{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "brindosch" ], "project" : "Hyperion WebUI", "locale": "en", "last-updated": "2016-11-30", "message-documentation": "qqq.json" }, "general_country_de" : "Germany", "general_country_us" : "United States", "general_country_uk" : "United Kingdom", "general_country_fr" : "France", "general_country_es" : "Spain", "general_country_it" : "Italy", "general_country_nl" : "Netherlands", "general_speech_de" : "German", "general_speech_en" : "English", "general_access_default" : "Default", "general_access_expert" : "Expert", "general_comp_SMOOTHING" : "Smoothing", "general_comp_BLACKBORDER" : "Blackbar Detection", "general_comp_KODICHECKER" : "Kodi Watch", "general_comp_FORWARDER" : "JSON/PROTO Forward", "general_comp_UDPLISTENER" : "UDP Listener", "general_comp_BOBLIGHTSERVER" : "Boblight Server", "general_comp_GRABBER" : "Platform Capture", "general_comp_V4L" : "USB Capture", "general_button_savesettings" : "Save settings", "general_btn_ok" : "OK", "general_btn_abort" : "Abort", "general_btn_save" : "Save", "general_btn_restarthyperion" : "Restart Hyperion", "dashboard_label_intro" : "The dashboard give you a quick overview about the status of Hyperion and show you the latest news of the Hyperion Blog.", "dashboard_infobox_label_title" : "Information", "dashboard_infobox_label_currenthyp" : "Your Hyperion version:", "dashboard_infobox_label_latesthyp" : "Latest Hyperion version:", "dashboard_infobox_label_leddevice" : "LED Controller:", "dashboard_infobox_label_device" : "System:", "dashboard_infobox_message_updatewarning" : "A newer version of Hyperion is available! (V$1)", "dashboard_infobox_message_updatesuccess" : "You run the latest version of Hyperion.", "dashboard_componentbox_label_title" : "Components status", "dashboard_componentbox_label_comp" : "Component", "dashboard_componentbox_label_status" : "Status", "dashboard_newsbox_label_title" : "Latest Blog posts", "dashboard_alert_message_confedit" : "Your Hyperion configuration has been modified. To apply it, restart Hyperion.", "main_menu_dashboard_token" : "Dashboard", "main_menu_configuration_token" : "Configuration", "main_menu_general_conf_token" : "General", "main_menu_leds_conf_token" : "LED Hardware", "main_menu_grabber_conf_token" : "Capturing Hardware", "main_menu_effect_conf_token" : "Effects", "main_menu_colors_conf_token" : "Image Processing", "main_menu_kodiwatch_token" : "Kodi Watch", "main_menu_network_conf_token" : "Network Services", "main_menu_remotecontrol_token" : "Remote Control", "main_menu_effectsconfigurator_token" : "Effects Configurator", "main_menu_support_token" : "Support", "main_menu_update_token" : "Update", "main_menu_system_token" : "System", "main_menu_input_selection_token" : "Input Selection", "main_menu_logging_token" : "Log", "main_menu_webconfig_token" : "Web configuration", "conf_general_label_title" : "General setings", "conf_general_label_intro" : " ", "conf_helptable_option" : "Option", "conf_helptable_expl" : "Explanation", "conf_effects_label_intro" : "Setting up a booteffect/color that is visible after Hyperion startup. Configure a background effect/color which is active, when all capture sources are disabled (also temporarily via Kodi Watch)", "conf_leds_label_intro" : "The LED controller of youre choice is your way to output the led data via Raspberry PI GPIO, USB or network! Choose one, define your led layout and enjoy the light!", "conf_leds_nav_label_ledcontroller" : "LED Controller", "conf_leds_nav_label_ledlayout" : "LED Layout", "conf_leds_nav_label_ledtesting" : "LED Testing", "conf_leds_contr_label_contrtype" : "Controller type:", "conf_leds_optgroup_RPiSPI" : "RPi SPI", "conf_leds_optgroup_RPiPWM" : "RPi PWM", "conf_leds_optgroup_RPiGPIO" : "RPi GPIO", "conf_leds_optgroup_network" : "Network", "conf_leds_optgroup_usb" : "USB", "conf_leds_optgroup_debug" : "Debug", "conf_leds_layout_frame" : "Classic Layout (LED Frame)", "conf_leds_layout_matrix" : "Matrix Layout (LED Wall)", "conf_leds_layout_generatedconf" : "Generated/Current LED Configuration", "conf_leds_layout_button_savelay" : "Save Layout", "conf_leds_layout_button_updsim" : "Update Preview", "conf_leds_layout_peview" : "LED Layout Preview", "conf_leds_layout_advanced" : "Advanced Settings", "conf_leds_layout_preview_originCL" : "Created from: Classic Layout (LED Frame)", "conf_leds_layout_preview_originTEXT" : "Created from: Textfield", "conf_leds_layout_preview_originMA" : "Created from: Matrix Layout(LED wall)", "conf_leds_layout_preview_totalleds" : "Totel LEDs: $1", "conf_leds_layout_cl_top" : "Top", "conf_leds_layout_cl_bottom" : "Bottom", "conf_leds_layout_cl_left" : "Left", "conf_leds_layout_cl_right" : "Right", "conf_leds_layout_cl_gaglength" : "Gap length", "conf_leds_layout_cl_gappos" : "gap position", "conf_leds_layout_cl_inppos" : "Input position", "conf_leds_layout_cl_reversdir" : "Reverse direction", "conf_leds_layout_cl_hleddepth" : "Horizontal LED depth", "conf_leds_layout_cl_vleddepth" : "Vertical LED depth", "conf_leds_layout_cl_generate" : "Generate LED configuration", "conf_leds_layout_cl_edgegap" : "Edge Gap", "conf_leds_layout_cl_cornergap" : "Corner Gap", "conf_leds_layout_ma_horiz" : "Horizontal", "conf_leds_layout_ma_vert" : "Vertical", "conf_leds_layout_ma_cabling" : "Cabling", "conf_leds_layout_ma_optsnake" : "Snake", "conf_leds_layout_ma_optparallel" : "Parallel", "conf_leds_layout_ma_order" : "Order", "conf_leds_layout_ma_opthoriz" : "Horizontal", "conf_leds_layout_ma_optvert" : "Vertical", "conf_leds_layout_ma_position" : "Input", "conf_leds_layout_ma_opttopleft" : "Top Left", "conf_leds_layout_ma_opttopright" : "Top right", "conf_leds_layout_ma_optbottomleft" : "Bottom left", "conf_leds_layout_ma_optbottomright" : "Bottom right", "conf_leds_layout_textf1" : "This textfield shows by default your current loaded layout and will be overwritten if you generate a new one with the options below. Optional you could perform further edits.", "conf_leds_layout_textf2" : "Don't forget to save!", "conf_leds_test_button_toggleleds" : "toggle leds", "conf_leds_test_button_togglelednumber" : "toggle led numbers", "conf_leds_test_button_toggleliveleds" : "toggle live leds", "conf_leds_test_button_togglelivevideo" : "toggle live video", "conf_grabber_label_intro" : "Hyperion supports two ways on how to get captured pictures for processing and output. The platform capture: internal at the device you are running Hyperion on (best qualitiy) and the USB Capture which gathers from a connected device the necessary pictures (more calibration work and configuration).", "conf_colors_label_intro" : "Color calibration, smoothing (color transistions) and detection of blackbars.", "conf_network_label_intro" : "All network based settings are listed here.", "conf_kodi_label_title" : "Kodi Watch", "conf_kodi_label_intro" : "The Kodi Watcher enables you to enable and disable the screencapture depending on Kodi state. This is not limited to the same machine, you could observe also a Kodi on any other device at your network.", "conf_logging_label_intro" : "Area to check log messages, depending on loglevel setting you see more or less information.", "conf_logging_btn_pbupload" : "Upload log", "conf_logging_btn_autoscroll" : "Auto scrolling", "conf_webconfig_label_intro" : "Webconfiguration settings. Edit wisely.", "remote_label_intro" : "Set an effect/color. You could also select a source manually. The Components control give the opportunity to enable/disable components of Hyprion during runtime. All changes you made here are lost after a restart.", "remote_colors_label_coloreffect" : "Colors/Effects", "remote_colors_button_reset" : "Reset Color/Effect", "remote_colors_label_color" : "Color:", "remote_effects_label_effects" : "Effect:", "remote_input_label_sourceselection" : "Source Selection", "remote_input_label_autoselect" : "Auto Selection", "remote_components_label_components" : "Components control", "remote_optgroup_usreffets" : "User Effects", "remote_optgroup_syseffets" : "Provided Effects", "remote_help_text" : "Hyperion uses a priority system to select a source. Everything you set has a priority (Effect/Color/Platform capture/USB capture and network sources). By default, Hyperion select sources depending on priority (lowest number reflects the current active source). Now you have the opportunity to select sources on your own.", "remote_maptype_label" : "Mapping type", "remote_maptype_label_multicolor_mean" : "Multicolor", "remote_maptype_label_unicolor_mean" : "Unicolor", "hue_button_create_user_token" : "Create User", "hue_press_link_modal" : "Please press link button on the Hue Bridge.", "hue_failure_connection_token" : "Connection Timeout. Please press the button in time.", "hue_button_pair" : "Connect", "hue_btn_setup_helper" : "Hue Bridge Setup Helper", "hue_failure_ip_token" : "Please check your IP Address.", "hue_label_username" : "Hue Bridge Username", "hue_label_ip" : "Hue Bridge IP:", "hue_help_text" : "With this Setup Helper you can get a new User for your Hue Bridge and you can see your Lights with the IDs for Hyperion Configuration. If you already have a working User you will see it below. But you can always create a new one as well. Remember: This is only a helper. You have to copy and paste them in your config above.", "effectsconfigurator_label_intro" : "Create out of the base effects new effects that are tuned to your liking. Depending on Effect there are options like color, speed, direction and more available.", "effectsconfigurator_label_chooseeff" : "Choose Base-Effect:", "effectsconfigurator_button_saveeffect" : "Save Effect", "effectsconfigurator_label_effectname" : "Effect name", "effectsconfigurator_button_starttest" : "Start Effecttest", "effectsconfigurator_button_stoptest" : "Stop Effecttest", "effectsconfigurator_button_conttest" : "Toggle continuous testing", "effectsconfigurator_label_deleffect" : "Delete Effect::", "effectsconfigurator_button_deleffect" : "Delete Effect", "support_label_title" : "Support Hyperion", "support_label_intro" : "Hyperion is a free non-profit software. A small team is working on it and this is why we need your steady support.", "support_label_spreadtheword" : "Spread the word", "support_label_fbtext" : "Share our Hyperion Facebook page and get a notice when new updates are released", "support_label_twtext" : "Share and follow on Twitter, be always up to date with latest post about the Hyperion development", "support_label_ggtext" : "Circle us on Google +!", "support_label_yttext" : "Bored from pictures? Checkout our Youtube channel!", "support_label_donate" : "Donate or use our affiliate links", "support_label_affinstr1" : "Click on the appropriate link of your country", "support_label_affinstr2" : "Everything you buy (doesn't matter what) we get a small fee based on your turnover", "support_label_affinstr3" : "You ALWAYS pay the same price, there is absolutely no difference. Try it out!", "support_label_btctext" : "Address:", "support_label_donationpp" : "Donation:", "support_label_webrestitle" : "Information and help ressources", "support_label_webpagetitle" : "Webpage", "support_label_webpagetext" : "Home of Hyperion", "support_label_wikititle" : "Wiki", "support_label_wikitext" : "The A to Z source for almost everything Hyperion related", "support_label_forumtitle" : "Forum", "support_label_forumtext" : "Showcases, discussions, help and more", "update_label_intro" : "Overview about all available Hyperion versions. On top you could update or downgrade your version of Hyperion whenever you want. Sorted from newest to oldest", "update_label_description" : "Description:", "update_button_install" : "Install", "update_button_changelog" : "Full changelog", "update_label_type" : "Type:", "update_versreminder" : "Your version: $1", "info_conlost_label_title" : "Lost connection to Hyperion service!", "info_conlost_label_reason" : "Possible reasons:", "info_conlost_label_reason1" : "- Hyperion restarts", "info_conlost_label_reason2" : "- You perform an update", "info_conlost_label_reason3" : "- Hyperion isn't running", "info_conlost_label_autorecon" : "We reconnect again after Hyperion is available.", "info_conlost_label_autorefresh" : "This page will be automatically refreshed.", "info_conlost_label_reload" : "If not, click me or reload the page", "infoDialog_leds_gap_title" : "GAP LOST IN SPACE!", "infoDialog_leds_gap_text" : "Your gap length/position is higher than your LED count, lower the gap length or gap position!", "InfoDialog_leds_validfail_title" : "JSON Validation failed!", "infoDialog_effconf_deleted_title" : "Effect deleted!", "infoDialog_effconf_deleted_text" : "The effect $1 has been deleted successfully!", "infoDialog_effconf_created_title" : "Effect created!", "infoDialog_effconf_created_text" : "The effect $1 has been created successfully!", "infoDialog_effconf_invalidvalue_title" : "INVALID VALUE(S)", "infoDialog_effconf_invalidvalue_text" : "Please check for red marked input(s) and try again!", "InfoDialog_lang_title" : "Language setting", "InfoDialog_lang_text" : "If you don't like the result of the automatic language detection you could overwrite it here.", "InfoDialog_access_title" : "Level setting", "InfoDialog_access_text" : "Depending on settings level you could change more or less settings. Recommended is the default level.", "edt_general_heading_title" : "General Settings", "edt_general_name_title" : "Configuration name", "InfoDialog_nowrite_title" : "write permission error!", "InfoDialog_nowrite_text" : "Hyperion can't write to your current loaded configuration file. Please repair the file permissions to proceed.", "InfoDialog_nowrite_foottext" : "The WebUI will be unlocked automatically after you solved the problem!", "edt_dev_general_heading_title" : "General Settings", "edt_dev_general_name_title" : "Configuration name", "edt_dev_general_ledCount_title" : "Count of all hardware LEDs", "edt_dev_general_colorOrder_title" : "RGB byte order", "edt_dev_general_rewriteTime_title" : "Refresh time", "edt_dev_spec_header_title" : "Specific Settings", "edt_dev_spec_baudrate_title" : "Baudrate", "edt_dev_spec_spipath_title" : "SPI path", "edt_dev_spec_invert_title" : "Invert signal", "edt_dev_spec_multicastGroup_title" : "Multicast group", "edt_dev_spec_numberOfLeds_title" : "Number of LEDs", "edt_dev_spec_port_title" : "Port", "edt_dev_spec_orbIds_title" : "Orb ID(s)", "edt_dev_spec_useOrbSmoothing_title" : "Use orb smoothing", "edt_dev_spec_targetIp_title" : "Target IP", "edt_dev_spec_targetIpHost_title" : "Target IP/hostname", "edt_dev_spec_outputPath_title" : "Output path", "edt_dev_spec_delayAfterConnect_title" : "Delay after connect", "edt_dev_spec_FCsetConfig_title" : "Set fadecandy configuration", "edt_dev_spec_FCmanualControl_title" : "Manual control of fadecandy LED", "edt_dev_spec_FCledToOn_title" : "Fadecandy LED set to on", "edt_dev_spec_interpolation_title" : "Interpolation", "edt_dev_spec_dithering_title" : "Dithering", "edt_dev_spec_gamma_title" : "Gamma", "edt_dev_spec_whitepoint_title" : "Whitepoint", "edt_dev_spec_username_title" : "Username", "edt_dev_spec_lightid_title" : "Light ID(s)", "edt_dev_spec_lightid_itemtitle" : "ID", "edt_dev_spec_transistionTime_title" : "Transistion time", "edt_dev_spec_switchOffOnBlack_title" : "Switch off on black", "edt_dev_spec_uid_title" : "UID", "edt_dev_spec_intervall_title" : "Intervall", "edt_dev_spec_latchtime_title" : "Latch time", "edt_dev_spec_maxPacket_title" : "Max packet", "edt_dev_spec_serial_title" : "Serial number", "edt_dev_spec_vid_title" : "VID", "edt_dev_spec_pid_title" : "PID", "edt_dev_spec_cid_title" : "CID", "edt_dev_spec_LBap102Mode_title" : "LightBerry APA102 Mode", "edt_dev_spec_universe_title" : "Universe", "edt_dev_spec_whiteLedAlgor_title" : "White LED algorithm", "edt_dev_spec_useRgbwProtocol_title" : "Use RGBW protocol", "edt_dev_spec_maximumLedCount_title" : "Maximum LED count", "edt_dev_spec_gpioNumber_title" : "GPIO number", "edt_dev_spec_gpioMap_title" : "GPIO mapping", "edt_dev_spec_PBFiFo_title" : "Pi-Blaster FiFo", "edt_dev_spec_gpioBcm_title" : "GPIO Pin", "edt_dev_spec_ledIndex_title" : "LED index", "edt_dev_spec_colorComponent_title" : "Color component", "edt_conf_general_enable_title" : "Activate", "edt_conf_general_enable_expl" : "If checked, the component is enabled.", "edt_conf_general_priority_title" : "Priority channel", "edt_conf_general_priority_expl" : "The priority of this component", "edt_conf_general_port_title" : "Port", "edt_conf_general_port_expl" : "The port that is used.", "edt_conf_color_heading_title" : "Color Calibration", "edt_conf_smooth_heading_title" : "Smoothing", "edt_conf_smooth_type_title" : "Type", "edt_conf_smooth_type_expl" : "Type of smoothing.", "edt_conf_smooth_time_ms_title" : "Time", "edt_conf_smooth_time_ms_expl" : "How long should the smoothing gather pictures?", "edt_conf_smooth_updateFrequency_title" : "Update frequency", "edt_conf_smooth_updateFrequency_expl" : "The output speed to your led controller.", "edt_conf_smooth_updateDelay_title" : "Update delay", "edt_conf_smooth_updateDelay_expl" : "Delay the output in case your ambient light is faster than your TV.", "edt_conf_smooth_continuousOutput_title" : "Continuous output", "edt_conf_smooth_continuousOutput_expl" : "Update the leds even there is no changed picture.", "edt_conf_v4l2_heading_title" : "USB Capture", "edt_conf_v4l2_device_title" : "Device", "edt_conf_v4l2_device_expl" : "The path to the usb capture.", "edt_conf_v4l2_input_title" : "Input", "edt_conf_v4l2_input_expl" : "Input of this path.", "edt_conf_v4l2_standard_title" : "Video standard", "edt_conf_v4l2_standard_expl" : "Select the video standard for your region.", "edt_conf_v4l2_width_title" : "Width", "edt_conf_v4l2_width_expl" : "The width of the picture. (-1 = auto width)", "edt_conf_v4l2_height_title" : "Height", "edt_conf_v4l2_height_expl" : "The height of the picture. (-1 = auto height)", "edt_conf_v4l2_frameDecimation_title" : "Frame decimation", "edt_conf_v4l2_frameDecimation_expl" : "The factor of frame decimation", "edt_conf_v4l2_sizeDecimation_title" : "Size decimation", "edt_conf_v4l2_sizeDecimation_expl" : "The factor of size decimation", "edt_conf_v4l2_mode_title" : "Mode", "edt_conf_v4l2_mode_expl" : "Modus of USB capture", "edt_conf_v4l2_useKodiChecker_title" : "Use Kodi Watch", "edt_conf_v4l2_useKodiChecker_expl" : "Start/stop capturing with Kodi Watch results.", "edt_conf_v4l2_cropLeft_title" : "Crop left", "edt_conf_v4l2_cropLeft_expl" : "Count of pixels on the left side that are removed from the picture.", "edt_conf_v4l2_cropRight_title" : "Crop right", "edt_conf_v4l2_cropRight_expl" : "Count of pixels on the right side that are removed from the picture.", "edt_conf_v4l2_cropTop_title" : "Crop top", "edt_conf_v4l2_cropTop_expl" : "Count of pixels on the top side that are removed from the picture.", "edt_conf_v4l2_cropBottom_title" : "Crop bottom", "edt_conf_v4l2_cropBottom_expl" : "Count of pixels on the bottom side that are removed from the picture.", "edt_conf_v4l2_redSignalThreshold_title" : "Red signal threshold", "edt_conf_v4l2_redSignalThreshold_expl" : "Darkens low red values (recognized as black)", "edt_conf_v4l2_greenSignalThreshold_title" : "Green signal threshold", "edt_conf_v4l2_greenSignalThreshold_expl" : "Darkens low green values (recognized as black)", "edt_conf_v4l2_blueSignalThreshold_title" : "Blue signal threshold", "edt_conf_v4l2_blueSignalThreshold_expl" : "Darkens low blue values (recognized as black)", "edt_conf_fg_heading_title" : "Platform Capture", "edt_conf_fg_type_title" : "Type", "edt_conf_fg_type_expl" : "Type of platform capture, default is 'auto'", "edt_conf_fg_frequency_Hz_title" : "Capture frequency", "edt_conf_fg_frequency_Hz_expl" : "How fast new pictures are captured", "edt_conf_fg_horizontalPixelDecimation_title" : "Horizontal pixel decimation", "edt_conf_fg_horizontalPixelDecimation_expl" : "Horizontal pixel decimation (factor)", "edt_conf_fg_useXGetImage_title" : "Use XGetImage", "edt_conf_fg_useXGetImage_expl" : "XGetImage for newer X11 desktops", "edt_conf_fg_verticalPixelDecimation_title" : "Vertical pixel decimation", "edt_conf_fg_verticalPixelDecimation_expl" : "Vertical pixel decimation (factor)", "edt_conf_fg_device_title" : "Device", "edt_conf_fg_display_title" : "Display", "edt_conf_fg_display_expl" : "Select which desktop should be captured (multi monitor setup)", "edt_conf_bb_heading_title" : "Blackbar detector", "edt_conf_bb_threshold_title" : "Threshold", "edt_conf_bb_threshold_expl" : "If the detection doesn't work, higher the threshold to adjust on 'greyish' black", "edt_conf_bb_unknownFrameCnt_title" : "unknownFrameCnt", "edt_conf_bb_borderFrameCnt_title" : "borderFrameCnt", "edt_conf_bb_maxInconsistentCnt_title" : "maxInconsistentCn", "edt_conf_bb_blurRemoveCnt_title" : "blurRemoveCnt", "edt_conf_bb_mode_title" : "Mode", "edt_conf_bb_mode_expl" : "Algorithm for processing. (see Wiki)", "edt_conf_kodic_heading_title" : "Kodi Watch", "edt_conf_kodic_kodiAddress_title" : "Kodi IP address", "edt_conf_kodic_kodiAddress_expl" : "The IP address of Kodi.", "edt_conf_kodic_kodiTcpPort_title" : "Kodi TCP port", "edt_conf_kodic_kodiTcpPort_expl" : "The TCP port of Kodi.", "edt_conf_kodic_grabVideo_title" : "Video", "edt_conf_kodic_grabVideo_expl" : "If checked, the capturing is enabled during video playback, else it's disabled.", "edt_conf_kodic_grabPictures_title" : "Pictures", "edt_conf_kodic_grabPictures_expl" : "If checked, the capturing is enabled on picture playback, else it's disabled.", "edt_conf_kodic_grabAudio_title" : "Audio", "edt_conf_kodic_grabAudio_expl" : "If checked, the capturing is enabled during audio playback, else it's disabled.", "edt_conf_kodic_grabMenu_title" : "Menu", "edt_conf_kodic_grabMenu_expl" : "If checked, the capturing is enabled in menu and login screen, else it's disabled.", "edt_conf_kodic_grabPause_title" : "Pause", "edt_conf_kodic_grabPause_expl" : "If checked, the capturing is enabled in pause mode (Music, Video, Diashow), else it's disabled.", "edt_conf_kodic_grabScreensaver_title" : "Screensaver", "edt_conf_kodic_grabScreensaver_expl" : "If checked, the capturing is enabled during screensaver, else it's disabled.", "edt_conf_kodic_enable3DDetection_title" : "Detect 3D", "edt_conf_kodic_enable3DDetection_expl" : "Detect which 3D mode Kodi is running. (no MVC and not for USB capture)", "edt_conf_fw_heading_title" : "Forwarder", "edt_conf_fw_json_title" : "List of json clients", "edt_conf_fw_json_expl" : "One json target per line. Contains IP:PORT (Example:", "edt_conf_fw_json_itemtitle" : "Json target", "edt_conf_fw_proto_title" : "List of proto clients", "edt_conf_fw_proto_expl" : "One proto target per line. Contains IP:PORT (Example:", "edt_conf_fw_proto_itemtitle" : "Proto target", "edt_conf_js_heading_title" : "JSON Server", "edt_conf_ps_heading_title" : "PROTO Server", "edt_conf_bobls_heading_title" : "Boblight Server", "edt_conf_udpl_heading_title" : "UDP Listener", "edt_conf_udpl_address_title" : "Address", "edt_conf_udpl_timeout_title" : "Timeout", "edt_conf_udpl_shared_title" : "Shared", "edt_conf_webc_heading_title" : "Web Configuration", "edt_conf_webc_docroot_title" : "Document Root", "edt_conf_webc_docroot_expl" : "Local webinterface root path (just for webui developer)", "edt_conf_effp_paths_title" : "Effect Path(s)", "edt_conf_effp_paths_itemtitle" : "Path", "edt_conf_effp_disable_title" : "Disabed Effects", "edt_conf_effp_disable_itemtitle" : "Effect", "edt_conf_log_heading_title" : "Logging", "edt_conf_log_level_title" : "Log-Level", "edt_eff_candle_header_title" : "Candle", "edt_eff_police_header_title" : "Police", "edt_eff_fade_header_title" : "Fade", "edt_eff_rainbowmood_header_title" : "Rainbow Mood", "edt_eff_knightrider_header_title" : "Knight Rider", "edt_eff_lightclock_header_title" : "Light Clock", "edt_eff_moodblobs_header_title" : "Mood Blobs", "edt_eff_rainbowswirl_header_title" : "Rainbow Swirl", "edt_eff_random_header_title" : "Random", "edt_eff_runningdots_header_title" : "Running Dots", "edt_eff_systemshutdown_header_title" : "System Shutdown", "edt_eff_snake_header_title" : "Snake", "edt_eff_sparks_header_title" : "Sparks", "edt_eff_storbe_header_title" : "Strobe", "edt_eff_traces_header_title" : "Color Traces", "edt_eff_x-mas_header_title" : "X-Mas", "edt_eff_color_title" : "Color", "edt_eff_colorrandom_title" : "Random color", "edt_eff_colorone_title" : "Color one", "edt_eff_colortwo_title" : "Color two", "edt_eff_colorcount_title" : "Color length", "edt_eff_rotationtime_title" : "Rotation time", "edt_eff_sleeptime_title" : "Sleep time", "edt_eff_reversedirection_title" : "Reverse direction", "edt_eff_fadetime_title" : "Fade time", "edt_eff_colorstart_title" : "Color start", "edt_eff_colorend_title" : "Color end", "edt_eff_colorshift_title" : "Color Shift", "edt_eff_whichleds_title" : "Which Leds", "edt_eff_ledlist_title" : "Led List", "edt_eff_speed_title" : "Speed", "edt_eff_fadefactor_title" : "Fade factor", "edt_eff_showseconds_title" : "Show seconds", "edt_eff_blobcount_title" : "Blob count", "edt_eff_huechange_title" : "Color change", "edt_eff_basecolorchange_title" : "Base color change", "edt_eff_basecolorchangerate_title" : "BC change rate", "edt_eff_basecolorrangeleft_title" : "BC range left", "edt_eff_basecolorrangeright_title" : "BC range right", "edt_eff_brightness_title" : "Brightness", "edt_eff_centerx_title" : "Center X-Axis", "edt_eff_centery_title" : "Center Y-Axis", "edt_eff_saturation_title" : "Saturation", "edt_eff_colorevel_title" : "Color level", "edt_eff_whitelevel_title" : "White level", "edt_eff_alarmcolor_title" : "Alarm color", "edt_eff_postcolor_title" : "Post color", "edt_eff_enableshutdown_title" : "Real shutdown", "edt_eff_length_title" : "Length", "edt_eff_frequency_title" : "Frequency", "edt_append_ns" : "ns", "edt_append_ms" : "ms", "edt_append_s" : "s", "edt_append_hz" : "Hz", "edt_append_pixel" : "Pixel", "edt_append_percent" : "%", "edt_append_degree" : "°", "edt_append_sdegree" : "s/degree", "edt_append_leds" : "LEDs", "edt_msg_error_notset" : "Property must be set", "edt_msg_error_notempty" : "Value required", "edt_msg_error_enum" : "Value must be one of the enumerated values", "edt_msg_error_anyOf" : "Value must validate against at least one of the provided schemas", "edt_msg_error_oneOf" : "Value must validate against exactly one of the provided schemas. It currently validates against $1 of the schemas.", "edt_msg_error_not" : "Value must not validate against the provided schema", "edt_msg_error_type_union" : "Value must be one of the provided types", "edt_msg_error_type" : "Value must be of type $1", "edt_msg_error_disallow_union" : "Value must not be one of the provided disallowed types", "edt_msg_error_disallow" : "Value must not be of type $1", "edt_msg_error_multipleOf" : "Value must be a multiple of $1", "edt_msg_error_maximum_excl" : "Value must be less than $1", "edt_msg_error_maximum_incl" : "Value must be at most $1", "edt_msg_error_minimum_excl" : "Value must be greater than $1", "edt_msg_error_minimum_incl" : "Value must be at least $1", "edt_msg_error_maxLength" : "Value must be at most $1 characters long", "edt_msg_error_minLength" : "Value must be at least $1 characters long", "edt_msg_error_pattern" : "Value must match the pattern", "edt_msg_error_additionalItems" : "No additional items allowed in this array", "edt_msg_error_maxItems" : "Value must have at most $1 items", "edt_msg_error_minItems" : "Value must have at least $1 items", "edt_msg_error_uniqueItems" : "Array must have unique items", "edt_msg_error_maxProperties" : "Object must have at most $1 properties", "edt_msg_error_minProperties" : "Object must have at least $1 properties", "edt_msg_error_required" : "Object is missing the required property '$1'", "edt_msg_error_additional_properties" : "No additional properties allowed, but property $1 is set", "edt_msg_error_dependency" : "Must have property $1", "edt_msg_button_delete_all" : "All", "edt_msg_button_delete_all_title" : "Delete All", "edt_msg_button_delete_last" : "Last $1", "edt_msg_button_delete_last_title" : "Delete Last $1", "edt_msg_button_add_row_title" : "Add $1", "edt_msg_button_move_down_title" : "Move down", "edt_msg_button_move_up_title" : "Move up", "edt_msg_button_delete_row_title" : "Delete $1", "edt_msg_button_delete_row_title_short" : "Delete", "edt_msg_button_collapse" : "Collapse", "edt_msg_button_expand" : "Expand" }