#include "LedDeviceDMX.h"

#include <QSerialPort>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <time.h>

LedDeviceDMX::LedDeviceDMX(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
	: ProviderRs232(deviceConfig)
	, _dmxDeviceType(0)
	, _dmxStart(1)
	, _dmxSlotsPerLed(3)
	, _dmxLedCount(0)
	, _dmxChannelCount(0)

LedDevice* LedDeviceDMX::construct(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
	return new LedDeviceDMX(deviceConfig);

bool LedDeviceDMX::init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
	bool isInitOK = false;

	// Initialise sub-class
	if ( ProviderRs232::init(deviceConfig) )
		QString dmxTypeString = deviceConfig["dmxtype"].toString("invalid");
		if (dmxTypeString == "raw")
			_dmxDeviceType = 0;
			_dmxStart = 1;
			_dmxSlotsPerLed = 3;
		else if (dmxTypeString == "McCrypt")
			_dmxDeviceType = 1;
			_dmxStart = 1;
			_dmxSlotsPerLed = 4;
			//Error(_log, "unknown dmx device type %s", QSTRING_CSTR(dmxString));
			QString errortext = QString ("unknown dmx device type: %1").arg(dmxTypeString);
			return false;

		Debug(_log, "_dmxTypeString \"%s\", _dmxDeviceType %d", QSTRING_CSTR(dmxTypeString), _dmxDeviceType );

		_dmxLedCount  =  qMin(static_cast<int>(_ledCount), 512/_dmxSlotsPerLed);
		_dmxChannelCount  = 1 + _dmxSlotsPerLed * _dmxLedCount;

		Debug(_log, "_dmxStart %d, _dmxSlotsPerLed %d", _dmxStart, _dmxSlotsPerLed);
		Debug(_log, "_ledCount %d, _dmxLedCount %d, _dmxChannelCount %d", _ledCount, _dmxLedCount, _dmxChannelCount);

		_ledBuffer.resize(_dmxChannelCount, 0);
		_ledBuffer[0] = 0x00;	// NULL START code

		isInitOK = true;
	return isInitOK;

int LedDeviceDMX::write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> &ledValues)
	switch (_dmxDeviceType) {
	case 0:
		memcpy(_ledBuffer.data()+1, ledValues.data(), _dmxChannelCount-1);
	case 1:
		int l =_dmxStart;
		for (int d=0; d<_dmxLedCount; d++)
			_ledBuffer[l++] = ledValues[d].red;
			_ledBuffer[l++] = ledValues[d].green;
			_ledBuffer[l++] = ledValues[d].blue;
			_ledBuffer[l++] = 255;

// Note Windows: There is no concept of ns sleeptime, the closest possible is 1ms but requested is 0,000176ms
#ifndef _WIN32
	nanosleep((const struct timespec[]){{0, 176000L}}, NULL);	// 176 uSec break time
#ifndef _WIN32
	nanosleep((const struct timespec[]){{0, 12000L}}, NULL);	// 176 uSec make after break time

#undef uberdebug
#ifdef uberdebug
	printf ("Writing %d bytes", _dmxChannelCount);
	for (unsigned int i=0; i < _dmxChannelCount; i++)
		if (i%32 == 0) {
			printf ("\n%04x: ", i);
		printf ("%02x ", _ledBuffer[i]);
	printf ("\n");

	return writeBytes(_dmxChannelCount, _ledBuffer.data());