#include // util #include // qt #include #include AuthManager* AuthManager::manager = nullptr; AuthManager::AuthManager(const QString& rootPath, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) , _authTable(new AuthTable(rootPath, this)) , _pendingRequests() , _authRequired(true) , _timer(new QTimer(this)) { AuthManager::manager = this; // setup timer _timer->setInterval(1000); connect(_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &AuthManager::checkTimeout); // init with default user and password if(!_authTable->userExist("Hyperion")) { _authTable->createUser("Hyperion","hyperion"); } } const bool & AuthManager::isAuthRequired() { return _authRequired; } const bool & AuthManager::isLocalAuthRequired() { return _localAuthRequired; } const AuthManager::AuthDefinition AuthManager::createToken(const QString& comment) { const QString token = QUuid::createUuid().toString().mid(1, 36); const QString id = QUuid::createUuid().toString().mid(1, 36).left(5); _authTable->createToken(token, comment, id); AuthDefinition def; def.comment = comment; def.token = token; def.id = id; return def; } const QVector AuthManager::getTokenList() { QVector vector = _authTable->getTokenList(); QVector finalVec; for(const auto& entry : vector) { AuthDefinition def; def.comment = entry["comment"].toString(); def.id = entry["id"].toString(); def.lastUse = entry["last_use"].toString(); // don't add empty ids if(!entry["id"].toString().isEmpty()) finalVec.append(def); } return finalVec; } const bool AuthManager::isUserAuthorized(const QString& user, const QString& pw) { return _authTable->isUserAuthorized(user, pw); } const bool AuthManager::isTokenAuthorized(const QString& token) { return _authTable->tokenExist(token); } void AuthManager::setNewTokenRequest(QObject* caller, const QString& comment, const QString& id) { if(!_pendingRequests.contains(id)) { AuthDefinition newDef {id, comment, caller, uint64_t(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()+60000)}; _pendingRequests[id] = newDef; _timer->start(); emit newPendingTokenRequest(id, comment); } } const bool AuthManager::acceptTokenRequest(const QString& id) { if(_pendingRequests.contains(id)) { const QString token = QUuid::createUuid().toString().remove("{").remove("}"); AuthDefinition def = _pendingRequests.take(id); _authTable->createToken(token, def.comment, id); emit tokenResponse(true, def.caller, token, def.comment, id); return true; } return false; } const bool AuthManager::denyTokenRequest(const QString& id) { if(_pendingRequests.contains(id)) { AuthDefinition def = _pendingRequests.take(id); emit tokenResponse(false, def.caller, QString(), def.comment, id); return true; } return false; } const QMap AuthManager::getPendingRequests() { return _pendingRequests; } const bool AuthManager::deleteToken(const QString& id) { if(_authTable->deleteToken(id)) { //emit tokenDeleted(token); return true; } return false; } void AuthManager::handleSettingsUpdate(const settings::type& type, const QJsonDocument& config) { if(type == settings::NETWORK) { const QJsonObject& obj = config.object(); _authRequired = obj["apiAuth"].toBool(true); _localAuthRequired = obj["localApiAuth"].toBool(false); } } void AuthManager::checkTimeout() { const uint64_t now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); QMapIterator i(_pendingRequests); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); const AuthDefinition& def = i.value(); if(def.timeoutTime <= now) { emit tokenResponse(false, def.caller, QString(), def.comment, def.id); _pendingRequests.remove(i.key()); } } // abort if empty if(_pendingRequests.isEmpty()) _timer->stop(); }