#pragma once

// STL includes
#include <vector>

// Utils includes
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>

// Hyperion includes
#include <hyperion/ColorTransform.h>

/// The LedColorTransform is responsible for performing color transformation from 'raw' colors
/// received as input to colors mapped to match the color-properties of the leds.
class MultiColorTransform
	MultiColorTransform(const unsigned ledCnt);

	 * Adds a new ColorTransform to this MultiColorTransform
	 * @param transform The new ColorTransform (ownership is transfered)
	void addTransform(ColorTransform * transform);

	void setTransformForLed(const std::string& id, const unsigned startLed, const unsigned endLed);

	bool verifyTransforms() const;

	/// Returns the identifier of all the unique ColorTransform
	/// @return The list with unique id's of the ColorTransforms
	const std::vector<std::string> & getTransformIds();

	/// Returns the pointer to the ColorTransform with the given id
	/// @param id The identifier of the ColorTransform
	/// @return The ColorTransform with the given id (or nullptr if it does not exist)
	ColorTransform* getTransform(const std::string& id);

	/// Performs the color transoformation from raw-color to led-color
	/// @param rawColors The list with raw colors
	/// @return The list with led-colors
	std::vector<ColorRgb> applyTransform(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& rawColors);

	/// List with transform ids
	std::vector<std::string> _transformIds;

	/// List with unique ColorTransforms
	std::vector<ColorTransform*> _transform;

	/// List with a pointer to the ColorTransform for each individual led
	std::vector<ColorTransform*> _ledTransforms;