Reference if (!result) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) // Nothing needs to be done for a borrowed reference { Error(_log,"###### PYTHON EXCEPTION ######"); Error(_log,"## In effect '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_name)); /* Objects all initialized to NULL for Py_XDECREF */ PyObject *errorType = NULL, *errorValue = NULL, *errorTraceback = NULL; PyErr_Fetch(&errorType, &errorValue, &errorTraceback); // New Reference or NULL PyErr_NormalizeException(&errorType, &errorValue, &errorTraceback); // Extract exception message from "errorValue" if(errorValue) { QString message; if(PyObject_HasAttrString(errorValue, "__class__")) { PyObject *classPtr = PyObject_GetAttrString(errorValue, "__class__"); // New Reference PyObject *class_name = NULL; /* Object "class_name" initialized to NULL for Py_XDECREF */ class_name = PyObject_GetAttrString(classPtr, "__name__"); // New Reference or NULL if(class_name && PyString_Check(class_name)) message.append(PyString_AsString(class_name)); Py_DECREF(classPtr); // release "classPtr" when done Py_XDECREF(class_name); // Use Py_XDECREF() to ignore NULL references } // Object "class_name" initialized to NULL for Py_XDECREF PyObject *valueString = NULL; valueString = PyObject_Str(errorValue); // New Reference or NULL if(valueString && PyString_Check(valueString)) { if(!message.isEmpty()) message.append(": "); message.append(PyString_AsString(valueString)); } Py_XDECREF(valueString); // Use Py_XDECREF() to ignore NULL references Error(_log, "## %s", QSTRING_CSTR(message)); } // Extract exception message from "errorTraceback" if(errorTraceback) { // Object "tracebackList" initialized to NULL for Py_XDECREF PyObject *tracebackModule = NULL, *methodName = NULL, *tracebackList = NULL; QString tracebackMsg; tracebackModule = PyImport_ImportModule("traceback"); // New Reference or NULL methodName = PyString_FromString("format_exception"); // New Reference or NULL tracebackList = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(tracebackModule, methodName, errorType, errorValue, errorTraceback, NULL); // New Reference or NULL if(tracebackList) { PyObject* iterator = PyObject_GetIter(tracebackList); // New Reference PyObject* item; while( (item = PyIter_Next(iterator)) ) // New Reference { Error(_log, "## %s",QSTRING_CSTR(QString(PyString_AsString(item)).trimmed())); Py_DECREF(item); // release "item" when done } Py_DECREF(iterator); // release "iterator" when done } // Use Py_XDECREF() to ignore NULL references Py_XDECREF(tracebackModule); Py_XDECREF(methodName); Py_XDECREF(tracebackList); // Give the exception back to python and print it to stderr in case anyone else wants it. Py_XINCREF(errorType); Py_XINCREF(errorValue); Py_XINCREF(errorTraceback); PyErr_Restore(errorType, errorValue, errorTraceback); //PyErr_PrintEx(0); // Remove this line to switch off stderr output } Error(_log,"###### EXCEPTION END ######"); } } else { Py_DECREF(result); // release "result" when done } Py_DECREF(main_dict); // release "main_dict" when done } // Clean up the thread state Py_EndInterpreter(_interpreterThreadState); _interpreterThreadState = nullptr; PyEval_ReleaseLock(); } PyObject *Effect::json2python(const QJsonValue &jsonData) const { switch (jsonData.type()) { case QJsonValue::Null: return Py_BuildValue(""); case QJsonValue::Undefined: return Py_BuildValue(""); case QJsonValue::Double: { if (std::rint(jsonData.toDouble()) != jsonData.toDouble()) { return Py_BuildValue("d", jsonData.toDouble()); } return Py_BuildValue("i", jsonData.toInt()); } case QJsonValue::Bool: return Py_BuildValue("i", jsonData.toBool() ? 1 : 0); case QJsonValue::String: return Py_BuildValue("s", jsonData.toString().toUtf8().constData()); case QJsonValue::Object: { PyObject * dict= PyDict_New(); QJsonObject objectData = jsonData.toObject(); for (QJsonObject::iterator i = objectData.begin(); i != objectData.end(); ++i) { PyObject * obj = json2python(*i); PyDict_SetItemString(dict, i.key().toStdString().c_str(), obj); Py_XDECREF(obj); } return dict; } case QJsonValue::Array: { QJsonArray arrayData = jsonData.toArray(); PyObject * list = PyList_New(arrayData.size()); int index = 0; for (QJsonArray::iterator i = arrayData.begin(); i != arrayData.end(); ++i, ++index) { PyObject * obj = json2python(*i); Py_INCREF(obj); PyList_SetItem(list, index, obj); Py_XDECREF(obj); } return list; } } assert(false); return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapSetColor(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { // get the effect Effect * effect = getEffect(); // check if we have aborted already if (effect->isInterruptionRequested()) { return Py_BuildValue(""); } // determine the timeout int timeout = effect->_timeout; if (timeout > 0) { timeout = effect->_endTime - QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); // we are done if the time has passed if (timeout <= 0) { return Py_BuildValue(""); } } // check the number of arguments int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); if (argCount == 3) { // three seperate arguments for red, green, and blue ColorRgb color; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "bbb", &color.red, &color.green, &color.blue)) { effect->_colors.fill(color); effect->setColors(effect->_priority, effect->_colors.toStdVector(), timeout, false, hyperion::COMP_EFFECT, effect->_origin, effect->_smoothCfg); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } else if (argCount == 1) { // bytearray of values PyObject * bytearray = nullptr; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &bytearray)) { if (PyByteArray_Check(bytearray)) { size_t length = PyByteArray_Size(bytearray); if (length == 3 * effect->_imageProcessor->getLedCount()) { char * data = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(bytearray); memcpy(effect->_colors.data(), data, length); effect->setColors(effect->_priority, effect->_colors.toStdVector(), timeout, false, hyperion::COMP_EFFECT, effect->_origin, effect->_smoothCfg); return Py_BuildValue(""); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Length of bytearray argument should be 3*ledCount"); return nullptr; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Argument is not a bytearray"); return nullptr; } } else { return nullptr; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Function expect 1 or 3 arguments"); return nullptr; } // error PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unknown error"); return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapSetImage(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { // get the effect Effect * effect = getEffect(); // check if we have aborted already if (effect->isInterruptionRequested()) { return Py_BuildValue(""); } // determine the timeout int timeout = effect->_timeout; if (timeout > 0) { timeout = effect->_endTime - QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); // we are done if the time has passed if (timeout <= 0) { return Py_BuildValue(""); } } // bytearray of values int width, height; PyObject * bytearray = nullptr; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiO", &width, &height, &bytearray)) { if (PyByteArray_Check(bytearray)) { int length = PyByteArray_Size(bytearray); if (length == 3 * width * height) { Image image(width, height); char * data = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(bytearray); memcpy(image.memptr(), data, length); std::vector v = effect->_colors.toStdVector(); effect->_imageProcessor->process(image, v); effect->setColors(effect->_priority, v, timeout, false, hyperion::COMP_EFFECT, effect->_origin, effect->_smoothCfg); return Py_BuildValue(""); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Length of bytearray argument should be 3*width*height"); return nullptr; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Argument 3 is not a bytearray"); return nullptr; } } else { return nullptr; } // error PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unknown error"); return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapGetImage(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(EffectEngine); char *source; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &source)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "String required"); return NULL; } QString file = QString::fromUtf8(source); if (file.mid(0, 1) == ":") file = ":/effects/"+file.mid(1); QImageReader reader(file); PyObject* prop; static PyObject* imageClass = NULL; if (imageClass == NULL) imageClass = PyClass_New(NULL, PyDict_New(), PyString_FromString("ImageClass")); if (reader.canRead()) { PyObject* result = PyList_New(reader.imageCount()); for (int i = 0; i < reader.imageCount(); ++i) { reader.jumpToImage(i); if (reader.canRead()) { QImage qimage = reader.read(); PyObject* imageDict = PyDict_New(); int width = qimage.width(); int height = qimage.height(); prop = Py_BuildValue("i", width); PyDict_SetItemString(imageDict, "imageWidth", prop); Py_XDECREF(prop); prop = Py_BuildValue("i", height); PyDict_SetItemString(imageDict, "imageHeight", prop); Py_XDECREF(prop); QByteArray binaryImage; for (int i = 0; i(qimage.scanLine(i)); for (int j = 0; j< width; ++j) { binaryImage.append((char) qRed(scanline[j])); binaryImage.append((char) qGreen(scanline[j])); binaryImage.append((char) qBlue(scanline[j])); } } prop = Py_BuildValue("O", PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(binaryImage.constData(),binaryImage.size())); PyDict_SetItemString(imageDict, "imageData", prop); Py_XDECREF(prop); PyList_SET_ITEM(result, i, Py_BuildValue("O", PyInstance_NewRaw(imageClass, imageDict))); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, reader.errorString().toUtf8().constData()); return NULL; } } return result; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, reader.errorString().toUtf8().constData()); return NULL; } } PyObject* Effect::wrapAbort(PyObject *self, PyObject *) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); // Test if the effect has reached it end time if (effect->_timeout > 0 && QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() > effect->_endTime) { effect->requestInterruption(); } return Py_BuildValue("i", effect->isInterruptionRequested() ? 1 : 0); } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageShow(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); // determine the timeout int timeout = effect->_timeout; if (timeout > 0) { timeout = effect->_endTime - QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); // we are done if the time has passed if (timeout <= 0) { return Py_BuildValue(""); } } int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int imgId = -1; bool argsOk = (argCount == 0); if (argCount == 1 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &imgId)) { argsOk = true; } if ( ! argsOk || (imgId>-1 && imgId >= effect->_imageStack.size())) { return nullptr; } QImage * qimage = (imgId<0) ? &(effect->_image) : &(effect->_imageStack[imgId]); int width = qimage->width(); int height = qimage->height(); Image image(width, height); QByteArray binaryImage; for (int i = 0; i(qimage->scanLine(i)); for (int j = 0; j< width; ++j) { binaryImage.append((char) qRed(scanline[j])); binaryImage.append((char) qGreen(scanline[j])); binaryImage.append((char) qBlue(scanline[j])); } } memcpy(image.memptr(), binaryImage.data(), binaryImage.size()); std::vector v = effect->_colors.toStdVector(); effect->_imageProcessor->process(image, v); effect->setColors(effect->_priority, v, timeout, false, hyperion::COMP_EFFECT, effect->_origin, effect->_smoothCfg); return Py_BuildValue(""); } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageLinearGradient(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); PyObject * bytearray = nullptr; int startRX = 0; int startRY = 0; int startX = 0; int startY = 0; int endX, width = effect->_imageSize.width(); int endY, height = effect->_imageSize.height(); int spread = 0; bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 10 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiiiOi", &startRX, &startRY, &width, &height, &startX, &startY, &endX, &endY, &bytearray, &spread) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 6 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiOi", &startX, &startY, &endX, &endY, &bytearray, &spread) ) { argsOK = true; } if (argsOK) { if (PyByteArray_Check(bytearray)) { const int length = PyByteArray_Size(bytearray); const unsigned arrayItemLength = 5; if (length % arrayItemLength == 0) { QRect myQRect(startRX,startRY,width,height); QLinearGradient gradient(QPoint(startX,startY), QPoint(endX,endY)); char * data = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(bytearray); for (int idx=0; idx(spread)); effect->_painter->fillRect(myQRect, gradient); return Py_BuildValue(""); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Length of bytearray argument should multiple of 5"); return nullptr; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "No bytearray properly defined"); return nullptr; } } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageConicalGradient(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); PyObject * bytearray = nullptr; int centerX, centerY, angle; int startX = 0; int startY = 0; int width = effect->_imageSize.width(); int height = effect->_imageSize.height(); bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 8 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiiO", &startX, &startY, &width, &height, ¢erX, ¢erY, &angle, &bytearray) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 4 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiO", ¢erX, ¢erY, &angle, &bytearray) ) { argsOK = true; } angle = qMax(qMin(angle,360),0); if (argsOK) { if (PyByteArray_Check(bytearray)) { const int length = PyByteArray_Size(bytearray); const unsigned arrayItemLength = 5; if (length % arrayItemLength == 0) { QRect myQRect(startX,startY,width,height); QConicalGradient gradient(QPoint(centerX,centerY), angle ); char * data = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(bytearray); for (int idx=0; idx_painter->fillRect(myQRect, gradient); return Py_BuildValue(""); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Length of bytearray argument should multiple of 5"); return nullptr; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Argument 8 is not a bytearray"); return nullptr; } } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageRadialGradient(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); PyObject * bytearray = nullptr; int centerX, centerY, radius, focalX, focalY, focalRadius, spread; int startX = 0; int startY = 0; int width = effect->_imageSize.width(); int height = effect->_imageSize.height(); bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 12 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiiiiiOi", &startX, &startY, &width, &height, ¢erX, ¢erY, &radius, &focalX, &focalY, &focalRadius, &bytearray, &spread) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 9 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiiOi", &startX, &startY, &width, &height, ¢erX, ¢erY, &radius, &bytearray, &spread) ) { argsOK = true; focalX = centerX; focalY = centerY; focalRadius = radius; } if ( argCount == 8 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiOi", ¢erX, ¢erY, &radius, &focalX, &focalY, &focalRadius, &bytearray, &spread) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 5 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiOi", ¢erX, ¢erY, &radius, &bytearray, &spread) ) { argsOK = true; focalX = centerX; focalY = centerY; focalRadius = radius; } if (argsOK) { if (PyByteArray_Check(bytearray)) { int length = PyByteArray_Size(bytearray); if (length % 4 == 0) { QRect myQRect(startX,startY,width,height); QRadialGradient gradient(QPoint(centerX,centerY), qMax(radius,0) ); char * data = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(bytearray); for (int idx=0; idx(spread)); effect->_painter->fillRect(myQRect, gradient); return Py_BuildValue(""); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Length of bytearray argument should multiple of 4"); return nullptr; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Last argument is not a bytearray"); return nullptr; } } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageDrawPolygon(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); PyObject * bytearray = nullptr; int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int r, g, b; int a = 255; bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 5 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oiiii", &bytearray, &r, &g, &b, &a) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 4 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oiii", &bytearray, &r, &g, &b) ) { argsOK = true; } if (argsOK) { if (PyByteArray_Check(bytearray)) { int length = PyByteArray_Size(bytearray); if (length % 2 == 0) { QVector points; char * data = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(bytearray); for (int idx=0; idx_painter; QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); QPen newPen(QColor(r,g,b,a)); painter->setPen(newPen); painter->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(r,g,b,a), Qt::SolidPattern)); painter->drawPolygon(points); painter->setPen(oldPen); return Py_BuildValue(""); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Length of bytearray argument should multiple of 2"); return nullptr; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Argument 1 is not a bytearray"); return nullptr; } } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageDrawPie(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); PyObject * bytearray = nullptr; QString brush; int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int radius, centerX, centerY; int startAngle = 0; int spanAngle = 360; int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; int a = 255; bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 9 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiiii", ¢erX, ¢erY, &radius, &startAngle, &spanAngle, &r, &g, &b, &a) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 8 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiii", ¢erX, ¢erY, &radius, &startAngle, &spanAngle, &r, &g, &b) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 7 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiisO", ¢erX, ¢erY, &radius, &startAngle, &spanAngle, &brush, &bytearray) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 5 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiisO", ¢erX, ¢erY, &radius, &brush, &bytearray) ) { argsOK = true; } if (argsOK) { QPainter * painter = effect->_painter; startAngle = qMax(qMin(startAngle,360),0); spanAngle = qMax(qMin(spanAngle,360),-360); if( argCount == 7 || argCount == 5 ) { a = 0; if (PyByteArray_Check(bytearray)) { int length = PyByteArray_Size(bytearray); if (length % 5 == 0) { QConicalGradient gradient(QPoint(centerX,centerY), startAngle); char * data = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(bytearray); for (int idx=0; idxsetBrush(gradient); return Py_BuildValue(""); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Length of bytearray argument should multiple of 5"); return nullptr; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Last argument is not a bytearray"); return nullptr; } } else { painter->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(r,g,b,a), Qt::SolidPattern)); } QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); QPen newPen(QColor(r,g,b,a)); painter->setPen(newPen); painter->drawPie(centerX - radius, centerY - radius, centerX + radius, centerY + radius, startAngle * 16, spanAngle * 16); painter->setPen(oldPen); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageSolidFill(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int r, g, b; int a = 255; int startX = 0; int startY = 0; int width = effect->_imageSize.width(); int height = effect->_imageSize.height(); bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 8 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiii", &startX, &startY, &width, &height, &r, &g, &b, &a) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 7 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiii", &startX, &startY, &width, &height, &r, &g, &b) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 4 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii",&r, &g, &b, &a) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 3 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iii",&r, &g, &b) ) { argsOK = true; } if (argsOK) { QRect myQRect(startX,startY,width,height); effect->_painter->fillRect(myQRect, QColor(r,g,b,a)); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageDrawLine(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int r, g, b; int a = 255; int startX = 0; int startY = 0; int thick = 1; int endX = effect->_imageSize.width(); int endY = effect->_imageSize.height(); bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 9 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiiii", &startX, &startY, &endX, &endY, &thick, &r, &g, &b, &a) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 8 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiii", &startX, &startY, &endX, &endY, &thick, &r, &g, &b) ) { argsOK = true; } if (argsOK) { QPainter * painter = effect->_painter; QRect myQRect(startX, startY, endX, endY); QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); QPen newPen(QColor(r,g,b,a)); newPen.setWidth(thick); painter->setPen(newPen); painter->drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY); painter->setPen(oldPen); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageDrawPoint(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int r, g, b, x, y; int a = 255; int thick = 1; bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 7 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiii", &x, &y, &thick, &r, &g, &b, &a) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 6 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiii", &x, &y, &thick, &r, &g, &b) ) { argsOK = true; } if (argsOK) { QPainter * painter = effect->_painter; QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); QPen newPen(QColor(r,g,b,a)); newPen.setWidth(thick); painter->setPen(newPen); painter->drawPoint(x, y); painter->setPen(oldPen); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageDrawRect(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int r, g, b; int a = 255; int startX = 0; int startY = 0; int thick = 1; int width = effect->_imageSize.width(); int height = effect->_imageSize.height(); bool argsOK = false; if ( argCount == 9 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiiii", &startX, &startY, &width, &height, &thick, &r, &g, &b, &a) ) { argsOK = true; } if ( argCount == 8 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiiiiii", &startX, &startY, &width, &height, &thick, &r, &g, &b) ) { argsOK = true; } if (argsOK) { QPainter * painter = effect->_painter; QRect myQRect(startX,startY,width,height); QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); QPen newPen(QColor(r,g,b,a)); newPen.setWidth(thick); painter->setPen(newPen); painter->drawRect(startX, startY, width, height); painter->setPen(oldPen); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageSetPixel(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int r, g, b, x, y; if ( argCount == 5 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiiii", &x, &y, &r, &g, &b ) ) { effect->_image.setPixel(x,y,qRgb(r,g,b)); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageGetPixel(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int x, y; if ( argCount == 2 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii", &x, &y) ) { QRgb rgb = effect->_image.pixel(x,y); return Py_BuildValue("iii",qRed(rgb),qGreen(rgb),qBlue(rgb)); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageSave(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); QImage img(effect->_image.copy()); effect->_imageStack.append(img); return Py_BuildValue("i", effect->_imageStack.size()-1); } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageMinSize(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int w, h; int width = effect->_imageSize.width(); int height = effect->_imageSize.height(); if ( argCount == 2 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii", &w, &h) ) { if (width_painter; effect->_image = effect->_image.scaled(qMax(width,w),qMax(height,h), Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation); effect->_imageSize = effect->_image.size(); effect->_painter = new QPainter(&(effect->_image)); } return Py_BuildValue("ii", effect->_image.width(), effect->_image.height()); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageWidth(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); return Py_BuildValue("i", effect->_imageSize.width()); } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageHeight(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); return Py_BuildValue("i", effect->_imageSize.height()); } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageCRotate(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); int angle; if ( argCount == 1 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &angle ) ) { angle = qMax(qMin(angle,360),0); effect->_painter->rotate(angle); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageCOffset(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int offsetX = 0; int offsetY = 0; int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); if ( argCount == 2 ) { PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii", &offsetX, &offsetY ); } effect->_painter->translate(QPoint(offsetX,offsetY)); return Py_BuildValue(""); } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageCShear(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); int sh,sv; int argCount = PyTuple_Size(args); if ( argCount == 2 && PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii", &sh, &sv )) { effect->_painter->shear(sh,sv); return Py_BuildValue(""); } return nullptr; } PyObject* Effect::wrapImageResetT(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { Effect * effect = getEffect(); effect->_painter->resetTransform(); return Py_BuildValue(""); } Effect * Effect::getEffect() { // extract the module from the runtime PyObject * module = PyObject_GetAttrString(PyImport_AddModule("__main__"), "hyperion"); if (!PyModule_Check(module)) { // something is wrong Py_XDECREF(module); Error(Logger::getInstance("EFFECTENGINE"), "Unable to retrieve the effect object from the Python runtime"); return nullptr; } // retrieve the capsule with the effect PyObject * effectCapsule = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "__effectObj"); Py_XDECREF(module); if (!PyCapsule_CheckExact(effectCapsule)) { // something is wrong Py_XDECREF(effectCapsule); Error(Logger::getInstance("EFFECTENGINE"), "Unable to retrieve the effect object from the Python runtime"); return nullptr; } // Get the effect from the capsule Effect * effect = reinterpret_cast(PyCapsule_GetPointer(effectCapsule, nullptr)); Py_XDECREF(effectCapsule); return effect; }