### Please use the following code style/guidelines - use QT wherever it's possible (except there is a good reason) - use unix line endings (not windows) - indent your code with TABs instead of spaces - your files should end with a newline - names are camel case - use utf8 file encoding (ANSI encoding is strictly forbidden!) - use speaking names for variables. - avoid code dups -> if you write similar code blocks more the 2 times -> refactoring! - avoid compiler macros (#ifdef #define ...) where possible - class member variables must prefixed with underscore `int _myMemberVar` - follow this rule for curly brackets ``` bad: if (conditon) { code } good: if (condition) { code } ``` - initializer list on constructors: ``` bad: MyClass::MyClass() : myVarA(0), myVarB("eee"), myVarC(true) { } MyClass::MyClass() : myVarA(0), myVarB("eee"), myVarC(true) { } good: MyClass::MyClass() : myVarA(0) , myVarB("eee") , myVarC(true) { } ```