// system includes #include // qt includes #include #include #include #include // project includes #include "HyperionConfig.h" #include #include "JsonClientConnection.h" #include // Constants namespace { const char SERVICE_TYPE[] = "jsonapi"; } //End of constants JsonServer::JsonServer(const QJsonDocument& config) : QObject() , _server(new QTcpServer(this)) , _openConnections() , _log(Logger::getInstance("JSONSERVER")) , _netOrigin(NetOrigin::getInstance()) , _config(config) { Debug(_log, "JSON API server created"); } JsonServer::~JsonServer() { stop(); qDeleteAll(_openConnections); _openConnections.clear(); } void JsonServer::initServer() { // Set trigger for incoming connections connect(_server, &QTcpServer::newConnection, this, &JsonServer::newConnection); // init handleSettingsUpdate(settings::JSONSERVER, _config); } void JsonServer::start() { if(!_server->isListening()) { if (!_server->listen(QHostAddress::Any, _port)) { Error(_log,"Could not bind to port '%d', please use an available port", _port); } else { Info(_log, "Started on port %d", _port); emit publishService(SERVICE_TYPE, _port); } } } void JsonServer::stop() { if(!_server->isListening()) { return; } _server->close(); Info(_log, "JSON-Server stopped"); } void JsonServer::handleSettingsUpdate(settings::type type, const QJsonDocument& config) { if(type == settings::JSONSERVER) { QJsonObject obj = config.object(); if(_port != obj["port"].toInt()) { _port = obj["port"].toInt(); stop(); start(); } } } uint16_t JsonServer::getPort() const { return _port; } void JsonServer::newConnection() { while(_server->hasPendingConnections()) { if (QTcpSocket * socket = _server->nextPendingConnection()) { if(_netOrigin->accessAllowed(socket->peerAddress(), socket->localAddress())) { Debug(_log, "New connection from: %s",QSTRING_CSTR(socket->peerAddress().toString())); JsonClientConnection * connection = new JsonClientConnection(socket, _netOrigin->isLocalAddress(socket->peerAddress(), socket->localAddress())); _openConnections.insert(connection); // register slot for cleaning up after the connection closed connect(connection, &JsonClientConnection::connectionClosed, this, &JsonServer::closedConnection); } else socket->close(); } } } void JsonServer::closedConnection() { JsonClientConnection* connection = qobject_cast(sender()); Debug(_log, "Connection closed for %s", QSTRING_CSTR(connection->getClientAddress().toString())); _openConnections.remove(connection); // schedule to delete the connection object connection->deleteLater(); }