var onLedLayoutTab = false; var nonBlacklistLedArray = []; var ledBlacklist = []; var finalLedArray = []; var conf_editor = null; var blacklist_editor = null; var aceEdt = null; var imageCanvasNodeCtx; var canvas_height; var canvas_width; var devRPiSPI = ['apa102', 'apa104', 'ws2801', 'lpd6803', 'lpd8806', 'p9813', 'sk6812spi', 'sk6822spi', 'sk9822', 'ws2812spi']; var devRPiPWM = ['ws281x']; var devRPiGPIO = ['piblaster']; var devNET = ['atmoorb', 'cololight', 'fadecandy', 'philipshue', 'nanoleaf', 'razer', 'tinkerforge', 'tpm2net', 'udpe131', 'udpartnet', 'udph801', 'udpraw', 'wled', 'yeelight']; var devSerial = ['adalight', 'dmx', 'atmo', 'sedu', 'tpm2', 'karate']; var devHID = ['hyperionusbasp', 'lightpack', 'paintpack', 'rawhid']; var infoTextDefault = '' + $.i18n("conf_leds_device_info_log") + ' ' + $.i18n("main_menu_logging_token") + ''; function round(number) { var factor = Math.pow(10, 4); var tempNumber = number * factor; var roundedTempNumber = Math.round(tempNumber); return roundedTempNumber / factor; }; function createLedPreview(leds, origin) { if (origin == "classic") { $('#previewcreator').html($.i18n('conf_leds_layout_preview_originCL')); $('#leds_preview').css("padding-top", "56.25%"); } else if (origin == "text") { $('#previewcreator').html($.i18n('conf_leds_layout_preview_originTEXT')); $('#leds_preview').css("padding-top", "56.25%"); } else if (origin == "matrix") { $('#previewcreator').html($.i18n('conf_leds_layout_preview_originMA')); $('#leds_preview').css("padding-top", "100%"); } $('#previewledcount').html($.i18n('conf_leds_layout_preview_totalleds', leds.length)); $('#previewledpower').html($.i18n('conf_leds_layout_preview_ledpower', ((leds.length * 0.06) * 1.1).toFixed(1))); $('.st_helper').css("border", "8px solid grey"); canvas_height = $('#leds_preview').innerHeight(); canvas_width = $('#leds_preview').innerWidth(); imageCanvasNodeCtx = document.getElementById("image_preview").getContext("2d"); $('#image_preview').css({ "width": canvas_width, "height": canvas_height }); var leds_html = ""; for (var idx = 0; idx < leds.length; idx++) { var led = leds[idx]; var led_id = 'ledc_' + [idx]; var bgcolor = "background-color:hsla(" + (idx * 360 / leds.length) + ",100%,50%,0.75);"; var pos = "left:" + (led.hmin * canvas_width) + "px;" + "top:" + (led.vmin * canvas_height) + "px;" + "width:" + ((led.hmax - led.hmin) * (canvas_width - 1)) + "px;" + "height:" + ((led.vmax - led.vmin) * (canvas_height - 1)) + "px;"; leds_html += '
' + (( ? : idx) + '
'; } $('#leds_preview').html(leds_html); $('#ledc_0').css({ "background-color": "black", "z-index": "12" }); $('#ledc_1').css({ "background-color": "grey", "z-index": "11" }); $('#ledc_2').css({ "background-color": "#A9A9A9", "z-index": "10" }); if ($('#leds_prev_toggle_num').hasClass('btn-success')) $('.led_prev_num').css("display", "inline"); } function createClassicLedLayoutSimple(ledstop, ledsleft, ledsright, ledsbottom, position, reverse) { let params = { ledstop: 0, ledsleft: 0, ledsright: 0, ledsbottom: 0, ledsglength: 0, ledsgpos: 0, position: 0, ledsHDepth: 0.08, ledsVDepth: 0.05, overlap: 0, edgeVGap: 0, ptblh: 0, ptblv: 1, ptbrh: 1, ptbrv: 1, pttlh: 0, pttlv: 0, pttrh: 1, pttrv: 0, reverse: false }; params.ledstop = ledstop; params.ledsleft = ledsleft; params.ledsright = ledsright; params.ledsbottom = ledsbottom; params.position = position; params.reverse = reverse; return createClassicLedLayout(params); } function createClassicLedLayout(params) { var edgeHGap = params.edgeVGap / (16 / 9); var ledArray = []; function createFinalArray(array) { var finalLedArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var hmin = array[i].hmin; var hmax = array[i].hmax; var vmin = array[i].vmin; var vmax = array[i].vmax; finalLedArray[i] = { "hmax": hmax, "hmin": hmin, "vmax": vmax, "vmin": vmin } } return finalLedArray; } function rotateArray(array, times) { if (times > 0) { while (times--) { array.push(array.shift()) } return array; } else { while (times++) { array.unshift(array.pop()) } return array; } } function valScan(val) { if (val > 1) return 1; if (val < 0) return 0; return val; } function ovl(scan, val) { if (scan == "+") return valScan(val += params.overlap); else return valScan(val -= params.overlap); } function createLedArray(hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax) { hmin = round(hmin); hmax = round(hmax); vmin = round(vmin); vmax = round(vmax); ledArray.push({ "hmin": hmin, "hmax": hmax, "vmin": vmin, "vmax": vmax }); } function createTopLeds() { var steph = (params.pttrh - params.pttlh - (2 * edgeHGap)) / params.ledstop; var stepv = (params.pttrv - params.pttlv) / params.ledstop; for (var i = 0; i < params.ledstop; i++) { var hmin = ovl("-", params.pttlh + (steph * Number([i])) + edgeHGap); var hmax = ovl("+", params.pttlh + (steph * Number([i + 1])) + edgeHGap); var vmin = params.pttlv + (stepv * Number([i])); var vmax = vmin + params.ledsHDepth; createLedArray(hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax); } } function createRightLeds() { var steph = (params.ptbrh - params.pttrh) / params.ledsright; var stepv = (params.ptbrv - params.pttrv - (2 * params.edgeVGap)) / params.ledsright; for (var i = 0; i < params.ledsright; i++) { var hmax = params.pttrh + (steph * Number([i + 1])); var hmin = hmax - params.ledsVDepth; var vmin = ovl("-", params.pttrv + (stepv * Number([i])) + params.edgeVGap); var vmax = ovl("+", params.pttrv + (stepv * Number([i + 1])) + params.edgeVGap); createLedArray(hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax); } } function createBottomLeds() { var steph = (params.ptbrh - params.ptblh - (2 * edgeHGap)) / params.ledsbottom; var stepv = (params.ptbrv - params.ptblv) / params.ledsbottom; for (var i = params.ledsbottom - 1; i > -1; i--) { var hmin = ovl("-", params.ptblh + (steph * Number([i])) + edgeHGap); var hmax = ovl("+", params.ptblh + (steph * Number([i + 1])) + edgeHGap); var vmax = params.ptblv + (stepv * Number([i])); var vmin = vmax - params.ledsHDepth; createLedArray(hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax); } } function createLeftLeds() { var steph = (params.ptblh - params.pttlh) / params.ledsleft; var stepv = (params.ptblv - params.pttlv - (2 * params.edgeVGap)) / params.ledsleft; for (var i = params.ledsleft - 1; i > -1; i--) { var hmin = params.pttlh + (steph * Number([i])); var hmax = hmin + params.ledsVDepth; var vmin = ovl("-", params.pttlv + (stepv * Number([i])) + params.edgeVGap); var vmax = ovl("+", params.pttlv + (stepv * Number([i + 1])) + params.edgeVGap); createLedArray(hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax); } } //rectangle createTopLeds(); createRightLeds(); createBottomLeds(); createLeftLeds(); //check led gap pos if (params.ledsgpos + params.ledsglength > ledArray.length) { var mpos = Math.max(0, ledArray.length - params.ledsglength); //$('#ip_cl_ledsgpos').val(mpos); ledsgpos = mpos; } //check led gap length if (params.ledsglength >= ledArray.length) { //$('#ip_cl_ledsglength').val(ledArray.length-1); params.ledsglength = ledArray.length - params.ledsglength - 1; } if (params.ledsglength != 0) { ledArray.splice(params.ledsgpos, params.ledsglength); } if (params.position != 0) { rotateArray(ledArray, params.position); } if (params.reverse) ledArray.reverse(); return createFinalArray(ledArray); } function createClassicLeds() { //get values let params = { ledstop: parseInt($("#ip_cl_top").val()), ledsbottom: parseInt($("#ip_cl_bottom").val()), ledsleft: parseInt($("#ip_cl_left").val()), ledsright: parseInt($("#ip_cl_right").val()), ledsglength: parseInt($("#ip_cl_glength").val()), ledsgpos: parseInt($("#ip_cl_gpos").val()), position: parseInt($("#ip_cl_position").val()), reverse: $("#ip_cl_reverse").is(":checked"), //advanced values ledsVDepth: parseInt($("#ip_cl_vdepth").val()) / 100, ledsHDepth: parseInt($("#ip_cl_hdepth").val()) / 100, edgeVGap: parseInt($("#ip_cl_edgegap").val()) / 100 / 2, //cornerVGap : parseInt($("#ip_cl_cornergap").val())/100/2, overlap: $("#ip_cl_overlap").val() / 100, //trapezoid values % -> float ptblh: parseInt($("#ip_cl_pblh").val()) / 100, ptblv: parseInt($("#ip_cl_pblv").val()) / 100, ptbrh: parseInt($("#ip_cl_pbrh").val()) / 100, ptbrv: parseInt($("#ip_cl_pbrv").val()) / 100, pttlh: parseInt($("#ip_cl_ptlh").val()) / 100, pttlv: parseInt($("#ip_cl_ptlv").val()) / 100, pttrh: parseInt($("#ip_cl_ptrh").val()) / 100, pttrv: parseInt($("#ip_cl_ptrv").val()) / 100, } nonBlacklistLedArray = createClassicLedLayout(params); finalLedArray = blackListLeds(nonBlacklistLedArray, ledBlacklist); //check led gap pos if (params.ledsgpos + params.ledsglength > finalLedArray.length) { var mpos = Math.max(0, finalLedArray.length - params.ledsglength); $('#ip_cl_ledsgpos').val(mpos); } //check led gap length if (params.ledsglength >= finalLedArray.length) { $('#ip_cl_ledsglength').val(finalLedArray.length - 1); } createLedPreview(finalLedArray, 'classic'); aceEdt.set(finalLedArray); } function createMatrixLayout(ledshoriz, ledsvert, cabling, start, direction) { // Big thank you to RanzQ (Juha Rantanen) from Github for this script // var parallel = false var leds = [] var hblock = 1.0 / ledshoriz var vblock = 1.0 / ledsvert if (cabling == "parallel") { parallel = true } /** * Adds led to the hyperion config led array * @param {Number} x Horizontal position in matrix * @param {Number} y Vertical position in matrix */ function addLed(x, y) { var hscanMin = x * hblock var hscanMax = (x + 1) * hblock var vscanMin = y * vblock var vscanMax = (y + 1) * vblock hscanMin = round(hscanMin); hscanMax = round(hscanMax); vscanMin = round(vscanMin); vscanMax = round(vscanMax); leds.push({ hmin: hscanMin, hmax: hscanMax, vmin: vscanMin, vmax: vscanMax }) } var startYX = start.split('-') var startX = startYX[1] === 'right' ? ledshoriz - 1 : 0 var startY = startYX[0] === 'bottom' ? ledsvert - 1 : 0 var endX = startX === 0 ? ledshoriz - 1 : 0 var endY = startY === 0 ? ledsvert - 1 : 0 var forward = startX < endX var downward = startY < endY var x, y if (direction === 'vertical') { for (x = startX; forward && x <= endX || !forward && x >= endX; x += forward ? 1 : -1) { for (y = startY; downward && y <= endY || !downward && y >= endY; y += downward ? 1 : -1) { addLed(x, y) } if (!parallel) { downward = !downward var tmp = startY startY = endY endY = tmp } } } else { for (y = startY; downward && y <= endY || !downward && y >= endY; y += downward ? 1 : -1) { for (x = startX; forward && x <= endX || !forward && x >= endX; x += forward ? 1 : -1) { addLed(x, y) } if (!parallel) { forward = !forward var tmp = startX startX = endX endX = tmp } } } return leds; } function createMatrixLeds() { // Big thank you to RanzQ (Juha Rantanen) from Github for this script // //get values var ledshoriz = parseInt($("#ip_ma_ledshoriz").val()); var ledsvert = parseInt($("#ip_ma_ledsvert").val()); var cabling = $("#ip_ma_cabling").val(); var direction = $("#ip_ma_direction").val(); var start = $("#ip_ma_start").val(); nonBlacklistLedArray = createMatrixLayout(ledshoriz, ledsvert, cabling, start, direction); finalLedArray = blackListLeds(nonBlacklistLedArray, ledBlacklist); createLedPreview(finalLedArray, 'matrix'); aceEdt.set(finalLedArray); } function blackListLeds(nonBlacklistLedArray, blackList) { var blacklistedLedArray = [...nonBlacklistLedArray]; if (blackList && blackList.length > 0) { for (let item of blackList) { var start = item.start; var num = item.num var layoutSize = blacklistedLedArray.length; //Only consider rules which are in rage of defined number of LEDs if (start >= 0 && start < layoutSize) { // If number of LEDs exceeds layoutSize, use apply number until layout size if (start + num > layoutSize) { num = layoutSize - start; } for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { blacklistedLedArray[start + i] = { hmax: 0, hmin: 0, vmax: 0, vmin: 0 }; } } } } return blacklistedLedArray; } function getLedConfig() { var ledConfig = { classic: {}, matrix: {} }; var classicSchema =; for (var key in classicSchema) { if (classicSchema[key].type === "boolean") ledConfig.classic[key] = $('#ip_cl_' + key).is(':checked'); else if (classicSchema[key].type === "integer") ledConfig.classic[key] = parseInt($('#ip_cl_' + key).val()); else ledConfig.classic[key] = $('#ip_cl_' + key).val(); } var matrixSchema =; for (var key in matrixSchema) { if (matrixSchema[key].type === "boolean") ledConfig.matrix[key] = $('#ip_ma_' + key).is(':checked'); else if (matrixSchema[key].type === "integer") ledConfig.matrix[key] = parseInt($('#ip_ma_' + key).val()); else ledConfig.matrix[key] = $('#ip_ma_' + key).val(); } ledConfig.ledBlacklist = blacklist_editor.getEditor("root.ledBlacklist").getValue(); return ledConfig; } function isEmpty(obj) { for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) return false; } return true; } $(document).ready(function () { // translate performTranslation(); // update instance listing updateHyperionInstanceListing(); //add intros if (window.showOptHelp) { createHintH("intro", $.i18n('conf_leds_device_intro'), "leddevice_intro"); createHintH("intro", $.i18n('conf_leds_layout_intro'), "layout_intro"); $('#led_vis_help').html('
' + $.i18n('conf_leds_layout_preview_l1') + '
' + $.i18n('conf_leds_layout_preview_l2') + '
'); } //************************************************** // Handle LED-Layout Configuration //************************************************** var slConfig = window.serverConfig.ledConfig; //restore ledConfig - Classic for (var key in slConfig.classic) { if (typeof (slConfig.classic[key]) === "boolean") $('#ip_cl_' + key).prop('checked', slConfig.classic[key]); else $('#ip_cl_' + key).val(slConfig.classic[key]); } //restore ledConfig - Matrix for (var key in slConfig.matrix) { if (typeof (slConfig.matrix[key]) === "boolean") $('#ip_ma_' + key).prop('checked', slConfig.matrix[key]); else $('#ip_ma_' + key).val(slConfig.matrix[key]); } // check access level and adjust ui if (storedAccess == "default") { $('#texfield_panel').toggle(false); $('#previewcreator').toggle(false); } // Wiki link $('#leds_wl').append('

' + $.i18n('general_wiki_moreto', $.i18n('conf_leds_nav_label_ledlayout')) + buildWL("user/advanced/Advanced.html#led-layout", "Wiki") + '

'); // bind change event to all inputs $('.ledCLconstr').on("change", function () { //Ensure Values are in min/max ranges if ($(this).val() < $(this).attr('min') * 1) { $(this).val($(this).attr('min')); } if ($(this).val() > $(this).attr('max') * 1) { $(this).val($(this).attr('max')); } //top/bottom and left/right must not overlap switch ( { case "ip_cl_ptlh": var ptrh = parseInt($("#ip_cl_ptrh").val()); if (this.value > ptrh) { $(this).val(ptrh); } break; case "ip_cl_ptrh": var ptlh = parseInt($("#ip_cl_ptlh").val()); if (this.value < ptlh) { $(this).val(ptlh); } break; case "ip_cl_pblh": var pbrh = parseInt($("#ip_cl_pbrh").val()); if (this.value > pbrh) { $(this).val(pbrh); } break; case "ip_cl_pbrh": var pblh = parseInt($("#ip_cl_pblh").val()); if (this.value < pblh) { $(this).val(pblh); } break; case "ip_cl_ptlv": var pblv = parseInt($("#ip_cl_pblv").val()); if (this.value > pblv) { $(this).val(pblv); } break; case "ip_cl_pblv": var ptlv = parseInt($("#ip_cl_ptlv").val()); if (this.value < ptlv) { $(this).val(ptlv); } break; case "ip_cl_ptrv": var pbrv = parseInt($("#ip_cl_pbrv").val()); if (this.value > pbrv) { $(this).val(pbrv); } break; case "ip_cl_pbrv": var ptrv = parseInt($("#ip_cl_ptrv").val()); if (this.value < ptrv) { $(this).val(ptrv); } default: } createClassicLeds(); }); $('.ledMAconstr').on("change", function () { valValue(, this.value, this.min, this.max); createMatrixLeds(); }); $(document).on('click', "#classic_panel", function (e) { createClassicLeds(); }); $(document).on('click', "#matrix_panel", function (e) { createMatrixLeds(); }); $(document).on('click', "#current_config_panel", function (e) { aceEdt.set(finalLedArray); }); // Initialise from config and apply blacklist rules nonBlacklistLedArray = window.serverConfig.leds; ledBlacklist = window.serverConfig.ledConfig.ledBlacklist; finalLedArray = blackListLeds(nonBlacklistLedArray, ledBlacklist); var blacklistOptions =; blacklist_editor = createJsonEditor('editor_container_blacklist_conf', { ledBlacklist: blacklistOptions, }); blacklist_editor.getEditor("root.ledBlacklist").setValue(ledBlacklist); // v4 of json schema with diff required assignment - remove when hyperion schema moved to v4 var ledschema = { "items": { "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["hmin", "hmax", "vmin", "vmax"], "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "colorOrder": { "enum": ["rgb", "bgr", "rbg", "brg", "gbr", "grb"], "type": "string" }, "hmin": { "maximum": 1, "minimum": 0, "type": "number" }, "hmax": { "maximum": 1, "minimum": 0, "type": "number" }, "vmin": { "maximum": 1, "minimum": 0, "type": "number" }, "vmax": { "maximum": 1, "minimum": 0, "type": "number" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }; //create jsonace editor aceEdt = new JSONACEEditor(document.getElementById("aceedit"), { mode: 'code', schema: ledschema, onChange: function () { var success = true; try { aceEdt.get(); } catch (err) { success = false; } if (success) { $('#leds_custom_updsim').prop("disabled", false); $('#leds_custom_save').prop("disabled", false); } else { $('#leds_custom_updsim').prop("disabled", true); $('#leds_custom_save').prop("disabled", true); } if (window.readOnlyMode) { $('#leds_custom_save').prop('disabled', true); } } }, finalLedArray); //TODO: HACK! No callback for schema validation - Add it! setInterval(function () { if ($('#aceedit table').hasClass('jsoneditor-text-errors')) { $('#leds_custom_updsim').prop("disabled", true); $('#leds_custom_save').prop("disabled", true); } }, 1000); $('.jsoneditor-menu').toggle(); // validate textfield and update preview $("#leds_custom_updsim").off().on("click", function () { nonBlacklistLedArray = aceEdt.get(); finalLedArray = blackListLeds(nonBlacklistLedArray, ledBlacklist); createLedPreview(finalLedArray, 'text'); }); // save led layout, the generated textfield configuration always represents the latest layout $("#btn_ma_save, #btn_cl_save, #btn_bl_save, #leds_custom_save").off().on("click", function () { var hardwareLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").getValue(); var layoutLedCount = aceEdt.get().length; if (hardwareLedCount < layoutLedCount) { // Not enough hardware LEDs for configured layout showInfoDialog('error', $.i18n("conf_leds_config_error"), $.i18n('conf_leds_error_hwled_lt_layout', hardwareLedCount, layoutLedCount)); } else { saveLedConfig(false); } }); // toggle led numbers $('#leds_prev_toggle_num').off().on("click", function () { $('.led_prev_num').toggle(); toggleClass('#leds_prev_toggle_num', "btn-danger", "btn-success"); }); // toggle live video $('#leds_prev_toggle_live_video').off().on("click", function () { setClassByBool('#leds_prev_toggle_live_video', window.imageStreamActive, "btn-success", "btn-danger"); if (onLedLayoutTab && window.imageStreamActive) { imageCanvasNodeCtx.clear(); if (!$('#leds_toggle_live_video').hasClass("btn-success")) { requestLedImageStop(); } } else { requestLedImageStart(); } }); $(window.hyperion).on("cmd-ledcolors-imagestream-update", function (event) { //Only update Image, if LED Layout Tab is visible if (onLedLayoutTab && window.imageStreamActive) { setClassByBool('#leds_prev_toggle_live_video', window.imageStreamActive, "btn-danger", "btn-success"); var imageData = (event.response.result.image); var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { imageCanvasNodeCtx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, imageCanvasNodeCtx.canvas.width, imageCanvasNodeCtx.canvas.height); }; image.src = imageData; } }); // open checklist $('#leds_prev_checklist').off().on("click", function () { var liList = [$.i18n('conf_leds_layout_checkp1'), $.i18n('conf_leds_layout_checkp3'), $.i18n('conf_leds_layout_checkp2'), $.i18n('conf_leds_layout_checkp4')]; var ul = document.createElement("ul"); ul.className = "checklist" for (var i = 0; i < liList.length; i++) { var li = document.createElement("li"); li.innerHTML = liList[i]; ul.appendChild(li); } showInfoDialog('checklist', "", ul); }); // nav $('#leds_cfg_nav a[data-toggle="tab"]').off().on('', function (e) { var target = $("href") // activated tab if (target == "#menu_gencfg") { onLedLayoutTab = true; $('#leds_custom_updsim').trigger('click'); } else { onLedLayoutTab = false; } blacklist_editor.on('change', function () { // only update preview, if config is valid if (blacklist_editor.validate().length <= 0) { ledBlacklist = blacklist_editor.getEditor("root.ledBlacklist").getValue(); finalLedArray = blackListLeds(nonBlacklistLedArray, ledBlacklist); createLedPreview(finalLedArray); aceEdt.set(finalLedArray); } // change save button state based on validation result blacklist_editor.validate().length || window.readOnlyMode ? $('#btn_bl_save').prop('disabled', true) : $('#btn_bl_save').prop('disabled', false); }); }); //************************************************** // Handle LED-Device Configuration //************************************************** // External properties properties, 2-dimensional arry of [ledType][key] devicesProperties = {}; addJsonEditorHostValidation(); $("#leddevices").off().on("change", function () { var generalOptions =; var ledType = $(this).val(); // philipshueentertainment backward fix if (ledType == "philipshueentertainment") ledType = "philipshue"; var specificOptions =[ledType]; conf_editor = createJsonEditor('editor_container_leddevice', { specificOptions: specificOptions, generalOptions: generalOptions, }); var values_general = {}; var values_specific = {}; var isCurrentDevice = (window.serverConfig.device.type == ledType); for (var key in window.serverConfig.device) { if (key != "type" && key in values_general[key] = window.serverConfig.device[key]; }; conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").setValue(values_general); if (isCurrentDevice) { var specificOptions_val = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions").getValue(); for (var key in specificOptions_val) { values_specific[key] = (key in window.serverConfig.device) ? window.serverConfig.device[key] : specificOptions_val[key]; }; conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions").setValue(values_specific); }; $("#info_container_text").html(infoTextDefault); // change save button state based on validation result conf_editor.validate().length || window.readOnlyMode ? $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true) : $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', false); // led controller sepecific wizards $('#btn_wiz_holder').html(""); $('#btn_led_device_wiz').off(); if (ledType == "philipshue") { $('#root_specificOptions_useEntertainmentAPI').on("change", function () { var ledWizardType = (this.checked) ? "philipshueentertainment" : ledType; var data = { type: ledWizardType }; var hue_title = (this.checked) ? 'wiz_hue_e_title' : 'wiz_hue_title'; changeWizard(data, hue_title, startWizardPhilipsHue); }); $("#root_specificOptions_useEntertainmentAPI").trigger("change"); } else if (ledType == "atmoorb") { var ledWizardType = (this.checked) ? "atmoorb" : ledType; var data = { type: ledWizardType }; var atmoorb_title = 'wiz_atmoorb_title'; changeWizard(data, atmoorb_title, startWizardAtmoOrb); } else if (ledType == "yeelight") { var ledWizardType = (this.checked) ? "yeelight" : ledType; var data = { type: ledWizardType }; var yeelight_title = 'wiz_yeelight_title'; changeWizard(data, yeelight_title, startWizardYeelight); } function changeWizard(data, hint, fn) { $('#btn_wiz_holder').html("") createHint("wizard", $.i18n(hint), "btn_wiz_holder", "btn_led_device_wiz"); $('#btn_led_device_wiz').off().on('click', data, fn); } conf_editor.on('ready', function () { var hwLedCountDefault = 1; var colorOrderDefault = "rgb"; $('#btn_test_controller').hide(); switch (ledType) { case "cololight": case "wled": case "nanoleaf": showAllDeviceInputOptions("hostList", false); case "adalight": case "atmo": case "dmx": case "karate": case "sedu": case "tpm2": case "apa102": case "apa104": case "ws2801": case "lpd6803": case "lpd8806": case "p9813": case "sk6812spi": case "sk6822spi": case "sk9822": case "ws2812spi": case "piblaster": case "ws281x": discover_device(ledType); hwLedCountDefault = 1; colorOrderDefault = "rgb"; break; case "philipshue": conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").disable(); var lights = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.lightIds").getValue(); hwLedCountDefault = lights.length; colorOrderDefault = "rgb"; break; case "yeelight": conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").disable(); var lights = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.lights").getValue(); hwLedCountDefault = lights.length; colorOrderDefault = "rgb"; break; case "atmoorb": conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").disable(); var configruedOrbIds = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.orbIds").getValue().trim(); if (configruedOrbIds.length !== 0) { hwLedCountDefault = configruedOrbIds.split(",").map(Number).length; } else { hwLedCountDefault = 0; } colorOrderDefault = "rgb"; break; case "razer": conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").disable(); hwLedCountDefault = 1; colorOrderDefault = "bgr"; var subType = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.subType").getValue(); let params = { subType: subType }; getProperties_device(ledType, subType, params); break; default: } if (ledType !== window.serverConfig.device.type) { var hwLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount"); if (hwLedCount) { hwLedCount.setValue(hwLedCountDefault); } var colorOrder = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.colorOrder"); if (colorOrder) { colorOrder.setValue(colorOrderDefault); } } }); conf_editor.on('change', function () { // //Check, if device can be identified/tested and/or saved var canIdentify = false; var canSave = false; switch (ledType) { case "atmoorb": case "fadecandy": case "tinkerforge": case "tpm2net": case "udpe131": case "udpartnet": case "udph801": case "udpraw": var host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); if (host !== "") { canSave = true; } break; case "philipshue": var host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); var username = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.username").getValue(); if (host !== "" && username != "") { var useEntertainmentAPI = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.useEntertainmentAPI").getValue(); var clientkey = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.clientkey").getValue(); if (!useEntertainmentAPI || clientkey !== "") { canSave = true; } } break; case "cololight": case "wled": var hostList = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.hostList").getValue(); if (hostList !== "SELECT") { var host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); if (host !== "") { canIdentify = true; canSave = true; } } break; case "nanoleaf": var hostList = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.hostList").getValue(); if (hostList !== "SELECT") { var host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); var token = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.token").getValue(); if (host !== "" && token !== "") { canIdentify = true; canSave = true; } } break; default: canIdentify = false; canSave = true; } if (!conf_editor.validate().length) { if (canIdentify) { $("#btn_test_controller").show(); $('#btn_test_controller').prop('disabled', false); } else { $('#btn_test_controller').hide(); $('#btn_test_controller').prop('disabled', true); } } else { canSave = false; } if (canSave) { if (!window.readOnlyMode) { $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', false); } } else { $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); } window.readOnlyMode ? $('#btn_cl_save').prop('disabled', true) : $('#btn_submit').prop('disabled', false); window.readOnlyMode ? $('#btn_ma_save').prop('disabled', true) : $('#btn_submit').prop('disabled', false); window.readOnlyMode ? $('#leds_custom_save').prop('disabled', true) : $('#btn_submit').prop('disabled', false); });'root.specificOptions.hostList', () => { var specOptPath = 'root.specificOptions.'; //Disable General Options, as LED count will be resolved from device itself conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").disable(); var hostList = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.hostList"); if (hostList) { var val = hostList.getValue(); var showOptions = true; switch (val) { case 'CUSTOM': case '': conf_editor.getEditor(specOptPath + "host").enable(); conf_editor.getEditor(specOptPath + "host").setValue(""); break; case 'NONE': conf_editor.getEditor(specOptPath + "host").enable(); //Trigger getProperties via host value conf_editor.notifyWatchers(specOptPath + "host"); break; case 'SELECT': conf_editor.getEditor(specOptPath + "host").setValue(""); conf_editor.getEditor(specOptPath + "host").disable(); showOptions = false; break; default: conf_editor.getEditor(specOptPath + "host").disable(); conf_editor.getEditor(specOptPath + "host").setValue(val); //Trigger getProperties via host value conf_editor.notifyWatchers(specOptPath + "host"); break; } showAllDeviceInputOptions("hostList", showOptions); } });'', () => { var host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); if (host === "") { conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").setValue(1); } else { let params = {}; switch (ledType) { case "cololight": params = { host: host }; getProperties_device(ledType, host, params); break; case "nanoleaf": var token = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.token").getValue(); if (token === "") { return; } params = { host: host, token: token }; getProperties_device(ledType, host, params); break; case "wled": params = { host: host, filter: "info" }; getProperties_device(ledType, host, params); break; case "udpraw": getProperties_device(ledType, host, params); break; default: } } });'root.specificOptions.output', () => { var output = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.output").getValue(); if (output === "NONE" || output === "SELECT" || output === "") { $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); $('#btn_test_controller').prop('disabled', true); $('#btn_test_controller').hide(); conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").setValue(1); showAllDeviceInputOptions("output", false); } else { showAllDeviceInputOptions("output", true); let params = {}; var canIdentify = false; switch (ledType) { case "adalight": canIdentify = true; break; case "atmo": case "karate": params = { serialPort: output }; getProperties_device(ledType, output, params); break; case "dmx": case "sedu": case "tpm2": case "apa102": case "apa104": case "ws2801": case "lpd6803": case "lpd8806": case "p9813": case "sk6812spi": case "sk6822spi": case "sk9822": case "ws2812spi": case "piblaster": default: } if (!conf_editor.validate().length) { if (canIdentify) { $("#btn_test_controller").show(); $('#btn_test_controller').prop('disabled', false); } else { $('#btn_test_controller').hide(); $('#btn_test_controller').prop('disabled', true); } if (!window.readOnlyMode) { $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', false); } } } });'root.specificOptions.subType', () => { var subType = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.subType").getValue(); let params = {}; switch (ledType) { case "razer": params = { subType: subType }; getProperties_device(ledType, subType, params); break; default: } });'root.specificOptions.token', () => { var token = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.token").getValue(); if (token !== "") { let params = {}; var host = ""; switch (ledType) { case "nanoleaf": host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); if (host === "") { return } params = { host: host, token: token }; break; default: } getProperties_device(ledType, host, params); } }); //Yeelight'root.specificOptions.lights', () => { //Disable General Options, as LED count will be resolved from number of lights configured conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").disable(); var hwLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount") if (hwLedCount) { var lights = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.lights").getValue(); hwLedCount.setValue(lights.length); } }); //Philips Hue'root.specificOptions.lightIds', () => { //Disable General Options, as LED count will be resolved from number of lights configured conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").disable(); var hwLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount") if (hwLedCount) { var lights = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.lightIds").getValue(); hwLedCount.setValue(lights.length); } }); //Atmo Orb'root.specificOptions.orbIds', () => { //Disable General Options, as LED count will be resolved from number of lights configured conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").disable(); var hwLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount") if (hwLedCount) { var lights = 0; var configruedOrbIds = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.orbIds").getValue().trim(); if (configruedOrbIds.length !== 0) { lights = configruedOrbIds.split(",").map(Number); } hwLedCount.setValue(lights.length); } }); //Handle Hardware Led Count constraint list'root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCountList', () => { var hwLedCountSelected = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCountList").getValue(); conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").setValue(Number(hwLedCountSelected)); }); }); //philipshueentertainment backward fix if (window.serverConfig.device.type == "philipshueentertainment") window.serverConfig.device.type = "philipshue"; // create led device selection var ledDevices = window.serverInfo.ledDevices.available; var optArr = [[]]; optArr[1] = []; optArr[2] = []; optArr[3] = []; optArr[4] = []; optArr[5] = []; for (var idx = 0; idx < ledDevices.length; idx++) { if ($.inArray(ledDevices[idx], devRPiSPI) != -1) optArr[0].push(ledDevices[idx]); else if ($.inArray(ledDevices[idx], devRPiPWM) != -1) optArr[1].push(ledDevices[idx]); else if ($.inArray(ledDevices[idx], devRPiGPIO) != -1) optArr[2].push(ledDevices[idx]); else if ($.inArray(ledDevices[idx], devNET) != -1) optArr[3].push(ledDevices[idx]); else if ($.inArray(ledDevices[idx], devSerial) != -1) optArr[4].push(ledDevices[idx]); else if ($.inArray(ledDevices[idx], devHID) != -1) optArr[4].push(ledDevices[idx]); else optArr[5].push(ledDevices[idx]); } $("#leddevices").append(createSel(optArr[0], $.i18n('conf_leds_optgroup_RPiSPI'))); $("#leddevices").append(createSel(optArr[1], $.i18n('conf_leds_optgroup_RPiPWM'))); $("#leddevices").append(createSel(optArr[2], $.i18n('conf_leds_optgroup_RPiGPIO'))); $("#leddevices").append(createSel(optArr[3], $.i18n('conf_leds_optgroup_network'))); $("#leddevices").append(createSel(optArr[4], $.i18n('conf_leds_optgroup_usb'))); if (storedAccess === 'expert' || window.serverConfig.device.type === "file") { $("#leddevices").append(createSel(optArr[5], $.i18n('conf_leds_optgroup_other'))); } $("#leddevices").val(window.serverConfig.device.type); $("#leddevices").trigger("change"); // Identify/ Test LED-Device $("#btn_test_controller").off().on("click", function () { var ledType = $("#leddevices").val(); let params = {}; switch (ledType) { case "cololight": case "wled": var host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); params = { host: host }; break; case "nanoleaf": var host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); var token = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.token").getValue(); params = { host: host, token: token }; break; case "adalight": var currentLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").getValue(); params = Object.assign(conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").getValue(), conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions").getValue(), { currentLedCount } ); default: } identify_device(ledType, params); }); // Save LED device config $("#btn_submit_controller").off().on("click", function (event) { var hardwareLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").getValue(); var layoutLedCount = aceEdt.get().length; if (hardwareLedCount === layoutLedCount) { saveLedConfig(false); } else { if (hardwareLedCount > layoutLedCount) { // More Hardware LEDs than on layout $('#id_body').html(''); $('#id_body').append('

' + $.i18n("conf_leds_config_warning") + '

'); $('#id_body').append($.i18n('conf_leds_error_hwled_gt_layout', hardwareLedCount, layoutLedCount, hardwareLedCount - layoutLedCount)); $('#id_body').append('
'); $('#id_body').append($.i18n('conf_leds_note_layout_overwrite', hardwareLedCount)); $('#id_footer').html(''); $('#id_footer').append(''); $('#id_footer').append(''); } else { // Less Hardware LEDs than on layout $('#id_body').html(''); $('#id_body').append('

' + $.i18n("conf_leds_config_error") + '

'); $('#id_body').append($.i18n('conf_leds_error_hwled_lt_layout', hardwareLedCount, layoutLedCount)); $('#id_body').append('
'); $('#id_body').append($.i18n('conf_leds_note_layout_overwrite', hardwareLedCount)); $('#id_footer').html(''); $('#id_footer').append(''); } $("#modal_dialog").modal({ backdrop: "static", keyboard: false, show: true }); $('#btn_back').off().on('click', function () { //Continue with the configuration }); $('#btn_continue').off().on('click', function () { saveLedConfig(false); }); $('#btn_overwrite').off().on('click', function () { saveLedConfig(true); }); } }); removeOverlay(); }); function saveLedConfig(genDefLayout = false) { var ledType = $("#leddevices").val(); var result = { device: {} }; var general = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions").getValue(); var specific = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions").getValue(); for (var key in general) { result.device[key] = general[key]; } for (var key in specific) { result.device[key] = specific[key]; } result.device.type = ledType; var ledConfig = {}; var leds = []; var hardwareLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").getValue(); result.device.hardwareLedCount = hardwareLedCount; // Special handling per LED-type switch (ledType) { case "cololight": var host = conf_editor.getEditor("").getValue(); result.smoothing = { enable: false }; if (genDefLayout === true) { if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(devicesProperties) && devicesProperties[ledType][host].modelType === "Strip") { ledConfig = { "classic": { "top": hardwareLedCount / 2, "bottom": 0, "left": hardwareLedCount / 4, "right": hardwareLedCount / 4, "position": hardwareLedCount / 4 * 3 }, "matrix": { "cabling": "snake", "ledshoriz": 1, "ledsvert": 1, "start": "top-left" } }; leds = createClassicLedLayoutSimple(hardwareLedCount / 2, hardwareLedCount / 4, hardwareLedCount / 4, 0, hardwareLedCount / 4 * 3, false); } else { ledConfig = { "classic": { "top": hardwareLedCount, "bottom": 0, "left": 0, "right": 0 }, "matrix": { "cabling": "snake", "ledshoriz": 1, "ledsvert": 1, "start": "top-left" } }; leds = createClassicLedLayoutSimple(hardwareLedCount, 0, 0, 0, 0, false); } result.ledConfig = ledConfig; result.leds = leds; } break; case "nanoleaf": case "wled": result.smoothing = { enable: false }; case "adalight": case "atmo": case "dmx": case "karate": case "sedu": case "tpm2": case "apa102": case "apa104": case "ws2801": case "lpd6803": case "lpd8806": case "p9813": case "sk6812spi": case "sk6822spi": case "sk9822": case "ws2812spi": case "piblaster": default: if (genDefLayout === true) { ledConfig = { "classic": { "top": hardwareLedCount, "bottom": 0, "left": 0, "right": 0 }, "matrix": { "cabling": "snake", "ledshoriz": 1, "ledsvert": 1, "start": "top-left" } } ; result.ledConfig = ledConfig; leds = createClassicLedLayoutSimple(hardwareLedCount, 0, 0, 0, 0, false); result.leds = leds; } break; } //Rewrite whole LED & Layout configuration, in case changes were done accross tabs and no default layout if (genDefLayout !== true) { result.ledConfig = getLedConfig(); result.leds = JSON.parse(aceEdt.getText()); } requestWriteConfig(result); location.reload(); } // build dynamic enum var updateSelectList = function (ledType, discoveryInfo) { // Only update, if ledType is equal of selected controller type and discovery info exists if (ledType !== $("#leddevices").val() || !discoveryInfo.devices) { return; } let addSchemaElements = { }; var key; var enumVals = []; var enumTitelVals = []; var enumDefaultVal = ""; var addSelect = false; var addCustom = false; var ledTypeGroup; if ($.inArray(ledType, devNET) != -1) { ledTypeGroup = "devNET"; } else if ($.inArray(ledType, devSerial) != -1) { ledTypeGroup = "devSerial"; } else if ($.inArray(ledType, devRPiSPI) != -1) { ledTypeGroup = "devRPiSPI"; } else if ($.inArray(ledType, devRPiGPIO) != -1) { ledTypeGroup = "devRPiGPIO"; } else if ($.inArray(ledType, devRPiPWM) != -1) { ledTypeGroup = "devRPiPWM"; } switch (ledTypeGroup) { case "devNET": key = "hostList"; if (discoveryInfo.devices.length === 0) { enumVals.push("NONE"); enumTitelVals.push($.i18n('edt_dev_spec_devices_discovered_none')); } else { var name; var discoveryMethod = "ssdp"; if (discoveryInfo.discoveryMethod) { discoveryMethod = discoveryInfo.discoveryMethod; } for (const device of discoveryInfo.devices) { var name; var host; switch (ledType) { case "nanoleaf": if (discoveryMethod === "ssdp") { name = device.other["nl-devicename"]; } else { name =; } break; case "cololight": if (discoveryMethod === "ssdp") { name = device.hostname; } else { name =; } break; case "wled": name =; break; default: name =; } if (discoveryMethod === "ssdp") { host = device.ip; } else { host =; } enumVals.push(host); if (host !== name) { enumTitelVals.push(name + " (" + host + ")"); } else { enumTitelVals.push(host); } } //Always allow to add custom configuration addCustom = true; // Select configured device var configuredDeviceType = window.serverConfig.device.type; var configuredHost = window.serverConfig.device.hostList; if (ledType === configuredDeviceType && $.inArray(configuredHost, enumVals) != -1) { enumDefaultVal = configuredHost; } else { addSelect = true; } } break; case "devSerial": key = "output"; if (discoveryInfo.devices.length == 0) { enumVals.push("NONE"); enumTitelVals.push($.i18n('edt_dev_spec_devices_discovered_none')); $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); showAllDeviceInputOptions(key, false); } else { switch (ledType) { case "adalight": case "atmo": case "dmx": case "karate": case "sedu": case "tpm2": for (const device of discoveryInfo.devices) { if (device.udev) { enumVals.push(device.systemLocation); } else { enumVals.push(device.portName); } enumTitelVals.push(device.portName + " (" + device.vendorIdentifier + "|" + device.productIdentifier + ") - " + device.manufacturer); } // Select configured device var configuredDeviceType = window.serverConfig.device.type; var configuredOutput = window.serverConfig.device.output; if (ledType === configuredDeviceType && $.inArray(configuredOutput, enumVals) != -1) { enumDefaultVal = configuredOutput; } else { addSelect = true; } break; default: } } break; case "devRPiSPI": case "devRPiGPIO": key = "output"; if (discoveryInfo.devices.length == 0) { enumVals.push("NONE"); enumTitelVals.push($.i18n('edt_dev_spec_devices_discovered_none')); $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); showAllDeviceInputOptions(key, false); } else { switch (ledType) { case "apa102": case "apa104": case "ws2801": case "lpd6803": case "lpd8806": case "p9813": case "sk6812spi": case "sk6822spi": case "sk9822": case "ws2812spi": case "piblaster": for (const device of discoveryInfo.devices) { enumVals.push(device.systemLocation); enumTitelVals.push(device.deviceName + " (" + device.systemLocation + ")"); } // Select configured device var configuredDeviceType = window.serverConfig.device.type; var configuredOutput = window.serverConfig.device.output; if (ledType === configuredDeviceType && $.inArray(configuredOutput, enumVals) != -1) { enumDefaultVal = configuredOutput; } else { addSelect = true; } break; default: } } break; case "devRPiPWM": key = ledType; if (discoveryInfo.devices.length == 0) { enumVals.push("NONE"); enumTitelVals.push($.i18n('edt_dev_spec_devices_discovered_none')); $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); showAllDeviceInputOptions(key, false); $("#info_container_text").html($.i18n("conf_leds_info_ws281x")); } break; default: } if (enumVals.length > 0) { updateJsonEditorSelection(conf_editor, 'root.specificOptions', key, addSchemaElements, enumVals, enumTitelVals, enumDefaultVal, addSelect, addCustom); } }; async function discover_device(ledType, params) { $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); const result = await requestLedDeviceDiscovery(ledType, params); var discoveryResult; if (result && !result.error) { discoveryResult =; } else { discoveryResult = { devices: [], ledDevicetype: ledType } } updateSelectList(ledType, discoveryResult); } async function getProperties_device(ledType, key, params) { // Take care that connfig cannot be saved during background processing $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); //Create ledType cache entry if (!devicesProperties[ledType]) { devicesProperties[ledType] = {}; } // get device's properties, if properties not available in chache if (!devicesProperties[ledType][key]) { const res = await requestLedDeviceProperties(ledType, params); if (res && !res.error) { var ledDeviceProperties =; if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(ledDeviceProperties)) { devicesProperties[ledType][key] = ledDeviceProperties; if (!window.readOnlyMode) { $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', false); } } else { showNotification('warning', $.i18n('conf_leds_error_get_properties_text'), $.i18n('conf_leds_error_get_properties_title')) $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); $('#btn_test_controller').prop('disabled', true); } } } updateElements(ledType, key); } async function identify_device(type, params) { // Take care that connfig cannot be saved and identification cannot be retriggerred during background processing $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', true); $('#btn_test_controller').prop('disabled', true); await requestLedDeviceIdentification(type, params); $('#btn_test_controller').prop('disabled', false); if (!window.readOnlyMode) { $('#btn_submit_controller').prop('disabled', false); } } function updateElements(ledType, key) { if (devicesProperties[ledType][key]) { var hardwareLedCount = 1; switch (ledType) { case "cololight": var ledProperties = devicesProperties[ledType][key]; if (ledProperties) { hardwareLedCount = ledProperties.ledCount; } conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").setValue(hardwareLedCount); break; case "wled": var ledProperties = devicesProperties[ledType][key]; if (ledProperties && ledProperties.leds && ledProperties.maxLedCount) { hardwareLedCount = ledProperties.leds.count; var maxLedCount = ledProperties.maxLedCount; if (hardwareLedCount > maxLedCount) { showInfoDialog('warning', $.i18n("conf_leds_config_warning"), $.i18n('conf_leds_error_hwled_gt_maxled', hardwareLedCount, maxLedCount, maxLedCount)); hardwareLedCount = maxLedCount; } } conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").setValue(hardwareLedCount); break; case "nanoleaf": var ledProperties = devicesProperties[ledType][key]; if (ledProperties && ledProperties.panelLayout.layout) { //Identify non-LED type panels, e.g. Rhythm (1) and Shapes Controller (12) var nonLedNum = 0; for (const panel of ledProperties.panelLayout.layout.positionData) { if (panel.shapeType === 1 || panel.shapeType === 12) { nonLedNum++; } } hardwareLedCount = ledProperties.panelLayout.layout.numPanels - nonLedNum; } conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").setValue(hardwareLedCount); break; case "udpraw": var ledProperties = devicesProperties[ledType][key]; if (ledProperties && ledProperties.maxLedCount) { hardwareLedCount = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").getValue(); var maxLedCount = ledProperties.maxLedCount; if (hardwareLedCount > maxLedCount) { showInfoDialog('warning', $.i18n("conf_leds_config_warning"), $.i18n('conf_leds_error_hwled_gt_maxled', hardwareLedCount, maxLedCount, maxLedCount)); hardwareLedCount = maxLedCount; } updateJsonEditorRange(conf_editor, "root.generalOptions", "hardwareLedCount", 1, maxLedCount, hardwareLedCount); } break; case "atmo": case "karate": var ledProperties = devicesProperties[ledType][key]; if (ledProperties && ledProperties.ledCount) { if (ledProperties.ledCount.length > 0) { var configuredLedCount = window.serverConfig.device.hardwareLedCount; showInputOptionForItem(conf_editor, 'generalOptions', "hardwareLedCount", false); updateJsonEditorSelection(conf_editor, 'root.generalOptions', "hardwareLedCountList", { "title": "edt_dev_general_hardwareLedCount_title" },, [], configuredLedCount); } } break; case "razer": var ledProperties = devicesProperties[ledType][key]; if (ledProperties) { conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.hardwareLedCount").setValue(ledProperties.maxLedCount); $("#ip_ma_ledshoriz").val(ledProperties.maxColumn); $("#ip_ma_ledsvert").val(ledProperties.maxRow); $("#ip_ma_cabling").val("parallel"); $("#ip_ma_direction").val("horizontal"); $("#ip_ma_start").val("top-left"); createMatrixLeds(); } break; default: } } } function showAllDeviceInputOptions(showForKey, state) { showInputOptionsForKey(conf_editor, "generalOptions", showForKey, state); showInputOptionsForKey(conf_editor, "specificOptions", showForKey, state); }