#pragma once #ifndef __APPLE__ /* * this is a mock up for compiling and testing osx wrapper on no osx platform. * this will show a test image and rotate the colors. * */ #include #include typedef int CGDirectDisplayID; typedef Image CGImage; typedef CGImage* CGImageRef; typedef unsigned char CFData; typedef CFData* CFDataRef; typedef unsigned CGDisplayCount; const int kCGDirectMainDisplay = 0; void CGGetActiveDisplayList(int max, CGDirectDisplayID *displays, CGDisplayCount *displayCount); CGImageRef CGDisplayCreateImage(CGDirectDisplayID display); void CGImageRelease(CGImageRef image); CGImageRef CGImageGetDataProvider(CGImageRef image); CFDataRef CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageRef image); unsigned char* CFDataGetBytePtr(CFDataRef imgData); unsigned CGImageGetWidth(CGImageRef image); unsigned CGImageGetHeight(CGImageRef image); unsigned CGImageGetBitsPerPixel(CGImageRef image); unsigned CGImageGetBytesPerRow(CGImageRef image); void CFRelease(CFDataRef imgData); #endif