// Stl includes #include #include // Build configuration #include // Leddevice includes #include // Local Leddevice includes #ifdef ENABLE_SPIDEV #include "LedDeviceLpd6803.h" #include "LedDeviceLpd8806.h" #include "LedDeviceP9813.h" #include "LedDeviceWs2801.h" #include "LedDeviceWs2812SPI.h" #include "LedDeviceAPA102.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TINKERFORGE #include "LedDeviceTinkerforge.h" #endif #include "LedDeviceAdalight.h" #include "LedDeviceRawHID.h" #include "LedDeviceLightpack.h" #include "LedDeviceMultiLightpack.h" #include "LedDevicePaintpack.h" #include "LedDevicePiBlaster.h" #include "LedDeviceSedu.h" #include "LedDeviceFile.h" #include "LedDeviceFadeCandy.h" #include "LedDeviceUdp.h" #include "LedDeviceUdpRaw.h" #include "LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp.h" #include "LedDevicePhilipsHue.h" #include "LedDeviceTpm2.h" #include "LedDeviceAtmo.h" #include "LedDeviceAdalightApa102.h" #include "LedDeviceAtmoOrb.h" #ifdef ENABLE_WS2812BPWM #include "LedDeviceWS2812b.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WS281XPWM #include "LedDeviceWS281x.h" #endif LedDevice * LedDeviceFactory::construct(const Json::Value & deviceConfig) { std::cout << "LEDDEVICE INFO: configuration: " << deviceConfig << std::endl; std::string type = deviceConfig.get("type", "UNSPECIFIED").asString(); std::transform(type.begin(), type.end(), type.begin(), ::tolower); LedDevice* device = nullptr; if (false) {} else if (type == "adalight") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); const int delay_ms = deviceConfig["delayAfterConnect"].asInt(); LedDeviceAdalight* deviceAdalight = new LedDeviceAdalight(output, rate, delay_ms); deviceAdalight->open(); device = deviceAdalight; } else if (type == "adalightapa102") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); const int delay_ms = deviceConfig["delayAfterConnect"].asInt(); LedDeviceAdalightApa102* deviceAdalightApa102 = new LedDeviceAdalightApa102(output, rate, delay_ms); deviceAdalightApa102->open(); device = deviceAdalightApa102; } #ifdef ENABLE_SPIDEV else if (type == "lpd6803" || type == "ldp6803") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceLpd6803* deviceLdp6803 = new LedDeviceLpd6803(output, rate); deviceLdp6803->open(); device = deviceLdp6803; } else if (type == "lpd8806" || type == "ldp8806") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceLpd8806* deviceLpd8806 = new LedDeviceLpd8806(output, rate); deviceLpd8806->open(); device = deviceLpd8806; } else if (type == "p9813") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceP9813* deviceP9813 = new LedDeviceP9813(output, rate); deviceP9813->open(); device = deviceP9813; } else if (type == "apa102") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); const unsigned ledcount = deviceConfig.get("leds",0).asInt(); LedDeviceAPA102* deviceAPA102 = new LedDeviceAPA102(output, rate, ledcount); deviceAPA102->open(); device = deviceAPA102; } else if (type == "ws2801" || type == "lightberry") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); const unsigned latchtime = deviceConfig.get("latchtime",500000).asInt(); LedDeviceWs2801* deviceWs2801 = new LedDeviceWs2801(output, rate, latchtime); deviceWs2801->open(); device = deviceWs2801; } else if (type == "ws2812spi") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig.get("rate",2857143).asInt(); LedDeviceWs2812SPI* deviceWs2812SPI = new LedDeviceWs2812SPI(output, rate); deviceWs2812SPI->open(); device = deviceWs2812SPI; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_TINKERFORGE else if (type=="tinkerforge") { const std::string host = deviceConfig.get("output", "").asString(); const uint16_t port = deviceConfig.get("port", 4223).asInt(); const std::string uid = deviceConfig["uid"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceTinkerforge* deviceTinkerforge = new LedDeviceTinkerforge(host, port, uid, rate); deviceTinkerforge->open(); device = deviceTinkerforge; } #endif else if (type == "rawhid") { const int delay_ms = deviceConfig["delayAfterConnect"].asInt(); auto VendorIdString = deviceConfig.get("VID", "0x2341").asString(); auto ProductIdString = deviceConfig.get("PID", "0x8036").asString(); // Convert HEX values to integer auto VendorId = std::stoul(VendorIdString, nullptr, 16); auto ProductId = std::stoul(ProductIdString, nullptr, 16); LedDeviceRawHID* deviceHID = new LedDeviceRawHID(VendorId, ProductId, delay_ms); deviceHID->open(); device = deviceHID; } else if (type == "lightpack") { const std::string output = deviceConfig.get("output", "").asString(); LedDeviceLightpack* deviceLightpack = new LedDeviceLightpack(); deviceLightpack->open(output); device = deviceLightpack; } else if (type == "multi-lightpack") { LedDeviceMultiLightpack* deviceLightpack = new LedDeviceMultiLightpack(); deviceLightpack->open(); device = deviceLightpack; } else if (type == "paintpack") { const int delay_ms = deviceConfig["delayAfterConnect"].asInt(); auto VendorIdString = deviceConfig.get("VID", "0x0EBF").asString(); auto ProductIdString = deviceConfig.get("PID", "0x0025").asString(); // Convert HEX values to integer auto VendorId = std::stoul(VendorIdString, nullptr, 16); auto ProductId = std::stoul(ProductIdString, nullptr, 16); LedDevicePaintpack * devicePainLightpack = new LedDevicePaintpack(VendorId, ProductId, delay_ms); devicePainLightpack->open(); device = devicePainLightpack; } else if (type == "piblaster") { const std::string output = deviceConfig.get("output", "").asString(); const std::string assignment = deviceConfig.get("assignment", "").asString(); const Json::Value gpioMapping = deviceConfig.get("gpiomap", Json::nullValue); if (assignment.length() > 0) { std::cout << "ERROR: Sorry, the configuration syntax has changed in this version." << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (! gpioMapping.isNull() ) { LedDevicePiBlaster * devicePiBlaster = new LedDevicePiBlaster(output, gpioMapping); devicePiBlaster->open(); device = devicePiBlaster; } else { std::cout << "ERROR: no gpiomap defined." << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (type == "sedu") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceSedu* deviceSedu = new LedDeviceSedu(output, rate); deviceSedu->open(); device = deviceSedu; } else if (type == "hyperion-usbasp-ws2801") { LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp * deviceHyperionUsbasp = new LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp(LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp::CMD_WRITE_WS2801); deviceHyperionUsbasp->open(); device = deviceHyperionUsbasp; } else if (type == "hyperion-usbasp-ws2812") { LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp * deviceHyperionUsbasp = new LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp(LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp::CMD_WRITE_WS2812); deviceHyperionUsbasp->open(); device = deviceHyperionUsbasp; } else if (type == "philipshue") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const std::string username = deviceConfig.get("username", "newdeveloper").asString(); const bool switchOffOnBlack = deviceConfig.get("switchOffOnBlack", true).asBool(); const int transitiontime = deviceConfig.get("transitiontime", 1).asInt(); std::vector lightIds; for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < deviceConfig["lightIds"].size(); i++) { lightIds.push_back(deviceConfig["lightIds"][i].asInt()); } device = new LedDevicePhilipsHue(output, username, switchOffOnBlack, transitiontime, lightIds); } else if (type == "atmoorb") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const bool useOrbSmoothing = deviceConfig.get("useOrbSmoothing", false).asBool(); const int transitiontime = deviceConfig.get("transitiontime", 1).asInt(); const int skipSmoothingDiff = deviceConfig.get("skipSmoothingDiff", 0).asInt(); const int port = deviceConfig.get("port", 1).asInt(); const int numLeds = deviceConfig.get("numLeds", 1).asInt(); const std::string orbId = deviceConfig["orbIds"].asString(); std::vector orbIds; // If we find multiple Orb ids separate them and add to list const std::string separator (","); if (orbId.find(separator) != std::string::npos) { std::stringstream ss(orbId); std::vector output; unsigned int i; while (ss >> i) { orbIds.push_back(i); if (ss.peek() == ',' || ss.peek() == ' ') ss.ignore(); } } else { orbIds.push_back(atoi(orbId.c_str())); } device = new LedDeviceAtmoOrb(output, useOrbSmoothing, transitiontime, skipSmoothingDiff, port, numLeds, orbIds); } else if (type == "file") { const std::string output = deviceConfig.get("output", "/dev/null").asString(); device = new LedDeviceFile(output); } else if (type == "fadecandy") { const std::string host = deviceConfig.get("output", "").asString(); const uint16_t port = deviceConfig.get("port", 7890).asInt(); const uint16_t channel = deviceConfig.get("channel", 0).asInt(); device = new LedDeviceFadeCandy(host, port, channel); } else if (type == "udp") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); const unsigned protocol = deviceConfig["protocol"].asInt(); const unsigned maxPacket = deviceConfig["maxpacket"].asInt(); device = new LedDeviceUdp(output, rate, protocol, maxPacket); } else if (type == "udpraw") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); const unsigned latchtime = deviceConfig.get("latchtime",500000).asInt(); LedDeviceUdpRaw* deviceUdpRaw = new LedDeviceUdpRaw(output, rate, latchtime); deviceUdpRaw->open(); device = deviceUdpRaw; } else if (type == "tpm2") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceTpm2 * deviceTpm2 = new LedDeviceTpm2(output, rate); deviceTpm2->open(); device = deviceTpm2; } else if (type == "atmo") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = 38400; LedDeviceAtmo * deviceAtmo = new LedDeviceAtmo(output, rate); deviceAtmo->open(); device = deviceAtmo; } #ifdef ENABLE_WS2812BPWM else if (type == "ws2812b") { LedDeviceWS2812b * ledDeviceWS2812b = new LedDeviceWS2812b(); device = ledDeviceWS2812b; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_WS281XPWM else if (type == "ws281x") { const int gpio = deviceConfig.get("gpio", 18).asInt(); const int leds = deviceConfig.get("leds", 256).asInt(); const uint32_t freq = deviceConfig.get("freq", (Json::UInt)800000ul).asInt(); const int dmanum = deviceConfig.get("dmanum", 5).asInt(); const int pwmchannel = deviceConfig.get("pwmchannel", 0).asInt(); const int invert = deviceConfig.get("invert", 0).asInt(); const int rgbw = deviceConfig.get("rgbw", 0).asInt(); const std::string& whiteAlgorithm = deviceConfig.get("white_algorithm","").asString(); LedDeviceWS281x * ledDeviceWS281x = new LedDeviceWS281x(gpio, leds, freq, dmanum, pwmchannel, invert, rgbw, whiteAlgorithm); device = ledDeviceWS281x; } #endif else { std::cout << "LEDDEVICE ERROR: Unknown/Unimplemented device " << type << std::endl; // Unknown / Unimplemented device exit(1); } return device; }