// STL includes #include #include #include // QT includes #include // getoptPlusPLus includes #include // blackborder includes #include // hyperion-v4l2 includes #include "V4L2Grabber.h" #include "ProtoConnection.h" #include "VideoStandardParameter.h" #include "ImageHandler.h" using namespace vlofgren; // save the image as screenshot void saveScreenshot(void *, const Image & image) { // store as PNG QImage pngImage((const uint8_t *) image.memptr(), image.width(), image.height(), 3*image.width(), QImage::Format_RGB888); pngImage.save("screenshot.png"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { // force the locale setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); try { // create the option parser and initialize all parameters OptionsParser optionParser("V4L capture application for Hyperion"); ParameterSet & parameters = optionParser.getParameters(); StringParameter & argDevice = parameters.add ('d', "device", "The device to use [default=/dev/video0]"); VideoStandardParameter & argVideoStandard = parameters.add('v', "video-standard", "The used video standard. Valid values are PAL or NTSC (optional)"); IntParameter & argInput = parameters.add (0x0, "input", "Input channel (optional)"); IntParameter & argWidth = parameters.add (0x0, "width", "Try to set the width of the video input (optional)"); IntParameter & argHeight = parameters.add (0x0, "height", "Try to set the height of the video input (optional)"); IntParameter & argCropWidth = parameters.add (0x0, "crop-width", "Number of pixels to crop from the left and right sides in the picture before decimation [default=0]"); IntParameter & argCropHeight = parameters.add (0x0, "crop-height", "Number of pixels to crop from the top and the bottom in the picture before decimation [default=0]"); IntParameter & argSizeDecimation = parameters.add ('s', "size-decimator", "Decimation factor for the output size [default=1]"); IntParameter & argFrameDecimation = parameters.add ('f', "frame-decimator", "Decimation factor for the video frames [default=1]"); SwitchParameter<> & argScreenshot = parameters.add> (0x0, "screenshot", "Take a single screenshot, save it to file and quit"); DoubleParameter & argSignalThreshold = parameters.add ('t', "signal-threshold", "The signal threshold for detecting the presence of a signal. Value should be between 0.0 and 1.0."); StringParameter & argAddress = parameters.add ('a', "address", "Set the address of the hyperion server [default:]"); IntParameter & argPriority = parameters.add ('p', "priority", "Use the provided priority channel (the lower the number, the higher the priority) [default: 800]"); SwitchParameter<> & argSkipReply = parameters.add> (0x0, "skip-reply", "Do not receive and check reply messages from Hyperion"); SwitchParameter<> & argHelp = parameters.add> ('h', "help", "Show this help message and exit"); // set defaults argDevice.setDefault("/dev/video0"); argVideoStandard.setDefault(V4L2Grabber::NO_CHANGE); argInput.setDefault(-1); argWidth.setDefault(-1); argHeight.setDefault(-1); argCropWidth.setDefault(0); argCropHeight.setDefault(0); argSizeDecimation.setDefault(1); argFrameDecimation.setDefault(1); argAddress.setDefault(""); argPriority.setDefault(800); argSignalThreshold.setDefault(-1); // parse all options optionParser.parse(argc, const_cast(argv)); // check if we need to display the usage. exit if we do. if (argHelp.isSet()) { optionParser.usage(); return 0; } V4L2Grabber grabber( argDevice.getValue(), argInput.getValue(), argVideoStandard.getValue(), argWidth.getValue(), argHeight.getValue(), std::max(0, argCropWidth.getValue()), std::max(0, argCropHeight.getValue()), std::max(1, argFrameDecimation.getValue()), std::max(1, argSizeDecimation.getValue())); grabber.start(); if (argScreenshot.isSet()) { grabber.setCallback(&saveScreenshot, nullptr); grabber.capture(1); } else { ImageHandler handler(argAddress.getValue(), argPriority.getValue(), argSignalThreshold.getValue(), argSkipReply.isSet()); grabber.setCallback(&ImageHandler::imageCallback, &handler); grabber.capture(); } grabber.stop(); } catch (const std::runtime_error & e) { // An error occured. Display error and quit std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }