jobs: ###################### ###### Linux ######### ###################### - job: Linux timeoutInMinutes: 120 pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04' strategy: matrix: AMD64 (x64): dockerTag: 'amd64' dockerName: 'Debian Stretch (AMD64)' platform: 'x11' ARMv6hf (Raspberry Pi v1 & ZERO): dockerTag: 'armv6hf' dockerName: 'Debian Stretch (Raspberry Pi v1 & ZERO)' platform: 'rpi' ARMv7hf (Raspberry Pi 2 & 3): dockerTag: 'armv7hf' dockerName: 'Debian Stretch (Raspberry Pi 2 & 3)' platform: 'rpi' ARMv8 (Generic AARCH64): dockerTag: 'aarch64' dockerName: 'ARMv8 (Generic AARCH64)' platform: 'amlogic' steps: - checkout: self # represents the repo where the initial Pipelines YAML file was found submodules: recursive # set to 'recursive' to get submodules of submodules # build process - bash: ./.ci/ displayName: 'Build $(dockerName) packages' env: DOCKER_TAG: $(dockerTag) DOCKER_NAME: $(dockerName) PLATFORM: $(platform) ###################### ###### macOS ######### ###################### - job: macOS timeoutInMinutes: 120 pool: vmImage: 'macOS-10.14' steps: - checkout: self # represents the repo where the initial Pipelines YAML file was found submodules: recursive # set to 'recursive' to get submodules of submodules # install dependencies - bash: ./.ci/ displayName: 'Install dependencies' # build process - bash: ./.ci/ env: PLATFORM: 'osx' condition: succeeded() displayName: 'Build macOS 10.13 packages' ###################### ###### windows ####### ###################### - job: windows timeoutInMinutes: 120 pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' variables: VCINSTALLDIR: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC' steps: - checkout: self # represents the repo where the initial Pipelines YAML file was found submodules: recursive # set to 'recursive' to get submodules of submodules # install qt 5.15 via aqtinstall - script: | cd $(Build.SourcesDirectory) python -m pip install aqtinstall python -m aqt install -O c:\Qt 5.15.0 windows desktop win64_msvc2019_64 displayName: 'Install Qt' # use Python 3.x from the tool cache - task: UsePythonVersion@0 inputs: versionSpec: '3.x' addToPath: true architecture: 'x64' displayName: 'Install Python' # install nsis via chocolatey - powershell: choco install --no-progress nsis -y displayName: 'Install NSIS' # install openssl via chocolatey - powershell: choco install --no-progress openssl -y displayName: 'Install OpenSSL' # register x64 architecture environment - script: | call "%VCINSTALLDIR%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" displayName: 'Set up x64 build architecture environment' # build process - bash: ./.ci/ env: PLATFORM: 'windows' condition: succeeded() displayName: 'Build windows packages'