// stdlib includes #include #include #include // Utils-Jsonschema includes #include QJsonSchemaChecker::QJsonSchemaChecker() { // empty } QJsonSchemaChecker::~QJsonSchemaChecker() { // empty } bool QJsonSchemaChecker::setSchema(const QJsonObject & schema) { _qSchema = schema; // TODO: check the schema return true; } bool QJsonSchemaChecker::validate(const QJsonObject & value, bool ignoreRequired) { // initialize state _ignoreRequired = ignoreRequired; _error = false; _messages.clear(); _currentPath.clear(); _currentPath.append("[root]"); // validate validate(value, _qSchema); return !_error; } void QJsonSchemaChecker::validate(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonObject &schema) { // check the current json value for (QJsonObject::const_iterator i = schema.begin(); i != schema.end(); ++i) { QString attribute = i.key(); const QJsonValue & attributeValue = *i; if (attribute == "type") checkType(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "properties") { if (value.isObject()) checkProperties(value.toObject(), attributeValue.toObject()); else { _error = true; setMessage("properties attribute is only valid for objects"); continue; } } else if (attribute == "additionalProperties") { if (value.isObject()) { // ignore the properties which are handled by the properties attribute (if present) QStringList ignoredProperties; if (schema.contains("properties")) { const QJsonObject & props = schema["properties"].toObject(); ignoredProperties = props.keys(); } checkAdditionalProperties(value.toObject(), attributeValue, ignoredProperties); } else { _error = true; setMessage("additional properties attribute is only valid for objects"); continue; } } else if (attribute == "minimum") checkMinimum(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "maximum") checkMaximum(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "minLength") checkMinLength(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "maxLength") checkMaxLength(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "items") { if (value.isArray()) checkItems(value, attributeValue.toObject()); else { _error = true; setMessage("items only valid for arrays"); continue; } } else if (attribute == "minItems") checkMinItems(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "maxItems") checkMaxItems(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "uniqueItems") checkUniqueItems(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "enum") checkEnum(value, attributeValue); else if (attribute == "required") ; // nothing to do. value is present so always oke else if (attribute == "id") ; // references have already been collected else if (attribute == "title" || attribute == "description" || attribute == "default" || attribute == "format" || attribute == "defaultProperties" || attribute == "propertyOrder" || attribute == "append" || attribute == "step" || attribute == "access" || attribute == "options" || attribute == "script") ; // nothing to do. else { // no check function defined for this attribute _error = true; setMessage("No check function defined for attribute " + attribute); continue; } } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::setMessage(const QString & message) { _messages.append(_currentPath.join("") +": "+message); } const QStringList & QJsonSchemaChecker::getMessages() const { return _messages; } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkType(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { QString type = schema.toString(); bool wrongType = false; if (type == "string") wrongType = !value.isString(); else if (type == "number") wrongType = !value.isDouble(); else if (type == "integer") wrongType = (rint(value.toDouble()) != value.toDouble()); else if (type == "double") wrongType = !value.isDouble(); else if (type == "boolean") wrongType = !value.isBool(); else if (type == "object") wrongType = !value.isObject(); else if (type == "array") wrongType = !value.isArray(); else if (type == "null") wrongType = !value.isNull(); else if (type == "enum") wrongType = !value.isString(); else if (type == "any") wrongType = false; // else // assert(false); if (wrongType) { _error = true; setMessage(type + " expected"); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkProperties(const QJsonObject & value, const QJsonObject & schema) { for (QJsonObject::const_iterator i = schema.begin(); i != schema.end(); ++i) { QString property = i.key(); const QJsonValue & propertyValue = i.value(); _currentPath.append("." + property); QJsonObject::const_iterator required = propertyValue.toObject().find("required"); if (value.contains(property)) { validate(value[property], propertyValue.toObject()); } else if (required != propertyValue.toObject().end() && required.value().toBool() && !_ignoreRequired) { _error = true; setMessage("missing member"); } _currentPath.removeLast(); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkAdditionalProperties(const QJsonObject & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QStringList & ignoredProperties) { for (QJsonObject::const_iterator i = value.begin(); i != value.end(); ++i) { QString property = i.key(); if (std::find(ignoredProperties.begin(), ignoredProperties.end(), property) == ignoredProperties.end()) { // property has no property definition. check against the definition for additional properties _currentPath.append("." + property); if (schema.isBool()) { if (schema.toBool() == false) { _error = true; setMessage("no schema definition"); } } else { validate(value[property].toObject(), schema.toObject()); } _currentPath.removeLast(); } } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkMinimum(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { if (!value.isDouble()) { // only for numeric _error = true; setMessage("minimum check only for numeric fields"); return; } if (value.toDouble() < schema.toDouble()) { _error = true; setMessage("value is too small (minimum=" + schema.toString() + ")"); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkMaximum(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { if (!value.isDouble()) { // only for numeric _error = true; setMessage("maximum check only for numeric fields"); return; } if (value.toDouble() > schema.toDouble()) { _error = true; setMessage("value is too large (maximum=" + schema.toString() + ")"); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkMinLength(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { if (!value.isString()) { // only for Strings _error = true; setMessage("minLength check only for string fields"); return; } if (value.toString().size() < schema.toInt()) { _error = true; setMessage("value is too short (minLength=" + schema.toString() + ")"); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkMaxLength(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { if (!value.isString()) { // only for Strings _error = true; setMessage("maxLength check only for string fields"); return; } if (value.toString().size() > schema.toInt()) { _error = true; setMessage("value is too long (maxLength=" + schema.toString() + ")"); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkItems(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonObject & schema) { if (!value.isArray()) { // only for arrays _error = true; setMessage("items only valid for arrays"); return; } QJsonArray jArray = value.toArray(); for(int i = 0; i < jArray.size(); ++i) { // validate each item _currentPath.append("[" + QString::number(i) + "]"); validate(jArray[i], schema); _currentPath.removeLast(); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkMinItems(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { if (!value.isArray()) { // only for arrays _error = true; setMessage("minItems only valid for arrays"); return; } int minimum = schema.toInt(); QJsonArray jArray = value.toArray(); if (static_cast(jArray.size()) < minimum) { _error = true; setMessage("array is too large (minimum=" + QString::number(minimum) + ")"); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkMaxItems(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { if (!value.isArray()) { // only for arrays _error = true; setMessage("maxItems only valid for arrays"); return; } int maximum = schema.toInt(); QJsonArray jArray = value.toArray(); if (static_cast(jArray.size()) > maximum) { _error = true; setMessage("array is too large (maximum=" + QString::number(maximum) + ")"); } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkUniqueItems(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { if (!value.isArray()) { // only for arrays _error = true; setMessage("uniqueItems only valid for arrays"); return; } if (schema.toBool() == true) { // make sure no two items are identical QJsonArray jArray = value.toArray(); for(int i = 0; i < jArray.size(); ++i) { for (int j = i+1; j < jArray.size(); ++j) { if (jArray[i] == jArray[j]) { // found a value twice _error = true; setMessage("array must have unique values"); } } } } } void QJsonSchemaChecker::checkEnum(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema) { if (schema.isArray()) { QJsonArray jArray = schema.toArray(); for(int i = 0; i < jArray.size(); ++i) { if (jArray[i] == value) { // found enum value. done. return; } } } // nothing found _error = true; QJsonDocument doc(schema.toArray()); QString strJson(doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)); setMessage("Unknown enum value (allowed values are: " + schema.toString() + strJson+ ")"); }