// STL includes #include #include // Qt includes #include // Local Hyperion includes #include "LedRs232Device.h" LedRs232Device::LedRs232Device(const Json::Value &deviceConfig) : _rs232Port(this) , _blockedForDelay(false) , _stateChanged(true) { setConfig(deviceConfig); connect(&_rs232Port, SIGNAL(error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError)), this, SLOT(error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError))); } bool LedRs232Device::setConfig(const Json::Value &deviceConfig) { closeDevice(); _deviceName = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); _baudRate_Hz = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); _delayAfterConnect_ms = deviceConfig.get("delayAfterConnect",250).asInt(); return true; } void LedRs232Device::error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError error) { if ( error != QSerialPort::NoError ) { switch (error) { case QSerialPort::DeviceNotFoundError: Error(_log, "An error occurred while attempting to open an non-existing device."); break; case QSerialPort::PermissionError: Error(_log, "An error occurred while attempting to open an already opened device by another process or a user not having enough permission and credentials to open."); break; case QSerialPort::OpenError: Error(_log, "An error occurred while attempting to open an already opened device in this object."); break; case QSerialPort::NotOpenError: Error(_log, "This error occurs when an operation is executed that can only be successfully performed if the device is open."); break; case QSerialPort::ParityError: Error(_log, "Parity error detected by the hardware while reading data. This value is obsolete. We strongly advise against using it in new code."); break; case QSerialPort::FramingError: Error(_log, "Framing error detected by the hardware while reading data. This value is obsolete. We strongly advise against using it in new code."); break; case QSerialPort::BreakConditionError: Error(_log, "Break condition detected by the hardware on the input line. This value is obsolete. We strongly advise against using it in new code."); break; case QSerialPort::WriteError: Error(_log, "An I/O error occurred while writing the data."); break; case QSerialPort::ReadError: Error(_log, "An I/O error occurred while reading the data."); break; case QSerialPort::ResourceError: Error(_log, "An I/O error occurred when a resource becomes unavailable, e.g. when the device is unexpectedly removed from the system."); break; case QSerialPort::UnsupportedOperationError: Error(_log, "The requested device operation is not supported or prohibited by the running operating system."); break; case QSerialPort::TimeoutError: Error(_log, "A timeout error occurred."); break; default: Error(_log,"An unidentified error occurred. (%d)", error); } _rs232Port.clearError(); } } LedRs232Device::~LedRs232Device() { disconnect(&_rs232Port, SIGNAL(error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError)), this, SLOT(error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError))); closeDevice(); } void LedRs232Device::closeDevice() { if (_rs232Port.isOpen()) { _rs232Port.close(); Debug(_log,"Close UART: %s", _deviceName.c_str()); } } int LedRs232Device::open() { Info(_log, "Opening UART: %s", _deviceName.c_str()); _rs232Port.setPortName(_deviceName.c_str()); return tryOpen() ? 0 : -1; } bool LedRs232Device::tryOpen() { if ( ! _rs232Port.isOpen() ) { if ( ! _rs232Port.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly) ) { if ( _stateChanged ) { Error(_log, "Unable to open RS232 device (%s)", _deviceName.c_str()); _stateChanged = false; } return false; } _rs232Port.setBaudRate(_baudRate_Hz); _stateChanged = true; } if (_delayAfterConnect_ms > 0) { _blockedForDelay = true; QTimer::singleShot(_delayAfterConnect_ms, this, SLOT(unblockAfterDelay())); Debug(_log, "Device blocked for %d ms", _delayAfterConnect_ms); } return _rs232Port.isOpen(); } int LedRs232Device::writeBytes(const unsigned size, const uint8_t * data) { if (_blockedForDelay) { return 0; } if (!_rs232Port.isOpen()) { _delayAfterConnect_ms = 3000; return tryOpen() ? 0 : -1; } _rs232Port.flush(); qint64 result = _rs232Port.write(reinterpret_cast(data), size); if ( result < 0 || result != size) { return -1; } Debug(_log, "write %d ", result); _rs232Port.flush(); return 0; } void LedRs232Device::unblockAfterDelay() { Debug(_log, "Device unblocked"); _blockedForDelay = false; }