mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* New HomeAssistant LEDDevice * Fix typos * Ping Qt for Windows to 6.7 until aqtinstaller is fixed * Fix HA default port handling * HA - Update default latchtime and range * Add HA Wizard and light selection * Naming consistency * Fix "Selected Hyperion instance is not running" * CodeQL findings * HA - allow to overwrite brightness by HA yes or no * HA - Support switch off on black * HA - Add transition time
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290 lines
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// Wizard Yeelight
import { ledDeviceWizardUtils as utils } from './LedDevice_utils.js';
const yeelightWizard = (() => {
const lights = [];
let configuredLights = conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.lights").getValue();
function getHostInLights(hostname) {
return lights.filter(
function (lights) {
return lights.host === hostname
function begin() {
$('#btn_wiz_save').off().on("click", function () {
let ledConfig = [];
let finalLights = [];
//create yeelight led config
for (const key in lights) {
if ($('#yee_' + key).val() !== "disabled") {
let name = lights[key].name;
// Set Name to layout-position, if empty
if (name === "") {
name = lights[key].host;
const idx_content = utils.assignLightPos($('#yee_' + key).val(), name);
//LED layout
window.serverConfig.leds = ledConfig;
//LED device config
const currentDeviceType = window.serverConfig.device.type;
//Start with a clean configuration
let d = {};
d.type = 'yeelight';
d.hardwareLedCount = finalLights.length;
d.colorOrder = conf_editor.getEditor("root.generalOptions.colorOrder").getValue();
d.colorModel = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.colorModel").getValue());
d.transEffect = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.transEffect").getValue());
d.transTime = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.transTime").getValue());
d.extraTimeDarkness = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.extraTimeDarkness").getValue());
d.brightnessMin = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.brightnessMin").getValue());
d.brightnessSwitchOffOnMinimum = JSON.parse(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.brightnessSwitchOffOnMinimum").getValue());
d.brightnessMax = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.brightnessMax").getValue());
d.brightnessFactor = parseFloat(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.brightnessFactor").getValue());
d.latchTime = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.latchTime").getValue());;
d.debugLevel = parseInt(conf_editor.getEditor("root.specificOptions.debugLevel").getValue());
d.lights = finalLights;
window.serverConfig.device = d;
if (currentDeviceType !== d.type) {
//smoothing off, if new device
window.serverConfig.smoothing = { enable: false };
requestWriteConfig(window.serverConfig, true);
$('#btn_wiz_abort').off().on('click', resetWizard);
async function discover() {
// Get discovered lights
const res = await requestLedDeviceDiscovery('yeelight');
if (res && !res.error) {
const r = res.info;
let discoveryMethod = "ssdp";
if (res.info.discoveryMethod) {
discoveryMethod = res.info.discoveryMethod;
// Process devices returned by discovery
for (const device of r.devices) {
if (device.hostname !== "") {
processDiscoverdDevice(device, discoveryMethod);
// Add additional items from configuration
for (const configuredLight of configuredLights) {
function processDiscoverdDevice(device, discoveryMethod) {
if (getHostInLights(device.hostname).length > 0) {
const light = {
host: device.hostname
if (discoveryMethod === "ssdp") {
if (device.domain) {
light.host += '.' + device.domain;
} else {
light.host = device.service;
light.name = device.name;
light.port = device.port;
if (device.txt) {
light.model = device.txt.md;
light.port = 55443; // Yeelight default port
} else {
light.name = device.other.name;
light.model = device.other.model;
function processConfiguredLight(configuredLight) {
const host = configuredLight.host;
let port = configuredLight.port || 0;
if (host !== "" && getHostInLights(host).length === 0) {
const light = {
host: host,
port: port,
name: configuredLight.name,
model: "color4"
function attachIdentifyButtonEvent() {
$('#wizp2_body').on('click', '.btn-identify', function () {
const hostname = $(this).data('hostname');
const port = $(this).data('port');
identify(hostname, port);
function assign_lights() {
// Model mappings, see https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/yeelight/
const models = ['color', 'color1', 'YLDP02YL', 'YLDP02YL', 'color2', 'YLDP06YL', 'color4', 'YLDP13YL', 'color6', 'YLDP13AYL', 'colorb', "YLDP005", 'colorc', "YLDP004-A", 'stripe', 'YLDD04YL', 'strip1', 'YLDD01YL', 'YLDD02YL', 'strip4', 'YLDD05YL', 'strip6', 'YLDD05YL'];
// If records are left for configuration
if (Object.keys(lights).length > 0) {
$('#yee_ids_t, #btn_wiz_save').toggle(true);
const lightOptions = utils.getLayoutPositions();
let pos = "";
for (const lightid in lights) {
const lightHostname = lights[lightid].host;
const lightPort = lights[lightid].port;
let lightName = lights[lightid].name;
if (lightName === "")
lightName = $.i18n('edt_dev_spec_lights_itemtitle') + '(' + lightHostname + ')';
let options = "";
for (const opt in lightOptions) {
const val = lightOptions[opt];
options += '<option value="' + val + '"';
if (pos === val) options += ' selected="selected"';
options += '>' + $.i18n('conf_leds_layout_cl_' + val) + '</option>';
let enabled = 'enabled';
if (!models.includes(lights[lightid].model)) {
enabled = 'disabled';
options = '<option value=disabled>' + $.i18n('wiz_yeelight_unsupported') + '</option>';
$('.lidsb').append(createTableRow([(parseInt(lightid, 10) + 1) + '. ' + lightName, '<select id="yee_' + lightid + '" ' + enabled + ' class="yee_sel_watch form-control">'
+ options
+ '</select>', '<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-identify" data-hostname="' + lightHostname + '" data-port="' + lightPort + '")>'
+ $.i18n('wiz_identify') + '</button>']));
$('.yee_sel_watch').on("change", function () {
let cC = 0;
for (const key in lights) {
if ($('#yee_' + key).val() !== "disabled") {
if (cC === 0 || window.readOnlyMode)
$('#btn_wiz_save').prop("disabled", true);
$('#btn_wiz_save').prop("disabled", false);
else {
const noLightsTxt = '<p style="font-weight:bold;color:red;">' + $.i18n('wiz_noLights', 'lights') + '</p>';
async function identify(host, port) {
const disabled = $('#btn_wiz_save').is(':disabled');
// Take care that new record cannot be save during background process
$('#btn_wiz_save').prop('disabled', true);
const params = { host: host, port: port };
await requestLedDeviceIdentification("yeelight", params);
if (!window.readOnlyMode) {
$('#btn_wiz_save').prop('disabled', disabled);
return {
start: function (e) {
//create html
const yeelight_title = 'wiz_yeelight_title';
const yeelight_intro1 = 'wiz_yeelight_intro1';
$('#wiz_header').html('<i class="fa fa-magic fa-fw"></i>' + $.i18n(yeelight_title));
$('#wizp1_body').html('<h4 style="font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase;">' + $.i18n(yeelight_title) + '</h4><p>' + $.i18n(yeelight_intro1) + '</p>');
$('#wizp1_footer').html('<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_wiz_cont"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"></i>'
+ $.i18n('general_btn_continue') + '</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-close"></i>'
+ $.i18n('general_btn_cancel') + '</button>');
$('#wizp2_body').html('<div id="wh_topcontainer"></div>');
$('#wh_topcontainer').append('<div class="form-group" id="usrcont" style="display:none"></div>');
$('#wizp2_body').append('<div id="yee_ids_t" style="display:none"><p style="font-weight:bold" id="yee_id_headline">' + $.i18n('wiz_yeelight_desc2') + '</p></div>');
createTable("lidsh", "lidsb", "yee_ids_t");
$('.lidsh').append(createTableRow([$.i18n('edt_dev_spec_lights_title'), $.i18n('wiz_pos'), $.i18n('wiz_identify')], true));
$('#wizp2_footer').html('<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="btn_wiz_save" style="display:none"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-save"></i>'
+ $.i18n('general_btn_save') + '</button><buttowindow.serverConfig.device = d;n type="button" class="btn btn-danger" id="btn_wiz_abort"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-close"></i>'
+ $.i18n('general_btn_cancel') + '</button>');
if (getStorage("darkMode") == "on")
$('#wizard_logo').attr("src", 'img/hyperion/logo_negativ.png');
//open modal
$("#wizard_modal").modal({ backdrop: "static", keyboard: false, show: true });
//listen for continue
$('#btn_wiz_cont').off().on('click', function () {
}) ();
export { yeelightWizard };