#include "LedDeviceWS281x.h" LedDeviceWS281x::LedDeviceWS281x(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) : LedDevice(deviceConfig) { } LedDeviceWS281x::~LedDeviceWS281x() { } LedDevice* LedDeviceWS281x::construct(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) { return new LedDeviceWS281x(deviceConfig); } bool LedDeviceWS281x::init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) { QString errortext; bool isInitOK = false; // Initialise sub-class if ( LedDevice::init(deviceConfig) ) { QString whiteAlgorithm = deviceConfig["whiteAlgorithm"].toString("white_off"); _whiteAlgorithm = RGBW::stringToWhiteAlgorithm(whiteAlgorithm); if (_whiteAlgorithm == RGBW::WhiteAlgorithm::INVALID) { errortext = QString ("unknown whiteAlgorithm: %1").arg(whiteAlgorithm); isInitOK = false; } else { _channel = deviceConfig["pwmchannel"].toInt(0); if (_channel != 0 && _channel != 1) { errortext = "WS281x: invalid PWM channel; must be 0 or 1."; isInitOK = false; } else { memset(&_led_string, 0, sizeof(_led_string)); _led_string.freq = deviceConfig["freq"].toInt(800000UL); _led_string.dmanum = deviceConfig["dma"].toInt(5); _led_string.channel[_channel].gpionum = deviceConfig["gpio"].toInt(18); _led_string.channel[_channel].count = deviceConfig["leds"].toInt(256); _led_string.channel[_channel].invert = deviceConfig["invert"].toInt(0); _led_string.channel[_channel].strip_type = (deviceConfig["rgbw"].toBool(false) ? SK6812_STRIP_GRBW : WS2811_STRIP_RGB); _led_string.channel[_channel].brightness = 255; _led_string.channel[!_channel].gpionum = 0; _led_string.channel[!_channel].invert = _led_string.channel[_channel].invert; _led_string.channel[!_channel].count = 0; _led_string.channel[!_channel].brightness = 0; _led_string.channel[!_channel].strip_type = WS2811_STRIP_RGB; Debug( _log, "ws281x strip type : %d", _led_string.channel[_channel].strip_type ); isInitOK = true; } } } if ( !isInitOK) { this->setInError(errortext); } return isInitOK; } int LedDeviceWS281x::open() { int retval = -1; _isDeviceReady = false; // Try to open the LedDevice ws2811_return_t rc = ws2811_init(&_led_string); if ( rc != WS2811_SUCCESS ) { QString errortext = QString ("Failed to open. Error message: %1").arg( ws2811_get_return_t_str(rc) ); this->setInError( errortext ); } else { // Everything is OK, device is ready _isDeviceReady = true; retval = 0; } return retval; } int LedDeviceWS281x::close() { int retval = 0; _isDeviceReady = false; // LedDevice specific closing activities if ( isInitialised() ) { ws2811_fini(&_led_string); } return retval; } // Send new values down the LED chain int LedDeviceWS281x::write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> &ledValues) { int idx = 0; for (const ColorRgb& color : ledValues) { if (idx >= _led_string.channel[_channel].count) { break; } _temp_rgbw.red = color.red; _temp_rgbw.green = color.green; _temp_rgbw.blue = color.blue; _temp_rgbw.white = 0; if (_led_string.channel[_channel].strip_type == SK6812_STRIP_GRBW) { Rgb_to_Rgbw(color, &_temp_rgbw, _whiteAlgorithm); } _led_string.channel[_channel].leds[idx++] = ((uint32_t)_temp_rgbw.white << 24) + ((uint32_t)_temp_rgbw.red << 16) + ((uint32_t)_temp_rgbw.green << 8) + _temp_rgbw.blue; } while (idx < _led_string.channel[_channel].count) { _led_string.channel[_channel].leds[idx++] = 0; } return ws2811_render(&_led_string) ? -1 : 0; }