Kodi Watch

The Kodi Watcher enables you to enable and disable the screencapture depending on Kodi state. This is not limited to the same machine, you could observe also a Kodi on any other device at your network.

Set your Kodi IP, this could be also a running Kodi on your desktop computer

  • Enabled: If checked, the Kodi Checker is enabled
  • Kodi IP-Address: The ip address of your kodi "127.0.01" means your kodi on the same machine (see hint below)
  • TCP Port: The TCP port of your Kodi. If you changed nothing, the default "9090" is correct.
  • Menu: If checked, the ambilight will be "ON" if you are at the kodi menu. "OFF" if unchecked
  • Video: If checked, the ambilight will be "ON" if you are playing a video (Movie/TV-Show/Youtube etc). "OFF" if unchecked
  • Picture: If checked, the ambilight will be "ON" if you are watching pictures. "OFF" if unchecked
  • Audio: If checked, the ambilight will be "ON" if you are listening to audio (music/web radio etc). "OFF" if unchecked
  • Screensaver: If checked, the ambilight will be "ON" if the screensaver is active. "OFF" if unchecked
  • 3D Check: If checked, Hyperion will be switching to the detected 3D mode. (SBS/TAB) no MVC yet!
  • Pause: If checked, the ambilight will be "ON" if the Kodi player is at pause state. "OFF" if unchecked