// STL includes #include #include #include // QT includes #include // blackborder includes #include // grabber includes #include "grabber/V4L2Grabber.h" // flatbuf includes #include // hyperion-v4l2 includes #include "ScreenshotHandler.h" #include "HyperionConfig.h" #include // ssdp discover #include #include using namespace commandline; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Logger *log = Logger::getInstance("V4L2GRABBER"); Logger::setLogLevel(Logger::WARNING); std::cout << "hyperion-v4l2:" << std::endl << "\tVersion : " << HYPERION_VERSION << " (" << HYPERION_BUILD_ID << ")" << std::endl << "\tbuild time: " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << std::endl; QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); // force the locale setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); QLocale::setDefault(QLocale::c()); // register the image type to use in signals qRegisterMetaType>("Image"); try { // create the option parser and initialize all parameters Parser parser("V4L capture application for Hyperion. Will automatically search a Hyperion server if -a option isn't used. Please note that if you have more than one server running it's more or less random which one will be used."); Option & argDevice = parser.add