#ifndef VERSION_H #define VERSION_H /** * Semver - The Semantic Versioning, https://github.com/euskadi31/semver-cpp * * Copyright (c) 2013 Axel Etcheverry, 2021 enhancements & fixes Lord-Grey * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished * to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> namespace semver { enum PRE_RELEASE { PRE_RELEASE_ALPHA, PRE_RELEASE_BETA, PRE_RELEASE_RC, PRE_RELEASE_NONE }; typedef enum PRE_RELEASE pre_release_t; class version { private: std::string m_version; int m_major; int m_minor; int m_patch; pre_release_t m_pre_release_type; std::string m_pre_release_id; std::string m_pre_release; std::string m_build; bool m_is_valid; bool m_is_stable; enum m_type { TYPE_MAJOR, TYPE_MINOR, TYPE_PATCH, TYPE_PRE_RELEASE, TYPE_PRE_RELEASE_ID, TYPE_BUILD }; void parse() { int type = TYPE_MAJOR; std::string major, minor, patch; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_version.length(); i++) { char chr = m_version[i]; int chr_dec = chr; switch (type) { case TYPE_MAJOR: if (chr == '.') { type = TYPE_MINOR; continue; } if (chr_dec < 48 || chr_dec > 57) { m_is_valid = false; } // major major += chr; break; case TYPE_MINOR: if (chr == '.') { type = TYPE_PATCH; continue; } if (chr_dec < 48 || chr_dec > 57) { m_is_valid = false; } minor += chr; break; case TYPE_PATCH: if (chr == '-') { type = TYPE_PRE_RELEASE; continue; } if (chr == '+') { type = TYPE_BUILD; continue; } if (chr_dec < 48 || chr_dec > 57) { m_is_valid = false; } patch += chr; break; case TYPE_PRE_RELEASE: if (chr == '.') { type = TYPE_PRE_RELEASE_ID; m_pre_release += chr; continue; } if (chr == '+') { type = TYPE_BUILD; continue; } if ( (chr_dec < 48 || chr_dec > 57) && // 0-9 (chr_dec < 65 || chr_dec > 90) && // A-Z (chr_dec < 97 || chr_dec > 122) && // a-z (chr_dec != 45) && // - (chr_dec != 46) // . ) { m_is_valid = false; } m_pre_release += chr; break; case TYPE_PRE_RELEASE_ID: if (chr == '+') { type = TYPE_BUILD; continue; } if ( (chr_dec < 48 || chr_dec > 57) && // 0-9 (chr_dec < 65 || chr_dec > 90) && // A-Z (chr_dec < 97 || chr_dec > 122) && // a-z (chr_dec != 45) // - ) { m_is_valid = false; } m_pre_release += chr; m_pre_release_id += chr; break; case TYPE_BUILD: if ( (chr_dec < 48 || chr_dec > 57) && // 0-9 (chr_dec < 65 || chr_dec > 90) && // A-Z (chr_dec < 97 || chr_dec > 122) && // a-z (chr_dec != 45) // - ) { m_is_valid = false; } m_build += chr; break; } } if (m_is_valid) { std::istringstream(major) >> m_major; std::istringstream(minor) >> m_minor; std::istringstream(patch) >> m_patch; if (m_pre_release.empty()) { m_pre_release_type = PRE_RELEASE_NONE; } else if (m_pre_release.find("alpha") != std::string::npos) { m_pre_release_type = PRE_RELEASE_ALPHA; } else if (m_pre_release.find("beta") != std::string::npos) { m_pre_release_type = PRE_RELEASE_BETA; } else if (m_pre_release.find("rc") != std::string::npos) { m_pre_release_type = PRE_RELEASE_RC; } if (m_major == 0 && m_minor == 0 && m_patch == 0) { m_is_valid = false; } if (!m_pre_release_id.empty() && m_pre_release_id[0] == '0') { m_is_valid = false; } if (m_major == 0) { m_is_stable = false; } if (m_pre_release_type != PRE_RELEASE_NONE) { m_is_stable = false; } } } public: /** * Parse the version string */ version(const std::string& version) { setVersion(version); } version(const version&) = default; ~version() = default; /** * Set version */ bool setVersion(const std::string& version) { m_version = version; m_major = 0; m_minor = 0; m_patch = 0; m_build = ""; m_pre_release = ""; m_pre_release_id = ""; m_is_stable = true; if (version.empty()) { m_is_valid = false; } else { m_is_valid = true; parse(); } return m_is_valid; } /** * Get full version */ const std::string& getVersion() const { return m_version; } /** * Get the major of the version */ const int& getMajor() const { return m_major; } /** * Get the minor of the version */ const int& getMinor() const { return m_minor; } /** * Get the patch of the version */ const int& getPatch() const { return m_patch; } /** * Get the build of the version */ const std::string& getBuild() const { return m_build; } /** * Get the release type of the version */ const pre_release_t& getPreReleaseType() const { return m_pre_release_type; } /** * Get the release identifier of the version */ const std::string& getPreReleaseId() const { return m_pre_release_id; } /** * Get the release of the version */ const std::string& getPreRelease() const { return m_pre_release; } /** * Check if the version is stable */ const bool& isStable() const { return m_is_stable; } /** * Check if the version is valid */ const bool& isValid() const { return m_is_valid; } int compare(version& rgt) { if ((*this) == rgt) { return 0; } if ((*this) > rgt) { return 1; } return -1; } version& operator= (version& rgt) { if ((*this) != rgt) { this->m_version = rgt.getVersion(); this->m_major = rgt.getMajor(); this->m_minor = rgt.getMinor(); this->m_patch = rgt.getPatch(); this->m_pre_release_type = rgt.getPreReleaseType(); this->m_pre_release_id = rgt.getPreReleaseId(); this->m_pre_release = rgt.getPreRelease(); this->m_build = rgt.getBuild(); this->m_is_valid = rgt.isValid(); this->m_is_stable = rgt.isStable(); } return *this; } friend bool operator== (version &lft, version &rgt) { return !(lft != rgt); } friend bool operator!= (version &lft, version &rgt) { return (lft > rgt) || (lft < rgt); } friend bool operator> (version &lft, version &rgt) { // Major if (lft.getMajor() < 0 && rgt.getMajor() >= 0) { return false; } if (lft.getMajor() >= 0 && rgt.getMajor() < 0) { return true; } if (lft.getMajor() > rgt.getMajor()) { return true; } if (lft.getMajor() < rgt.getMajor()) { return false; } // Minor if (lft.getMinor() < 0 && rgt.getMinor() >= 0) { return false; } if (lft.getMinor() >= 0 && rgt.getMinor() < 0) { return true; } if (lft.getMinor() > rgt.getMinor()) { return true; } if (lft.getMinor() < rgt.getMinor()) { return false; } // Patch if (lft.getPatch() < 0 && rgt.getPatch() >= 0) { return false; } if (lft.getPatch() >= 0 && rgt.getPatch() < 0) { return true; } if (lft.getPatch() > rgt.getPatch()) { return true; } if (lft.getPatch() < rgt.getPatch()) { return false; } // Pre release if ( (lft.getPreReleaseType() == rgt.getPreReleaseType()) && (lft.getPreReleaseId() == rgt.getPreReleaseId()) ) { return false; } if ( (lft.getPreReleaseType() == rgt.getPreReleaseType()) && (lft.getPreReleaseId().find_first_not_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos) && (rgt.getPreReleaseId().find_first_not_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos) ) { if (atoi(lft.getPreReleaseId().c_str()) > atoi(rgt.getPreReleaseId().c_str())) { return true; } else { return false; } } if ( (lft.getPreReleaseType() == rgt.getPreReleaseType()) && (lft.getPreReleaseId().compare(rgt.getPreReleaseId()) > 0) ) { return true; } if (lft.getPreReleaseType() > rgt.getPreReleaseType()) { return true; } return false; } friend bool operator>= (version &lft, version &rgt) { return (lft > rgt) || (lft == rgt); } friend bool operator< (version &lft, version &rgt) { return (rgt > lft); } friend bool operator<= (version &lft, version &rgt) { return (lft < rgt) || (lft == rgt); } friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const version& value) { out << value.getVersion(); return out; } }; } // end semver namespace #endif // VERSION_H