#include //QT include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hyperion/Hyperion.h" #include //std includes #include #include #include // Constants namespace { // Configuration settings const char CONFIG_CURRENT_LED_COUNT[] = "currentLedCount"; const char CONFIG_COLOR_ORDER[] = "colorOrder"; const char CONFIG_AUTOSTART[] = "autoStart"; const char CONFIG_LATCH_TIME[] = "latchTime"; const char CONFIG_REWRITE_TIME[] = "rewriteTime"; int DEFAULT_LED_COUNT{ 1 }; const char DEFAULT_COLOR_ORDER[]{ "RGB" }; const bool DEFAULT_IS_AUTOSTART{ true }; const char CONFIG_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS[] = "enableAttempts"; const char CONFIG_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS_INTERVALL[] = "enableAttemptsInterval"; const int DEFAULT_MAX_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS{ 5 }; constexpr std::chrono::seconds DEFAULT_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL{ 5 }; } //End of constants LedDevice::LedDevice(const QJsonObject& deviceConfig, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) , _devConfig(deviceConfig) , _log(Logger::getInstance("LEDDEVICE")) , _ledBuffer(0) , _refreshTimer(nullptr) , _refreshTimerInterval_ms(0) , _latchTime_ms(0) , _ledCount(0) , _isRestoreOrigState(false) , _isStayOnAfterStreaming(false) , _isEnabled(false) , _isDeviceInitialised(false) , _isDeviceReady(false) , _isOn(false) , _isDeviceInError(false) , _isDeviceRecoverable(false) , _lastWriteTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) , _enableAttemptsTimer(nullptr) , _enableAttemptTimerInterval(DEFAULT_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL) , _enableAttempts(0) , _maxEnableAttempts(DEFAULT_MAX_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS) , _isRefreshEnabled(false) , _isAutoStart(true) { _activeDeviceType = deviceConfig["type"].toString("UNSPECIFIED").toLower(); } LedDevice::~LedDevice() { } void LedDevice::start() { Info(_log, "Start LedDevice '%s'.", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); close(); _isDeviceInitialised = false; if (init(_devConfig)) { // Everything is OK -> enable device _isDeviceInitialised = true; if (_isAutoStart) { if (!_isEnabled) { Debug(_log, "Not enabled -> enable device"); enable(); } } } } void LedDevice::stop() { Debug(_log, "Stop device"); this->stopEnableAttemptsTimer(); this->disable(); this->stopRefreshTimer(); Info(_log, " Stopped LedDevice '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); } int LedDevice::open() { _isDeviceReady = true; int retval = 0; return retval; } int LedDevice::close() { _isDeviceReady = false; int retval = 0; return retval; } void LedDevice::setInError(const QString& errorMsg, bool isRecoverable) { _isOn = false; _isDeviceInError = true; _isDeviceReady = false; _isEnabled = false; this->stopRefreshTimer(); if (isRecoverable) { _isDeviceRecoverable = isRecoverable; } Error(_log, "Device disabled, device '%s' signals error: '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType), QSTRING_CSTR(errorMsg)); emit enableStateChanged(_isEnabled); } void LedDevice::enable() { Debug(_log, "Enable device %s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); if (!_isEnabled) { if (_enableAttemptsTimer != nullptr && _enableAttemptsTimer->isActive()) { _enableAttemptsTimer->stop(); } _isDeviceInError = false; if (!_isDeviceInitialised) { _isDeviceInitialised = init(_devConfig); } if (!_isDeviceReady) { open(); } bool isEnableFailed(true); if (_isDeviceReady) { if (switchOn()) { stopEnableAttemptsTimer(); _isEnabled = true; isEnableFailed = false; emit enableStateChanged(_isEnabled); Info(_log, "LedDevice '%s' enabled", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); } } if (isEnableFailed) { emit enableStateChanged(false); if (_maxEnableAttempts > 0 && _isDeviceRecoverable) { Debug(_log, "Device's enablement failed - Start retry timer. Retried already done [%d], isEnabled: [%d]", _enableAttempts, _isEnabled); startEnableAttemptsTimer(); } else { Debug(_log, "Device's enablement failed"); } } } } void LedDevice::disable() { Debug(_log, "Disable device %s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); if (_isEnabled) { _isEnabled = false; this->stopEnableAttemptsTimer(); this->stopRefreshTimer(); switchOff(); close(); emit enableStateChanged(_isEnabled); } } void LedDevice::setActiveDeviceType(const QString& deviceType) { _activeDeviceType = deviceType; } bool LedDevice::init(const QJsonObject& deviceConfig) { Debug(_log, "deviceConfig: [%s]", QString(QJsonDocument(_devConfig).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)).toUtf8().constData()); setLedCount(deviceConfig[CONFIG_CURRENT_LED_COUNT].toInt(DEFAULT_LED_COUNT)); // property injected to reflect real led count setColorOrder(deviceConfig[CONFIG_COLOR_ORDER].toString(DEFAULT_COLOR_ORDER)); setLatchTime(deviceConfig[CONFIG_LATCH_TIME].toInt(_latchTime_ms)); setRewriteTime(deviceConfig[CONFIG_REWRITE_TIME].toInt(_refreshTimerInterval_ms)); setAutoStart(deviceConfig[CONFIG_AUTOSTART].toBool(DEFAULT_IS_AUTOSTART)); setEnableAttempts(deviceConfig[CONFIG_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS].toInt(DEFAULT_MAX_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS), std::chrono::seconds(deviceConfig[CONFIG_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS_INTERVALL].toInt(DEFAULT_ENABLE_ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL.count())) ); return true; } void LedDevice::startRefreshTimer() { if (_refreshTimerInterval_ms > 0) { if (_isDeviceReady && _isOn) { // setup refreshTimer if (_refreshTimer == nullptr) { _refreshTimer = new QTimer(this); _refreshTimer->setTimerType(Qt::PreciseTimer); connect(_refreshTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LedDevice::rewriteLEDs); } _refreshTimer->setInterval(_refreshTimerInterval_ms); _refreshTimer->start(); } else { Debug(_log, "Device is not ready to start a refresh timer"); } } } void LedDevice::stopRefreshTimer() { if (_refreshTimer != nullptr) { _refreshTimer->stop(); delete _refreshTimer; _refreshTimer = nullptr; } } void LedDevice::startEnableAttemptsTimer() { ++_enableAttempts; if (_isDeviceRecoverable) { if (_enableAttempts <= _maxEnableAttempts) { if (_enableAttemptTimerInterval.count() > 0) { // setup enable retry timer if (_enableAttemptsTimer == nullptr) { _enableAttemptsTimer = new QTimer(this); _enableAttemptsTimer->setTimerType(Qt::PreciseTimer); connect(_enableAttemptsTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LedDevice::enable); } _enableAttemptsTimer->setInterval(static_cast(_enableAttemptTimerInterval.count() * 1000)); //NOLINT Info(_log, "Start %d. attempt of %d to enable the device in %d seconds", _enableAttempts, _maxEnableAttempts, _enableAttemptTimerInterval.count()); _enableAttemptsTimer->start(); } } else { Error(_log, "Device disabled. Maximum number of %d attempts enabling the device reached. Tried for %d seconds.", _maxEnableAttempts, _enableAttempts * _enableAttemptTimerInterval.count()); _enableAttempts = 0; } } } void LedDevice::stopEnableAttemptsTimer() { if (_enableAttemptsTimer != nullptr) { Debug(_log, "Stopping enable retry timer"); _enableAttemptsTimer->stop(); delete _enableAttemptsTimer; _enableAttemptsTimer = nullptr; _enableAttempts = 0; } } int LedDevice::updateLeds(std::vector ledValues) { int retval = 0; if (!_isEnabled || !_isOn || !_isDeviceReady || _isDeviceInError) { // LedDevice NOT ready! retval = -1; } else { qint64 elapsedTimeMs = _lastWriteTime.msecsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); if (_latchTime_ms == 0 || elapsedTimeMs >= _latchTime_ms) { retval = write(ledValues); _lastWriteTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); // if device requires refreshing, save Led-Values and restart the timer if (_isRefreshEnabled && _isEnabled) { _lastLedValues = ledValues; this->startRefreshTimer(); } } else { // Skip write as elapsedTime < latchTime if (_isRefreshEnabled) { //Stop timer to allow for next non-refresh update this->stopRefreshTimer(); } } } return retval; } int LedDevice::rewriteLEDs() { int retval = -1; if (_isEnabled && _isOn && _isDeviceReady && !_isDeviceInError) { if (!_lastLedValues.empty()) { retval = write(_lastLedValues); _lastWriteTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } } else { // If Device is not ready stop timer this->stopRefreshTimer(); } return retval; } int LedDevice::writeBlack(int numberOfWrites) { Debug(_log, "Set LED strip to black to switch LEDs off"); return writeColor(ColorRgb::BLACK, numberOfWrites); } int LedDevice::writeColor(const ColorRgb& color, int numberOfWrites) { int rc = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWrites; i++) { if (_latchTime_ms > 0) { // Wait latch time before writing black QEventLoop loop; QTimer::singleShot(_latchTime_ms, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); loop.exec(); } _lastLedValues = std::vector(static_cast(_ledCount), color); rc = write(_lastLedValues); } return rc; } bool LedDevice::switchOn() { bool rc{ false }; if (_isOn) { Debug(_log, "Device %s is already on. Skipping.", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); rc = true; } else { if (_isDeviceReady) { Info(_log, "Switching device %s ON", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); if (storeState()) { if (powerOn()) { Info(_log, "Device %s is ON", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); _isOn = true; emit enableStateChanged(_isEnabled); rc = true; } else { Warning(_log, "Failed switching device %s ON", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); } } } } return rc; } bool LedDevice::switchOff() { bool rc{ false }; if (!_isOn) { rc = true; } else { if (_isDeviceInitialised) { Info(_log, "Switching device %s OFF", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); // Disable device to ensure no standard LED updates are written/processed _isOn = false; rc = true; if (_isDeviceReady) { if (_isRestoreOrigState) { //Restore devices state restoreState(); } else { if (powerOff()) { Info(_log, "Device %s is OFF", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); } else { Warning(_log, "Failed switching device %s OFF", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); } } } } } return rc; } bool LedDevice::powerOff() { bool rc{ true }; if (!_isStayOnAfterStreaming) { Debug(_log, "Power Off: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); // Simulate power-off by writing a final "Black" to have a defined outcome if (writeBlack() < 0) { rc = false; } } return rc; } bool LedDevice::powerOn() { bool rc{ true }; Debug(_log, "Power On: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType)); return rc; } bool LedDevice::storeState() { bool rc{ true }; #if 0 if (_isRestoreOrigState) { // Save device's original state // _originalStateValues = get device's state; // store original power on/off state, if available } #endif return rc; } bool LedDevice::restoreState() { bool rc{ true }; #if 0 if (_isRestoreOrigState) { // Restore device's original state // update device using _originalStateValues // update original power on/off state, if supported } #endif return rc; } QJsonObject LedDevice::discover(const QJsonObject& /*params*/) { QJsonObject devicesDiscovered; devicesDiscovered.insert("ledDeviceType", _activeDeviceType); QJsonArray deviceList; devicesDiscovered.insert("devices", deviceList); Debug(_log, "devicesDiscovered: [%s]", QString(QJsonDocument(devicesDiscovered).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)).toUtf8().constData()); return devicesDiscovered; } QString LedDevice::discoverFirst() { QString deviceDiscovered; Debug(_log, "deviceDiscovered: [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(deviceDiscovered)); return deviceDiscovered; } QJsonObject LedDevice::getProperties(const QJsonObject& params) { Debug(_log, "params: [%s]", QString(QJsonDocument(params).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)).toUtf8().constData()); QJsonObject properties; QJsonObject deviceProperties; properties.insert("properties", deviceProperties); Debug(_log, "properties: [%s]", QString(QJsonDocument(properties).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)).toUtf8().constData()); return properties; } void LedDevice::setLogger(Logger* log) { _log = log; } void LedDevice::setLedCount(int ledCount) { assert(ledCount >= 0); _ledCount = static_cast(ledCount); _ledRGBCount = _ledCount * sizeof(ColorRgb); _ledRGBWCount = _ledCount * sizeof(ColorRgbw); Debug(_log, "LedCount set to %d", _ledCount); } void LedDevice::setColorOrder(const QString& colorOrder) { _colorOrder = colorOrder; Debug(_log, "ColorOrder set to %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_colorOrder.toUpper())); } void LedDevice::setLatchTime(int latchTime_ms) { assert(latchTime_ms >= 0); _latchTime_ms = latchTime_ms; Debug(_log, "LatchTime set to %dms", _latchTime_ms); } void LedDevice::setAutoStart(bool isAutoStart) { _isAutoStart = isAutoStart; Debug(_log, "AutoStart %s", (_isAutoStart ? "enabled" : "disabled")); } void LedDevice::setRewriteTime(int rewriteTime_ms) { _refreshTimerInterval_ms = qMax(rewriteTime_ms, 0); if (_refreshTimerInterval_ms > 0) { _isRefreshEnabled = true; if (_refreshTimerInterval_ms <= _latchTime_ms) { int new_refresh_timer_interval = _latchTime_ms + 10; //NOLINT Warning(_log, "latchTime(%d) is bigger/equal rewriteTime(%d), set rewriteTime to %dms", _latchTime_ms, _refreshTimerInterval_ms, new_refresh_timer_interval); _refreshTimerInterval_ms = new_refresh_timer_interval; } Debug(_log, "Refresh interval = %dms", _refreshTimerInterval_ms); startRefreshTimer(); } else { _isRefreshEnabled = false; stopRefreshTimer(); } } void LedDevice::setEnableAttempts(int maxEnableRetries, std::chrono::seconds enableRetryTimerInterval) { stopEnableAttemptsTimer(); maxEnableRetries = qMax(maxEnableRetries, 0); _enableAttempts = 0; _maxEnableAttempts = maxEnableRetries; _enableAttemptTimerInterval = enableRetryTimerInterval; Debug(_log, "Max enable retries: %d, enable retry interval = %llds", _maxEnableAttempts, _enableAttemptTimerInterval.count()); } void LedDevice::printLedValues(const std::vector& ledValues) { std::cout << "LedValues [" << ledValues.size() << "] ["; for (const ColorRgb& color : ledValues) { std::cout << color; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; } QString LedDevice::uint8_t_to_hex_string(const uint8_t* data, const int size, int number) { if (number <= 0 || number > size) { number = size; } QByteArray bytes(reinterpret_cast(data), number); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 9, 0)) return bytes.toHex(':'); #else return bytes.toHex(); #endif } QString LedDevice::toHex(const QByteArray& data, int number) { if (number <= 0 || number > data.size()) { number = data.size(); } #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 9, 0)) return data.left(number).toHex(':'); #else return data.left(number).toHex(); #endif } bool LedDevice::isInitialised() const { return _isDeviceInitialised; } bool LedDevice::isReady() const { return _isDeviceReady; } bool LedDevice::isInError() const { return _isDeviceInError; } int LedDevice::getLatchTime() const { return _latchTime_ms; } int LedDevice::getRewriteTime() const { return _refreshTimerInterval_ms; } int LedDevice::getLedCount() const { return static_cast(_ledCount); } QString LedDevice::getActiveDeviceType() const { return _activeDeviceType; } QString LedDevice::getColorOrder() const { return _colorOrder; } bool LedDevice::componentState() const { return _isEnabled; }