// Qt includes #include <QDateTime> #include <QTimer> #include "LinearColorSmoothing.h" #include <hyperion/Hyperion.h> #include <cmath> using namespace hyperion; const int64_t DEFAUL_SETTLINGTIME = 200; // settlingtime in ms const double DEFAUL_UPDATEFREQUENCY = 25; // updatefrequncy in hz const int64_t DEFAUL_UPDATEINTERVALL = static_cast<int64_t>(1000 / DEFAUL_UPDATEFREQUENCY); // updateintervall in ms const unsigned DEFAUL_OUTPUTDEPLAY = 0; // outputdelay in ms LinearColorSmoothing::LinearColorSmoothing(const QJsonDocument& config, Hyperion* hyperion) : QObject(hyperion) , _log(Logger::getInstance("SMOOTHING")) , _hyperion(hyperion) , _updateInterval(DEFAUL_UPDATEINTERVALL) , _settlingTime(DEFAUL_SETTLINGTIME) , _timer(new QTimer(this)) , _outputDelay(DEFAUL_OUTPUTDEPLAY) , _writeToLedsEnable(false) , _continuousOutput(false) , _pause(false) , _currentConfigId(0) , _enabled(false) { // init cfg 0 (default) addConfig(DEFAUL_SETTLINGTIME, DEFAUL_UPDATEFREQUENCY, DEFAUL_OUTPUTDEPLAY); handleSettingsUpdate(settings::SMOOTHING, config); selectConfig(0, true); // add pause on cfg 1 SMOOTHING_CFG cfg = {true, 0, 0, 0}; _cfgList.append(cfg); // listen for comp changes connect(_hyperion, &Hyperion::compStateChangeRequest, this, &LinearColorSmoothing::componentStateChange); // timer connect(_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LinearColorSmoothing::updateLeds); } void LinearColorSmoothing::handleSettingsUpdate(settings::type type, const QJsonDocument& config) { if(type == settings::SMOOTHING) { // std::cout << "LinearColorSmoothing::handleSettingsUpdate" << std::endl; // std::cout << config.toJson().toStdString() << std::endl; QJsonObject obj = config.object(); if(enabled() != obj["enable"].toBool(true)) setEnable(obj["enable"].toBool(true)); _continuousOutput = obj["continuousOutput"].toBool(true); SMOOTHING_CFG cfg = {false, static_cast<int64_t>(obj["time_ms"].toInt(DEFAUL_SETTLINGTIME)), static_cast<int64_t>(1000.0/obj["updateFrequency"].toDouble(DEFAUL_UPDATEFREQUENCY)), static_cast<unsigned>(obj["updateDelay"].toInt(DEFAUL_OUTPUTDEPLAY)) }; //Debug( _log, "smoothing cfg_id %d: pause: %d bool, settlingTime: %d ms, interval: %d ms (%u Hz), updateDelay: %u frames", _currentConfigId, cfg.pause, cfg.settlingTime, cfg.updateInterval, unsigned(1000.0/cfg.updateInterval), cfg.outputDelay ); _cfgList[0] = cfg; // if current id is 0, we need to apply the settings (forced) if( _currentConfigId == 0) { //Debug( _log, "_currentConfigId == 0"); selectConfig(0, true); } else { //Debug( _log, "_currentConfigId != 0"); } } } int LinearColorSmoothing::write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> &ledValues) { _targetTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() + _settlingTime; _targetValues = ledValues; // received a new target color if (_previousValues.empty()) { // not initialized yet _previousTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); _previousValues = ledValues; //Debug( _log, "Start Smoothing timer: settlingTime: %d ms, interval: %d ms (%u Hz), updateDelay: %u frames", _settlingTime, _updateInterval, unsigned(1000.0/_updateInterval), _outputDelay ); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_timer, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, _updateInterval)); } return 0; } int LinearColorSmoothing::updateLedValues(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledValues) { int retval = 0; if (!_enabled) { return -1; } else { retval = write(ledValues); } return retval; } void LinearColorSmoothing::updateLeds() { int64_t now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); int64_t deltaTime = _targetTime - now; //Debug(_log, "elapsed Time [%d], _targetTime [%d] - now [%d], deltaTime [%d]", now -_previousTime, _targetTime, now, deltaTime); if (deltaTime < 0) { _previousValues = _targetValues; _previousTime = now; queueColors(_previousValues); _writeToLedsEnable = _continuousOutput; } else { _writeToLedsEnable = true; //std::cout << "LinearColorSmoothing::updateLeds> _previousValues: "; LedDevice::printLedValues ( _previousValues ); float k = 1.0f - 1.0f * deltaTime / (_targetTime - _previousTime); int reddif = 0, greendif = 0, bluedif = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < _previousValues.size(); ++i) { ColorRgb & prev = _previousValues[i]; ColorRgb & target = _targetValues[i]; reddif = target.red - prev.red; greendif = target.green - prev.green; bluedif = target.blue - prev.blue; prev.red += (reddif < 0 ? -1:1) * std::ceil(k * std::abs(reddif)); prev.green += (greendif < 0 ? -1:1) * std::ceil(k * std::abs(greendif)); prev.blue += (bluedif < 0 ? -1:1) * std::ceil(k * std::abs(bluedif)); } _previousTime = now; //std::cout << "LinearColorSmoothing::updateLeds> _targetValues: "; LedDevice::printLedValues ( _targetValues ); queueColors(_previousValues); } } void LinearColorSmoothing::queueColors(const std::vector<ColorRgb> & ledColors) { //Debug(_log, "queueColors - _outputDelay[%d] _outputQueue.size() [%d], _writeToLedsEnable[%d]", _outputDelay, _outputQueue.size(), _writeToLedsEnable); if (_outputDelay == 0) { // No output delay => immediate write if ( _writeToLedsEnable && !_pause) { // if ( ledColors.size() == 0 ) // qFatal ("No LedValues! - in LinearColorSmoothing::queueColors() - _outputDelay == 0"); // else emit _hyperion->ledDeviceData(ledColors); } } else { // Push new colors in the delay-buffer if ( _writeToLedsEnable ) _outputQueue.push_back(ledColors); // If the delay-buffer is filled pop the front and write to device if (_outputQueue.size() > 0 ) { if ( _outputQueue.size() > _outputDelay || !_writeToLedsEnable ) { if (!_pause) { emit _hyperion->ledDeviceData(_outputQueue.front()); } _outputQueue.pop_front(); } } } } void LinearColorSmoothing::clearQueuedColors() { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_timer, "stop", Qt::QueuedConnection); _previousValues.clear(); _targetValues.clear(); } void LinearColorSmoothing::componentStateChange(hyperion::Components component, bool state) { _writeToLedsEnable = state; if(component == hyperion::COMP_LEDDEVICE) { clearQueuedColors(); } if(component == hyperion::COMP_SMOOTHING) { setEnable(state); } } void LinearColorSmoothing::setEnable(bool enable) { _enabled = enable; if (!_enabled) { clearQueuedColors(); } // update comp register _hyperion->setNewComponentState(hyperion::COMP_SMOOTHING, enable); } void LinearColorSmoothing::setPause(bool pause) { _pause = pause; } unsigned LinearColorSmoothing::addConfig(int settlingTime_ms, double ledUpdateFrequency_hz, unsigned updateDelay) { SMOOTHING_CFG cfg = {false, settlingTime_ms, int64_t(1000.0/ledUpdateFrequency_hz), updateDelay}; _cfgList.append(cfg); //Debug( _log, "smoothing cfg %d: pause: %d bool, settlingTime: %d ms, interval: %d ms (%u Hz), updateDelay: %u frames", _cfgList.count()-1, cfg.pause, cfg.settlingTime, cfg.updateInterval, unsigned(1000.0/cfg.updateInterval), cfg.outputDelay ); return _cfgList.count() - 1; } unsigned LinearColorSmoothing::updateConfig(unsigned cfgID, int settlingTime_ms, double ledUpdateFrequency_hz, unsigned updateDelay) { unsigned updatedCfgID = cfgID; if ( cfgID < static_cast<unsigned>(_cfgList.count()) ) { SMOOTHING_CFG cfg = {false, settlingTime_ms, int64_t(1000.0/ledUpdateFrequency_hz), updateDelay}; _cfgList[updatedCfgID] = cfg; } else { updatedCfgID = addConfig ( settlingTime_ms, ledUpdateFrequency_hz, updateDelay); } // Debug( _log, "smoothing updatedCfgID %u: settlingTime: %d ms, " // "interval: %d ms (%u Hz), updateDelay: %u frames", cfgID, _settlingTime, int64_t(1000.0/ledUpdateFrequency_hz), unsigned(ledUpdateFrequency_hz), updateDelay ); return updatedCfgID; } bool LinearColorSmoothing::selectConfig(unsigned cfg, bool force) { if (_currentConfigId == cfg && !force) { //Debug( _log, "selectConfig SAME as before, not FORCED - _currentConfigId [%u], force [%d]", cfg, force); //Debug( _log, "current smoothing cfg: %d, settlingTime: %d ms, interval: %d ms (%u Hz), updateDelay: %u frames", _currentConfigId, _settlingTime, _updateInterval, unsigned(1000.0/_updateInterval), _outputDelay ); return true; } //Debug( _log, "selectConfig FORCED - _currentConfigId [%u], force [%d]", cfg, force); if ( cfg < (unsigned)_cfgList.count()) { _settlingTime = _cfgList[cfg].settlingTime; _outputDelay = _cfgList[cfg].outputDelay; _pause = _cfgList[cfg].pause; if (_cfgList[cfg].updateInterval != _updateInterval) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_timer, "stop", Qt::QueuedConnection); _updateInterval = _cfgList[cfg].updateInterval; if ( this->enabled() && this->_writeToLedsEnable ) { //Debug( _log, "_cfgList[cfg].updateInterval != _updateInterval - Restart timer - _updateInterval [%d]", _updateInterval); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_timer, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, _updateInterval)); } else { //Debug( _log, "Smoothing disabled, do NOT restart timer"); } } _currentConfigId = cfg; // Debug( _log, "current smoothing cfg: %d, settlingTime: %d ms, interval: %d ms (%u Hz), updateDelay: %u frames", _currentConfigId, _settlingTime, _updateInterval, unsigned(1000.0/_updateInterval), _outputDelay ); // DebugIf( enabled() && !_pause, _log, "set smoothing cfg: %u settlingTime: %d ms, interval: %d ms, updateDelay: %u frames", _currentConfigId, _settlingTime, _updateInterval, _outputDelay ); // DebugIf( _pause, _log, "set smoothing cfg: %d, pause", _currentConfigId ); return true; } // reset to default _currentConfigId = 0; return false; }