#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // STL includes #include //Qt #include #include #include #include #include // Constants namespace { const bool verbose = false; // fb discovery service const char DISCOVERY_DIRECTORY[] = "/dev/"; const char DISCOVERY_FILEPATTERN[] = "fb?"; } //End of constants // Local includes #include FramebufferFrameGrabber::FramebufferFrameGrabber(const QString & device) : Grabber("FRAMEBUFFERGRABBER") , _fbDevice(device) , _fbfd (-1) { _useImageResampler = true; } FramebufferFrameGrabber::~FramebufferFrameGrabber() { closeDevice(); } bool FramebufferFrameGrabber::setupScreen() { bool rc (false); if ( _fbfd >= 0 ) { closeDevice(); } rc = getScreenInfo(); setEnabled(rc); return rc; } bool FramebufferFrameGrabber::setWidthHeight(int width, int height) { bool rc (false); if(Grabber::setWidthHeight(width, height)) { rc = setupScreen(); } return rc; } int FramebufferFrameGrabber::grabFrame(Image & image) { int rc = 0; if (_isEnabled && !_isDeviceInError) { if ( getScreenInfo() ) { /* map the device to memory */ uint8_t * fbp = static_cast(mmap(nullptr, _fixInfo.smem_len, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_NORESERVE, _fbfd, 0)); if (fbp == MAP_FAILED) { QString errorReason = QString ("Error mapping %1, [%2] %3").arg(_fbDevice).arg(errno).arg(std::strerror(errno)); this->setInError ( errorReason ); closeDevice(); rc = -1; } else { _imageResampler.processImage(fbp, static_cast(_varInfo.xres), static_cast(_varInfo.yres), static_cast(_fixInfo.line_length), _pixelFormat, image); munmap(fbp, _fixInfo.smem_len); } } closeDevice(); } return rc; } bool FramebufferFrameGrabber::openDevice() { bool rc = true; /* Open the framebuffer device */ _fbfd = ::open(QSTRING_CSTR(_fbDevice), O_RDONLY); if (_fbfd < 0) { QString errorReason = QString ("Error opening %1, [%2] %3").arg(_fbDevice).arg(errno).arg(std::strerror(errno)); this->setInError ( errorReason ); rc = false; } return rc; } bool FramebufferFrameGrabber::closeDevice() { bool rc = false; if (_fbfd >= 0) { if( ::close(_fbfd) == 0) { rc = true; } _fbfd = -1; } return rc; } QSize FramebufferFrameGrabber::getScreenSize() const { return getScreenSize(_fbDevice); } QSize FramebufferFrameGrabber::getScreenSize(const QString& device) const { int width (0); int height(0); int fbfd = ::open(QSTRING_CSTR(device), O_RDONLY); if (fbfd != -1) { struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo; int result = ioctl (fbfd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo); if (result == 0) { width = static_cast(vinfo.xres); height = static_cast(vinfo.yres); DebugIf(verbose, _log, "FB device [%s] found with resolution: %dx%d", QSTRING_CSTR(device), width, height); } ::close(fbfd); } return QSize(width, height); } bool FramebufferFrameGrabber::getScreenInfo() { bool rc (false); if ( openDevice() ) { if (ioctl(_fbfd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &_fixInfo) < 0 || ioctl (_fbfd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &_varInfo) < 0) { QString errorReason = QString ("Error getting screen information for %1, [%2] %3").arg(_fbDevice).arg(errno).arg(std::strerror(errno)); this->setInError ( errorReason ); closeDevice(); } else { rc = true; switch (_varInfo.bits_per_pixel) { case 16: _pixelFormat = PixelFormat::BGR16; break; case 24: _pixelFormat = PixelFormat::BGR24; break; #ifdef ENABLE_AMLOGIC case 32: _pixelFormat = PixelFormat::PIXELFORMAT_RGB32; break; #else case 32: _pixelFormat = PixelFormat::BGR32; break; #endif default: rc= false; QString errorReason = QString ("Unknown pixel format: %1 bits per pixel").arg(static_cast(_varInfo.bits_per_pixel)); this->setInError ( errorReason ); closeDevice(); } } } return rc; } QJsonObject FramebufferFrameGrabber::discover(const QJsonObject& params) { DebugIf(verbose, _log, "params: [%s]", QString(QJsonDocument(params).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)).toUtf8().constData()); QJsonObject inputsDiscovered; //Find framebuffer devices 0-9 QDir deviceDirectory (DISCOVERY_DIRECTORY); QStringList deviceFilter(DISCOVERY_FILEPATTERN); deviceDirectory.setNameFilters(deviceFilter); deviceDirectory.setSorting(QDir::Name); QFileInfoList deviceFiles = deviceDirectory.entryInfoList(QDir::System); int fbIdx (0); QJsonArray video_inputs; QFileInfoList::const_iterator deviceFileIterator; for (deviceFileIterator = deviceFiles.constBegin(); deviceFileIterator != deviceFiles.constEnd(); ++deviceFileIterator) { fbIdx = (*deviceFileIterator).fileName().rightRef(1).toInt(); QString device = (*deviceFileIterator).absoluteFilePath(); DebugIf(verbose, _log, "FB device [%s] found", QSTRING_CSTR(device)); QSize screenSize = getScreenSize(device); if ( !screenSize.isEmpty() ) { QJsonArray fps = { "1", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "40", "50", "60" }; QJsonObject in; QString displayName; displayName = QString("FB%1").arg(fbIdx); in["name"] = displayName; in["inputIdx"] = fbIdx; QJsonArray formats; QJsonObject format; QJsonArray resolutionArray; QJsonObject resolution; resolution["width"] = screenSize.width(); resolution["height"] = screenSize.height(); resolution["fps"] = fps; resolutionArray.append(resolution); format["resolutions"] = resolutionArray; formats.append(format); in["formats"] = formats; video_inputs.append(in); } if (!video_inputs.isEmpty()) { inputsDiscovered["device"] = "framebuffer"; inputsDiscovered["device_name"] = "Framebuffer"; inputsDiscovered["type"] = "screen"; inputsDiscovered["video_inputs"] = video_inputs; } } if (inputsDiscovered.isEmpty()) { DebugIf(verbose, _log, "No displays found to capture from!"); } DebugIf(verbose, _log, "device: [%s]", QString(QJsonDocument(inputsDiscovered).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)).toUtf8().constData()); return inputsDiscovered; }