package proto;

message HyperionRequest {
	enum Command {
		COLOR = 1;
		IMAGE = 2;
		CLEAR = 3;

	// command specification
	required Command command = 1;

	// extensions to define all specific requests
	extensions 10 to 100;

message ColorRequest {
	extend HyperionRequest {
		optional ColorRequest colorRequest = 10;

	// priority to use when setting the color
	required int32 priority = 1;

	// integer value containing the rgb color (0x00RRGGBB)
	required int32 RgbColor = 2;

	// duration of the request (negative results in infinite)
	optional int32 duration = 3;

message ImageRequest {
	extend HyperionRequest {
		optional ImageRequest imageRequest = 11;

	// priority to use when setting the image
	required int32 priority = 1;

	// width of the image
	required int32 imagewidth = 2;

	// height of the image
	required int32 imageheight = 3;

	// image data
	required bytes imagedata = 4;

	// duration of the request (negative results in infinite)
	optional int32 duration = 5;

message ClearRequest {
	extend HyperionRequest {
		optional ClearRequest clearRequest = 12;

	// priority which need to be cleared
	required int32 priority = 1;

message HyperionReply {
	enum Type {
		REPLY = 1;
		VIDEO = 2;

	// Identifies which field is filled in.
	required Type type = 1;

	// flag indication success or failure
	optional bool success = 2;

	// string indicating the reason for failure (if applicable)
	optional string error = 3;

	// Proto Messages for video mode
	optional int32 video = 4;