cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0) message( STATUS "CMake Version: ${CMAKE_VERSION}" ) macro(addIndent text) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "3.16.0") list(APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT ${text}) endif() endmacro() macro(removeIndent) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "3.16.0") list(POP_BACK CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT) endif() endmacro() PROJECT(hyperion) # Parse semantic version of version file and write version to config include (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/version.cmake) file (STRINGS ".version" HYPERION_VERSION) SetVersionNumber(HYPERION ${HYPERION_VERSION}) set(DEFAULT_JSON_CONFIG_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config/hyperion.config.json.default) file(READ ${DEFAULT_JSON_CONFIG_FILE} DEFAULT_JSON_CONFIG_VAR) string(REPLACE "configVersionValue" ${HYPERION_VERSION} DEFAULT_JSON_CONFIG_VAR "${DEFAULT_JSON_CONFIG_VAR}") string(REPLACE "previousVersionValue" ${HYPERION_VERSION} DEFAULT_JSON_CONFIG_VAR "${DEFAULT_JSON_CONFIG_VAR}") file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config/hyperion.config.json.default "${DEFAULT_JSON_CONFIG_VAR}") # Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed. set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) # auto prepare .qrc files set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) # Configure CCache if available find_program(CCACHE_FOUND ccache) if ( CCACHE_FOUND ) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE ccache) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_LINK ccache) endif(CCACHE_FOUND) # enable C++14; MSVC doesn't have c++14 feature switch if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC") if(APPLE) include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("Werror=unguarded-availability" REQUIRED_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY) if(REQUIRED_UNGUARDED_AVAILABILITY) list(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS} "Werror=unguarded-availability") endif() endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-psabi") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wno-psabi") endif() set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) endif() # Set build variables # Grabber SET ( DEFAULT_AMLOGIC OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DISPMANX OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DX OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_MF OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_OSX OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_QT ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_V4L2 OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_AUDIO ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_X11 OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_XCB OFF ) # Input SET ( DEFAULT_BOBLIGHT_SERVER ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_CEC OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_FLATBUF_SERVER ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_PROTOBUF_SERVER ON ) # Output SET ( DEFAULT_FORWARDER ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_FLATBUF_CONNECT ON ) # LED-Devices SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_NETWORK ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_SERIAL ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_SPI OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_TINKERFORGE OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_USB_HID OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_WS281XPWM OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_FTDI ON ) # Services SET ( DEFAULT_EFFECTENGINE ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_EXPERIMENTAL OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_MDNS ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_REMOTE_CTL ON ) # Build SET ( DEFAULT_JSONCHECKS ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEPLOY_DEPENDENCIES ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_FLATBUFFERS_LIBS OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_PROTO_LIBS OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_MBEDTLS_LIBS OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_QMDNS_LIBS OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_TESTS OFF ) # Build Hyperion with a reduced set of functionality, overwrites other default values SET ( DEFAULT_HYPERION_LIGHT OFF ) IF ( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM} MATCHES "Linux" ) SET ( DEFAULT_FB ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_V4L2 ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_SPI ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_TINKERFORGE ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_USB_HID ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_CEC ON ) ELSEIF ( WIN32 ) SET ( DEFAULT_DX ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_MF ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_FTDI OFF ) ELSE() SET ( DEFAULT_FB OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_V4L2 OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_SPI OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_TINKERFORGE OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_USB_HID OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_CEC OFF ) ENDIF() if ( NOT DEFINED PLATFORM ) if ( APPLE ) SET( PLATFORM "osx") elseif ( WIN32 ) SET( PLATFORM "windows") elseif ( "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" MATCHES "x86" ) SET( PLATFORM "x11") elseif ( "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" MATCHES "arm" OR "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" MATCHES "aarch64") SET( PLATFORM "rpi") FILE( READ /proc/cpuinfo SYSTEM_CPUINFO ) STRING ( TOLOWER "${SYSTEM_CPUINFO}" SYSTEM_CPUINFO ) if ( "${SYSTEM_CPUINFO}" MATCHES "amlogic" AND ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} EQUAL 4 ) SET( PLATFORM "amlogic" ) elseif ( ("${SYSTEM_CPUINFO}" MATCHES "amlogic" OR "${SYSTEM_CPUINFO}" MATCHES "odroid-c2" OR "${SYSTEM_CPUINFO}" MATCHES "vero4k") AND ${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} EQUAL 8 ) SET( PLATFORM "amlogic64" ) endif() endif() if ( PLATFORM ) message( STATUS "PLATFORM is not defined, evaluated platform: ${PLATFORM}") else() message( FATAL_ERROR "PLATFORM is not defined and could not be evaluated. Set -DPLATFORM=") endif() endif() message( STATUS "PLATFORM: ${PLATFORM}") # Macro to get path of first sub dir of a dir, used for MAC OSX lib/header searching MACRO(FIRSTSUBDIR result curdir) FILE(GLOB children RELATIVE ${curdir} ${curdir}/*) SET(dirlist "") FOREACH(child ${children}) IF(IS_DIRECTORY ${curdir}/${child}) LIST(APPEND dirlist "${curdir}/${child}") BREAK() ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() SET(${result} ${dirlist}) ENDMACRO() if ( "${PLATFORM}" MATCHES "osx" ) # specify the min version of the target platform SET ( CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET "10.15" ) # add specific prefix paths FIRSTSUBDIR(SUBDIRPY "/usr/local/opt/python3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions") set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} ${SUBDIRPY}) include_directories("/opt/X11/include/") SET ( DEFAULT_OSX ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_AUDIO OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_USB_HID ON ) elseif ( "${PLATFORM}" MATCHES "rpi" ) SET ( DEFAULT_DISPMANX ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_WS281XPWM ON ) elseif ( "${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "amlogic" ) SET ( DEFAULT_AMLOGIC ON ) elseif ( "${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "amlogic-dev" ) SET ( DEFAULT_AMLOGIC ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_DISPMANX OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_QT OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_CEC OFF ) elseif ( "${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "amlogic64" ) SET ( DEFAULT_AMLOGIC ON ) elseif ( "${PLATFORM}" MATCHES "x11" ) SET ( DEFAULT_X11 ON ) SET ( DEFAULT_XCB ON ) if ( "${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "x11-dev" ) SET ( DEFAULT_AMLOGIC ON) SET ( DEFAULT_DEV_WS281XPWM ON ) endif() elseif ( "${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "imx6" ) SET ( DEFAULT_FB ON ) endif() # enable tests for -dev builds if ( "${PLATFORM}" MATCHES "-dev" ) SET ( DEFAULT_TESTS ON ) endif() STRING( TOUPPER "-DPLATFORM_${PLATFORM}" PLATFORM_DEFINE) STRING( REPLACE "-DEV" "" PLATFORM_DEFINE "${PLATFORM_DEFINE}" ) ADD_DEFINITIONS( ${PLATFORM_DEFINE} ) # set the build options option(HYPERION_LIGHT "Build Hyperion with a reduced set of functionality" ${DEFAULT_HYPERION_LIGHT} ) message(STATUS "HYPERION_LIGHT = ${HYPERION_LIGHT}") if (HYPERION_LIGHT) message(STATUS "HYPERION_LIGHT: Hyperion is build with a reduced set of functionality.") # Disable Grabbers SET ( DEFAULT_AMLOGIC OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DISPMANX OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_DX OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_FB OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_MF OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_OSX OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_QT OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_V4L2 OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_AUDIO OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_X11 OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_XCB OFF ) # Disable Input Servers SET ( DEFAULT_BOBLIGHT_SERVER OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_CEC OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_FLATBUF_SERVER OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_PROTOBUF_SERVER OFF ) # Disable Output Connectors SET ( DEFAULT_FORWARDER OFF ) SET ( DEFAULT_FLATBUF_CONNECT OFF ) # Disable Services SET ( DEFAULT_EFFECTENGINE OFF ) endif() message(STATUS "Grabber options:") addIndent(" - ") option(ENABLE_AMLOGIC "Enable the AMLOGIC video grabber" ${DEFAULT_AMLOGIC} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_AMLOGIC = ${ENABLE_AMLOGIC}") option(ENABLE_DISPMANX "Enable the RPi dispmanx grabber" ${DEFAULT_DISPMANX} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DISPMANX = ${ENABLE_DISPMANX}") option(ENABLE_DX "Enable the DirectX grabber" ${DEFAULT_DX}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DX = ${ENABLE_DX}") if (ENABLE_AMLOGIC) SET(ENABLE_FB ON) else() option(ENABLE_FB " Enable the framebuffer grabber" ${DEFAULT_FB} ) endif() message(STATUS "ENABLE_FB = ${ENABLE_FB}") option(ENABLE_MF "Enable the Media Foundation grabber" ${DEFAULT_MF}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_MF = ${ENABLE_MF}") option(ENABLE_OSX "Enable the OSX grabber" ${DEFAULT_OSX} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_OSX = ${ENABLE_OSX}") option(ENABLE_QT "Enable the Qt grabber" ${DEFAULT_QT}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_QT = ${ENABLE_QT}") option(ENABLE_V4L2 "Enable the V4L2 grabber" ${DEFAULT_V4L2}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_V4L2 = ${ENABLE_V4L2}") option(ENABLE_X11 "Enable the X11 grabber" ${DEFAULT_X11}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_X11 = ${ENABLE_X11}") option(ENABLE_AUDIO "Enable the AUDIO grabber" ${DEFAULT_AUDIO}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_AUDIO = ${ENABLE_AUDIO}") option(ENABLE_WS281XPWM "Enable the WS281x-PWM device" ${DEFAULT_WS281XPWM} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_WS281XPWM = ${ENABLE_WS281XPWM}") option(ENABLE_XCB "Enable the XCB grabber" ${DEFAULT_XCB}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_XCB = ${ENABLE_XCB}") removeIndent() message(STATUS "Input options:") addIndent(" - ") option(ENABLE_BOBLIGHT_SERVER "Enable BOBLIGHT server" ${DEFAULT_BOBLIGHT_SERVER} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_BOBLIGHT_SERVER = ${ENABLE_BOBLIGHT_SERVER}") option(ENABLE_CEC "Enable the libcec and CEC control" ${DEFAULT_CEC} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_CEC = ${ENABLE_CEC}") option(ENABLE_FLATBUF_SERVER "Enable Flatbuffers server" ${DEFAULT_FLATBUF_SERVER} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_FLATBUF_SERVER = ${ENABLE_FLATBUF_SERVER}") option(ENABLE_PROTOBUF_SERVER "Enable Protocol Buffers server" ${DEFAULT_PROTOBUF_SERVER} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_PROTOBUF_SERVER = ${ENABLE_PROTOBUF_SERVER}") removeIndent() message(STATUS "Output options:") addIndent(" - ") option(ENABLE_FORWARDER "Enable Hyperion forwarding" ${DEFAULT_FORWARDER} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_FORWARDER = ${ENABLE_FORWARDER}") if (ENABLE_FORWARDER) SET(ENABLE_FLATBUF_CONNECT ON) else() option(ENABLE_FLATBUF_CONNECT "Enable Flatbuffers connecting remotely" ${DEFAULT_FLATBUF_CONNECT} ) endif() message(STATUS "ENABLE_FLATBUF_CONNECT = ${ENABLE_FLATBUF_CONNECT}") removeIndent() message(STATUS "LED-Device options:") addIndent(" - ") option(ENABLE_DEV_NETWORK "Enable the Network devices" ${DEFAULT_DEV_NETWORK} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DEV_NETWORK = ${ENABLE_DEV_NETWORK}") option(ENABLE_DEV_SERIAL "Enable the Serial devices" ${DEFAULT_DEV_SERIAL} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DEV_SERIAL = ${ENABLE_DEV_SERIAL}") option(ENABLE_DEV_SPI "Enable the SPI device" ${DEFAULT_DEV_SPI} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DEV_SPI = ${ENABLE_DEV_SPI}") option(ENABLE_DEV_TINKERFORGE "Enable the TINKERFORGE device" ${DEFAULT_DEV_TINKERFORGE}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DEV_TINKERFORGE = ${ENABLE_DEV_TINKERFORGE}") option(ENABLE_DEV_USB_HID "Enable the libusb and hid devices" ${DEFAULT_DEV_USB_HID} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DEV_USB_HID = ${ENABLE_DEV_USB_HID}") option(ENABLE_DEV_WS281XPWM "Enable the WS281x-PWM device" ${DEFAULT_DEV_WS281XPWM} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DEV_WS281XPWM = ${ENABLE_DEV_WS281XPWM}") option(ENABLE_DEV_FTDI "Enable the FTDI devices" ${DEFAULT_DEV_FTDI} ) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DEV_FTDI = ${ENABLE_DEV_FTDI}") removeIndent() message(STATUS "Services options:") addIndent(" - ") option(ENABLE_EFFECTENGINE "Enable Effect-Engine" ${DEFAULT_EFFECTENGINE}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_EFFECTENGINE = ${ENABLE_EFFECTENGINE}") option(ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL "Compile experimental features" ${DEFAULT_EXPERIMENTAL}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL = ${ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL}") option(ENABLE_MDNS "Enable mDNS (aka Zeroconf)" ${DEFAULT_MDNS}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_MDNS = ${ENABLE_MDNS}") option(ENABLE_REMOTE_CTL "Enable Hyperion remote control" ${DEFAULT_REMOTE_CTL}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_REMOTE_CTL = ${ENABLE_REMOTE_CTL}") removeIndent() message(STATUS "Build options:") addIndent(" - ") option(ENABLE_JSONCHECKS "Validate json schema files" ${DEFAULT_JSONCHECKS}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_JSONCHECKS = ${ENABLE_JSONCHECKS}") option(ENABLE_DEPLOY_DEPENDENCIES "Deploy with dependencies" ${DEFAULT_DEPLOY_DEPENDENCIES}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_DEPLOY_DEPENDENCIES = ${ENABLE_DEPLOY_DEPENDENCIES}") if(ENABLE_FLATBUF_SERVER OR ENABLE_FLATBUF_CONNECT) message(STATUS "DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_FLATBUFFERS_LIBS = ${DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_FLATBUFFERS_LIBS}") endif() if(ENABLE_PROTOBUF_SERVER) message(STATUS "DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_PROTO_LIBS = ${DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_PROTO_LIBS}") endif() message(STATUS "DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_MBEDTLS_LIBS = ${DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_MBEDTLS_LIBS}") if (ENABLE_MDNS) message(STATUS "DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_QMDNS_LIBS = ${DEFAULT_USE_SYSTEM_QMDNS_LIBS}") endif() option(ENABLE_PROFILER "enable profiler capabilities - not for release code" OFF) message(STATUS "ENABLE_PROFILER = ${ENABLE_PROFILER}") option(ENABLE_TESTS "Compile additional test applications" ${DEFAULT_TESTS}) message(STATUS "ENABLE_TESTS = ${ENABLE_TESTS}") removeIndent() SET ( FLATBUFFERS_INSTALL_BIN_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/flatbuf ) SET ( FLATBUFFERS_INSTALL_LIB_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/flatbuf ) SET ( PROTOBUF_INSTALL_BIN_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/proto ) SET ( PROTOBUF_INSTALL_LIB_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/proto ) if(ENABLE_JSONCHECKS OR ENABLE_EFFECTENGINE) if ("${CMAKE_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "3.12.0") set(Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS 3.5) find_package(PythonInterp 3.5 REQUIRED) else() find_package(Python3 3.5 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development REQUIRED) if(Python3_FOUND) set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}) endif() endif() endif() if(ENABLE_JSONCHECKS) # check all json files FILE ( GLOB_RECURSE HYPERION_SCHEMAS RELATIVE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libsrc/*schema*.json ) SET( JSON_FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config/hyperion.config.json.default ${HYPERION_SCHEMAS}) EXECUTE_PROCESS ( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} test/jsonchecks/ ${JSON_FILES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE CHECK_JSON_FAILED ) IF ( ${CHECK_JSON_FAILED} ) MESSAGE (FATAL_ERROR "check of json files failed" ) ENDIF () if(ENABLE_EFFECTENGINE) EXECUTE_PROCESS ( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} test/jsonchecks/ effects effects/schema WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE CHECK_EFFECTS_FAILED ) IF ( ${CHECK_EFFECTS_FAILED} ) MESSAGE (FATAL_ERROR "check of json effect files failed" ) ENDIF () endif() EXECUTE_PROCESS ( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} test/jsonchecks/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config/hyperion.config.json.default libsrc/hyperion/hyperion.schema.json WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE CHECK_CONFIG_FAILED ) IF ( ${CHECK_CONFIG_FAILED} ) MESSAGE (FATAL_ERROR "check of json default config failed" ) ENDIF () endif(ENABLE_JSONCHECKS) # Add project specific cmake modules (find, etc) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) find_package(GitVersion) # configure a header file to pass some of the CMake settings # to the source code configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/HyperionConfig.h") include_directories("${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}") # Define the global output path of binaries SET(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib) SET(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}) # Add the project include directory as additional include path include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/include) include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include) # Prefer static linking over dynamic #set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".a;.so") # MSVC options if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC") # Search for Windows SDK find_package(WindowsSDK REQUIRED) message(STATUS "WINDOWS SDK: ${WINDOWSSDK_LATEST_DIR} ${WINDOWSSDK_LATEST_NAME}") message(STATUS "MSVC VERSION: ${MSVC_VERSION}") # Search for DirectX9 if (ENABLE_DX) find_package(DirectX9 REQUIRED) endif(ENABLE_DX) endif() # Use GNU gold linker if available if (NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) include (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/LDGold.cmake) endif() # Don't create new dynamic tags (RUNPATH) and setup -rpath to search for shared libs in BINARY/../lib folder (only for Unix) if (ENABLE_DEPLOY_DEPENDENCIES AND UNIX AND NOT APPLE) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--disable-new-dtags") SET(CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH FALSE) SET(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH TRUE) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH}:$ORIGIN/../lib") SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) endif () if(APPLE) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-framework CoreGraphics") endif() find_package(Threads REQUIRED) # Allow to overwrite QT base directory # Either supply QTDIR as -DQTDIR= to cmake or set and environment variable QTDIR pointing to the Qt installation # For Windows and OSX, the default Qt installation path are tried to resolved automatically if (NOT DEFINED QTDIR) if (DEFINED ENV{QTDIR}) set(QTDIR $ENV{QTDIR}) else() if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC") FIRSTSUBDIR(SUBDIRQT "C:/Qt") if (NOT ${SUBDIRQT} STREQUAL "") set(QTDIR "${SUBDIRQT}/msvc2019_64") endif() elseif ( "${PLATFORM}" MATCHES "osx" ) # QT6 x86_64 location if (EXISTS /usr/local/opt/qt6) set(QTDIR "/usr/local/opt/qt6") # QT6 arm64 location elseif (EXISTS /opt/homebrew/opt/qt@6) set(QTDIR "/opt/homebrew/opt/qt@6") # QT5 x86_64 location elseif (EXISTS /usr/local/opt/qt5) set(QTDIR "/usr/local/opt/qt5") # QT5 arm64 location elseif (EXISTS /opt/homebrew/opt/qt@5) set(QTDIR "/opt/homebrew/opt/qt@5") endif() endif() endif() endif() if (DEFINED QTDIR) message(STATUS "Add QTDIR: ${QTDIR} to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH") list(PREPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${QTDIR} "${QTDIR}/lib") endif() if (CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) message( STATUS "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH used: ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" ) endif() # find QT libs find_package(QT NAMES Qt6 Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui Network Sql Widgets REQUIRED) message( STATUS "Found Qt Version: ${QT_VERSION}" ) if (${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} GREATER_EQUAL 6 ) SET(QT_MIN_VERSION "6.2.2") else() SET(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.5.0") endif() if ( "${QT_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "${QT_MIN_VERSION}" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Your Qt version is to old! Minimum required ${QT_MIN_VERSION}" ) endif() find_package(Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} ${QT_VERSION} COMPONENTS Core Gui Network Sql Widgets REQUIRED) message( STATUS "Qt version used: ${QT_VERSION}" ) if (APPLE AND (${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} GREATER_EQUAL 6) ) set(OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR /usr/local/opt/openssl) endif() # Add libusb and pthreads find_package(libusb-1.0 REQUIRED) add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS}) # Add the source/lib directories add_subdirectory(dependencies) add_subdirectory(libsrc) add_subdirectory(src) if (ENABLE_TESTS) add_subdirectory(test) endif () # Add resources directory add_subdirectory(resources) # remove generated files on make cleaan too LIST( APPEND GENERATED_QRC ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/WebConfig.qrc ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/HyperionConfig.h ) if(ENABLE_EFFECTENGINE) LIST( APPEND GENERATED_QRC ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/EffectEngine.qrc ) endif () set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "${GENERATED_QRC}" ) # uninstall target configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) add_custom_target(uninstall COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake) # enable make package - no code after this line ! include (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/packages.cmake)