mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* New HomeAssistant LEDDevice * Fix typos * Ping Qt for Windows to 6.7 until aqtinstaller is fixed * Fix HA default port handling * HA - Update default latchtime and range * Add HA Wizard and light selection * Naming consistency * Fix "Selected Hyperion instance is not running" * CodeQL findings * HA - allow to overwrite brightness by HA yes or no * HA - Support switch off on black * HA - Add transition time
986 lines
33 KiB
986 lines
33 KiB
// Wizard Philips Hue
import { ledDeviceWizardUtils as utils } from './LedDevice_utils.js';
const philipshueWizard = (() => {
// External properties, 2-dimensional arry of [ledType][key]
let devicesProperties = {};
let hueIPs = [];
let hueIPsinc = 0;
let hueLights = [];
let hueEntertainmentConfigs = [];
let hueEntertainmentServices = [];
let groupLights = [];
let groupChannels = [];
let groupLightsLocations = [];
let isAPIv2Ready = true;
let isEntertainmentReady = true;
function checkHueBridge(cb, hueUser) {
const usr = (typeof hueUser != "undefined") ? hueUser : 'config';
if (usr === 'config') {
if (hueIPs[hueIPsinc]) {
const host = hueIPs[hueIPsinc].host;
const port = hueIPs[hueIPsinc].port;
if (usr != '') {
getProperties(cb, decodeURIComponent(host), port, usr);
else {
cb(false, usr);
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
function checkBridgeResult(reply, usr) {
if (reply) {
//abort checking, first reachable result is used
checkHueBridge(checkUserResult, $('#user').val());
else {
function checkUserResult(reply, username) {
let hue_create_user = 'wiz_hue_e_create_user';
if (!isEntertainmentReady) {
hue_create_user = 'wiz_hue_create_user';
} else {
if (reply) {
if (isEntertainmentReady && $('#clientkey').val() == "") {
} else {
if (isEntertainmentReady) {
} else {
else {
//abort checking, first reachable result is used
function useGroupId(id, username) {
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
const group = hueEntertainmentConfigs[id];
groupLights = [];
for (const light of group.light_services) {
groupChannels = [];
for (const channel of group.channels) {
groupLightsLocations = [];
for (const location of group.locations.service_locations) {
} else {
//Ensure ligthIDs are strings
groupLights = hueEntertainmentConfigs[id].lights.map(num => {
return String(num);
const lightLocations = hueEntertainmentConfigs[id].locations;
for (const locationID in lightLocations) {
let lightLocation = {};
let position = {
x: lightLocations[locationID][0],
y: lightLocations[locationID][1],
z: lightLocations[locationID][2]
lightLocation.position = position;
function assignLightEntertainmentPos(isFocusCenter, position, name, id) {
let x = position.x;
let z = position.z;
if (isFocusCenter) {
// Map lights as in centered range -0.5 to 0.5
if (x < -0.5) {
x = -0.5;
} else if (x > 0.5) {
x = 0.5;
if (z < -0.5) {
z = -0.5;
} else if (z > 0.5) {
z = 0.5;
} else {
// Map lights as in full range -1 to 1
x /= 2;
z /= 2;
const h = x + 0.5;
const v = -z + 0.5;
const hmin = h - 0.05;
const hmax = h + 0.05;
const vmin = v - 0.05;
const vmax = v + 0.05;
let layoutObject = {
hmin: hmin < 0 ? 0 : hmin,
hmax: hmax > 1 ? 1 : hmax,
vmin: vmin < 0 ? 0 : vmin,
vmax: vmax > 1 ? 1 : vmax,
name: name
if (id !== undefined && id !== null) {
layoutObject.name += "_" + id;
return layoutObject;
function assignSegmentedLightPos(segment, position, name) {
let layoutObjects = [];
let segTotalLength = 0;
for (const key in segment) {
segTotalLength += segment[key].length;
let min;
let max;
let horizontal = true;
let layoutObject = utils.assignLightPos(position, name);
if (position === "left" || position === "right") {
// vertical distribution
min = layoutObject.vmin;
max = layoutObject.vmax;
horizontal = false;
} else {
// horizontal distribution
min = layoutObject.hmin;
max = layoutObject.hmax;
const step = (max - min) / segTotalLength;
let start = min;
for (const key in segment) {
min = start;
max = round(start + segment[key].length * step);
if (horizontal) {
layoutObject.hmin = min;
layoutObject.hmax = max;
} else {
layoutObject.vmin = min;
layoutObject.vmax = max;
layoutObject.name = name + "_" + key;
start = max;
return layoutObjects;
function updateBridgeDetails(properties) {
const ledDeviceProperties = properties.config;
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(ledDeviceProperties)) {
isEntertainmentReady = properties.isEntertainmentReady;
isAPIv2Ready = properties.isAPIv2Ready;
if (ledDeviceProperties.name && ledDeviceProperties.bridgeid && ledDeviceProperties.modelid) {
"Bridge: " + ledDeviceProperties.name +
", Modelid: " + ledDeviceProperties.modelid +
", Firmware: " + ledDeviceProperties.swversion + "<br/>" +
"API-Version: " + ledDeviceProperties.apiversion +
", Entertainment: " + (isEntertainmentReady ? "✓" : "-") +
", APIv2: " + (isAPIv2Ready ? "✓" : "-")
async function discover() {
// $('#wiz_hue_discovered').html("")
const res = await requestLedDeviceDiscovery('philipshue');
if (res && !res.error) {
const r = res.info;
// Process devices returned by discovery
if (r.devices.length == 0) {
else {
hueIPs = [];
hueIPsinc = 0;
let discoveryMethod = "ssdp";
if (res.info.discoveryMethod) {
discoveryMethod = res.info.discoveryMethod;
for (const device of r.devices) {
if (device) {
let host;
let port;
if (discoveryMethod === "ssdp") {
if (device.hostname && device.domain) {
host = device.hostname + "." + device.domain;
port = device.port;
} else {
host = device.ip;
port = device.port;
} else {
host = device.service;
port = device.port;
if (host) {
if (!hueIPs.some(item => item.host === host)) {
hueIPs.push({ host: host, port: port });
for (const key in hueIPs) {
$('#hue_bridge_select').append(createSelOpt(key, hueIPs[key].host));
$('.hue_bridge_sel_watch').on("click", function () {
hueIPsinc = $(this).val();
const name = $("#hue_bridge_select option:selected").text();
const usr = $('#user').val();
if (usr != "") {
checkHueBridge(checkUserResult, usr);
} else {
async function getProperties(cb, hostAddress, port, username, resourceFilter) {
let params = { host: hostAddress, username: username, filter: resourceFilter };
if (port !== 'undefined') {
params.port = parseInt(port);
const ledType = 'philipshue';
const key = hostAddress;
//Create ledType cache entry
if (!devicesProperties[ledType]) {
devicesProperties[ledType] = {};
// Use device's properties, if properties in chache
if (devicesProperties[ledType][key] && devicesProperties[ledType][key][username]) {
cb(true, username);
} else {
const res = await requestLedDeviceProperties(ledType, params);
if (res && !res.error) {
const ledDeviceProperties = res.info.properties;
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(ledDeviceProperties)) {
devicesProperties[ledType][key] = {};
devicesProperties[ledType][key][username] = ledDeviceProperties;
isAPIv2Ready = res.info.isAPIv2Ready;
devicesProperties[ledType][key].isAPIv2Ready = isAPIv2Ready;
isEntertainmentReady = res.info.isEntertainmentReady;
devicesProperties[ledType][key].isEntertainmentReady = isEntertainmentReady;
if (username === "config") {
} else {
cb(true, username);
} else {
cb(false, username);
} else {
cb(false, username);
async function identify(hostAddress, port, username, name, id, id_v1) {
const disabled = $('#btn_wiz_save').is(':disabled');
// Take care that new record cannot be save during background process
$('#btn_wiz_save').prop('disabled', true);
let params = { host: decodeURIComponent(hostAddress), username: username, lightName: decodeURIComponent(name), lightId: id, lightId_v1: id_v1 };
if (port !== 'undefined') {
params.port = parseInt(port);
await requestLedDeviceIdentification('philipshue', params);
if (!window.readOnlyMode) {
$('#btn_wiz_save').prop('disabled', disabled);
function begin() {
const usr = utils.eV("username");
if (usr != "") {
const clkey = utils.eV("clientkey");
if (clkey != "") {
//check if host is empty/reachable/search for bridge
if (utils.eV("host") == "") {
hueIPs = [];
hueIPsinc = 0;
else {
const host = utils.eV("host");
const port = utils.eV("port");
if (port > 0) {
else {
hueIPs.push({ host: host, port: port });
if (usr != "") {
checkHueBridge(checkUserResult, usr);
} else {
$('#retry_bridge').off().on('click', function () {
const host = $('#host').val();
const port = parseInt($('#port').val());
if (host != "") {
const idx = hueIPs.findIndex(item => item.host === host && item.port === port);
if (idx === -1) {
hueIPs.push({ host: host, port: port });
hueIPsinc = hueIPs.length - 1;
} else {
hueIPsinc = idx;
else {
const usr = $('#user').val();
if (usr != "") {
checkHueBridge(checkUserResult, usr);
} else {
$('#retry_usr').off().on('click', function () {
checkHueBridge(checkUserResult, $('#user').val());
$('#wiz_hue_create_user').off().on('click', function () {
$('#btn_wiz_save').off().on("click", function () {
let hueLedConfig = [];
let finalLightIds = [];
let channelNumber = 0;
//create hue led config
for (const key in groupLights) {
const lightId = groupLights[key];
if ($('#hue_' + lightId).val() != "disabled") {
let lightName;
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
const light = hueLights.find(light => light.id === lightId);
lightName = light.metadata.name;
} else {
lightName = hueLights[lightId].name;
const position = $('#hue_' + lightId).val();
const lightIdx = groupLights.indexOf(lightId);
const lightLocation = groupLightsLocations[lightIdx];
let serviceID;
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
if (lightLocation) {
serviceID = lightLocation.service.rid;
if (position.startsWith("entertainment")) {
// Layout per entertainment area definition at bridge
let isFocusCenter = false;
if (position === "entertainment_center") {
isFocusCenter = true;
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
groupChannels.forEach((channel) => {
if (channel.members[0].service.rid === serviceID) {
const layoutObject = assignLightEntertainmentPos(isFocusCenter, channel.position, lightName, channel.channel_id);
} else {
const layoutObject = assignLightEntertainmentPos(isFocusCenter, lightLocation.position, lightName);
else {
// Layout per manual settings
let maxSegments = 1;
if (isAPIv2Ready && serviceID) {
const service = hueEntertainmentServices.find(service => service.id === serviceID);
maxSegments = service.segments.max_segments;
if (maxSegments > 1) {
const segment = service.segments.segments;
const layoutObjects = assignSegmentedLightPos(segment, position, lightName);
} else {
const layoutObject = utils.assignLightPos(position, lightName);
channelNumber += maxSegments;
let sc = window.serverConfig;
sc.leds = hueLedConfig;
//Adjust gamma, brightness and compensation
let c = sc.color.channelAdjustment[0];
c.gammaBlue = 1.0;
c.gammaRed = 1.0;
c.gammaGreen = 1.0;
c.brightness = 100;
c.brightnessCompensation = 0;
//device config
//Start with a clean configuration
let d = {};
d.host = $('#host').val();
d.port = parseInt($('#port').val());
d.username = $('#user').val();
d.type = 'philipshue';
d.colorOrder = 'rgb';
d.lightIds = finalLightIds;
d.transitiontime = parseInt(utils.eV("transitiontime", 1));
d.restoreOriginalState = utils.eV("restoreOriginalState", false);
d.switchOffOnBlack = utils.eV("switchOffOnBlack", false);
d.blackLevel = parseFloat(utils.eV("blackLevel", 0.009));
d.onBlackTimeToPowerOff = parseInt(utils.eV("onBlackTimeToPowerOff", 600));
d.onBlackTimeToPowerOn = parseInt(utils.eV("onBlackTimeToPowerOn", 300));
d.brightnessFactor = parseFloat(utils.eV("brightnessFactor", 1));
d.clientkey = $('#clientkey').val();
d.groupId = $('#groupId').val();
d.blackLightsTimeout = parseInt(utils.eV("blackLightsTimeout", 5000));
d.brightnessMin = parseFloat(utils.eV("brightnessMin", 0));
d.brightnessMax = parseFloat(utils.eV("brightnessMax", 1));
d.brightnessThreshold = parseFloat(utils.eV("brightnessThreshold", 0.0001));
d.handshakeTimeoutMin = parseInt(utils.eV("handshakeTimeoutMin", 300));
d.handshakeTimeoutMax = parseInt(utils.eV("handshakeTimeoutMax", 1000));
d.verbose = utils.eV("verbose");
d.autoStart = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.autoStart").getValue();
d.enableAttempts = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.enableAttempts").getValue());
d.enableAttemptsInterval = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.enableAttemptsInterval").getValue());
d.useEntertainmentAPI = isEntertainmentReady && (d.groupId !== "");
d.useAPIv2 = isAPIv2Ready;
if (d.useEntertainmentAPI) {
d.hardwareLedCount = channelNumber;
if (window.serverConfig.device.type !== d.type) {
//smoothing on, if new device
sc.smoothing = { enable: true };
} else {
d.hardwareLedCount = finalLightIds.length;
d.verbose = false;
if (window.serverConfig.device.type !== d.type) {
//smoothing off, if new device
sc.smoothing = { enable: false };
window.serverConfig.device = d;
requestWriteConfig(sc, true);
$('#btn_wiz_abort').off().on('click', resetWizard);
function createHueUser() {
const host = hueIPs[hueIPsinc].host;
const port = hueIPs[hueIPsinc].port;
let params = { host: host };
if (port !== 'undefined') {
params.port = parseInt(port);
let retryTime = 30;
const retryInterval = 2;
const UserInterval = setInterval(function () {
(async () => {
retryTime -= retryInterval;
if (retryTime <= 0) {
else {
const res = await requestLedDeviceAddAuthorization('philipshue', params);
if (res && !res.error) {
const response = res.info;
if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(response)) {
debugMessage(retryTime + ": link button not pressed or device not reachable");
} else {
const username = response.username;
if (username != 'undefined') {
if (isEntertainmentReady) {
const clientkey = response.clientkey;
if (clientkey != 'undefined') {
checkHueBridge(checkUserResult, username);
} else {
}, retryInterval * 1000);
function get_hue_groups(username) {
const host = hueIPs[hueIPsinc].host;
if (devicesProperties['philipshue'][host] && devicesProperties['philipshue'][host][username]) {
const ledProperties = devicesProperties['philipshue'][host][username];
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(ledProperties.data)) {
if (Object.keys(ledProperties.data).length > 0) {
hueEntertainmentConfigs = ledProperties.data.filter(config => {
return config.type === "entertainment_configuration";
hueEntertainmentServices = ledProperties.data.filter(config => {
return (config.type === "entertainment" && config.renderer === true);
} else if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(ledProperties.groups)) {
hueEntertainmentConfigs = [];
let hueGroups = ledProperties.groups;
for (const groupid in hueGroups) {
if (hueGroups[groupid].type == 'Entertainment') {
hueGroups[groupid].id = groupid;
if (Object.keys(hueEntertainmentConfigs).length > 0) {
for (const groupid in hueEntertainmentConfigs) {
$('.gidsb').append(createTableRow([groupid + ' (' + hueEntertainmentConfigs[groupid].name + ')',
'<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-group" data-groupid="' + groupid + '" data-username="' + username + '")>'
+ $.i18n('wiz_hue_e_use_group') + '</button>']));
} else {
noAPISupport('wiz_hue_e_noegrpids', username);
function attachIdentifyButtonEvent() {
$('#wizp2_body').on('click', '.btn-identify', function () {
const hostname = $(this).data('hostname');
const port = $(this).data('port');
const user = $(this).data('user');
const lightName = $(this).data('light-name');
const lightId = $(this).data('light-id');
const lightId_v1 = $(this).data('light-id-v1');
identify(hostname, port, user, lightName, lightId, lightId_v1);
function attachGroupButtonEvent() {
$('#wizp2_body').on('click', '.btn-group', function () {
const groupid = $(this).data('groupid');
const username = $(this).data('username');
useGroupId(groupid, username);
function noAPISupport(txt, username) {
showNotification('danger', $.i18n('wiz_hue_e_title'), $.i18n('wiz_hue_e_noapisupport_hint'));
$('#btn_wiz_holder').append('<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-danger" style="margin-top:0px">' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_e_noapisupport_hint') + '</div>');
const errorMessage = txt ? $.i18n(txt) : $.i18n('wiz_hue_e_nogrpids');
$('<p style="font-weight:bold;color:red;">' + errorMessage + '<br />' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_e_noapisupport') + '</p>').insertBefore('#wizp2_body #hue_ids_t');
function get_hue_lights(username) {
const host = hueIPs[hueIPsinc].host;
if (devicesProperties['philipshue'][host] && devicesProperties['philipshue'][host][username]) {
const ledProperties = devicesProperties['philipshue'][host][username];
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(ledProperties.data)) {
if (Object.keys(ledProperties.data).length > 0) {
hueLights = ledProperties.data.filter(config => {
return config.type === "light";
} else if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(ledProperties.lights)) {
hueLights = ledProperties.lights;
if (Object.keys(hueLights).length > 0) {
if (!isEntertainmentReady) {
$('#hue_ids_t, #btn_wiz_save').toggle(true);
const lightOptions = utils.getLayoutPositions();
if (isEntertainmentReady && hueEntertainmentConfigs.length > 0) {
} else {
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
for (const light in hueLights) {
} else {
groupLights = Object.keys(hueLights);
let pos = "";
for (const id in groupLights) {
const lightId = groupLights[id];
let lightId_v1 = "/lights/" + lightId;
let lightName;
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
const light = hueLights.find(light => light.id === lightId);
lightName = light.metadata.name;
lightId_v1 = light.id_v1;
} else {
lightName = hueLights[lightId].name;
if (isEntertainmentReady) {
let lightLocation = {};
lightLocation = groupLightsLocations[id];
if (lightLocation) {
if (isAPIv2Ready) {
pos = 0;
} else {
const x = lightLocation.position.x;
const y = lightLocation.position.y;
const z = lightLocation.position.z;
let xval = (x < 0) ? "left" : "right";
if (z != 1 && x >= -0.25 && x <= 0.25) xval = "";
switch (z) {
case 1: // top / Ceiling height
pos = "top" + xval;
case 0: // middle / TV height
pos = (xval == "" && y >= 0.75) ? "bottom" : xval + "middle";
case -1: // bottom / Ground height
pos = xval + "bottom";
let options = "";
for (const opt in lightOptions) {
const val = lightOptions[opt];
options += '<option value="' + val + '"';
if (pos == val) options += ' selected="selected"';
options += '>' + $.i18n('conf_leds_layout_cl_' + val) + '</option>';
$('.lidsb').append(createTableRow([id + ' (' + lightName + ')',
'<select id="hue_' + lightId + '" class="hue_sel_watch form-control">'
+ options
+ '</select>',
'<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-identify" data-hostname="' + encodeURIComponent($(" #host").val()) + '" data-port="' + $('#port').val() + '" data-user="' + $("#user").val() + '" data-light-name="' + encodeURIComponent(lightName) + '" data-light-id="' + lightId + '" data-light-id-v1="' + lightId_v1 + '">'
+ $.i18n('wiz_hue_blinkblue', id)
+ '</button>']));
if (!isEntertainmentReady) {
$('.hue_sel_watch').on("change", function () {
let cC = 0;
for (const key in hueLights) {
if ($('#hue_' + key).val() != "disabled") {
(cC == 0 || window.readOnlyMode) ? $('#btn_wiz_save').prop("disabled", true) : $('#btn_wiz_save').prop("disabled", false);
else {
const txt = '<p style="font-weight:bold;color:red;">' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_noids') + '</p>';
function abortConnection(UserInterval) {
return {
start: function (e) {
//create html
const hue_title = 'wiz_hue_title';
const hue_intro1 = 'wiz_hue_e_intro1';
const hue_desc1 = 'wiz_hue_desc1';
const hue_create_user = 'wiz_hue_create_user';
$('#wiz_header').html('<i class="fa fa-magic fa-fw"></i>' + $.i18n(hue_title));
$('#wizp1_body').html('<h4 style="font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase;">' + $.i18n(hue_title) + '</h4><p>' + $.i18n(hue_intro1) + '</p>');
$('#wizp1_footer').html('<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_wiz_cont"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"></i>' + $.i18n('general_btn_continue') + '</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-close"></i>' + $.i18n('general_btn_cancel') + '</button>');
$('#wizp2_body').html('<div id="wh_topcontainer"></div>');
let topContainer_html = '<p class="text-left" style="font-weight:bold">' + $.i18n(hue_desc1) + '</p>' +
'<div class="row">' +
'<div class="col-md-2">' +
' <p class="text-left">' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_ip') + '</p></div>' +
' <div class="col-md-7"><div class="input-group">' +
' <span class="input-group-addon" id="retry_bridge" style="cursor:pointer"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></span>' +
' <select id="hue_bridge_select" class="hue_bridge_sel_watch form-control">' + '</select>' + '</div></div>' +
' <div class="col-md-7"><div class="input-group">' +
' <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></span>' +
' <input type="text" class="input-group form-control" id="host" placeholder="' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_ip') + '"></div></div>';
if (storedAccess === 'expert') {
topContainer_html += '<div class="col-md-3"><div class="input-group">' +
'<span class="input-group-addon">:</span>' +
'<input type="text" class="input-group form-control" id="port" placeholder="' + $.i18n('edt_conf_general_port_title') + '"></div></div>';
topContainer_html += '</div><p><span style="font-weight:bold;color:red" id="wiz_hue_ipstate"></span><span style="font-weight:bold;" id="wiz_hue_discovered"></span></p>';
topContainer_html += '<div class="form-group" id="usrcont" style="display:none"></div>';
$('#usrcont').append('<div class="row"><div class="col-md-2"><p class="text-left">' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_username') + '</p ></div>' +
'<div class="col-md-7">' +
'<div class="input-group">' +
' <span class="input-group-addon" id="retry_usr" style="cursor:pointer"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></span>' +
' <input type="text" class="input-group form-control" id="user">' +
'</div></div></div><br>' +
'</div><input type="hidden" id="groupId">'
$('#usrcont').append('<div id="hue_client_key_r" class="row"><div class="col-md-2"><p class="text-left">' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_clientkey') +
'</p></div><div class="col-md-7"><input class="form-control" id="clientkey" type="text"></div></div><br>');
$('#usrcont').append('<p><span style="font-weight:bold;color:red" id="wiz_hue_usrstate"></span></p>' +
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" style="display:none" id="wiz_hue_create_user"> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus"></i>' + $.i18n(hue_create_user) + '</button>');
$('#wizp2_body').append('<div id="hue_grp_ids_t" style="display:none"><p class="text-left" style="font-weight:bold">' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_e_desc2') + '</p></div>');
createTable("gidsh", "gidsb", "hue_grp_ids_t");
$('.gidsh').append(createTableRow([$.i18n('edt_dev_spec_groupId_title'), ""], true));
$('#wizp2_body').append('<div id="hue_ids_t" style="display:none"><p class="text-left" style="font-weight:bold" id="hue_id_headline">' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_e_desc3') + '</p></div>');
createTable("lidsh", "lidsb", "hue_ids_t");
$('.lidsh').append(createTableRow([$.i18n('edt_dev_spec_lightid_title'), $.i18n('wiz_pos'), $.i18n('wiz_identify')], true));
$('#wizp2_footer').html('<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_wiz_save" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-save"></i>' + $.i18n('general_btn_save') + '</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" id="btn_wiz_abort"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-close"></i>' + $.i18n('general_btn_cancel') + '</button>');
$('#wizp3_body').html('<span>' + $.i18n('wiz_hue_press_link') + '</span> <br /><br /><center><span id="connectionTime"></span><br /><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin" style="font-size:100px"></i></center>');
if (getStorage("darkMode") == "on")
$('#wizard_logo').attr("src", 'img/hyperion/logo_negativ.png');
//open modal
backdrop: "static",
keyboard: false,
show: true
//listen for continue
$('#btn_wiz_cont').off().on('click', function () {
export { philipshueWizard }