#include #include Grabber::Grabber(const QString& grabberName, int cropLeft, int cropRight, int cropTop, int cropBottom) : _grabberName(grabberName) , _log(Logger::getInstance(_grabberName.toUpper())) , _useImageResampler(true) , _videoMode(VideoMode::VIDEO_2D) , _videoStandard(VideoStandard::NO_CHANGE) , _pixelDecimation(GrabberWrapper::DEFAULT_PIXELDECIMATION) , _flipMode(FlipMode::NO_CHANGE) , _width(0) , _height(0) , _fps(GrabberWrapper::DEFAULT_RATE_HZ) , _fpsSoftwareDecimation(0) , _input(-1) , _cropLeft(0) , _cropRight(0) , _cropTop(0) , _cropBottom(0) , _isAvailable(true) , _isEnabled(true) , _isDeviceInError(false) { Grabber::setCropping(cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom); } void Grabber::setEnabled(bool enable) { Info(_log,"Capture interface is now %s", enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"); _isEnabled = enable; } void Grabber::setInError(const QString& errorMsg) { _isDeviceInError = true; _isEnabled = false; Error(_log, "Grabber disabled, device '%s' signals error: '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_grabberName), QSTRING_CSTR(errorMsg)); } void Grabber::setVideoMode(VideoMode mode) { Info(_log,"Set videomode to %s", QSTRING_CSTR(videoMode2String(mode))); _videoMode = mode; if ( _useImageResampler ) { _imageResampler.setVideoMode(_videoMode); } } void Grabber::setVideoStandard(VideoStandard videoStandard) { if (_videoStandard != videoStandard) { _videoStandard = videoStandard; } } bool Grabber::setPixelDecimation(int pixelDecimation) { if (_pixelDecimation != pixelDecimation) { Info(_log,"Set image size decimation to %d", pixelDecimation); _pixelDecimation = pixelDecimation; if ( _useImageResampler ) { _imageResampler.setHorizontalPixelDecimation(pixelDecimation); _imageResampler.setVerticalPixelDecimation(pixelDecimation); } return true; } return false; } void Grabber::setFlipMode(FlipMode mode) { Info(_log,"Set flipmode to %s", QSTRING_CSTR(flipModeToString(mode))); _flipMode = mode; if ( _useImageResampler ) { _imageResampler.setFlipMode(_flipMode); } } void Grabber::setCropping(int cropLeft, int cropRight, int cropTop, int cropBottom) { if (_width>0 && _height>0) { if (cropLeft + cropRight >= _width || cropTop + cropBottom >= _height) { Error(_log, "Rejecting invalid crop values: left: %d, right: %d, top: %d, bottom: %d, higher than height/width %d/%d", cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom, _height, _width); return; } } _cropLeft = cropLeft; _cropRight = cropRight; _cropTop = cropTop; _cropBottom = cropBottom; if ( _useImageResampler ) { _imageResampler.setCropping(cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom); } else { _imageResampler.setCropping(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (cropLeft > 0 || cropRight > 0 || cropTop > 0 || cropBottom > 0) { Info(_log, "Cropping image: width=%d height=%d; crop: left=%d right=%d top=%d bottom=%d ", _width, _height, cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom); } } bool Grabber::setInput(int input) { if((input >= 0) && (_input != input)) { _input = input; return true; } return false; } bool Grabber::setWidthHeight(int width, int height) { bool rc (false); // eval changes with crop if ( (width>0 && height>0) && (_width != width || _height != height) ) { if (_cropLeft + _cropRight >= width || _cropTop + _cropBottom >= height) { Error(_log, "Rejecting invalid width/height values as it collides with image cropping: width: %d, height: %d", width, height); rc = false; } else { Debug(_log, "Set new width: %d, height: %d for capture", width, height); _width = width; _height = height; rc = true; } } return rc; } bool Grabber::setFramerate(int fps) { Debug(_log,"Set new frames per second to: %i fps, current fps: %i", fps, _fps); if((fps > 0) && (_fps != fps)) { Info(_log,"Set new frames per second to: %i fps", fps); _fps = fps; return true; } return false; } void Grabber::setFpsSoftwareDecimation(int decimation) { if((_fpsSoftwareDecimation != decimation)) { _fpsSoftwareDecimation = decimation; if(decimation > 0){ Debug(_log,"Skip %i frame per second", decimation); } } }