## Documentation This folder contains the Hyperion documentation build files. It's written in Markdown with [VuePress](https://vuepress.vuejs.org/) as static site generator. ### Development To edit or translate the documentation, it's not necessarily required to follow these steps (As we use Markdown). But if you want to check the results, please do so. - Install latest [Node.js LTS](https://nodejs.org/en/) - Open console - Install Yarn `npm install -g yarn` (If this does not work - logout/login) - Navigate with console to this directory - Do `yarn install` - Now you can start dev server with `yarn docs:dev` - Open Browser and go to address `localhost:8080` #### Notes - If you want to view the deployable site locally run `yarn docs:serve` - Do not rename files and folders while translating - Copy/paste and translate also `.vuepress/config.js` at `themeConfig.locales` - Changes in `.vuepress/config.js` may lead to a bugged dev server. Restart. - To modify the sidebar pages checkout `.vuepress/config.js` at `themeConfig.sidebar` ### Production To get a deployable version run - `yarn docs:build` (while inside this folder) - Files will be in `dist` folder