#pragma once // STL includes #include <vector> #include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> template <typename Pixel_T> class Image { public: typedef Pixel_T pixel_type; /// /// Default constructor for an image /// Image() : _width(1), _height(1), _pixels(new Pixel_T[2]), _endOfPixels(_pixels + 1) { memset(_pixels, 0, 2*sizeof(Pixel_T)); } /// /// Constructor for an image with specified width and height /// /// @param width The width of the image /// @param height The height of the image /// Image(const unsigned width, const unsigned height) : _width(width), _height(height), _pixels(new Pixel_T[width * height + 1]), _endOfPixels(_pixels + width * height) { memset(_pixels, 0, (_width*_height+1)*sizeof(Pixel_T)); } /// /// Constructor for an image with specified width and height /// /// @param width The width of the image /// @param height The height of the image /// @param background The color of the image /// Image(const unsigned width, const unsigned height, const Pixel_T background) : _width(width), _height(height), _pixels(new Pixel_T[width * height + 1]), _endOfPixels(_pixels + width * height) { std::fill(_pixels, _endOfPixels, background); } /// /// Copy constructor for an image /// Image(const Image & other) : _width(other._width), _height(other._height), _pixels(new Pixel_T[other._width * other._height + 1]), _endOfPixels(_pixels + other._width * other._height) { memcpy(_pixels, other._pixels, other._width * other._height * sizeof(Pixel_T)); } /// /// Destructor /// ~Image() { delete[] _pixels; } /// /// Returns the width of the image /// /// @return The width of the image /// inline unsigned width() const { return _width; } /// /// Returns the height of the image /// /// @return The height of the image /// inline unsigned height() const { return _height; } uint8_t alpha(const unsigned pixel) const { return (_pixels + pixel)->red; } uint8_t red(const unsigned pixel) const { return (_pixels + pixel)->red; } uint8_t green(const unsigned pixel) const { return (_pixels + pixel)->green; } uint8_t blue(const unsigned pixel) const { return (_pixels + pixel)->blue; } /// /// Returns a const reference to a specified pixel in the image /// /// @param x The x index /// @param y The y index /// /// @return const reference to specified pixel /// const Pixel_T& operator()(const unsigned x, const unsigned y) const { return _pixels[toIndex(x,y)]; } /// /// Returns a reference to a specified pixel in the image /// /// @param x The x index /// @param y The y index /// /// @return reference to specified pixel /// Pixel_T& operator()(const unsigned x, const unsigned y) { return _pixels[toIndex(x,y)]; } /// Resize the image /// @param width The width of the image /// @param height The height of the image void resize(const unsigned width, const unsigned height) { if ((width*height) > (_endOfPixels-_pixels)) { delete[] _pixels; _pixels = new Pixel_T[width*height + 1]; _endOfPixels = _pixels + width*height; } _width = width; _height = height; } /// /// Copies another image into this image. The images should have exactly the same size. /// /// @param other The image to copy into this /// void copy(const Image<Pixel_T>& other) { assert(other._width == _width); assert(other._height == _height); memcpy(_pixels, other._pixels, _width*_height*sizeof(Pixel_T)); } /// /// Returns a memory pointer to the first pixel in the image /// @return The memory pointer to the first pixel /// Pixel_T* memptr() { return _pixels; } /// /// Returns a const memory pointer to the first pixel in the image /// @return The const memory pointer to the first pixel /// const Pixel_T* memptr() const { return _pixels; } private: /// /// Translate x and y coordinate to index of the underlying vector /// /// @param x The x index /// @param y The y index /// /// @return The index into the underlying data-vector /// inline unsigned toIndex(const unsigned x, const unsigned y) const { return y*_width + x; } private: /// The width of the image unsigned _width; /// The height of the image unsigned _height; /// The pixels of the image Pixel_T* _pixels; /// Pointer to the last(extra) pixel Pixel_T* _endOfPixels; };