// STL includes #include #include // qt incl #include #include // Hyperion includes #include // utils #include const int PriorityMuxer::FG_PRIORITY = 1; const int PriorityMuxer::BG_PRIORITY = 254; const int PriorityMuxer::MANUAL_SELECTED_PRIORITY = 256; const int PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY = std::numeric_limits::max(); const int PriorityMuxer::TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO = -100; const int PriorityMuxer::REMOVE_CLEARED_PRIO = -101; const int PriorityMuxer::ENDLESS = -1; PriorityMuxer::PriorityMuxer(int ledCount, QObject * parent) : QObject(parent) , _log(nullptr) , _currentPriority(PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY) , _previousPriority(_currentPriority) , _manualSelectedPriority(MANUAL_SELECTED_PRIORITY) , _prevVisComp (hyperion::Components::COMP_COLOR) , _sourceAutoSelectEnabled(true) , _updateTimer(new QTimer(this)) , _timer(new QTimer(this)) , _blockTimer(new QTimer(this)) { QString subComponent = parent->property("instance").toString(); _log= Logger::getInstance("MUXER", subComponent); // init lowest priority info _lowestPriorityInfo.priority = PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY; _lowestPriorityInfo.timeoutTime_ms = -1; _lowestPriorityInfo.ledColors = std::vector(ledCount, ColorRgb::BLACK); _lowestPriorityInfo.componentId = hyperion::COMP_COLOR; _lowestPriorityInfo.origin = "System"; _lowestPriorityInfo.owner = ""; _lowestPriorityInfo.smooth_cfg = 0; _activeInputs[PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY] = _lowestPriorityInfo; // adapt to 1s interval for COLOR and EFFECT timeouts > -1 (endless) connect(_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &PriorityMuxer::timeTrigger); _timer->setSingleShot(true); _blockTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(this, &PriorityMuxer::signalTimeTrigger, this, &PriorityMuxer::timeTrigger); // start muxer timer connect(_updateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &PriorityMuxer::updatePriorities); _updateTimer->setInterval(250); _updateTimer->start(); } PriorityMuxer::~PriorityMuxer() { } void PriorityMuxer::setEnable(bool enable) { enable ? _updateTimer->start() : _updateTimer->stop(); } bool PriorityMuxer::setSourceAutoSelectEnabled(bool enable, bool update) { if(_sourceAutoSelectEnabled != enable) { // on disable we need to make sure the last priority call to setPriority is still valid if(!enable && !_activeInputs.contains(_manualSelectedPriority)) { Warning(_log, "Can't disable auto selection, as the last manual selected priority (%d) is no longer available", _manualSelectedPriority); return false; } _sourceAutoSelectEnabled = enable; Debug(_log, "Source auto select is now %s", enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"); // update _currentPriority if called from external if(update) { emit prioritiesChanged(_currentPriority,_activeInputs); } return true; } return false; } bool PriorityMuxer::setPriority(int priority) { if(_activeInputs.contains(priority)) { _manualSelectedPriority = priority; // update auto select state -> update _currentPriority setSourceAutoSelectEnabled(false); return true; } return false; } void PriorityMuxer::updateLedColorsLength(int ledCount) { for (auto infoIt = _activeInputs.begin(); infoIt != _activeInputs.end();) { if (!infoIt->ledColors.empty()) { infoIt->ledColors.resize(ledCount, infoIt->ledColors.at(0)); } ++infoIt; } } QList PriorityMuxer::getPriorities() const { return _activeInputs.keys(); } bool PriorityMuxer::hasPriority(int priority) const { return (priority == PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY) ? true : _activeInputs.contains(priority); } PriorityMuxer::InputsMap PriorityMuxer::getInputInfo() const { return _activeInputs; } PriorityMuxer::InputInfo PriorityMuxer::getInputInfo(int priority) const { auto elemIt = _activeInputs.constFind(priority); if (elemIt == _activeInputs.end()) { elemIt = _activeInputs.constFind(PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY); if (elemIt == _activeInputs.end()) { // fallback return _lowestPriorityInfo; } } return elemIt.value(); } hyperion::Components PriorityMuxer::getComponentOfPriority(int priority) const { return _activeInputs[priority].componentId; } void PriorityMuxer::registerInput(int priority, hyperion::Components component, const QString& origin, const QString& owner, unsigned smooth_cfg) { // detect new registers bool newInput = false; if (!_activeInputs.contains(priority)) { newInput = true; } else if(_prevVisComp == component || _activeInputs[priority].componentId == component) { if (_activeInputs[priority].owner != owner) { newInput = true; } } InputInfo& input = _activeInputs[priority]; input.priority = priority; input.timeoutTime_ms = newInput ? TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO : input.timeoutTime_ms; input.componentId = component; input.origin = origin; input.smooth_cfg = smooth_cfg; input.owner = owner; if (newInput) { Debug(_log,"Register new input '%s/%s' (%s) with priority %d as inactive", QSTRING_CSTR(origin), hyperion::componentToIdString(component), QSTRING_CSTR(owner), priority); } else { Debug(_log,"Reuse input '%s/%s' (%s) with priority %d", QSTRING_CSTR(origin), hyperion::componentToIdString(component), QSTRING_CSTR(owner), priority); } } bool PriorityMuxer::setInput(int priority, const std::vector& ledColors, int64_t timeout_ms) { if(!_activeInputs.contains(priority)) { Error(_log,"setInput() used without registerInput() for priority '%d', probably the priority reached timeout",priority); return false; } InputInfo& input = _activeInputs[priority]; // detect active <-> inactive changes bool activeChange = false; bool active = true; // calculate final timeout if (timeout_ms >= 0) { timeout_ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() + timeout_ms; } else if (input.timeoutTime_ms >= 0) { timeout_ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); } if(input.timeoutTime_ms == TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO && timeout_ms != TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO) { activeChange = true; } else if(timeout_ms == TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO && input.timeoutTime_ms != TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO) { active = false; activeChange = true; } if (input.componentId == hyperion::COMP_COLOR) { activeChange = true; if (!input.ledColors.empty() && !ledColors.empty()) { //Only issue priority update, if first LED change as value in update is representing first LED only if (input.ledColors.front() == ledColors.front()) { activeChange = false; } } } // update input input.timeoutTime_ms = timeout_ms; input.ledColors = ledColors; input.image.clear(); // emit active change if(activeChange) { if (_currentPriority <= priority || !_sourceAutoSelectEnabled) { Debug(_log, "Priority %d is now %s", priority, active ? "active" : "inactive"); emit prioritiesChanged(_currentPriority,_activeInputs); } updatePriorities(); } return true; } bool PriorityMuxer::setInputImage(int priority, const Image& image, int64_t timeout_ms) { if(!_activeInputs.contains(priority)) { Error(_log,"setInputImage() used without registerInput() for priority '%d', probably the priority reached timeout",priority); return false; } InputInfo& input = _activeInputs[priority]; // detect active <-> inactive changes bool activeChange = false; bool active = true; // calculate final timeout if (timeout_ms >= 0) { timeout_ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() + timeout_ms; } else if (input.timeoutTime_ms >= 0) { timeout_ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); } if(input.timeoutTime_ms == TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO && timeout_ms != TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO) { activeChange = true; } else if(timeout_ms == TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO && input.timeoutTime_ms != TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO) { active = false; activeChange = true; } // update input input.timeoutTime_ms = timeout_ms; input.image = image; input.ledColors.clear(); // emit active change if(activeChange) { if (_currentPriority <= priority || !_sourceAutoSelectEnabled) { Debug(_log, "Priority %d is now %s", priority, active ? "active" : "inactive"); emit prioritiesChanged(_currentPriority,_activeInputs); } updatePriorities(); } return true; } bool PriorityMuxer::setInputInactive(int priority) { Image image; return setInputImage(priority, image, TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO); } bool PriorityMuxer::clearInput(int priority) { if (priority < PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY) { _activeInputs[priority].timeoutTime_ms = REMOVE_CLEARED_PRIO; return true; } return false; } void PriorityMuxer::clearAll(bool forceClearAll) { if (forceClearAll) { _previousPriority = _currentPriority; _activeInputs.clear(); _currentPriority = PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY; _activeInputs[_currentPriority] = _lowestPriorityInfo; updatePriorities(); } else { for(auto key : _activeInputs.keys()) { const InputInfo info = getInputInfo(key); if ((info.componentId == hyperion::COMP_COLOR || info.componentId == hyperion::COMP_EFFECT || info.componentId == hyperion::COMP_IMAGE) && key < PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY-1) { clearInput(key); } } } } void PriorityMuxer::updatePriorities() { const int64_t now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); int newPriority; bool priorityChanged {false}; _activeInputs.contains(0) ? newPriority = 0 : newPriority = PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY; bool timeTrigger {false}; QMutableMapIterator i(_activeInputs); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if ( i.value().timeoutTime_ms == REMOVE_CLEARED_PRIO ) { int tPrio = i.value().priority; i.remove(); Debug(_log,"Removed source priority %d", tPrio); priorityChanged = true; } else { if (i.value().timeoutTime_ms > 0 && i.value().timeoutTime_ms <= now) { //Stop timer for deleted items to avoid additional priority update _timer->stop(); int tPrio = i.value().priority; i.remove(); Debug(_log,"Timeout clear for priority %d",tPrio); priorityChanged = true; } else { // timeoutTime of TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO is awaiting data (inactive); skip if(i.value().timeoutTime_ms > TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO) { newPriority = qMin(newPriority, i.value().priority); } // call timeTrigger when effect or color is running with timeout > 0, blacklist prio 255 if (i.value().priority < BG_PRIORITY && i.value().timeoutTime_ms > 0 && ( i.value().componentId == hyperion::COMP_EFFECT || i.value().componentId == hyperion::COMP_COLOR || (i.value().componentId == hyperion::COMP_IMAGE && i.value().owner != "Streaming") ) ) { timeTrigger = true; } } } } if (timeTrigger) { emit signalTimeTrigger(); // signal to prevent Threading issues } // evaluate, if manual selected priority is still available if(!_sourceAutoSelectEnabled) { if(_activeInputs.contains(_manualSelectedPriority)) { newPriority = _manualSelectedPriority; } else { Debug(_log, "The manual selected priority '%d' is no longer available, switching to auto selection", _manualSelectedPriority); // update state, but no _currentPriority re-eval setSourceAutoSelectEnabled(true, false); } } // apply & emit on change (after apply!) hyperion::Components comp = getComponentOfPriority(newPriority); if (_currentPriority != newPriority || comp != _prevVisComp ) { _previousPriority = _currentPriority; _currentPriority = newPriority; Debug(_log, "Set visible priority to %d", newPriority); emit visiblePriorityChanged(newPriority); // check for visible comp change if (comp != _prevVisComp) { _prevVisComp = comp; emit visibleComponentChanged(comp); } priorityChanged = true; } if (priorityChanged) { emit prioritiesChanged(_currentPriority,_activeInputs); } } void PriorityMuxer::timeTrigger() { if(_blockTimer->isActive()) { _timer->start(500); } else { _blockTimer->start(1000); emit prioritiesChanged(_currentPriority,_activeInputs); } }