#include "utils/Logger.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include std::string getBaseName( std::string sourceFile) { QFileInfo fi( sourceFile.c_str() ); return fi.fileName().toStdString(); } static const char * LogLevelStrings[] = { "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR" }; static const int LogLevelSysLog[] = { LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERR }; static unsigned int loggerCount = 0; static unsigned int loggerId = 0; std::map *Logger::LoggerMap = nullptr; Logger* Logger::getInstance(std::string name, Logger::LogLevel minLevel) { if (Logger::LoggerMap == nullptr) { Logger::LoggerMap = new std::map; } if ( LoggerMap->find(name) == LoggerMap->end() ) { Logger* log = new Logger(name,minLevel); Logger::LoggerMap->insert(std::pair(name,log)); // compat version, replace it with following line if we have 100% c++11 //Logger::LoggerMap->emplace(name,log); // not compat with older linux distro's e.g. wheezy return log; } return Logger::LoggerMap->at(name); } Logger::Logger ( std::string name, LogLevel minLevel ): _name(name), _minLevel(minLevel), _syslogEnabled(true), _loggerId(loggerId++) { #ifdef GLIBC _appname = std::string(program_invocation_short_name); #else _appname = std::string(getprogname()); #endif std::transform(_appname.begin(), _appname.end(),_appname.begin(), ::toupper); loggerCount++; // if (pLoggerMap == NULL) // pLoggerMap = new std::map; // // if (_syslogEnabled && loggerCount == 1 ) { openlog (program_invocation_short_name, LOG_CONS | LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL0); } } Logger::~Logger() { //LoggerMap.erase(_loggerId); loggerCount--; if ( loggerCount == 0 ) closelog(); } void Logger::Message(LogLevel level, const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line, const char* fmt, ...) { if ( level < _minLevel ) return; char msg[512]; va_list args; va_start (args, fmt); vsprintf (msg,fmt, args); va_end (args); std::string location; std::string function(func); if ( level == Logger::DEBUG ) { location = "<" + getBaseName(sourceFile) + ":" + QString::number(line).toStdString()+":"+ function + "()> "; } std::cout << "[" << _appname << " " << _name << "] <" << LogLevelStrings[level] << "> " << location << msg << std::endl; if ( _syslogEnabled && level >= Logger::WARNING ) syslog (LogLevelSysLog[level], "%s", msg); }