// Python includes #include #undef B0 // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include // hyperion util includes #include #include #include // effect engine includes #include #include "Effect.h" #include "HyperionConfig.h" EffectEngine::EffectEngine(Hyperion * hyperion, const QJsonObject & jsonEffectConfig) : _hyperion(hyperion) , _effectConfig(jsonEffectConfig) , _availableEffects() , _activeEffects() , _mainThreadState(nullptr) , _log(Logger::getInstance("EFFECTENGINE")) { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(EffectEngine); qRegisterMetaType>("std::vector"); qRegisterMetaType("hyperion::Components"); // connect the Hyperion channel clear feedback connect(_hyperion, SIGNAL(channelCleared(int)), this, SLOT(channelCleared(int))); connect(_hyperion, SIGNAL(allChannelsCleared()), this, SLOT(allChannelsCleared())); // read all effects readEffects(); // initialize the python interpreter Debug(_log, "Initializing Python interpreter"); Effect::registerHyperionExtensionModule(); Py_InitializeEx(0); PyEval_InitThreads(); // Create the GIL _mainThreadState = PyEval_SaveThread(); } EffectEngine::~EffectEngine() { // clean up the Python interpreter Debug(_log, "Cleaning up Python interpreter"); PyEval_RestoreThread(_mainThreadState); Py_Finalize(); } const std::list &EffectEngine::getActiveEffects() { _availableActiveEffects.clear(); for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects) { ActiveEffectDefinition activeEffectDefinition; activeEffectDefinition.script = effect->getScript(); activeEffectDefinition.name = effect->getName(); activeEffectDefinition.priority = effect->getPriority(); activeEffectDefinition.timeout = effect->getTimeout(); activeEffectDefinition.args = effect->getArgs(); _availableActiveEffects.push_back(activeEffectDefinition); } return _availableActiveEffects; } bool EffectEngine::loadEffectDefinition(const QString &path, const QString &effectConfigFile, EffectDefinition & effectDefinition) { QString fileName = path + QDir::separator() + effectConfigFile; // Read and parse the effect json config file QJsonObject configEffect; if(!JsonUtils::readFile(fileName, configEffect, _log)) return false; Q_INIT_RESOURCE(EffectEngine); // validate effect config with effect schema(path) if(!JsonUtils::validate(fileName, configEffect, ":effect-schema", _log)) return false; // setup the definition effectDefinition.file = fileName; QJsonObject config = configEffect; QString scriptName = config["script"].toString(); effectDefinition.name = config["name"].toString(); if (scriptName.isEmpty()) return false; QFile fileInfo(scriptName); if (scriptName.mid(0, 1) == ":" ) { (!fileInfo.exists()) ? effectDefinition.script = ":/effects/"+scriptName.mid(1) : effectDefinition.script = scriptName; } else { (!fileInfo.exists()) ? effectDefinition.script = path + QDir::separator() + scriptName : effectDefinition.script = scriptName; } effectDefinition.args = config["args"].toObject(); effectDefinition.smoothCfg = SMOOTHING_MODE_PAUSE; if (effectDefinition.args["smoothing-custom-settings"].toBool()) { effectDefinition.smoothCfg = _hyperion->addSmoothingConfig( effectDefinition.args["smoothing-time_ms"].toInt(), effectDefinition.args["smoothing-updateFrequency"].toDouble(), 0 ); } else { effectDefinition.smoothCfg = _hyperion->addSmoothingConfig(true); } return true; } bool EffectEngine::loadEffectSchema(const QString &path, const QString &effectSchemaFile, EffectSchema & effectSchema) { QString fileName = path + "schema/" + QDir::separator() + effectSchemaFile; // Read and parse the effect schema file QJsonObject schemaEffect; if(!JsonUtils::readFile(fileName, schemaEffect, _log)) return false; // setup the definition QString scriptName = schemaEffect["script"].toString(); effectSchema.schemaFile = fileName; fileName = path + QDir::separator() + scriptName; QFile pyFile(fileName); if (scriptName.isEmpty() || !pyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { fileName = path + "schema/" + QDir::separator() + effectSchemaFile; Error( _log, "Python script '%s' in effect schema '%s' could not be loaded", QSTRING_CSTR(scriptName), QSTRING_CSTR(fileName)); return false; } pyFile.close(); effectSchema.pyFile = (scriptName.mid(0, 1) == ":" ) ? ":/effects/"+scriptName.mid(1) : path + QDir::separator() + scriptName; effectSchema.pySchema = schemaEffect; return true; } void EffectEngine::readEffects() { // clear all lists _availableEffects.clear(); _effectSchemas.clear(); // read all effects const QJsonArray & paths = _effectConfig["paths"].toArray(); const QJsonArray & disabledEfx = _effectConfig["disable"].toArray(); QStringList efxPathList; efxPathList << ":/effects/"; QStringList disableList; for(auto p : paths) { efxPathList << p.toString().replace("$ROOT",_hyperion->getRootPath()); } for(auto efx : disabledEfx) { disableList << efx.toString(); } QMap availableEffects; for (const QString & path : efxPathList ) { QDir directory(path); if (!directory.exists()) { if(directory.mkpath(path)) { Warning(_log, "New Effect path \"%s\" created successfull", QSTRING_CSTR(path) ); } else { Warning(_log, "Failed to create Effect path \"%s\", please check permissions", QSTRING_CSTR(path) ); } } else { int efxCount = 0; QStringList filenames = directory.entryList(QStringList() << "*.json", QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase); for (const QString & filename : filenames) { EffectDefinition def; if (loadEffectDefinition(path, filename, def)) { InfoIf(availableEffects.find(def.name) != availableEffects.end(), _log, "effect overload effect '%s' is now taken from '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(def.name), QSTRING_CSTR(path) ); if ( disableList.contains(def.name) ) { Info(_log, "effect '%s' not loaded, because it is disabled in hyperion config", QSTRING_CSTR(def.name)); } else { availableEffects[def.name] = def; efxCount++; } } } Info(_log, "%d effects loaded from directory %s", efxCount, QSTRING_CSTR(path)); // collect effect schemas efxCount = 0; directory = path.endsWith("/") ? (path + "schema/") : (path + "/schema/"); QStringList pynames = directory.entryList(QStringList() << "*.json", QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase); for (const QString & pyname : pynames) { EffectSchema pyEffect; if (loadEffectSchema(path, pyname, pyEffect)) { _effectSchemas.push_back(pyEffect); efxCount++; } } InfoIf(efxCount > 0, _log, "%d effect schemas loaded from directory %s", efxCount, QSTRING_CSTR((path + "schema/"))); } } for(auto item : availableEffects) { _availableEffects.push_back(item); } ErrorIf(_availableEffects.size()==0, _log, "no effects found, check your effect directories"); } int EffectEngine::runEffect(const QString &effectName, int priority, int timeout, const QString &origin) { return runEffect(effectName, QJsonObject(), priority, timeout, "", origin); } int EffectEngine::runEffect(const QString &effectName, const QJsonObject &args, int priority, int timeout, const QString &pythonScript, const QString &origin, unsigned smoothCfg) { Info( _log, "run effect %s on channel %d", QSTRING_CSTR(effectName), priority); if (pythonScript.isEmpty()) { const EffectDefinition * effectDefinition = nullptr; for (const EffectDefinition & e : _availableEffects) { if (e.name == effectName) { effectDefinition = &e; break; } } if (effectDefinition == nullptr) { // no such effect Error(_log, "effect %s not found", QSTRING_CSTR(effectName)); return -1; } return runEffectScript(effectDefinition->script, effectName, (args.isEmpty() ? effectDefinition->args : args), priority, timeout, origin, effectDefinition->smoothCfg); } return runEffectScript(pythonScript, effectName, args, priority, timeout, origin, smoothCfg); } int EffectEngine::runEffectScript(const QString &script, const QString &name, const QJsonObject &args, int priority, int timeout, const QString & origin, unsigned smoothCfg) { // clear current effect on the channel channelCleared(priority); // create the effect Effect * effect = new Effect(priority, timeout, script, name, args, origin, smoothCfg); connect(effect, SIGNAL(setColors(int,std::vector,int,bool,hyperion::Components,const QString,unsigned)), _hyperion, SLOT(setColors(int,std::vector,int,bool,hyperion::Components,const QString,unsigned)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(effect, &QThread::finished, this, &EffectEngine::effectFinished); _activeEffects.push_back(effect); // start the effect _hyperion->registerPriority(name, priority); effect->start(); return 0; } void EffectEngine::channelCleared(int priority) { for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects) { if (effect->getPriority() == priority) { effect->requestInterruption(); } } } void EffectEngine::allChannelsCleared() { for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects) { if (effect->getPriority() != 254) { effect->requestInterruption(); } } } void EffectEngine::effectFinished() { Effect* effect = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!effect->isInterruptionRequested()) { // effect stopped by itself. Clear the channel _hyperion->clear(effect->getPriority()); } Info( _log, "effect finished"); for (auto effectIt = _activeEffects.begin(); effectIt != _activeEffects.end(); ++effectIt) { if (*effectIt == effect) { _activeEffects.erase(effectIt); break; } } // cleanup the effect effect->deleteLater(); _hyperion->unRegisterPriority(effect->getName()); }