// STL includes #include // QT includes #include #include #include #include // JsonSchema include #include // hyperion include #include #include #include #include "device/LedDeviceLpd6803.h" #include "device/LedDeviceLpd8806.h" #include "device/LedDeviceSedu.h" #include "device/LedDeviceTest.h" #include "device/LedDeviceWs2801.h" #include "device/LedDeviceWs2811.h" #include "device/LedDeviceAdalight.h" #include "device/LedDeviceLightpack.h" #include "device/LedDeviceMultiLightpack.h" #include "MultiColorTransform.h" #include "LinearColorSmoothing.h" LedDevice* Hyperion::createDevice(const Json::Value& deviceConfig) { std::cout << "Device configuration: " << deviceConfig << std::endl; std::string type = deviceConfig.get("type", "UNSPECIFIED").asString(); std::transform(type.begin(), type.end(), type.begin(), ::tolower); LedDevice* device = nullptr; if (type == "ws2801") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceWs2801* deviceWs2801 = new LedDeviceWs2801(output, rate); deviceWs2801->open(); device = deviceWs2801; } else if (type == "ws2811") { const std::string type = deviceConfig["type"].asString(); const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); LedDeviceWs2811 * deviceWs2811 = new LedDeviceWs2811(output); deviceWs2811->open(); device = deviceWs2811; } else if (type == "lpd6803" || type == "ldp6803") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceLpd6803* deviceLdp6803 = new LedDeviceLpd6803(output, rate); deviceLdp6803->open(); device = deviceLdp6803; } else if (type == "lpd8806" || type == "ldp8806") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceLpd8806* deviceLpd8806 = new LedDeviceLpd8806(output, rate); deviceLpd8806->open(); device = deviceLpd8806; } else if (type == "sedu") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceSedu* deviceSedu = new LedDeviceSedu(output, rate); deviceSedu->open(); device = deviceSedu; } else if (type == "adalight") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); const unsigned rate = deviceConfig["rate"].asInt(); LedDeviceAdalight* deviceAdalight = new LedDeviceAdalight(output, rate); deviceAdalight->open(); device = deviceAdalight; } else if (type == "lightpack") { const std::string output = deviceConfig.get("output", "").asString(); LedDeviceLightpack* deviceLightpack = new LedDeviceLightpack(); deviceLightpack->open(output); device = deviceLightpack; } else if (type == "multi-lightpack") { LedDeviceMultiLightpack* deviceLightpack = new LedDeviceMultiLightpack(); deviceLightpack->open(); device = deviceLightpack; } else if (type == "test") { const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString(); device = new LedDeviceTest(output); } else { std::cout << "Unable to create device " << type << std::endl; // Unknown / Unimplemented device } return device; } Hyperion::ColorOrder Hyperion::createColorOrder(const Json::Value &deviceConfig) { // deprecated: force BGR when the deprecated flag is present and set to true if (deviceConfig.get("bgr-output", false).asBool()) { return ORDER_BGR; } std::string order = deviceConfig.get("colorOrder", "rgb").asString(); if (order == "rgb") { return ORDER_RGB; } else if (order == "bgr") { return ORDER_BGR; } else if (order == "rbg") { return ORDER_RBG; } else if (order == "brg") { return ORDER_BRG; } else if (order == "gbr") { return ORDER_GBR; } else if (order == "grb") { return ORDER_GRB; } else { std::cout << "Unknown color order defined (" << order << "). Using RGB." << std::endl; } return ORDER_RGB; } ColorTransform * Hyperion::createColorTransform(const Json::Value & transformConfig) { const std::string id = transformConfig.get("id", "default").asString(); RgbChannelTransform * redTransform = createRgbChannelTransform(transformConfig["red"]); RgbChannelTransform * greenTransform = createRgbChannelTransform(transformConfig["green"]); RgbChannelTransform * blueTransform = createRgbChannelTransform(transformConfig["blue"]); HsvTransform * hsvTransform = createHsvTransform(transformConfig["hsv"]); ColorTransform * transform = new ColorTransform(); transform->_id = id; transform->_rgbRedTransform = *redTransform; transform->_rgbGreenTransform = *greenTransform; transform->_rgbBlueTransform = *blueTransform; transform->_hsvTransform = *hsvTransform; // Cleanup the allocated individual transforms delete redTransform; delete greenTransform; delete blueTransform; delete hsvTransform; return transform; } MultiColorTransform * Hyperion::createLedColorsTransform(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorConfig) { // Create the result, the transforms are added to this MultiColorTransform * transform = new MultiColorTransform(ledCnt); const Json::Value transformConfig = colorConfig.get("transform", Json::nullValue); if (transformConfig.isNull()) { // Old style color transformation config (just one for all leds) ColorTransform * colorTransform = createColorTransform(colorConfig); transform->addTransform(colorTransform); transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, 0, ledCnt-1); } else if (!transformConfig.isArray()) { ColorTransform * colorTransform = createColorTransform(transformConfig); transform->addTransform(colorTransform); transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, 0, ledCnt-1); } else { const QRegExp overallExp("([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?)(,[ ]*([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?))*"); for (Json::UInt i = 0; i < transformConfig.size(); ++i) { const Json::Value & config = transformConfig[i]; ColorTransform * colorTransform = createColorTransform(config); transform->addTransform(colorTransform); const QString ledIndicesStr = config.get("leds", "").asCString(); if (!overallExp.exactMatch(ledIndicesStr)) { std::cerr << "Given led indices " << i << " not correct format: " << ledIndicesStr.toStdString() << std::endl; continue; } std::cout << "ColorTransform '" << colorTransform->_id << "' => ["; const QStringList ledIndexList = ledIndicesStr.split(","); for (int i=0; i 0) { std::cout << ", "; } if (ledIndexList[i].contains("-")) { QStringList ledIndices = ledIndexList[i].split("-"); int startInd = ledIndices[0].toInt(); int endInd = ledIndices[1].toInt(); transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, startInd, endInd); std::cout << startInd << "-" << endInd; } else { int index = ledIndexList[i].toInt(); transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, index, index); std::cout << index; } } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; } } return transform; } HsvTransform * Hyperion::createHsvTransform(const Json::Value & hsvConfig) { const double saturationGain = hsvConfig.get("saturationGain", 1.0).asDouble(); const double valueGain = hsvConfig.get("valueGain", 1.0).asDouble(); return new HsvTransform(saturationGain, valueGain); } RgbChannelTransform* Hyperion::createRgbChannelTransform(const Json::Value& colorConfig) { const double threshold = colorConfig.get("threshold", 0.0).asDouble(); const double gamma = colorConfig.get("gamma", 1.0).asDouble(); const double blacklevel = colorConfig.get("blacklevel", 0.0).asDouble(); const double whitelevel = colorConfig.get("whitelevel", 1.0).asDouble(); RgbChannelTransform* transform = new RgbChannelTransform(threshold, gamma, blacklevel, whitelevel); return transform; } LedString Hyperion::createLedString(const Json::Value& ledsConfig) { LedString ledString; for (const Json::Value& ledConfig : ledsConfig) { Led led; led.index = ledConfig["index"].asInt(); const Json::Value& hscanConfig = ledConfig["hscan"]; const Json::Value& vscanConfig = ledConfig["vscan"]; led.minX_frac = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, hscanConfig["minimum"].asDouble())); led.maxX_frac = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, hscanConfig["maximum"].asDouble())); led.minY_frac = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, vscanConfig["minimum"].asDouble())); led.maxY_frac = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, vscanConfig["maximum"].asDouble())); // Fix if the user swapped min and max if (led.minX_frac > led.maxX_frac) { std::swap(led.minX_frac, led.maxX_frac); } if (led.minY_frac > led.maxY_frac) { std::swap(led.minY_frac, led.maxY_frac); } ledString.leds().push_back(led); } // Make sure the leds are sorted (on their indices) std::sort(ledString.leds().begin(), ledString.leds().end(), [](const Led& lhs, const Led& rhs){ return lhs.index < rhs.index; }); return ledString; } LedDevice * Hyperion::createColorSmoothing(const Json::Value & smoothingConfig, LedDevice * ledDevice) { std::string type = smoothingConfig.get("type", "none").asString(); std::transform(type.begin(), type.end(), type.begin(), ::tolower); if (type == "none") { std::cout << "Not creating any smoothing" << std::endl; return ledDevice; } else if (type == "linear") { if (!smoothingConfig.isMember("time_ms")) { std::cout << "Unable to create smoothing of type linear because of missing parameter 'time_ms'" << std::endl; } else if (!smoothingConfig.isMember("updateFrequency")) { std::cout << "Unable to create smoothing of type linear because of missing parameter 'updateFrequency'" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Creating linear smoothing" << std::endl; return new LinearColorSmoothing(ledDevice, smoothingConfig["updateFrequency"].asDouble(), smoothingConfig["time_ms"].asInt()); } } else { std::cout << "Unable to create smoothing of type " << type << std::endl; } return ledDevice; } Hyperion::Hyperion(const Json::Value &jsonConfig) : _ledString(createLedString(jsonConfig["leds"])), _muxer(_ledString.leds().size()), _raw2ledTransform(createLedColorsTransform(_ledString.leds().size(), jsonConfig["color"])), _colorOrder(createColorOrder(jsonConfig["device"])), _device(createDevice(jsonConfig["device"])), _timer() { if (!_raw2ledTransform->verifyTransforms()) { throw std::runtime_error("Color transformation incorrectly set"); } // initialize the image processor factory ImageProcessorFactory::getInstance().init(_ledString, jsonConfig["blackborderdetector"].get("enable", true).asBool()); // initialize the color smoothing filter _device = createColorSmoothing(jsonConfig["color"]["smoothing"], _device); // setup the timer _timer.setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update())); // initialize the leds update(); } Hyperion::~Hyperion() { // switch off all leds clearall(); _device->switchOff(); // Delete the Led-String delete _device; // delete the color transform delete _raw2ledTransform; } unsigned Hyperion::getLedCount() const { return _ledString.leds().size(); } void Hyperion::setColor(int priority, const ColorRgb &color, const int timeout_ms) { // create led output std::vector ledColors(_ledString.leds().size(), color); // set colors setColors(priority, ledColors, timeout_ms); } void Hyperion::setColors(int priority, const std::vector& ledColors, const int timeout_ms) { if (timeout_ms > 0) { const uint64_t timeoutTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() + timeout_ms; _muxer.setInput(priority, ledColors, timeoutTime); } else { _muxer.setInput(priority, ledColors); } if (priority == _muxer.getCurrentPriority()) { update(); } } const std::vector & Hyperion::getTransformIds() const { return _raw2ledTransform->getTransformIds(); } ColorTransform * Hyperion::getTransform(const std::string& id) { return _raw2ledTransform->getTransform(id); } void Hyperion::transformsUpdated() { update(); } void Hyperion::clear(int priority) { if (_muxer.hasPriority(priority)) { _muxer.clearInput(priority); // update leds if necessary if (priority < _muxer.getCurrentPriority()); { update(); } } } void Hyperion::clearall() { _muxer.clearAll(); // update leds update(); } QList Hyperion::getActivePriorities() const { return _muxer.getPriorities(); } const Hyperion::InputInfo &Hyperion::getPriorityInfo(const int priority) const { return _muxer.getInputInfo(priority); } void Hyperion::update() { // Update the muxer, cleaning obsolete priorities _muxer.setCurrentTime(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); // Obtain the current priority channel int priority = _muxer.getCurrentPriority(); const PriorityMuxer::InputInfo & priorityInfo = _muxer.getInputInfo(priority); // Apply the transform to each led and color-channel std::vector ledColors = _raw2ledTransform->applyTransform(priorityInfo.ledColors); for (ColorRgb& color : ledColors) { // correct the color byte order switch (_colorOrder) { case ORDER_RGB: // leave as it is break; case ORDER_BGR: std::swap(color.red, color.blue); break; case ORDER_RBG: std::swap(color.green, color.blue); break; case ORDER_GRB: std::swap(color.red, color.green); break; case ORDER_GBR: { uint8_t temp = color.red; color.red = color.green; color.green = color.blue; color.blue = temp; break; } case ORDER_BRG: { uint8_t temp = color.red; color.red = color.blue; color.blue = color.green; color.green = temp; break; } } } // Write the data to the device _device->write(ledColors); // Start the timeout-timer if (priorityInfo.timeoutTime_ms == -1) { _timer.stop(); } else { int timeout_ms = std::max(0, int(priorityInfo.timeoutTime_ms - QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch())); _timer.start(timeout_ms); } }