#pragma once
// qt incl
#include <QObject>
#include <QMap>
#include <QHostInfo>

#include <bonjour/bonjourrecord.h>

class BonjourServiceBrowser;
class BonjourServiceResolver;
class QTimer;

class BonjourBrowserWrapper : public QObject
	friend class HyperionDaemon;
	/// @brief Browse for hyperion services in bonjour, constructed from HyperionDaemon
	///        Searching for hyperion http service by default
	BonjourBrowserWrapper(QObject * parent = 0);


	/// @brief Browse for a service
	bool browseForServiceType(const QString &serviceType);
	/// @brief Get all available sessions
	QMap<QString,BonjourRecord> getAllServices() { return _hyperionSessions; };

	static BonjourBrowserWrapper* instance;
	static BonjourBrowserWrapper* getInstance(){ return instance; };

	/// @brief Emits whenever a change happend
	void browserChange(const QMap<QString,BonjourRecord>& bRegisters);

	/// map of service names and browsers
	QMap< QString, BonjourServiceBrowser* > _browsedServices;
	/// Resolver
	BonjourServiceResolver* _bonjourResolver;

	// contains all current active service sessions
	QMap<QString,BonjourRecord> _hyperionSessions;

	QString                _bonjourCurrentServiceToResolve;
	/// timer to resolve changes
	QTimer* _timerBonjourResolver;

private slots:
	/// @brief is called whenever a BonjourServiceBrowser emits change
	void currentBonjourRecordsChanged(const QList<BonjourRecord> &list);
	/// @brief new record resolved
	void bonjourRecordResolved(const QHostInfo &hostInfo, int port);

	/// @brief timer slot which updates regularly entries
	void bonjourResolve();