// system includes #include // project includes #include // hyperion util includes #include "hyperion/ImageProcessorFactory.h" #include "hyperion/ImageProcessor.h" #include "utils/ColorRgb.h" #include "HyperionConfig.h" UDPListener::UDPListener(const int priority, const int timeout, uint16_t port) : QObject(), _hyperion(Hyperion::getInstance()), _server(), _openConnections(), _priority(priority), _timeout(timeout), _ledColors(Hyperion::getInstance()->getLedCount(), ColorRgb::BLACK) { _server = new QUdpSocket(this); if (!_server->bind(QHostAddress::Any, port)) { throw std::runtime_error("UDPLISTENER ERROR: server could not bind to port"); } // Set trigger for incoming connections connect(_server, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readPendingDatagrams())); } UDPListener::~UDPListener() { // clear the current channel _hyperion->clear(_priority); } uint16_t UDPListener::getPort() const { return _server->localPort(); } void UDPListener::readPendingDatagrams() { while (_server->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QByteArray datagram; datagram.resize(_server->pendingDatagramSize()); QHostAddress sender; quint16 senderPort; _server->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(), &sender, &senderPort); // std::cout << "UDPLISTENER INFO: new packet from " << std::endl; processTheDatagram(&datagram); } } void UDPListener::processTheDatagram(const QByteArray * datagram) { // std::cout << "udp message: " << datagram->data() << std::endl; int packlen = datagram->size()/3; int ledlen = _ledColors.size(); // int maxled = std::min(datagram->size()/3, _ledColors.size()); int maxled = std::min(packlen , ledlen); for (int ledIndex=0; ledIndex < maxled; ledIndex++) { ColorRgb & rgb = _ledColors[ledIndex]; rgb.red = datagram->at(ledIndex*3+0); rgb.green = datagram->at(ledIndex*3+1); rgb.blue = datagram->at(ledIndex*3+2); // printf("%02x%02x%02x%02x ", ledIndex, rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue); } // printf ("\n"); _hyperion->setColors(_priority, _ledColors, _timeout, -1); }