// Qt includes #include #include #include #include // Request player example: // {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetActivePlayers", "id":666} // {"id":666,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[{"playerid":1,"type":"video"}]} // Request playing item example: // {"id":667,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetItem","params":{"playerid":1,"properties":["file"]}} // {"id":667,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"item":{"file":"smb://xbmc:xbmc@ (2009)/Avatar.mkv","label":"Avatar","type":"unknown"}}} // Request if screensaver is on // {"id":668,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"XBMC.GetInfoBooleans","params":{"booleans":["System.ScreenSaverActive"]}} // {"id":668,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"System.ScreenSaverActive":false}} // Request stereoscopicmode example: // {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["stereoscopicmode"]},"id":669} // {"id":669,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"stereoscopicmode":{"label":"Nebeneinander","mode":"split_vertical"}}} XBMCVideoChecker::XBMCVideoChecker(const std::string & address, uint16_t port, bool grabVideo, bool grabPhoto, bool grabAudio, bool grabMenu, bool grabPause, bool grabScreensaver, bool enable3DDetection) : QObject(), _address(QString::fromStdString(address)), _port(port), _activePlayerRequest(R"({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetActivePlayers", "id":666})"), _currentPlayingItemRequest(R"({"id":667,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetItem","params":{"playerid":%1,"properties":["file"]}})"), _checkScreensaverRequest(R"({"id":668,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"XBMC.GetInfoBooleans","params":{"booleans":["System.ScreenSaverActive"]}})"), _getStereoscopicMode(R"({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["stereoscopicmode"]},"id":669})"), _getXbmcVersion(R"({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["version"]},"id":670})"), _socket(), _grabVideo(grabVideo), _grabPhoto(grabPhoto), _grabAudio(grabAudio), _grabMenu(grabMenu), _grabPause(grabPause), _grabScreensaver(grabScreensaver), _enable3DDetection(enable3DDetection), _previousScreensaverMode(false), _previousGrabbingMode(GRABBINGMODE_INVALID), _previousVideoMode(VIDEO_2D), _xbmcVersion(0) { // setup socket connect(&_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(receiveReply())); connect(&_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected())); connect(&_socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(connected())); connect(&_socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(connectionError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); } void XBMCVideoChecker::start() { reconnect(); } void XBMCVideoChecker::receiveReply() { // expect that the reply is received as a single message. Probably oke considering the size of the expected reply QString reply(_socket.readAll()); std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: Kodi Message: " << reply.toStdString() << std::endl; if (reply.contains("\"method\":\"Player.OnPlay\"")) { // send a request for the current player state _socket.write(_activePlayerRequest.toUtf8()); return; } else if (reply.contains("\"method\":\"Player.OnStop\"")) { // the player has stopped setGrabbingMode(_grabMenu ? GRABBINGMODE_MENU : GRABBINGMODE_OFF); setVideoMode(VIDEO_2D); } else if (reply.contains("\"method\":\"Player.OnPause\"")) { // player at pause setGrabbingMode(_grabPause ? GRABBINGMODE_PAUSE : GRABBINGMODE_OFF); } else if (reply.contains("\"method\":\"GUI.OnScreensaverActivated\"")) { setScreensaverMode(!_grabScreensaver); } else if (reply.contains("\"method\":\"GUI.OnScreensaverDeactivated\"")) { setScreensaverMode(false); } else if (reply.contains("\"id\":666")) { // Result of Player.GetActivePlayers // always start a new video in 2D mode emit videoMode(VIDEO_2D); if (reply.contains("video")) { // video is playing setGrabbingMode(_grabVideo ? GRABBINGMODE_VIDEO : GRABBINGMODE_OFF); // we need to get the filename // first retrieve the playerid QString key = "\"playerid\":"; QRegExp regex(key + "(\\d+)"); int pos = regex.indexIn(reply); if (pos > 0) { // now request info of the playing item QStringRef idText(&reply, pos + key.length(), regex.matchedLength() - key.length()); _socket.write(_currentPlayingItemRequest.arg(idText.toString()).toUtf8()); } } else if (reply.contains("picture")) { // picture viewer is playing setGrabbingMode(_grabPhoto ? GRABBINGMODE_PHOTO : GRABBINGMODE_OFF); } else if (reply.contains("audio")) { // audio is playing setGrabbingMode(_grabAudio ? GRABBINGMODE_AUDIO : GRABBINGMODE_OFF); } else { // Nothing is playing. setGrabbingMode(_grabMenu ? GRABBINGMODE_MENU : GRABBINGMODE_OFF); } } else if (reply.contains("\"id\":667")) { if (_xbmcVersion >= 13) { // check of active stereoscopicmode _socket.write(_getStereoscopicMode.toUtf8()); } else { // result of Player.GetItem // TODO: what if the filename contains a '"'. In Json this should have been escaped QRegExp regex("\"file\":\"((?!\").)*\""); int pos = regex.indexIn(reply); if (pos > 0) { QStringRef filename = QStringRef(&reply, pos+8, regex.matchedLength()-9); if (filename.contains("3DSBS", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || filename.contains("HSBS", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { setVideoMode(VIDEO_3DSBS); } else if (filename.contains("3DTAB", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || filename.contains("HTAB", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { setVideoMode(VIDEO_3DTAB); } else { setVideoMode(VIDEO_2D); } } } } else if (reply.contains("\"id\":668")) { // result of System.ScreenSaverActive bool active = reply.contains("\"System.ScreenSaverActive\":true"); setScreensaverMode(!_grabScreensaver && active); // check here xbmc version if (_socket.state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState) { if (_xbmcVersion == 0) { _socket.write(_getXbmcVersion.toUtf8()); } } } else if (reply.contains("\"id\":669")) { QRegExp regex("\"mode\":\"(split_vertical|split_horizontal)\""); int pos = regex.indexIn(reply); if (pos > 0) { QString sMode = regex.cap(1); if (sMode == "split_vertical") { setVideoMode(VIDEO_3DSBS); } else if (sMode == "split_horizontal") { setVideoMode(VIDEO_3DTAB); } } } else if (reply.contains("\"id\":670")) { QRegExp regex("\"major\":(\\d+)"); int pos = regex.indexIn(reply); if (pos > 0) { _xbmcVersion = regex.cap(1).toInt(); } } else if (reply.contains("picture") && reply.contains("\"method\":\"Playlist.OnAdd\"")) { // picture viewer is playing setGrabbingMode(_grabPhoto ? GRABBINGMODE_PHOTO : GRABBINGMODE_OFF); } } void XBMCVideoChecker::connected() { std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: Kodi Connected" << std::endl; // send a request for the current player state _socket.write(_activePlayerRequest.toUtf8()); _socket.write(_checkScreensaverRequest.toUtf8()); } void XBMCVideoChecker::disconnected() { std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: Kodi Disconnected" << std::endl; reconnect(); } void XBMCVideoChecker::reconnect() { if (_socket.state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState) { return; } // try to connect switch (_socket.state()) { case QTcpSocket::ConnectingState: // Somehow when XBMC restarts we get stuck in connecting state // If we get here we tried to connect already for 5 seconds. abort and try again in 1 second. _socket.reset(); _socket.waitForDisconnected(50); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(reconnect())); break; case QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState: _socket.connectToHost(_address, _port); QTimer::singleShot(10000, this, SLOT(reconnect())); break; default: QTimer::singleShot(10000, this, SLOT(reconnect())); break; } } void XBMCVideoChecker::connectionError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error) { std::cout << "KODICHECK ERROR: Kodi Connection error (" << error << ")" << std::endl; // close the socket _socket.close(); } void XBMCVideoChecker::setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode newGrabbingMode) { if (newGrabbingMode == _previousGrabbingMode) { // no change return; } switch (newGrabbingMode) { case GRABBINGMODE_VIDEO: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to VIDEO mode" << std::endl; break; case GRABBINGMODE_PHOTO: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to PHOTO mode" << std::endl; break; case GRABBINGMODE_AUDIO: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to AUDIO mode" << std::endl; break; case GRABBINGMODE_MENU: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to MENU mode" << std::endl; break; case GRABBINGMODE_PAUSE: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to PAUSE mode" << std::endl; break; case GRABBINGMODE_OFF: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to OFF mode" << std::endl; break; case GRABBINGMODE_INVALID: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to INVALID mode" << std::endl; break; } // only emit the new state when we want to grab in screensaver mode or when the screensaver is deactivated if (!_previousScreensaverMode) { emit grabbingMode(newGrabbingMode); } _previousGrabbingMode = newGrabbingMode; } void XBMCVideoChecker::setScreensaverMode(bool isOnScreensaver) { if (isOnScreensaver == _previousScreensaverMode) { // no change return; } emit grabbingMode(isOnScreensaver ? GRABBINGMODE_OFF : _previousGrabbingMode); _previousScreensaverMode = isOnScreensaver; } void XBMCVideoChecker::setVideoMode(VideoMode newVideoMode) { if (newVideoMode == _previousVideoMode) { // no change return; } switch (newVideoMode) { case VIDEO_2D: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to 2D mode" << std::endl; break; case VIDEO_3DSBS: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to 3D SBS mode" << std::endl; break; case VIDEO_3DTAB: std::cout << "KODICHECK INFO: switching to 3D TAB mode" << std::endl; break; } emit videoMode(newVideoMode); _previousVideoMode = newVideoMode; }