#!/usr/bin/env python import json, sys, glob from os import path from jsonschema import Draft3Validator print("-- validate json effect files") jsonFiles = sys.argv[1] schemaFiles = sys.argv[2] retval = 0 total = 0 errors = 0 with open("libsrc/effectengine/EffectDefinition.schema.json") as baseSchemaFile: baseSchema = json.load(baseSchemaFile) baseValidator = Draft3Validator(baseSchema) for filename in glob.glob(jsonFiles+'/*.json'): with open(filename) as f: total += 1 msg = " check effect %s ... " % filename try: effect = json.load(f) script = path.basename(effect['script']) if not path.exists(jsonFiles+'/'+script): raise ValueError('script file: '+script+' not found.') schema = path.splitext(script)[0]+'.schema.json' if not path.exists(jsonFiles+'/schema/'+schema): raise ValueError('schema file: '+schema+' not found.') schema = jsonFiles+'/schema/'+schema # validate against schema with open(schema) as s: effectSchema = json.load(s) Draft3Validator.check_schema(effectSchema) validator = Draft3Validator(effectSchema) baseValidator.validate(effect) validator.validate(effect['args']) #print(msg + "ok") except Exception as e: print(msg + 'error ('+str(e)+')') errors += 1 retval = 1 print(" checked effect files: %s success: %s errors: %s" % (total,(total-errors),errors)) sys.exit(retval)