import hyperion, time, random # Convert x/y (0.0 - 1.0) point to proper int values based on Hyperion image width/height # Or get a random value # @param bool rand Randomize point if true # @param float x Point at the x axis between 0.0-1.0 # @param float y Point at the y axis between 0.0-1.0 # @return Tuple with (x,y) as Integer def getPoint(rand = True ,x = 0.5, y = 0.5): if rand: x = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) y = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) x = int(round(x*hyperion.imageWidth())) y = int(round(y*hyperion.imageHeight())) return (x,y) # Returns the required sleep time for a interval function based on rotationtime and steps # Adapts also to led device latchTime if required # @param float rt RotationTime in seconds (time for one ration, based on steps) # @param int steps The steps it should calc the rotation time # @return Tuple with (x,y) as Integer def getSTime(rt, steps = 360): rt = float(rt) sleepTime = max(0.1, rt) / steps # adapt sleeptime to hardware minStepTime= float(hyperion.latchTime)/1000.0 if minStepTime == 0: minStepTime = 0.001 if minStepTime > sleepTime: sleepTime = minStepTime return sleepTime # Creates a PRGBA bytearray gradient based on provided colors (RGB or RGBA (0-255, 0-1 for alpha)), the color stop positions are calculated based on color count. Requires at least 2 colors! # @param tuple cc Colors in a tuple of RGB or RGBA # @param bool closeCircle If True use last color as first color # @return bytearray A bytearray of RGBA for hyperion.image*Gradient functions def buildGradient(cc, closeCircle = True): if len(cc) > 1: withAlpha = False posfac = int(255/len(cc)) ba = bytearray() pos = 0 if len(cc[0]) == 4: withAlpha = True for c in cc: if withAlpha: alpha = int(c[3]*255) else: alpha = 255 pos += posfac ba += bytearray([pos,c[0],c[1],c[2],alpha]) if closeCircle: # last color as first color lC = cc[-1] if withAlpha: alpha = int(lC[3]*255) else: alpha = 255 ba += bytearray([0,lC[0],lC[1],lC[2],alpha]) return ba def rotateAngle( increment = 1): global angle angle += increment if angle > 360: angle=0 if angle < 0: angle=360 return angle def rotateAngle2( increment = 1): global angle2 angle2 += increment if angle2 > 360: angle2=0 if angle2 < 0: angle2=360 return angle2 # set minimum image size - must be done asap hyperion.imageMinSize(64,64) iW = hyperion.imageWidth() iH = hyperion.imageHeight() # Get the parameters rotationTime = float(hyperion.args.get('rotation-time', 10.0)) reverse = bool(hyperion.args.get('reverse', False)) centerX = float(hyperion.args.get('center_x', 0.5)) centerY = float(hyperion.args.get('center_y', 0.5)) randomCenter = bool(hyperion.args.get('random-center', False)) custColors = hyperion.args.get('custom-colors', ((255,0,0),(0,255,0),(0,0,255))) enableSecond = bool(hyperion.args.get('enable-second', False)) #rotationTime2 = float(hyperion.args.get('rotation-time2', 5.0)) reverse2 = bool(hyperion.args.get('reverse2', True)) centerX2 = float(hyperion.args.get('center_x2', 0.5)) centerY2 = float(hyperion.args.get('center_y2', 0.5)) randomCenter2 = bool(hyperion.args.get('random-center2', False)) custColors2 = hyperion.args.get('custom-colors2', ((255,255,255,0),(0,255,255,0),(255,255,255,1),(0,255,255,0),(0,255,255,0),(0,255,255,0),(255,255,255,1),(0,255,255,0),(0,255,255,0),(0,255,255,0),(255,255,255,1),(0,255,255,0))) # process parameters pointS1 = getPoint(randomCenter ,centerX, centerY) pointS2 = getPoint(randomCenter2 ,centerX2, centerY2) sleepTime = getSTime(rotationTime) #sleepTime2 = getSTime(rotationTime2) angle = 0 angle2 = 0 S2 = False increment = -1 if reverse else 1 increment2 = -1 if reverse2 else 1 if len(custColors) > 1: baS1 = buildGradient(custColors) else: baS1 = bytearray([ 0 ,255,0 ,0, 255, 25 ,255,230,0, 255, 63 ,255,255,0, 255, 100,0 ,255,0, 255, 127,0 ,255,200, 255, 159,0 ,255,255, 255, 191,0 ,0 ,255, 255, 224,255,0 ,255, 255, 255,255,0 ,127, 255, ]) # check if the second swirl should be build if enableSecond and len(custColors2) > 1: S2 = True baS2 = buildGradient(custColors2) # effect loop while not hyperion.abort(): angle += increment if angle > 360: angle=0 if angle < 0: angle=360 angle2 += increment2 if angle2 > 360: angle2=0 if angle2 < 0: angle2=360 hyperion.imageConicalGradient(pointS1[0], pointS1[1], angle, baS1) if S2: hyperion.imageConicalGradient(pointS2[0], pointS2[1], angle2, baS2) hyperion.imageShow() time.sleep(sleepTime)