// project includes #include "ProtoClientConnection.h" // qt #include <QTcpSocket> #include <QHostAddress> #include <QTimer> #include <QRgb> // TODO Remove this class if third-party apps have been migrated (eg. Hyperion Android Grabber, Windows Screen grabber etc.) ProtoClientConnection::ProtoClientConnection(QTcpSocket* socket, const int &timeout, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , _log(Logger::getInstance("PROTOSERVER")) , _socket(socket) , _clientAddress(socket->peerAddress().toString()) , _timeoutTimer(new QTimer(this)) , _timeout(timeout * 1000) , _priority() { // timer setup _timeoutTimer->setSingleShot(true); _timeoutTimer->setInterval(_timeout); connect(_timeoutTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ProtoClientConnection::forceClose); // connect socket signals connect(_socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &ProtoClientConnection::readyRead); connect(_socket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &ProtoClientConnection::disconnected); } void ProtoClientConnection::readyRead() { _receiveBuffer += _socket->readAll(); // check if we can read a message size if (_receiveBuffer.size() <= 4) { return; } // read the message size uint32_t messageSize = ((_receiveBuffer[0]<<24) & 0xFF000000) | ((_receiveBuffer[1]<<16) & 0x00FF0000) | ((_receiveBuffer[2]<< 8) & 0x0000FF00) | ((_receiveBuffer[3] ) & 0x000000FF); // check if we can read a complete message if ((uint32_t) _receiveBuffer.size() < messageSize + 4) { return; } // read a message proto::HyperionRequest message; if (!message.ParseFromArray(_receiveBuffer.data() + 4, messageSize)) { sendErrorReply("Unable to parse message"); } // handle the message handleMessage(message); // remove message data from buffer _receiveBuffer = _receiveBuffer.mid(messageSize + 4); } void ProtoClientConnection::forceClose() { _socket->close(); } void ProtoClientConnection::disconnected() { Debug(_log, "Socket Closed"); _socket->deleteLater(); emit clearGlobalInput(_priority); emit clientDisconnected(); } void ProtoClientConnection::handleMessage(const proto::HyperionRequest & message) { switch (message.command()) { case proto::HyperionRequest::COLOR: if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ColorRequest::colorRequest)) { sendErrorReply("Received COLOR command without ColorRequest"); break; } handleColorCommand(message.GetExtension(proto::ColorRequest::colorRequest)); break; case proto::HyperionRequest::IMAGE: if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ImageRequest::imageRequest)) { sendErrorReply("Received IMAGE command without ImageRequest"); break; } handleImageCommand(message.GetExtension(proto::ImageRequest::imageRequest)); break; case proto::HyperionRequest::CLEAR: if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ClearRequest::clearRequest)) { sendErrorReply("Received CLEAR command without ClearRequest"); break; } handleClearCommand(message.GetExtension(proto::ClearRequest::clearRequest)); break; case proto::HyperionRequest::CLEARALL: handleClearallCommand(); break; default: handleNotImplemented(); } } void ProtoClientConnection::handleColorCommand(const proto::ColorRequest &message) { // extract parameters int priority = message.priority(); int duration = message.has_duration() ? message.duration() : -1; std::vector<ColorRgb> color{ ColorRgb{ uint8_t(qRed(message.rgbcolor())), uint8_t(qGreen(message.rgbcolor())), uint8_t(qBlue(message.rgbcolor())) } }; if (priority < 100 || priority >= 200) { sendErrorReply("The priority " + std::to_string(priority) + " is not in the valid priority range between 100 and 199."); Error(_log, "The priority %d is not in the proto-connection range between 100 and 199.", priority); return; } // make sure the prio is registered before setColor() if(priority != _priority) { emit clearGlobalInput(_priority); emit registerGlobalInput(priority, hyperion::COMP_PROTOSERVER, "Proto@"+_clientAddress); _priority = priority; } // set output emit setGlobalInputColor(_priority, color, duration); // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void ProtoClientConnection::handleImageCommand(const proto::ImageRequest &message) { // extract parameters int priority = message.priority(); int duration = message.has_duration() ? message.duration() : -1; int width = message.imagewidth(); int height = message.imageheight(); const std::string & imageData = message.imagedata(); if (priority < 100 || priority >= 200) { sendErrorReply("The priority " + std::to_string(priority) + " is not in the valid priority range between 100 and 199."); Error(_log, "The priority %d is not in the proto-connection range between 100 and 199.", priority); return; } // make sure the prio is registered before setInput() if(priority != _priority) { emit clearGlobalInput(_priority); emit registerGlobalInput(priority, hyperion::COMP_PROTOSERVER, "Proto@"+_clientAddress); _priority = priority; } // check consistency of the size of the received data if ((int) imageData.size() != width*height*3) { sendErrorReply("Size of image data does not match with the width and height"); return; } // create ImageRgb Image<ColorRgb> image(width, height); memcpy(image.memptr(), imageData.c_str(), imageData.size()); emit setGlobalInputImage(_priority, image, duration); // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void ProtoClientConnection::handleClearCommand(const proto::ClearRequest &message) { // extract parameters int priority = message.priority(); // clear priority emit clearGlobalInput(priority); // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void ProtoClientConnection::handleClearallCommand() { // clear all priority emit clearGlobalInput(-1); // send reply sendSuccessReply(); } void ProtoClientConnection::handleNotImplemented() { sendErrorReply("Command not implemented"); } void ProtoClientConnection::sendMessage(const google::protobuf::Message &message) { std::string serializedReply = message.SerializeAsString(); uint32_t size = serializedReply.size(); uint8_t sizeData[] = {uint8_t(size >> 24), uint8_t(size >> 16), uint8_t(size >> 8), uint8_t(size)}; _socket->write((const char *) sizeData, sizeof(sizeData)); _socket->write(serializedReply.data(), serializedReply.length()); _socket->flush(); } void ProtoClientConnection::sendSuccessReply() { // create reply proto::HyperionReply reply; reply.set_type(proto::HyperionReply::REPLY); reply.set_success(true); // send reply sendMessage(reply); } void ProtoClientConnection::sendErrorReply(const std::string &error) { // create reply proto::HyperionReply reply; reply.set_type(proto::HyperionReply::REPLY); reply.set_success(false); reply.set_error(error); // send reply sendMessage(reply); }