// C++ includes #include #include #include #include // QT includes #include #include #include #include // getoptPlusPLus includes #include // config includes #include "HyperionConfig.h" // Json-Schema includes #include // Hyperion includes #include #ifdef ENABLE_DISPMANX // Dispmanx grabber includes #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_V4L2 // v4l2 grabber #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FB // Framebuffer grabber includes #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMLOGIC #include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OSX // OSX grabber includes #include #endif // XBMC Video checker includes #include // Effect engine includes #include #ifdef ENABLE_ZEROCONF #include #include #include #endif // JsonServer includes #include // ProtoServer includes #include // BoblightServer includes #include #include using namespace vlofgren; void signal_handler(const int signum) { QCoreApplication::quit(); // reset signal handler to default (in case this handler is not capable of stopping) signal(signum, SIG_DFL); } Json::Value loadConfig(const std::string & configFile) { // make sure the resources are loaded (they may be left out after static linking) Q_INIT_RESOURCE(resource); // read the json schema from the resource QResource schemaData(":/hyperion-schema"); assert(schemaData.isValid()); Json::Reader jsonReader; Json::Value schemaJson; if (!jsonReader.parse(reinterpret_cast(schemaData.data()), reinterpret_cast(schemaData.data()) + schemaData.size(), schemaJson, false)) { throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: Json schema wrong: " + jsonReader.getFormattedErrorMessages()) ; } JsonSchemaChecker schemaChecker; schemaChecker.setSchema(schemaJson); const Json::Value jsonConfig = JsonFactory::readJson(configFile); schemaChecker.validate(jsonConfig); return jsonConfig; } void startNewHyperion(int parentPid, std::string hyperionFile, std::string configFile) { if ( fork() == 0 ) { sleep(3); execl(hyperionFile.c_str(), hyperionFile.c_str(), "--parent", QString::number(parentPid).toStdString().c_str(), configFile.c_str(), NULL); exit(0); } } void startBootsequence(const Json::Value &config, Hyperion &hyperion) { // create boot sequence if the configuration is present if (config.isMember("bootsequence")) { const Json::Value effectConfig = config["bootsequence"]; // Get the parameters for the bootsequence const std::string effectName = effectConfig["effect"].asString(); const unsigned duration_ms = effectConfig["duration_ms"].asUInt(); const int priority = (duration_ms != 0) ? 0 : effectConfig.get("priority",990).asInt(); const int bootcolor_priority = (priority > 990) ? priority+1 : 990; // clear the leds ColorRgb boot_color = ColorRgb::BLACK; hyperion.setColor(bootcolor_priority, boot_color, 0, false); // start boot effect if ( ! effectName.empty() ) { int result; std::cout << "INFO: Boot sequence '" << effectName << "' "; if (effectConfig.isMember("args")) { std::cout << " (with user defined arguments) "; const Json::Value effectConfigArgs = effectConfig["args"]; result = hyperion.setEffect(effectName, effectConfigArgs, priority, duration_ms); } else { result = hyperion.setEffect(effectName, priority, duration_ms); } std::cout << ((result == 0) ? "started" : "failed") << std::endl; } // static color if ( ! effectConfig["color"].isNull() && effectConfig["color"].isArray() && effectConfig["color"].size() == 3 ) { boot_color = { (uint8_t)effectConfig["color"][0].asUInt(), (uint8_t)effectConfig["color"][1].asUInt(), (uint8_t)effectConfig["color"][2].asUInt() }; } hyperion.setColor(bootcolor_priority, boot_color, 0, false); } } // create XBMC video checker if the configuration is present void startXBMCVideoChecker(const Json::Value &config, XBMCVideoChecker* &xbmcVideoChecker) { if (config.isMember("xbmcVideoChecker")) { const Json::Value & videoCheckerConfig = config["xbmcVideoChecker"]; xbmcVideoChecker = new XBMCVideoChecker( videoCheckerConfig["xbmcAddress"].asString(), videoCheckerConfig["xbmcTcpPort"].asUInt(), videoCheckerConfig["grabVideo"].asBool(), videoCheckerConfig["grabPictures"].asBool(), videoCheckerConfig["grabAudio"].asBool(), videoCheckerConfig["grabMenu"].asBool(), videoCheckerConfig.get("grabPause", true).asBool(), videoCheckerConfig.get("grabScreensaver", true).asBool(), videoCheckerConfig.get("enable3DDetection", true).asBool()); xbmcVideoChecker->start(); std::cout << "INFO: Kodi checker created and started" << std::endl; } } void startNetworkServices(const Json::Value &config, Hyperion &hyperion, JsonServer* &jsonServer, ProtoServer* &protoServer, BoblightServer* &boblightServer, XBMCVideoChecker* &xbmcVideoChecker) { // Create Json server if configuration is present unsigned int jsonPort = 19444; if (config.isMember("jsonServer")) { const Json::Value & jsonServerConfig = config["jsonServer"]; //jsonEnable = jsonServerConfig.get("enable", true).asBool(); jsonPort = jsonServerConfig.get("port", 19444).asUInt(); } jsonServer = new JsonServer(&hyperion, jsonPort ); std::cout << "INFO: Json server created and started on port " << jsonServer->getPort() << std::endl; // Create Proto server if configuration is present unsigned int protoPort = 19445; if (config.isMember("protoServer")) { const Json::Value & protoServerConfig = config["protoServer"]; //protoEnable = protoServerConfig.get("enable", true).asBool(); protonPort = protoServerConfig.get("port", 19445).asUInt(); } protoServer = new ProtoServer(&hyperion, protoPort ); if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr) { QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), protoServer, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode))); QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), protoServer, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode))); } std::cout << "INFO: Proto server created and started on port " << protoServer->getPort() << std::endl; #ifdef ENABLE_ZEROCONF const Json::Value & deviceConfig = config["device"]; const std::string deviceName = deviceConfig.get("name", "").asString(); const std::string hostname = QHostInfo::localHostName().toStdString(); const std::string mDNSDescr = jsonServerConfig.get("mDNSDescr", hostname).asString(); const std::string mDNSService = jsonServerConfig.get("mDNSService", "_hyperiond_json._tcp").asString(); BonjourServiceRegister *bonjourRegister_json; bonjourRegister_json = new BonjourServiceRegister(); bonjourRegister_json->registerService(BonjourRecord((deviceName + " @ " + mDNSDescr).c_str(), mDNSService.c_str(), QString()), jsonServerConfig["port"].asUInt()); std::cout << "INFO: Json mDNS responder started" << std::endl; const Json::Value & deviceConfig = config["device"]; const std::string deviceName = deviceConfig.get("name", "").asString(); const std::string hostname = QHostInfo::localHostName().toStdString(); const std::string mDNSDescr = protoServerConfig.get("mDNSDescr", hostname).asString(); const std::string mDNSService = protoServerConfig.get("mDNSService", "_hyperiond_proto._tcp").asString(); BonjourServiceRegister *bonjourRegister_proto; bonjourRegister_proto = new BonjourServiceRegister(); bonjourRegister_proto->registerService(BonjourRecord((deviceName + " @ " + mDNSDescr).c_str(), mDNSService.c_str(), QString()), protoServerConfig["port"].asUInt()); std::cout << "INFO: Proto mDNS responder started" << std::endl; #endif // Create Boblight server if configuration is present if (config.isMember("boblightServer")) { const Json::Value & boblightServerConfig = config["boblightServer"]; boblightServer = new BoblightServer(&hyperion, boblightServerConfig.get("priority",900).asInt(), boblightServerConfig["port"].asUInt()); std::cout << "INFO: Boblight server created and started on port " << boblightServer->getPort() << std::endl; } } #ifdef ENABLE_DISPMANX void startGrabberDispmanx(const Json::Value &config, Hyperion &hyperion, ProtoServer* &protoServer, XBMCVideoChecker* &xbmcVideoChecker, DispmanxWrapper* &dispmanx) { // Construct and start the frame-grabber if the configuration is present if (config.isMember("framegrabber")) { const Json::Value & frameGrabberConfig = config["framegrabber"]; dispmanx = new DispmanxWrapper( frameGrabberConfig["width"].asUInt(), frameGrabberConfig["height"].asUInt(), frameGrabberConfig["frequency_Hz"].asUInt(), frameGrabberConfig.get("priority",900).asInt(), &hyperion); dispmanx->setCropping( frameGrabberConfig.get("cropLeft", 0).asInt(), frameGrabberConfig.get("cropRight", 0).asInt(), frameGrabberConfig.get("cropTop", 0).asInt(), frameGrabberConfig.get("cropBottom", 0).asInt()); if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr) { QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), dispmanx, SLOT(setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode))); QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), dispmanx, SLOT(setVideoMode(VideoMode))); } QObject::connect(dispmanx, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image&, const int)) ); dispmanx->start(); std::cout << "INFO: Frame grabber created and started" << std::endl; } } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_V4L2 void startGrabberV4L2(const Json::Value &config, Hyperion &hyperion, ProtoServer* &protoServer, V4L2Wrapper* &v4l2Grabber ) { // construct and start the v4l2 grabber if the configuration is present if (config.isMember("grabber-v4l2")) { const Json::Value & grabberConfig = config["grabber-v4l2"]; v4l2Grabber = new V4L2Wrapper( grabberConfig.get("device", "/dev/video0").asString(), grabberConfig.get("input", 0).asInt(), parseVideoStandard(grabberConfig.get("standard", "no-change").asString()), parsePixelFormat(grabberConfig.get("pixelFormat", "no-change").asString()), grabberConfig.get("width", -1).asInt(), grabberConfig.get("height", -1).asInt(), grabberConfig.get("frameDecimation", 2).asInt(), grabberConfig.get("sizeDecimation", 8).asInt(), grabberConfig.get("redSignalThreshold", 0.0).asDouble(), grabberConfig.get("greenSignalThreshold", 0.0).asDouble(), grabberConfig.get("blueSignalThreshold", 0.0).asDouble(), &hyperion, grabberConfig.get("priority", 900).asInt()); v4l2Grabber->set3D(parse3DMode(grabberConfig.get("mode", "2D").asString())); v4l2Grabber->setCropping( grabberConfig.get("cropLeft", 0).asInt(), grabberConfig.get("cropRight", 0).asInt(), grabberConfig.get("cropTop", 0).asInt(), grabberConfig.get("cropBottom", 0).asInt()); QObject::connect(v4l2Grabber, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image&, const int)) ); v4l2Grabber->start(); std::cout << "INFO: V4L2 grabber created and started" << std::endl; } } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMLOGIC void startGrabberAmlogic(const Json::Value &config, Hyperion &hyperion, ProtoServer* &protoServer, XBMCVideoChecker* &xbmcVideoChecker, AmlogicWrapper* &amlGrabber) { // Construct and start the framebuffer grabber if the configuration is present if (config.isMember("amlgrabber")) { const Json::Value & grabberConfig = config["amlgrabber"]; amlGrabber = new AmlogicWrapper( grabberConfig["width"].asUInt(), grabberConfig["height"].asUInt(), grabberConfig["frequency_Hz"].asUInt(), grabberConfig.get("priority",900).asInt(), &hyperion); if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr) { QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), amlGrabber, SLOT(setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode))); QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), amlGrabber, SLOT(setVideoMode(VideoMode))); } QObject::connect(amlGrabber, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image&, const int)) ); amlGrabber->start(); std::cout << "INFO: AMLOGIC grabber created and started" << std::endl; } } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FB void startGrabberFramebuffer(const Json::Value &config, Hyperion &hyperion, ProtoServer* &protoServer, XBMCVideoChecker* &xbmcVideoChecker, FramebufferWrapper* &fbGrabber) { // Construct and start the framebuffer grabber if the configuration is present if (config.isMember("framebuffergrabber") || config.isMember("framegrabber")) { const Json::Value & grabberConfig = config.isMember("framebuffergrabber")? config["framebuffergrabber"] : config["framegrabber"]; fbGrabber = new FramebufferWrapper( grabberConfig.get("device", "/dev/fb0").asString(), grabberConfig["width"].asUInt(), grabberConfig["height"].asUInt(), grabberConfig["frequency_Hz"].asUInt(), grabberConfig.get("priority",900).asInt(), &hyperion); if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr) { QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), fbGrabber, SLOT(setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode))); QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), fbGrabber, SLOT(setVideoMode(VideoMode))); } QObject::connect(fbGrabber, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image&, const int)) ); fbGrabber->start(); std::cout << "INFO: Framebuffer grabber created and started" << std::endl; } } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OSX void startGrabberOsx(const Json::Value &config, Hyperion &hyperion, ProtoServer* &protoServer, XBMCVideoChecker* &xbmcVideoChecker, OsxWrapper* &osxGrabber) { // Construct and start the osx grabber if the configuration is present if (config.isMember("osxgrabber") || config.isMember("framegrabber")) { const Json::Value & grabberConfig = config.isMember("osxgrabber")? config["osxgrabber"] : config["framegrabber"]; osxGrabber = new OsxWrapper( grabberConfig.get("display", 0).asUInt(), grabberConfig["width"].asUInt(), grabberConfig["height"].asUInt(), grabberConfig["frequency_Hz"].asUInt(), grabberConfig.get("priority",900).asInt(), &hyperion ); if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr) { QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), osxGrabber, SLOT(setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode))); QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), osxGrabber, SLOT(setVideoMode(VideoMode))); } QObject::connect(osxGrabber, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image&, const int)) ); osxGrabber->start(); std::cout << "INFO: OSX grabber created and started" << std::endl; } } #endif int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::cout << "Hyperion Ambilight Deamon (" << getpid() << ")" << std::endl << "\tVersion : " << HYPERION_VERSION_ID << std::endl << "\tBuild Time: " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << std::endl; // Initialising QCoreApplication QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); signal(SIGCHLD, signal_handler); // force the locale setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); QLocale::setDefault(QLocale::c()); OptionsParser optionParser("Hyperion Daemon"); ParameterSet & parameters = optionParser.getParameters(); IntParameter & argParentPid = parameters.add (0x0, "parent", "pid of parent hyperiond"); SwitchParameter<> & argHelp = parameters.add> ('h', "help", "Show this help message and exit"); argParentPid.setDefault(0); optionParser.parse(argc, const_cast(argv)); const std::vector configFiles = optionParser.getFiles(); // check if we need to display the usage. exit if we do. if (argHelp.isSet()) { optionParser.usage(); return 0; } if (configFiles.size() == 0) { std::cout << "ERROR: Missing required configuration file. Usage:" << std::endl; std::cout << "hyperiond [config.file ...]" << std::endl; return 1; } if (argParentPid.getValue() > 0 ) { std::cout << "hyperiond client, parent is pid " << argParentPid.getValue() << std::endl; prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGHUP); } int argvId = -1; for(size_t idx=0; idx < configFiles.size(); idx++) { if ( QFile::exists(configFiles[idx].c_str())) { if (argvId < 0) argvId=idx; else startNewHyperion(getpid(), argv[0], configFiles[idx].c_str()); } } if ( argvId < 0) { std::cout << "ERROR: No valid config found " << std::endl; return 1; } const std::string configFile = configFiles[argvId]; std::cout << "INFO: Selected configuration file: " << configFile.c_str() << std::endl; const Json::Value config = loadConfig(configFile); Hyperion hyperion(config); std::cout << "INFO: Hyperion started and initialised" << std::endl; startBootsequence(config, hyperion); XBMCVideoChecker * xbmcVideoChecker = nullptr; startXBMCVideoChecker(config, xbmcVideoChecker); // ---- network services ----- JsonServer * jsonServer = nullptr; ProtoServer * protoServer = nullptr; BoblightServer * boblightServer = nullptr; startNetworkServices(config, hyperion, jsonServer, protoServer, boblightServer, xbmcVideoChecker); // ---- grabber ----- #ifdef ENABLE_DISPMANX DispmanxWrapper * dispmanx = nullptr; startGrabberDispmanx(config, hyperion, protoServer, xbmcVideoChecker, dispmanx); #else #if !defined(ENABLE_OSX) && !defined(ENABLE_FB) if (config.isMember("framegrabber")) { std::cerr << "ERRROR: The dispmanx framegrabber can not be instantiated, because it has been left out from the build" << std::endl; } #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_V4L2 V4L2Wrapper * v4l2Grabber = nullptr; startGrabberV4L2(config, hyperion, protoServer, v4l2Grabber); #else if (config.isMember("grabber-v4l2")) { std::cerr << "ERROR: The v4l2 grabber can not be instantiated, because it has been left out from the build" << std::endl; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMLOGIC // Construct and start the framebuffer grabber if the configuration is present AmlogicWrapper * amlGrabber = nullptr; startGrabberAmlogic(config, hyperion, protoServer, xbmcVideoChecker, amlGrabber); #else if (config.isMember("amlgrabber")) { std::cerr << "ERROR: The AMLOGIC grabber can not be instantiated, because it has been left out from the build" << std::endl; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FB // Construct and start the framebuffer grabber if the configuration is present FramebufferWrapper * fbGrabber = nullptr; startGrabberFramebuffer(config, hyperion, protoServer, xbmcVideoChecker, fbGrabber); #else if (config.isMember("framebuffergrabber")) { std::cerr << "ERROR: The framebuffer grabber can not be instantiated, because it has been left out from the build" << std::endl; } #if !defined(ENABLE_DISPMANX) && !defined(ENABLE_OSX) else if (config.isMember("framegrabber")) { std::cerr << "ERROR: The framebuffer grabber can not be instantiated, because it has been left out from the build" << std::endl; } #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OSX // Construct and start the osx grabber if the configuration is present OsxWrapper * osxGrabber = nullptr; startGrabberDispmanx(config, hyperion, protoServer, xbmcVideoChecker, osxGrabber); #else if (config.isMember("osxgrabber")) { std::cerr << "ERROR: The osx grabber can not be instantiated, because it has been left out from the build" << std::endl; } #if !defined(ENABLE_DISPMANX) && !defined(ENABLE_FB) else if (config.isMember("framegrabber")) { std::cerr << "ERROR: The osx grabber can not be instantiated, because it has been left out from the build" << std::endl; } #endif #endif // run the application int rc = app.exec(); std::cout << "INFO: Application closed with code " << rc << std::endl; // Delete all component #ifdef ENABLE_DISPMANX delete dispmanx; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_FB delete fbGrabber; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OSX delete osxGrabber; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_V4L2 delete v4l2Grabber; #endif delete xbmcVideoChecker; delete jsonServer; delete protoServer; delete boblightServer; // leave application return rc; }