#pragma once

// Utils includes
#include <utils/ColorBgr.h>
#include <utils/ColorRgba.h>
#include <hyperion/Grabber.h>
#include <grabber/FramebufferFrameGrabber.h>

class AmlogicGrabber : public Grabber
	/// Construct a AmlogicGrabber that will capture snapshots with specified dimensions.
	~AmlogicGrabber() override;

	/// @brief Setup a new capture screen, will free the previous one
	/// @return True on success, false if no screen is found
	bool setupScreen();

	/// Captures a single snapshot of the display and writes the data to the given image. The
	/// provided image should have the same dimensions as the configured values (_width and
	/// _height)
	/// @param[out] image  The snapped screenshot (should be initialized with correct width and
	/// height)
	/// @return Zero on success else negative
	int grabFrame(Image<ColorRgb> & image);

	/// @brief Discover AmLogic screens available (for configuration).
	/// @param[in] params Parameters used to overwrite discovery default behaviour
	/// @return A JSON structure holding a list of devices found
	QJsonObject discover(const QJsonObject& params);

	/// Set the video mode (2D/3D)
	/// @param[in] mode The new video mode
	void setVideoMode(VideoMode mode) override;

	/// @brief Apply new crop values, on errors reject the values
	void setCropping(int cropLeft, int cropRight, int cropTop, int cropBottom) override;

	/// @brief Apply new width/height values, on errors (collide with cropping) reject the values
	/// @return True on success else false
	bool setWidthHeight(int width, int height) override;

	/// @brief Apply new framerate
	/// @param fps framesPerSecond
	bool setFramerate(int fps) override;

	/// @brief  Apply new pixelDecimation
	bool setPixelDecimation(int pixelDecimation) override;

	 * Returns true if video is playing over the amlogic chip
	 * @return True if video is playing else false
	bool isVideoPlaying();
	void closeDevice(int &fd);
	bool openDevice(int &fd, const char* dev);

	int grabFrame_amvideocap(Image<ColorRgb> & image);

	/** The snapshot/capture device of the amlogic video chip */
	int             _captureDev;
	int             _videoDev;

	Image<ColorBgr> _image_bgr;
	void*           _image_ptr;
	ssize_t         _bytesToRead;

	int             _lastError;
	bool            _videoPlaying;
	FramebufferFrameGrabber _fbGrabber;
	int             _grabbingModeNotification;