// system includes #include #include // stl includes #include #include #include // Qt includes #include #include #include #include // hyperion util includes #include #include #include #include #include // project includes #include "JsonClientConnection.h" JsonClientConnection::JsonClientConnection(QTcpSocket *socket, Hyperion * hyperion) : QObject(), _socket(socket), _imageProcessor(ImageProcessorFactory::getInstance().newImageProcessor()), _hyperion(hyperion), _receiveBuffer(), _webSocketHandshakeDone(false) { // connect internal signals and slots connect(_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(socketClosed())); connect(_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData())); } JsonClientConnection::~JsonClientConnection() { delete _socket; } void JsonClientConnection::readData() { _receiveBuffer += _socket->readAll(); if (_webSocketHandshakeDone) { // websocket mode, data frame handleWebSocketFrame(); } else { // might be a handshake request or raw socket data if(_receiveBuffer.contains("Upgrade: websocket")) { doWebSocketHandshake(); } else { // raw socket data, handling as usual int bytes = _receiveBuffer.indexOf('\n') + 1; while(bytes > 0) { // create message string std::string message(_receiveBuffer.data(), bytes); // remove message data from buffer _receiveBuffer = _receiveBuffer.mid(bytes); // handle message handleMessage(message); // try too look up '\n' again bytes = _receiveBuffer.indexOf('\n') + 1; } } } } void JsonClientConnection::handleWebSocketFrame() { if ((_receiveBuffer.at(0) & 0x80) == 0x80) { // final bit found, frame complete quint8 * maskKey = NULL; quint8 opCode = _receiveBuffer.at(0) & 0x0F; bool isMasked = (_receiveBuffer.at(1) & 0x80) == 0x80; quint64 payloadLength = _receiveBuffer.at(1) & 0x7F; quint32 index = 2; switch (payloadLength) { case 126: payloadLength = ((_receiveBuffer.at(2) << 8) & 0xFF00) | (_receiveBuffer.at(3) & 0xFF); index += 2; break; case 127: payloadLength = 0; for (uint i=0; i < 8; i++) { payloadLength |= ((quint64)(_receiveBuffer.at(index+i) & 0xFF)) << (8*(7-i)); } index += 8; break; default: break; } if (isMasked) { // if the data is masked we need to get the key for unmasking maskKey = new quint8[4]; for (uint i=0; i < 4; i++) { maskKey[i] = _receiveBuffer.at(index + i); } index += 4; } // check the type of data frame switch (opCode) { case 0x01: { // frame contains text, extract it QByteArray result = _receiveBuffer.mid(index, payloadLength); _receiveBuffer.clear(); // unmask data if necessary if (isMasked) { for (uint i=0; i < payloadLength; i++) { result[i] = (result[i] ^ maskKey[i % 4]); } if (maskKey != NULL) { delete[] maskKey; maskKey = NULL; } } handleMessage(QString(result).toStdString()); } break; case 0x08: { // close request, confirm quint8 close[] = {0x88, 0}; _socket->write((const char*)close, 2); _socket->flush(); _socket->close(); } break; case 0x09: { // ping received, send pong quint8 pong[] = {0x0A, 0}; _socket->write((const char*)pong, 2); _socket->flush(); } break; } } else { std::cout << "Someone is sending very big messages over several frames... it's not supported yet" << std::endl; quint8 close[] = {0x88, 0}; _socket->write((const char*)close, 2); _socket->flush(); _socket->close(); } } void JsonClientConnection::doWebSocketHandshake() { // http header, might not be a very reliable check... std::cout << "Websocket handshake" << std::endl; // get the key to prepare an answer int start = _receiveBuffer.indexOf("Sec-WebSocket-Key") + 19; std::string value(_receiveBuffer.mid(start, _receiveBuffer.indexOf("\r\n", start) - start).data()); _receiveBuffer.clear(); // must be always appended value += "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; // generate sha1 hash QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(value.c_str(), QCryptographicHash::Sha1); // prepare an answer std::ostringstream h; h << "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" << "Upgrade: websocket\r\n" << "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" << "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " << QString(hash.toBase64()).toStdString() << "\r\n\r\n"; _socket->write(h.str().c_str()); _socket->flush(); // we are in WebSocket mode, data frames should follow next _webSocketHandshakeDone = true; } void JsonClientConnection::socketClosed() { _webSocketHandshakeDone = false; emit connectionClosed(this); } void JsonClientConnection::handleMessage(const std::string &messageString) { Json::Reader reader; Json::Value message; if (!reader.parse(messageString, message, false)) { sendErrorReply("Error while parsing json: " + reader.getFormattedErrorMessages()); return; } // check basic message std::string errors; if (!checkJson(message, ":schema", errors)) { sendErrorReply("Error while validating json: " + errors); return; } // check specific message const std::string command = message["command"].asString(); if (!checkJson(message, QString(":schema-%1").arg(QString::fromStdString(command)), errors)) { sendErrorReply("Error while validating json: " + errors); return; } // switch over all possible commands and handle them if (command == "color") handleColorCommand(message); else if (command == "image") handleImageCommand(message); else if (command == "effect") handleEffectCommand(message); else if (command == "serverinfo") handleServerInfoCommand(message); else if (command == "clear") handleClearCommand(message); else if (command == "clearall") handleClearallCommand(message); else if (command == "transform") handleTransformCommand(message); else handleNotImplemented(); } void JsonClientConnection::forwardJsonMessage(const Json::Value & message) { QTcpSocket client; QList list = _hyperion->getForwarder()->getJsonSlaves(); for ( int i=0; i colorData(_hyperion->getLedCount()); const Json::Value & jsonColor = message["color"]; Json::UInt i = 0; for (; i < jsonColor.size()/3 && i < _hyperion->getLedCount(); ++i) { colorData[i].red = uint8_t(message["color"][3u*i].asInt()); colorData[i].green = uint8_t(message["color"][3u*i+1u].asInt()); colorData[i].blue = uint8_t(message["color"][3u*i+2u].asInt()); } // copy full blocks of led colors unsigned size = i; while (i + size < _hyperion->getLedCount()) { memcpy(&(colorData[i]), colorData.data(), size * sizeof(ColorRgb)); i += size; } // copy remaining block of led colors if (i < _hyperion->getLedCount()) { memcpy(&(colorData[i]), colorData.data(), (_hyperion->getLedCount()-i) * sizeof(ColorRgb)); } // set output _hyperion->setColors(priority, colorData, duration); // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void JsonClientConnection::handleImageCommand(const Json::Value &message) { forwardJsonMessage(message); // extract parameters int priority = message["priority"].asInt(); int duration = message.get("duration", -1).asInt(); int width = message["imagewidth"].asInt(); int height = message["imageheight"].asInt(); QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromBase64(QByteArray(message["imagedata"].asCString())); // check consistency of the size of the received data if (data.size() != width*height*3) { sendErrorReply("Size of image data does not match with the width and height"); return; } // set width and height of the image processor _imageProcessor->setSize(width, height); // create ImageRgb Image image(width, height); memcpy(image.memptr(), data.data(), data.size()); // process the image std::vector ledColors = _imageProcessor->process(image); _hyperion->setColors(priority, ledColors, duration); // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void JsonClientConnection::handleEffectCommand(const Json::Value &message) { forwardJsonMessage(message); // extract parameters int priority = message["priority"].asInt(); int duration = message.get("duration", -1).asInt(); const Json::Value & effect = message["effect"]; const std::string & effectName = effect["name"].asString(); // set output if (effect.isMember("args")) { _hyperion->setEffect(effectName, effect["args"], priority, duration); } else { _hyperion->setEffect(effectName, priority, duration); } // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void JsonClientConnection::handleServerInfoCommand(const Json::Value &) { // create result Json::Value result; result["success"] = true; Json::Value & info = result["info"]; // add host name for remote clients info["hostname"] = QHostInfo::localHostName().toStdString(); // collect priority information Json::Value & priorities = info["priorities"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); uint64_t now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); QList activePriorities = _hyperion->getActivePriorities(); foreach (int priority, activePriorities) { const Hyperion::InputInfo & priorityInfo = _hyperion->getPriorityInfo(priority); Json::Value & item = priorities[priorities.size()]; item["priority"] = priority; if (priorityInfo.timeoutTime_ms != -1) { item["duration_ms"] = Json::Value::UInt(priorityInfo.timeoutTime_ms - now); } } // collect transform information Json::Value & transformArray = info["transform"]; for (const std::string& transformId : _hyperion->getTransformIds()) { const ColorTransform * colorTransform = _hyperion->getTransform(transformId); if (colorTransform == nullptr) { std::cerr << "Incorrect color transform id: " << transformId << std::endl; continue; } Json::Value & transform = transformArray.append(Json::Value()); transform["id"] = transformId; transform["saturationGain"] = colorTransform->_hsvTransform.getSaturationGain(); transform["valueGain"] = colorTransform->_hsvTransform.getValueGain(); Json::Value & threshold = transform["threshold"]; threshold.append(colorTransform->_rgbRedTransform.getThreshold()); threshold.append(colorTransform->_rgbGreenTransform.getThreshold()); threshold.append(colorTransform->_rgbBlueTransform.getThreshold()); Json::Value & gamma = transform["gamma"]; gamma.append(colorTransform->_rgbRedTransform.getGamma()); gamma.append(colorTransform->_rgbGreenTransform.getGamma()); gamma.append(colorTransform->_rgbBlueTransform.getGamma()); Json::Value & blacklevel = transform["blacklevel"]; blacklevel.append(colorTransform->_rgbRedTransform.getBlacklevel()); blacklevel.append(colorTransform->_rgbGreenTransform.getBlacklevel()); blacklevel.append(colorTransform->_rgbBlueTransform.getBlacklevel()); Json::Value & whitelevel = transform["whitelevel"]; whitelevel.append(colorTransform->_rgbRedTransform.getWhitelevel()); whitelevel.append(colorTransform->_rgbGreenTransform.getWhitelevel()); whitelevel.append(colorTransform->_rgbBlueTransform.getWhitelevel()); } // collect effect info Json::Value & effects = info["effects"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); const std::list & effectsDefinitions = _hyperion->getEffects(); for (const EffectDefinition & effectDefinition : effectsDefinitions) { Json::Value effect; effect["name"] = effectDefinition.name; effect["script"] = effectDefinition.script; effect["args"] = effectDefinition.args; effects.append(effect); } // send the result sendMessage(result); } void JsonClientConnection::handleClearCommand(const Json::Value &message) { forwardJsonMessage(message); // extract parameters int priority = message["priority"].asInt(); // clear priority _hyperion->clear(priority); // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void JsonClientConnection::handleClearallCommand(const Json::Value & message) { forwardJsonMessage(message); // clear priority _hyperion->clearall(); // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void JsonClientConnection::handleTransformCommand(const Json::Value &message) { const Json::Value & transform = message["transform"]; const std::string transformId = transform.get("id", _hyperion->getTransformIds().front()).asString(); ColorTransform * colorTransform = _hyperion->getTransform(transformId); if (colorTransform == nullptr) { //sendErrorReply(std::string("Incorrect transform identifier: ") + transformId); return; } if (transform.isMember("saturationGain")) { colorTransform->_hsvTransform.setSaturationGain(transform["saturationGain"].asDouble()); } if (transform.isMember("valueGain")) { colorTransform->_hsvTransform.setValueGain(transform["valueGain"].asDouble()); } if (transform.isMember("saturationLGain")) { colorTransform->_hslTransform.setSaturationGain(transform["saturationLGain"].asDouble()); } if (transform.isMember("luminanceGain")) { colorTransform->_hslTransform.setLuminanceGain(transform["luminanceGain"].asDouble()); } if (transform.isMember("threshold")) { const Json::Value & values = transform["threshold"]; colorTransform->_rgbRedTransform .setThreshold(values[0u].asDouble()); colorTransform->_rgbGreenTransform.setThreshold(values[1u].asDouble()); colorTransform->_rgbBlueTransform .setThreshold(values[2u].asDouble()); } if (transform.isMember("gamma")) { const Json::Value & values = transform["gamma"]; colorTransform->_rgbRedTransform .setGamma(values[0u].asDouble()); colorTransform->_rgbGreenTransform.setGamma(values[1u].asDouble()); colorTransform->_rgbBlueTransform .setGamma(values[2u].asDouble()); } if (transform.isMember("blacklevel")) { const Json::Value & values = transform["blacklevel"]; colorTransform->_rgbRedTransform .setBlacklevel(values[0u].asDouble()); colorTransform->_rgbGreenTransform.setBlacklevel(values[1u].asDouble()); colorTransform->_rgbBlueTransform .setBlacklevel(values[2u].asDouble()); } if (transform.isMember("whitelevel")) { const Json::Value & values = transform["whitelevel"]; colorTransform->_rgbRedTransform .setWhitelevel(values[0u].asDouble()); colorTransform->_rgbGreenTransform.setWhitelevel(values[1u].asDouble()); colorTransform->_rgbBlueTransform .setWhitelevel(values[2u].asDouble()); } // commit the changes _hyperion->transformsUpdated(); sendSuccessReply(); } void JsonClientConnection::handleCorrectionCommand(const Json::Value &message) { const Json::Value & correction = message["correction"]; const std::string correctionId = correction.get("id", _hyperion->getCorrectionIds().front()).asString(); ColorCorrection * colorCorrection = _hyperion->getCorrection(CorrectionId); if (colorCorrection == nullptr) { //sendErrorReply(std::string("Incorrect transform identifier: ") + transformId); return; } if (correction.isMember("red")) { colorCorrection->_rgbCorrection.setcorrectionR(correction["red"].asInt()); } if (correction.isMember("green")) { colorCorrection->_rgbCorrection.setcorrectionG(correction["green"].asInt()); } if (correction.isMember("blue")) { colorCorrection->_rgbCorrection.setcorrectionB(correction["blue"].asInt()); } // commit the changes _hyperion->correctionsUpdated(); sendSuccessReply(); } void JsonClientConnection::handleTemperatureCommand(const Json::Value &message) { const Json::Value & temperature = message["temperature"]; const std::string tempId = temperature.get("id", _hyperion->getTemperatureIds().front()).asString(); ColorCorrection * colorTemperature = _hyperion->getTemperature(TemperatureId); if (colorTemperature == nullptr) { //sendErrorReply(std::string("Incorrect transform identifier: ") + transformId); return; } if (temperature.isMember("red")) { colorTemperature->_rgbCorrection.setcorrectionR(temperature["red"].asInt()); } if (temperature.isMember("green")) { colorTemperature->_rgbCorrection.setcorrectionG(temperature["green"].asInt()); } if (temperature.isMember("blue")) { colorTemperature->_rgbCorrection.setcorrectionB(temperature["blue"].asInt()); } // commit the changes _hyperion->temperaturesUpdated(); sendSuccessReply(); } void JsonClientConnection::handleNotImplemented() { sendErrorReply("Command not implemented"); } void JsonClientConnection::sendMessage(const Json::Value &message) { Json::FastWriter writer; std::string serializedReply = writer.write(message); if (!_webSocketHandshakeDone) { // raw tcp socket mode _socket->write(serializedReply.data(), serializedReply.length()); } else { // websocket mode quint32 size = serializedReply.length(); // prepare data frame QByteArray response; response.append(0x81); if (size > 125) { response.append(0x7E); response.append((size >> 8) & 0xFF); response.append(size & 0xFF); } else { response.append(size); } response.append(serializedReply.c_str(), serializedReply.length()); _socket->write(response.data(), response.length()); } } void JsonClientConnection::sendMessage(const Json::Value & message, QTcpSocket * socket) { // serialize message (FastWriter already appends a newline) std::string serializedMessage = Json::FastWriter().write(message); // write message socket->write(serializedMessage.c_str()); if (!socket->waitForBytesWritten()) { //std::cout << "Error while writing data to host" << std::endl; return; } // read reply data QByteArray serializedReply; while (!serializedReply.contains('\n')) { // receive reply if (!socket->waitForReadyRead()) { //std::cout << "Error while reading data from host" << std::endl; return; } serializedReply += socket->readAll(); } int bytes = serializedReply.indexOf('\n') + 1; // Find the end of message // parse reply data Json::Reader jsonReader; Json::Value reply; if (!jsonReader.parse(serializedReply.constData(), serializedReply.constData() + bytes, reply)) { //std::cout << "Error while parsing reply: invalid json" << std::endl; return; } } void JsonClientConnection::sendSuccessReply() { // create reply Json::Value reply; reply["success"] = true; // send reply sendMessage(reply); } void JsonClientConnection::sendErrorReply(const std::string &error) { // create reply Json::Value reply; reply["success"] = false; reply["error"] = error; // send reply sendMessage(reply); } bool JsonClientConnection::checkJson(const Json::Value & message, const QString & schemaResource, std::string & errorMessage) { // read the json schema from the resource QResource schemaData(schemaResource); assert(schemaData.isValid()); Json::Reader jsonReader; Json::Value schemaJson; if (!jsonReader.parse(reinterpret_cast(schemaData.data()), reinterpret_cast(schemaData.data()) + schemaData.size(), schemaJson, false)) { throw std::runtime_error("Schema error: " + jsonReader.getFormattedErrorMessages()) ; } // create schema checker JsonSchemaChecker schema; schema.setSchema(schemaJson); // check the message if (!schema.validate(message)) { const std::list & errors = schema.getMessages(); std::stringstream ss; ss << "{"; foreach (const std::string & error, errors) { ss << error << " "; } ss << "}"; errorMessage = ss.str(); return false; } return true; }