import hyperion, time # Get the parameters fadeInTime = float(hyperion.args.get('fade-in-time', 2000)) / 1000.0 fadeOutTime = float(hyperion.args.get('fade-out-time', 2000)) / 1000.0 colorStart = hyperion.args.get('color-start', (255,174,11)) colorEnd = hyperion.args.get('color-end', (0,0,0)) colorStartTime = float(hyperion.args.get('color-start-time', 1000)) / 1000 colorEndTime = float(hyperion.args.get('color-end-time', 1000)) / 1000 repeat = hyperion.args.get('repeat-count', 0) maintainEndCol = hyperion.args.get('maintain-end-color', True) minStepTime = 0.03 currentR = currentG = currentB = 0 # create color table for fading from start to end color color_step = ( (colorEnd[0] - colorStart[0]) / 256.0, (colorEnd[1] - colorStart[1]) / 256.0, (colorEnd[2] - colorStart[2]) / 256.0 ) calcChannel = lambda i: min(max(int(colorStart[i] + color_step[i]*step),0),255) colors = [] for step in range(256): colors.append( (calcChannel(0),calcChannel(1),calcChannel(2)) ) # calculate timings if fadeInTime>0: incrementIn = max(1,int(round(256.0 / (fadeInTime / minStepTime) ))) sleepTimeIn = fadeInTime / (256.0 / incrementIn) else: incrementIn = sleepTimeIn = 1 if fadeOutTime>0: incrementOut = max(1,int(round(256.0 / (fadeOutTime / minStepTime) ))) sleepTimeOut = fadeOutTime / (256.0 / incrementOut) else: incrementOut = sleepTimeOut = 1 def setColor(r,g,b): global currentR,currentG,currentB currentR = r currentG = g currentB = b hyperion.setColor(r,g,b) # loop repeatCounter = 1 while not hyperion.abort(): # fade in if fadeInTime > 0: for step in range(0,256,incrementIn): if hyperion.abort(): break setColor( colors[step][0],colors[step][1],colors[step][2] ) time.sleep(sleepTimeIn) # end color t = 0.0 while t 0: for step in range(255,-1,-incrementOut): if hyperion.abort(): break hyperion.setColor( colors[step][0],colors[step][1],colors[step][2] ) time.sleep(sleepTimeOut) # start color t = 0.0 while t 0 and repeatCounter >= repeat : break repeatCounter += 1 time.sleep(0.5) # maintain end color until effect end while not hyperion.abort() and maintainEndCol: hyperion.setColor( currentR, currentG, currentB ) time.sleep(1)