#pragma once // STL includes #include <cstdio> // Hyperion-Leddevice includes #include <leddevice/LedDevice.h> extern "C" { #include <tinkerforge/ip_connection.h> #include <tinkerforge/bricklet_led_strip.h> } class LedDeviceTinkerforge : public LedDevice { public: LedDeviceTinkerforge(const std::string &host, uint16_t port, const std::string &uid, const unsigned interval); virtual ~LedDeviceTinkerforge(); /// /// Attempts to open a connection to the master bricklet and the led strip bricklet. /// /// @return Zero on succes else negative /// int open(); /// /// Writes the colors to the led strip bricklet /// /// @param ledValues The color value for each led /// /// @return Zero on success else negative /// virtual int write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> &ledValues); /// /// Switches off the leds /// /// @return Zero on success else negative /// virtual int switchOff(); private: /// /// Writes the data to the led strip blicklet int transferLedData(LEDStrip *ledstrip, unsigned int index, unsigned int length, uint8_t *redChannel, uint8_t *greenChannel, uint8_t *blueChannel); /// The host of the master brick const std::string _host; /// The port of the master brick const uint16_t _port; /// The uid of the led strip bricklet const std::string _uid; /// The interval/rate const unsigned _interval; /// ip connection handle IPConnection *_ipConnection; /// led strip handle LEDStrip *_ledStrip; /// buffer for red channel led data std::vector<uint8_t> _redChannel; /// buffer for red channel led data std::vector<uint8_t> _greenChannel; /// buffer for red channel led data std::vector<uint8_t> _blueChannel; /// buffer size of the color channels unsigned int _colorChannelSize; };