#pragma once

// STL includes
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>

// QT includes
#include <QMap>

// Utils includes
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>

/// The PriorityMuxer handles the priority channels. Led values input is written to the priority map
/// and the muxer keeps track of all active priorities. The current priority can be queried and per
/// priority the led colors.
class PriorityMuxer
	/// The information structure for a single priority channel
	struct InputInfo
		/// The priority of this channel
		int priority;

		/// The absolute timeout of the channel
		int64_t timeoutTime_ms;
		/// The colors for each led of the channel
		std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors;

	/// Constructs the PriorityMuxer for the given number of leds (used to switch to black when
	/// there are no priority channels
	/// @param ledCount The number of leds
	PriorityMuxer(int ledCount);

	/// Destructor

	/// Returns the current priority
	/// @return The current priority
	int getCurrentPriority() const;

	/// Returns the state (enabled/disabled) of a specific priority channel
	/// @param priority The priority channel
	/// @return True if the priority channel exists else false
	bool hasPriority(const int priority) const;

	/// Returns the number of active priorities
	/// @return The list with active priorities
	QList<int> getPriorities() const;

	/// Returns the information of a specified priority channel
	/// @param priority The priority channel
	/// @return The information for the specified priority channel
	/// @throws std::runtime_error if the priority channel does not exist
	const InputInfo& getInputInfo(const int priority) const;

	/// Sets/Updates the data for a priority channel
	/// @param[in] priority The priority of the channel
	/// @param[in] ledColors The led colors of the priority channel
	/// @param[in] timeoutTime_ms The absolute timeout time of the channel
	void setInput(const int priority, const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledColors, const int64_t timeoutTime_ms=-1);

	/// Clears the specified priority channel
	/// @param[in] priority  The priority of the channel to clear
	void clearInput(const int priority);

	/// Clears all priority channels
	void clearAll();

	/// Updates the current time. Channels with a configured time out will be checked and cleared if
	/// required.
	/// @param[in] now The current time
	void setCurrentTime(const int64_t& now);

	/// The current priority (lowest value in _activeInputs)
	int _currentPriority;

	/// The mapping from priority channel to led-information
	QMap<int, InputInfo> _activeInputs;

	/// The information of the lowest priority channel
	InputInfo _lowestPriorityInfo;

	/// The lowest possible priority, which is used when no priority channels are active
	const static int LOWEST_PRIORITY = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();