mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Refactor to fix #1671 * Add GUI/NonGUI mode to info page * Do not show lock config, if in non-UI mode * Updae Changelog * Correct includes * Ensure key member initialization - RGB Channels * Ensure key member initialization - WebServer * Update RGBChannels * Fix initialization order * Fix key when inserting new logger in LoggerMap, Prepare logBuffer-JSON snapshot view in LoggerManager, Increase buffered loglines to 500 * Fix Memory leak in GrabberWrapper * Fix Memory leak in BlackBorderProcessor * Fix Memory leak in BlackBorderProcessor * use ninja generator under macos * Fix BGEffectHandler destruction * Fix Mdns code * Clear list after applying qDeleteAll * Fix deletion of CecHandler * Fix memory leak caused by wrong buffer allocation * Remove extra pixel consistently * Change mDNS to Qt SmartPointers * Correct removal * Fix usage of _width/_height (they are the output resolution, not the screen resolution) That avoids unnecessary resizing of the output image with every transferFrame call * Move main non Thread Objects to Smart Pointers * Refactor Hyperion Daemon unsing smartpointers * Correction * Correct typos/ align text * Fix startGrabberDispmanx * Fix startGrabberDispmanx * Address CodeQL finding * Create Screen grabbers via Template * Fix typo * Change way of logging * Revert change * Address deprecation warning * Correct auto screen grabber evaluation --------- Co-authored-by: Paulchen-Panther <16664240+Paulchen-Panther@users.noreply.github.com>
2852 lines
70 KiB
2852 lines
70 KiB
// Local-Hyperion includes
#include "LedDevicePhilipsHue.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <utils/QStringUtils.h>
#include "qendian.h"
#include <ssdp/SSDPDiscover.h>
// mDNS discover
#include <mdns/MdnsBrowser.h>
#include <mdns/MdnsServiceRegister.h>
#include <utils/NetUtils.h>
// Constants
namespace {
bool verbose = false;
bool verbose3 = false;
// Configuration settings
const char CONFIG_HOST[] = "host";
const char CONFIG_PORT[] = "port";
const char CONFIG_USERNAME[] = "username";
const char CONFIG_CLIENTKEY[] = "clientkey";
const char CONFIG_BRIGHTNESSFACTOR[] = "brightnessFactor";
const char CONFIG_TRANSITIONTIME[] = "transitiontime";
const char CONFIG_BLACK_LIGHTS_TIMEOUT[] = "blackLightsTimeout";
const char CONFIG_ON_OFF_BLACK[] = "switchOffOnBlack";
const char CONFIG_RESTORE_STATE[] = "restoreOriginalState";
const char CONFIG_lightIdS[] = "lightIds";
const char CONFIG_USE_HUE_API_V2[] = "useAPIv2";
const char CONFIG_USE_HUE_ENTERTAINMENT_API[] = "useEntertainmentAPI";
const char CONFIG_groupId[] = "groupId";
const char CONFIG_VERBOSE[] = "verbose";
// Philips Hue OpenAPI URLs
const int API_DEFAULT_PORT = -1; //Use default port per communication scheme
const char API_ROOT[] = "/";
const char API_BASE_PATH_V1[] = "api";
const char API_BASE_PATH_V2[] = "/clip/v2/resource";
const char API_AUTH_PATH_V1[] = "auth/v1";
const char API_RESOURCE_CONFIG[] = "config";
const char API_RESOURCE_LIGHTS[] = "lights";
const char API_RESOURCE_GROUPS[] = "groups";
const char API_RESOURCE_DEVICE[] = "device";
const char API_RESOURCE_LIGHT[] = "light";
const char API_RESOURCE_ENTERTAINMENT[] = "entertainment";
const char API_RESOURCE_ENTERTAINMENT_CONFIGURATION[] = "entertainment_configuration";
// Device Data elements
const char DEV_DATA_BRIDGEID[] = "bridgeid";
const char DEV_DATA_SOFTWAREVERSION[] = "swversion";
const char DEV_DATA_APIVERSION[] = "apiversion";
const char DEV_DATA_METADATA[] = "metadata";
const char DEV_DATA_NAME[] = "name";
const char DEV_DATA_ARCHETYPE[] = "archetype";
const char DEV_DATA_PRODUCTDATA[] = "product_data";
const char DEV_DATA_PRODUCT[] = "product_name";
const char DEV_DATA_MODEL[] = "model_id";
const char DEV_DATA_PRODUCT_V1[] = "productname";
const char DEV_DATA_MODEL_V1[] = "modelid";
// List of Group / Stream Information
const char API_GROUP_NAME[] = "name";
const char API_GROUP_TYPE[] = "type";
const char API_GROUP_TYPE_ENTERTAINMENT_V1[] = "Entertainment";
const char API_GROUP_TYPE_ENTERTAINMENT_CONFIGURATION[] = "entertainment_configuration";
const char API_OWNER[] = "owner";
const char API_STREAM[] = "stream";
const char API_STREAM_ACTIVE[] = "active";
const char API_STREAM_ACTIVE_VALUE_TRUE[] = "true";
const char API_STREAM_ACTIVE_VALUE_FALSE[] = "false";
const char API_STREAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT[] = "/%1/%2/%3/%4";
const char API_STREAM_STATUS[] = "status";
const char API_STREAM_ACTIVE_V2[] = "active_streamer";
const char API_LIGHT_SERVICES[] = "light_services";
const char API_CHANNELS[] = "channels";
const char API_RID[] = "rid";
// List of light resources
const char API_LIGTH_ID[] = "lightId";
const char API_LIGTH_ID_v1[] = "lightId_v1";
const char API_COLOR[] = "color";
const char API_GRADIENT[] = "gradient";
const char API_XY_COORDINATES[] = "xy";
const char API_X_COORDINATE[] = "x";
const char API_Y_COORDINATE[] = "y";
const char API_BRIGHTNESS[] = "bri";
const char API_TRANSITIONTIME[] = "transitiontime";
const char API_DYNAMICS[] = "dynamics";
const char API_DURATION[] = "duration";
const char API_DIMMING[] = "dimming";
// List of State Information
const char API_STATE[] = "state";
const char API_STATE_ON[] = "on";
// List of Action Information
const char API_ACTION[] = "action";
const char API_ACTION_START[] = "start";
const char API_ACTION_STOP[] = "stop";
const char API_ACTION_BREATHE[] = "breathe";
const char API_ALERT[] = "alert";
const char API_SELECT[] = "select";
// List of Data/Error Information
const char API_DATA[] = "data";
const char API_ERROR[] = "error";
const char API_ERROR_ADDRESS[] = "address";
const char API_ERROR_DESCRIPTION[] = "description";
const char API_ERROR_TYPE[] = "type";
const char API_ERRORS[] = "errors";
// List of Success Information
const char API_SUCCESS[] = "success";
// List of custom HTTP Headers
const char HTTP_HEADER_APPLICATION_KEY[] = "hue-application-key";
// Phlips Hue ssdp services
const char SSDP_ID[] = "upnp:rootdevice";
const char SSDP_FILTER[] = "(.*)IpBridge(.*)";
// DTLS Connection / SSL / Cipher Suite
const char API_SSL_SERVER_NAME[] = "Hue";
const char API_SSL_SEED_CUSTOM[] = "dtls_client";
const int API_SSL_SERVER_PORT = 2100;
const char API_SSL_CA_CERTIFICATE_RESSOURCE[] = ":/philips_hue_ca.pem";
const int DEV_FIRMWAREVERSION_APIV2 = 1948086000;
//Enable rewrites that Hue-Bridge does not close the connection ("After 10 seconds of no activity the connection is closed automatically, and status is set back to inactive.")
constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds STREAM_REWRITE_TIME{5000};
//Streaming message header and payload definition
const uint8_t HEADER[] =
'H', 'u', 'e', 'S', 't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm', //protocol
0x01, 0x00, //version 1.0
0x01, //sequence number 1
0x00, 0x00, //Reserved write 0’s
0x00, // 0x00 = RGB; 0x01 = XY Brightness
0x00, // Reserved, write 0’s
const uint8_t PAYLOAD_PER_LIGHT[] =
0x01, 0x00, 0x06, //light ID
//color: 16 bpc
0xff, 0xff, //Red
0xff, 0xff, //Green
0xff, 0xff, //Blue
//API v2 - Streaming message header and payload definition
const uint8_t HEADER_V2[] =
'H', 'u', 'e', 'S', 't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm', //protocol
0x02, 0x00, //version 2.0
0x01, //sequence number 1
0x00, 0x00, //Reserved write 0’s
0x00, // 0x00 = RGB; 0x01 = XY Brightness
0x00, // Reserved
const char* ENTERTAINMENT_ID[36];
const uint8_t PAYLOAD_PER_CHANNEL_V2[] =
0xff, //channel id
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff //color
} //End of constants
bool operator ==(const CiColor& p1, const CiColor& p2)
return ((p1.x == p2.x) && (p1.y == p2.y) && (p1.bri == p2.bri));
bool operator != (const CiColor& p1, const CiColor& p2)
return !(p1 == p2);
CiColor CiColor::rgbToCiColor(double red, double green, double blue, const CiColorTriangle& colorSpace, bool candyGamma)
double cx;
double cy;
double bri;
if (red + green + blue > 0)
// Apply gamma correction.
double r = red;
double g = green;
double b = blue;
if (candyGamma)
r = (red > 0.04045) ? pow((red + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055), 2.4) : (red / 12.92);
g = (green > 0.04045) ? pow((green + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055), 2.4) : (green / 12.92);
b = (blue > 0.04045) ? pow((blue + 0.055) / (1.0 + 0.055), 2.4) : (blue / 12.92);
// Convert to XYZ space.
double X = r * 0.664511 + g * 0.154324 + b * 0.162028;
double Y = r * 0.283881 + g * 0.668433 + b * 0.047685;
double Z = r * 0.000088 + g * 0.072310 + b * 0.986039;
cx = X / (X + Y + Z);
cy = Y / (X + Y + Z);
// RGB to HSV/B Conversion before gamma correction V/B for brightness, not Y from XYZ Space.
// bri = std::max(std::max(red, green), blue);
// RGB to HSV/B Conversion after gamma correction V/B for brightness, not Y from XYZ Space.
bri = std::max(r, std::max(g, b));
cx = 0.0;
cy = 0.0;
bri = 0.0;
if (std::isnan(cx))
cx = 0.0;
if (std::isnan(cy))
cy = 0.0;
if (std::isnan(bri))
bri = 0.0;
CiColor xy = { cx, cy, bri };
if( (red + green + blue) > 0)
// Check if the given XY value is within the color reach of our lamps.
if (!isPointInLampsReach(xy, colorSpace))
// It seems the color is out of reach let's find the closes color we can produce with our lamp and send this XY value out.
XYColor pAB = getClosestPointToPoint(colorSpace.red, colorSpace.green, xy);
XYColor pAC = getClosestPointToPoint(colorSpace.blue, colorSpace.red, xy);
XYColor pBC = getClosestPointToPoint(colorSpace.green, colorSpace.blue, xy);
// Get the distances per point and see which point is closer to our Point.
double dAB = getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(xy, pAB);
double dAC = getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(xy, pAC);
double dBC = getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(xy, pBC);
double lowest = dAB;
XYColor closestPoint = pAB;
if (dAC < lowest)
lowest = dAC;
closestPoint = pAC;
if (dBC < lowest)
closestPoint = pBC;
// Change the xy value to a value which is within the reach of the lamp.
xy.x = closestPoint.x;
xy.y = closestPoint.y;
return xy;
double CiColor::crossProduct(XYColor p1, XYColor p2)
return p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x;
bool CiColor::isPointInLampsReach(CiColor p, const CiColorTriangle &colorSpace)
bool rc = false;
XYColor v1 = { colorSpace.green.x - colorSpace.red.x, colorSpace.green.y - colorSpace.red.y };
XYColor v2 = { colorSpace.blue.x - colorSpace.red.x, colorSpace.blue.y - colorSpace.red.y };
XYColor q = { p.x - colorSpace.red.x, p.y - colorSpace.red.y };
double s = crossProduct(q, v2) / crossProduct(v1, v2);
double t = crossProduct(v1, q) / crossProduct(v1, v2);
if ( ( s >= 0.0 ) && ( t >= 0.0 ) && ( s + t <= 1.0 ) )
rc = true;
return rc;
XYColor CiColor::getClosestPointToPoint(XYColor a, XYColor b, CiColor p)
XYColor AP = { p.x - a.x, p.y - a.y };
XYColor AB = { b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y };
double ab2 = AB.x * AB.x + AB.y * AB.y;
double ap_ab = AP.x * AB.x + AP.y * AB.y;
double t = ap_ab / ab2;
if ( t < 0.0 )
t = 0.0;
else if ( t > 1.0 )
t = 1.0;
return { a.x + AB.x * t, a.y + AB.y * t };
double CiColor::getDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(CiColor p1, XYColor p2)
// Horizontal difference.
double dx = p1.x - p2.x;
// Vertical difference.
double dy = p1.y - p2.y;
// Absolute value.
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
: ProviderUdpSSL(deviceConfig)
, _restApi(nullptr)
, _useEntertainmentAPI(false)
, _isAPIv2Ready(false)
, _isDiyHue(false)
, _api_major(0)
, _api_minor(0)
, _api_patch(0)
, _isHueEntertainmentReady(false)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(MdnsBrowser::getInstance().data(), "browseForServiceType",
Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QByteArray, MdnsServiceRegister::getServiceType(_activeDeviceType)));
delete _restApi;
_restApi = nullptr;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
DebugIf( verbose, _log, "deviceConfig: [%s]", QJsonDocument(_devConfig).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData() );
bool isInitOK = false;
//Set hostname as per configuration and default port
_hostName = deviceConfig[CONFIG_HOST].toString();
_apiPort = deviceConfig[CONFIG_PORT].toInt();
_authToken = deviceConfig[CONFIG_USERNAME].toString();
Debug(_log, "Hostname/IP: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_hostName) );
_useApiV2 = deviceConfig[CONFIG_USE_HUE_API_V2].toBool(false);
Debug(_log, "Use Hue API v2: %s", _useApiV2 ? "Yes" : "No" );
if( _useEntertainmentAPI )
setLatchTime( 0);
_devConfig["sslport"] = API_SSL_SERVER_PORT;
_devConfig["servername"] = API_SSL_SERVER_NAME;
_devConfig["psk"] = _devConfig[ CONFIG_CLIENTKEY ].toString();
if (_useApiV2)
// psk_identity is to be set later when application-id was resolved
_devConfig["psk_identity"] = "";
_devConfig["psk_identity"] = _authToken;
_devConfig["seed_custom"] = API_SSL_SEED_CUSTOM;
_devConfig["retry_left"] = STREAM_CONNECTION_RETRYS;
_devConfig["hs_attempts"] = STREAM_SSL_HANDSHAKE_ATTEMPTS;
_devConfig["hs_timeout_min"] = 600;
_devConfig["hs_timeout_max"] = 1000;
isInitOK = ProviderUdpSSL::init(_devConfig);
isInitOK = LedDevice::init(_devConfig); // NOLINT
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::openRestAPI()
bool isInitOK {true};
if (_restApi == nullptr)
_restApi = new ProviderRestApi(_address.toString(), _apiPort);
if (_apiPort == 0 || _apiPort == 80 || _apiPort == 443)
_restApi->setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json");
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::checkApiError(const QJsonDocument &response, bool supressError)
bool apiError = false;
QString errorReason;
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "Reply: [%s]", response.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData());
if (_useApiV2)
QJsonObject obj = response.object();
if (obj.contains(API_ERRORS))
const QJsonArray errorList = obj.value(API_ERRORS).toArray();
if (!errorList.isEmpty())
QStringList errors;
for (const QJsonValue &error : errorList)
QString errorString = error.toObject()[API_ERROR_DESCRIPTION].toString();
if (!errorString.contains("may not have effect"))
errors << errorString;
if (!errors.isEmpty())
errorReason = errors.join(",");
apiError = true;
QJsonArray responseList = response.array();
if (!responseList.isEmpty())
QJsonObject respose = responseList.first().toObject();
if (respose.contains(API_ERROR))
QJsonObject error = respose.value(API_ERROR).toObject();
int errorType = error.value(API_ERROR_TYPE).toInt();
QString errorDesc = error.value(API_ERROR_DESCRIPTION).toString();
QString errorAddress = error.value(API_ERROR_ADDRESS).toString();
if( errorType != 901 )
errorReason = QString ("(%1) %2, Resource:%3").arg(errorType).arg(errorDesc, errorAddress);
apiError = true;
if (apiError)
if (!supressError)
Warning(_log, "Suppresing error: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(errorReason));
return apiError;
int LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::open()
int retval = -1;
_isDeviceReady = false;
if (NetUtils::resolveHostToAddress(_log, _hostName, _address))
if ( openRestAPI() )
QJsonDocument bridgeDetails = retrieveBridgeDetails();
if ( !bridgeDetails.isEmpty() )
setBridgeDetails(bridgeDetails, true);
if (_useApiV2)
if ( configureSsl() )
if (retrieveApplicationId())
if (_isAPIv2Ready)
Warning(_log,"Your Hue Bridge supports a newer API. Reconfigure your device in Hyperion to benefit from new features.");
if (!isInError() )
if (initLightsMap() && initDevicesMap() && initEntertainmentSrvsMap())
if ( _useEntertainmentAPI )
if (initGroupsMap())
// Open bridge for streaming
if ( ProviderUdpSSL::open() == 0 )
// Everything is OK, device is ready
_isDeviceReady = true;
retval = 0;
// Everything is OK, device is ready
_isDeviceReady = true;
retval = 0;
return retval;
int LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::close()
_isDeviceReady = false;
int retval = 0;
if( _useEntertainmentAPI )
retval = ProviderUdpSSL::close();
return retval;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::configureSsl()
bool success = _restApi->setCaCertificate(API_SSL_CA_CERTIFICATE_RESSOURCE);
if (!success)
this->setInError ( "Failed to configure Hue Bridge for SSL", false );
return success;
const int *LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getCiphersuites() const
void LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::log(const char* msg, const char* type, ...) const
const size_t max_val_length = 1024;
char val[max_val_length];
va_list args;
va_start(args, type);
vsnprintf(val, max_val_length, type, args);
std::string s = msg;
size_t max = 30;
if (max > s.length())
s.append(max - s.length(), ' ');
Debug( _log, "%s: %s", s.c_str(), val );
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::retrieveBridgeDetails()
QJsonDocument bridgeDetails;
if ( openRestAPI() )
setBaseApiEnvironment(false, API_BASE_PATH_V1);
bridgeDetails = get( API_RESOURCE_CONFIG );
return bridgeDetails;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::retrieveApplicationId()
bool rc {false};
setBaseApiEnvironment(true, API_ROOT);
httpResponse response = _restApi->get();
if ( !response.error() )
_applicationID = response.getHeader("hue-application-id");
rc = true;
QString errorReason = QString("Failed to get application-id from Hue Bridge, error: '%1'").arg(response.getErrorReason());
this->setInError ( errorReason, false );
return rc;
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::retrieveDeviceDetails(const QString& deviceId )
QStringList resourcePath;
if (_useApiV2)
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_DEVICE;
if (!deviceId.isEmpty())
resourcePath << deviceId;
return get( resourcePath );
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::retrieveLightDetails(const QString& lightId )
QStringList resourcePath;
if (_useApiV2)
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHT;
if (!lightId.isEmpty())
resourcePath << lightId;
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHTS;
if (!lightId.isEmpty())
resourcePath << lightId << API_STATE;
return get( resourcePath );
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::retrieveGroupDetails(const QString& groupId )
QStringList resourcePath;
if (_useApiV2)
if (!groupId.isEmpty())
resourcePath << groupId;
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_GROUPS;
if (!groupId.isEmpty())
resourcePath << groupId;
return get( resourcePath );
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::retrieveEntertainmentSrvDetails(const QString& entertainmentID )
QStringList resourcePath;
if (_useApiV2)
if (!entertainmentID.isEmpty())
resourcePath << entertainmentID;
return get( resourcePath );
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::isApiEntertainmentReady(const QString& apiVersion)
bool ready {false};
QStringList apiVersionParts = QStringUtils::split(apiVersion,".", QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
if ( !apiVersionParts.isEmpty() )
_api_major = apiVersionParts[0].toUInt();
_api_minor = apiVersionParts[1].toUInt();
_api_patch = apiVersionParts[2].toUInt();
if ( _api_major > 1 || (_api_major == 1 && _api_minor >= 22) )
ready = true;
Debug(_log,"API version [%s] %s Entertainment API ready", QSTRING_CSTR(apiVersion), ready ? "is" : "is not" );
return ready;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::isAPIv2Ready(int swVersion)
bool ready {true};
ready = false;
Debug(_log,"Firmware version [%d] %s API v2 ready", swVersion, ready ? "is" : "is not" );
return ready;
void LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::setBaseApiEnvironment(bool apiV2, const QString& path)
if ( _restApi != nullptr )
QStringList basePath;
if (apiV2)
if (!path.isEmpty())
basePath << path;
basePath << API_BASE_PATH_V2;
_restApi->setHeader(HTTP_HEADER_APPLICATION_KEY, _authToken.toUtf8());
if (!path.isEmpty())
basePath << path;
//Base-path is api-path + authentication token (here username)
basePath << API_BASE_PATH_V1 << _authToken;
DebugIf(verbose, _log,"New BasePath: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_restApi->getBasePath()));
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::initDevicesMap()
bool isInitOK = false;
if ( !this->isInError() )
QJsonDocument deviceDetails = retrieveDeviceDetails();
if ( !deviceDetails.isEmpty() )
setDevicesMap( deviceDetails );
isInitOK = true;
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::initLightsMap()
bool isInitOK = false;
if ( !this->isInError() )
QJsonDocument lightDetails = retrieveLightDetails();
if ( !lightDetails.isEmpty() )
setLightsMap( lightDetails );
isInitOK = true;
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::initGroupsMap()
bool isInitOK = false;
if ( !this->isInError() )
QJsonDocument groupDetails = retrieveGroupDetails();
if ( !groupDetails.isEmpty() )
setGroupMap( groupDetails );
isInitOK = true;
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::initEntertainmentSrvsMap()
bool isInitOK = false;
if ( !this->isInError() )
QJsonDocument entertainmentSrvDetails = retrieveEntertainmentSrvDetails();
if ( !entertainmentSrvDetails.isEmpty() )
setEntertainmentSrvMap( entertainmentSrvDetails );
isInitOK = true;
return isInitOK;
void LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::setBridgeDetails(const QJsonDocument &doc, bool isLogging)
QJsonObject jsonConfigInfo = doc.object();
if ( verbose )
std::cout << "jsonConfigInfo: [" << QJsonDocument(jsonConfigInfo).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData() << "]" << std::endl;
_deviceName = jsonConfigInfo[DEV_DATA_NAME].toString();
if (_deviceName.startsWith("DiyHue", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
_isDiyHue = true;
_deviceModel = jsonConfigInfo[DEV_DATA_MODEL_V1].toString();
_deviceBridgeId = jsonConfigInfo[DEV_DATA_BRIDGEID].toString();
_deviceFirmwareVersion = jsonConfigInfo[DEV_DATA_SOFTWAREVERSION].toString().toInt();
_deviceAPIVersion = jsonConfigInfo[DEV_DATA_APIVERSION].toString();
_isHueEntertainmentReady = isApiEntertainmentReady(_deviceAPIVersion);
_isAPIv2Ready = isAPIv2Ready(_deviceFirmwareVersion);
if( _useEntertainmentAPI )
DebugIf( !_isHueEntertainmentReady, _log, "Bridge is not Entertainment API Ready - Entertainment API usage was disabled!" );
_useEntertainmentAPI = _isHueEntertainmentReady;
if (isLogging)
log( "Bridge Name", "%s", QSTRING_CSTR( _deviceName ));
log( "Bridge-ID", "%s", QSTRING_CSTR( _deviceBridgeId ));
log( "Model", "%s", QSTRING_CSTR( _deviceModel ));
log( "Firmware version", "%d", _deviceFirmwareVersion );
log( "API-Version", "%u.%u.%u", _api_major, _api_minor, _api_patch );
log( "API v2 ready", "%s", _isAPIv2Ready ? "Yes" : "No" );
log( "Entertainment ready", "%s", _isHueEntertainmentReady ? "Yes" : "No" );
log( "DIYHue", "%s", _isDiyHue ? "Yes" : "No" );
void LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::setDevicesMap(const QJsonDocument &doc)
if (_useApiV2)
const QJsonArray devices = doc.array();
for (const QJsonValue &device : devices)
QString deviceId = device.toObject().value("id").toString();
_devicesMap.insert(deviceId, device.toObject());
void LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::setLightsMap(const QJsonDocument &doc)
if (_useApiV2)
const QJsonArray lights = doc.array();
for (const QJsonValue &light : lights)
QString lightId = light.toObject().value("id").toString();
_lightsMap.insert(lightId, light.toObject());
QJsonObject jsonLightsInfo = doc.object();
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "jsonLightsInfo: [%s]", QJsonDocument(jsonLightsInfo).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData() );
// Get all available light ids and their values
QStringList keys = jsonLightsInfo.keys();
for ( int i = 0; i < keys.count(); ++i )
QString key = keys.at(i);
_lightsMap.insert(key, jsonLightsInfo[key].toObject());
_lightsCount = _lightsMap.count();
if ( _lightsCount == 0 )
this->setInError( "No light-IDs found at the Philips Hue Bridge" );
log( "Lights at Bridge found", "%d", _lightsCount );
void LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::setGroupMap(const QJsonDocument &doc)
if (_useApiV2)
const QJsonArray groups = doc.array();
for (const QJsonValue &group : groups)
QString groupId = group.toObject().value("id").toString();
_groupsMap.insert(groupId, group.toObject());
QJsonObject jsonGroupsInfo = doc.object();
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "jsonGroupsInfo: [%s]", QJsonDocument(jsonGroupsInfo).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData() );
// Get all available group ids and their values
QStringList keys = jsonGroupsInfo.keys();
int _groupsCount = keys.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < _groupsCount; ++i )
_groupsMap.insert( keys.at(i), jsonGroupsInfo.take(keys.at(i)).toObject() );
void LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::setEntertainmentSrvMap(const QJsonDocument &doc)
if (_useApiV2)
const QJsonArray entertainmentSrvs = doc.array();
for (const QJsonValue &entertainmentSrv : entertainmentSrvs)
QString entertainmentSrvId = entertainmentSrv.toObject().value("id").toString();
_entertainmentMap.insert(entertainmentSrvId, entertainmentSrv.toObject());
QMap<QString,QJsonObject> LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getDevicesMap() const
return _devicesMap;
QMap<QString,QJsonObject> LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getLightMap() const
return _lightsMap;
QMap<QString,QJsonObject> LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getGroupMap() const
return _groupsMap;
QMap<QString,QJsonObject> LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getEntertainmentMap() const
return _entertainmentMap;
QJsonObject LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getDeviceDetails(const QString& deviceId)
DebugIf( verbose, _log, "[%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(deviceId) );
return _devicesMap.value(deviceId);
QJsonObject LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getLightDetails(const QString& lightId)
DebugIf( verbose, _log, "[%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(lightId) );
return _lightsMap.value(lightId);
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::setLightState(const QString& lightId, const QJsonObject& state)
DebugIf( verbose, _log, "[%s] ", QSTRING_CSTR(lightId) );
QStringList resourcePath;
QJsonObject cmd;
if (_useApiV2)
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHT << lightId;
cmd = state;
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHTS << lightId << API_STATE;
cmd = state;
return put(resourcePath, cmd);
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getGroupDetails(const QString& groupId)
DebugIf( verbose, _log, "[%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(groupId) );
return retrieveGroupDetails(groupId);
QString LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getGroupName(const QString& groupId ) const
QString groupName;
if( _groupsMap.contains( groupId ) )
QJsonObject group = _groupsMap.value( groupId );
groupName = group.value( API_GROUP_NAME ).toString().trimmed().replace("\"", "");
DebugIf( verbose, _log, "GroupId [%s]: GroupName: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(groupId), QSTRING_CSTR(groupName) );
Error(_log, "Group ID %s does not exist on this bridge", QSTRING_CSTR(groupId) );
return groupName;
QStringList LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getGroupLights(const QString& groupId) const
QStringList groupLights;
// search user groupId inside _groupsMap and create light if found
if( _groupsMap.contains( groupId ) )
QJsonObject group = _groupsMap.value( groupId );
QString groupName = getGroupName( groupId );
QString type = group.value( API_GROUP_TYPE ).toString();
if (_useApiV2)
const QJsonArray lightServices = group.value( API_LIGHT_SERVICES ).toArray();
for (const QJsonValue &light : lightServices)
groupLights.append( light.toObject().value(API_RID).toString());
groupLights = group.value( API_RESOURCE_LIGHTS ).toVariant().toStringList();
Info(_log, "Entertainment Group \"%s\" [%s] with %d lights found", QSTRING_CSTR(groupName), QSTRING_CSTR(groupId), groupLights.size() );
Error(_log, "Group ID (%s)[%s] is not an entertainment group", QSTRING_CSTR(groupName), QSTRING_CSTR(groupId));
Error(_log, "Group ID [%s] does not exist on this bridge", QSTRING_CSTR(groupId) );
return groupLights;
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::setGroupState(const QString& groupId, bool state)
QStringList resourcePath;
QJsonObject cmd;
if (_useApiV2)
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_GROUPS << groupId;
cmd.insert(API_STREAM, QJsonObject {{API_STREAM_ACTIVE, state }});
return put(resourcePath, cmd);
QJsonObject LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getEntertainmentSrvDetails(const QString& deviceId)
DebugIf( verbose, _log, "getEntertainmentSrvDetails [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(deviceId) );
QJsonObject details;
for (const QJsonObject& entertainmentSrv : std::as_const(_entertainmentMap))
QJsonObject owner = entertainmentSrv[API_OWNER].toObject();
if (owner[API_RID] == deviceId)
details = entertainmentSrv;
return details;
int LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getGroupChannelsCount(const QString& groupId) const
int channelsCount {0};
// search user groupId inside _groupsMap and create light if found
if( _groupsMap.contains( groupId ) )
QJsonObject group = _groupsMap.value( groupId );
QString groupName = getGroupName( groupId );
QString type = group.value( API_GROUP_TYPE ).toString();
if (_useApiV2)
QJsonArray channels = group.value( API_CHANNELS ).toArray();
channelsCount = channels.size();
Info(_log, "Entertainment Group \"%s\" [%s] with %d channels found", QSTRING_CSTR(groupName), QSTRING_CSTR(groupId), channelsCount );
Error(_log, "Group ID (%s)[%s] is not an entertainment group", QSTRING_CSTR(groupName), QSTRING_CSTR(groupId));
Error(_log, "Group ID [%s] does not exist on this bridge", QSTRING_CSTR(groupId) );
return channelsCount;
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::get(const QString& route)
return get(QStringList{route});
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::get(const QStringList& routeElements)
httpResponse response = _restApi->get();
if (response.error())
if (routeElements.isEmpty() &&
( response.getNetworkReplyError() == QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError ||
response.getNetworkReplyError() == QNetworkReply::ConnectionRefusedError ||
response.getNetworkReplyError() == QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError ||
response.getNetworkReplyError() == QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError ))
Warning(_log, "API request (Get): The Hue Bridge is not ready.");
QString errorReason = QString("API request (Get) failed with error: '%1'").arg(response.getErrorReason());
this->setInError ( errorReason );
if (!checkApiError(response.getBody()))
if (_useApiV2)
QJsonObject obj = response.getBody().object();
if (obj.contains(API_DATA))
return QJsonDocument {obj.value(API_DATA).toArray()};
return response.getBody();
QJsonDocument LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::put(const QStringList& routeElements, const QJsonObject& content, bool supressError)
httpResponse response = _restApi->put(content);
if (response.error())
QString errorReason = QString("API request (Put) failed with error: '%1'").arg(response.getErrorReason());
this->setInError ( errorReason );
if (!checkApiError(response.getBody(), supressError))
if (_useApiV2)
QJsonObject obj = response.getBody().object();
if (obj.contains(API_DATA))
return QJsonDocument {obj.value(API_DATA).toArray()};
return response.getBody();
bool LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::isStreamOwner(const QString &streamOwner) const
bool isOwner {false};
if (_useApiV2)
if ( streamOwner != "" && streamOwner == _applicationID)
isOwner = true;
if ( streamOwner != "" && streamOwner == _authToken )
isOwner = true;
return isOwner;
QJsonArray LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::discoverSsdp()
QJsonArray deviceList;
SSDPDiscover discover;
discover.setSearchFilter(SSDP_FILTER, SSDP_FILTER_HEADER);
QString searchTarget = SSDP_ID;
if (discover.discoverServices(searchTarget) > 0)
deviceList = discover.getServicesDiscoveredJson();
return deviceList;
QJsonObject LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::discover(const QJsonObject& /*params*/)
QJsonObject devicesDiscovered;
devicesDiscovered.insert("ledDeviceType", _activeDeviceType );
QJsonArray deviceList;
QString discoveryMethod("mDNS");
deviceList = MdnsBrowser::getInstance().data()->getServicesDiscoveredJson(
QString discoveryMethod("ssdp");
deviceList = discoverSsdp();
devicesDiscovered.insert("discoveryMethod", discoveryMethod);
devicesDiscovered.insert("devices", deviceList);
Debug(_log, "devicesDiscovered: [%s]", QJsonDocument(devicesDiscovered).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData() );
return devicesDiscovered;
QJsonObject LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::getProperties(const QJsonObject& params)
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "params: [%s]", QJsonDocument(params).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData());
QJsonObject properties;
_hostName = params[CONFIG_HOST].toString("");
_apiPort = params[CONFIG_PORT].toInt();
_authToken = params[CONFIG_USERNAME].toString("");
Info(_log, "Get properties for %s, hostname (%s)", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType), QSTRING_CSTR(_hostName) );
if (NetUtils::resolveHostToAddress(_log, _hostName, _address))
QJsonDocument bridgeDetails = retrieveBridgeDetails();
if ( !bridgeDetails.isEmpty() )
if ( openRestAPI() )
_useApiV2 = _isAPIv2Ready;
if (_authToken == API_RESOURCE_CONFIG)
properties.insert("properties", bridgeDetails.object());
if (_useApiV2)
if (!isInError() )
QString filter = params["filter"].toString("");
// Perform request
httpResponse response = _restApi->get();
if (response.error())
Warning(_log, "%s get properties failed with error: '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType), QSTRING_CSTR(response.getErrorReason()));
properties.insert("properties", response.getBody().object());
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "properties: [%s]", QJsonDocument(properties).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData());
return properties;
QJsonObject LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::addAuthorization(const QJsonObject& params)
Debug(_log, "params: [%s]", QJsonDocument(params).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData());
QJsonObject responseBody;
// New Phillips-Bridge device client/application key
_hostName = params[CONFIG_HOST].toString("");
_apiPort = params[CONFIG_PORT].toInt();
Info(_log, "Add authorized user for %s, hostname (%s)", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType), QSTRING_CSTR(_hostName) );
if (NetUtils::resolveHostToAddress(_log, _hostName, _address))
QJsonDocument bridgeDetails = retrieveBridgeDetails();
if ( !bridgeDetails.isEmpty() )
if ( openRestAPI() )
_useApiV2 = _isAPIv2Ready;
if (_useApiV2)
if (!isInError() )
setBaseApiEnvironment(_useApiV2, API_BASE_PATH_V1);
QJsonObject clientKeyCmd{ {"devicetype", "hyperion#" + QHostInfo::localHostName()}, {"generateclientkey", true } };
_restApi->setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json");
httpResponse response = _restApi->post(clientKeyCmd);
if (response.error())
Warning(_log, "%s generation of authorization/client key failed with error: '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType), QSTRING_CSTR(response.getErrorReason()));
if (!checkApiError(response.getBody(),false))
responseBody = response.getBody().array().first().toObject().value("success").toObject();
return responseBody;
const std::set<QString> PhilipsHueLight::GAMUT_A_MODEL_IDS =
{ "LLC001", "LLC005", "LLC006", "LLC007", "LLC010", "LLC011", "LLC012", "LLC013", "LLC014", "LST001" };
const std::set<QString> PhilipsHueLight::GAMUT_B_MODEL_IDS =
{ "LCT001", "LCT002", "LCT003", "LCT007", "LLM001" };
const std::set<QString> PhilipsHueLight::GAMUT_C_MODEL_IDS =
{ "LCA001", "LCA002", "LCA003", "LCG002", "LCP001", "LCP002", "LCT010", "LCT011", "LCT012", "LCT014", "LCT015", "LCT016", "LCT024", "LCX001", "LCX002", "LLC020", "LST002" };
PhilipsHueLight::PhilipsHueLight(Logger* log, bool useApiV2, const QString& id, const QJsonObject& lightAttributes, int onBlackTimeToPowerOff,
int onBlackTimeToPowerOn)
: _log(log)
, _useApiV2(useApiV2)
, _id(id)
, _on(false)
, _transitionTime(0)
, _color({ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 })
, _hasColor(false)
, _colorBlack({ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 })
, _lastSendColorTime(0)
, _lastBlackTime(-1)
, _lastWhiteTime(-1)
, _blackScreenTriggered(false)
, _onBlackTimeToPowerOff(onBlackTimeToPowerOff)
, _onBlackTimeToPowerOn(onBlackTimeToPowerOn)
if ( _useApiV2 )
QJsonObject lightOwner = lightAttributes[API_OWNER].toObject();
_deviceId = lightOwner[API_RID].toString();
_gamutType = lightAttributes[API_COLOR].toObject()["gamut_type"].toString();
_name = lightAttributes[DEV_DATA_NAME].toString().trimmed().replace("\"", "");
_model = lightAttributes[DEV_DATA_MODEL_V1].toString();
_product = lightAttributes[DEV_DATA_PRODUCT_V1].toString();
// Find id in the sets and set the appropriate color space.
if (GAMUT_A_MODEL_IDS.find(_model) != GAMUT_A_MODEL_IDS.end())
_gamutType = "A";
else if (GAMUT_B_MODEL_IDS.find(_model) != GAMUT_B_MODEL_IDS.end())
_gamutType = "B";
else if (GAMUT_C_MODEL_IDS.find(_model) != GAMUT_C_MODEL_IDS.end())
_gamutType = "C";
_gamutType = "";
if (_gamutType.isEmpty())
Warning(_log, "Light \"%s\" [%s], did not recognize model [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(_name), QSTRING_CSTR(id), QSTRING_CSTR(_model));
// Set the appropriate color space.
if (_gamutType == "A")
_colorSpace.red = {0.704, 0.296};
_colorSpace.green = {0.2151, 0.7106};
_colorSpace.blue = {0.138, 0.08};
_colorBlack = {0.138, 0.08, 0.0};
else if (_gamutType == "B")
_colorSpace.red = {0.675, 0.322};
_colorSpace.green = {0.409, 0.518};
_colorSpace.blue = {0.167, 0.04};
_colorBlack = {0.167, 0.04, 0.0};
else if (_gamutType == "C")
_colorSpace.red = {0.6915, 0.3083};
_colorSpace.green = {0.17, 0.7};
_colorSpace.blue = {0.1532, 0.0475};
_colorBlack = {0.1532, 0.0475, 0.0};
_colorSpace.red = {1.0, 0.0};
_colorSpace.green = {0.0, 1.0};
_colorSpace.blue = {0.0, 0.0};
_colorBlack = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
void PhilipsHueLight::setDeviceDetails(const QJsonObject& details)
if (!details.isEmpty())
QJsonObject metaData = details[DEV_DATA_METADATA].toObject();
_name = metaData[DEV_DATA_NAME].toString();
_archeType = metaData[DEV_DATA_ARCHETYPE].toString();
QJsonObject productData = details[DEV_DATA_PRODUCTDATA].toObject();
_product = productData[DEV_DATA_PRODUCT].toString();
_model = productData[DEV_DATA_MODEL].toString();
void PhilipsHueLight::setEntertainmentSrvDetails(const QJsonObject& details)
if (!details.isEmpty())
QJsonObject segmentData = details["segments"].toObject();
_maxSegments = segmentData["max_segments"].toInt(1);
_maxSegments = 1;
void PhilipsHueLight::blackScreenTriggered()
_blackScreenTriggered = true;
bool PhilipsHueLight::isBusy()
bool temp = true;
qint64 _currentTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
if (_currentTime - _lastSendColorTime >= 100)
_lastSendColorTime = _currentTime;
temp = false;
return temp;
void PhilipsHueLight::setBlack()
CiColor black;
black.bri = 0;
black.x = 0;
black.y = 0;
bool PhilipsHueLight::isBlack(bool isBlack)
if (!isBlack)
_lastBlackTime = 0;
return false;
if (_lastBlackTime == 0)
_lastBlackTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
return false;
qint64 _currentTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
return _currentTime - _lastBlackTime >= _onBlackTimeToPowerOff;
bool PhilipsHueLight::isWhite(bool isWhite)
if (!isWhite)
_lastWhiteTime = 0;
return false;
if (_lastWhiteTime == 0)
_lastWhiteTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
return false;
qint64 _currentTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
return _currentTime - _lastWhiteTime >= _onBlackTimeToPowerOn;
QString PhilipsHueLight::getId() const
return _id;
QString PhilipsHueLight::getdeviceId() const
return _deviceId;
QString PhilipsHueLight::getProduct() const
return _product;
QString PhilipsHueLight::getModel() const
return _model;
QString PhilipsHueLight::getName() const
return _name;
QString PhilipsHueLight::getArcheType() const
return _archeType;
int PhilipsHueLight::getMaxSegments() const
return _maxSegments;
QJsonObject PhilipsHueLight::getOriginalState() const
return _originalState;
void PhilipsHueLight::saveOriginalState(const QJsonObject& values)
Debug(_log,"Light: %s, id: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_name), QSTRING_CSTR(_id));
if ( _useApiV2 )
_originalState[API_STATE_ON] = values[API_STATE_ON];
QJsonValue color = values[API_COLOR];
_originalState.insert(API_COLOR, QJsonObject {{API_XY_COORDINATES, color[API_XY_COORDINATES] }});
_originalState[API_GRADIENT] = values[API_GRADIENT];
if (_blackScreenTriggered)
_blackScreenTriggered = false;
// Get state object values which are subject to change.
if (!values[API_STATE].toObject().contains("on"))
Error(_log, "Got invalid state object from light ID %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_id) );
QJsonObject lState = values[API_STATE].toObject();
_originalStateJSON = lState;
QJsonObject state;
state["on"] = lState["on"];
_originalColor = CiColor();
_originalColor.bri = 0;
_originalColor.x = 0;
_originalColor.y = 0;
QString c;
if (state[API_STATE_ON].toBool())
_on = true;
_color = {
state[API_BRIGHTNESS].toDouble() / 254.0
_originalColor = _color;
c = QString("{ \"%1\": [%2, %3], \"%4\": %5 }").arg(API_XY_COORDINATES).arg(_originalColor.x, 0, 'd', 4).arg(_originalColor.y, 0, 'd', 4).arg(API_BRIGHTNESS).arg((_originalColor.bri * 254.0), 0, 'd', 4);
Debug(_log, "Philips original state stored: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(c));
_transitionTime = values[API_STATE].toObject()[API_TRANSITIONTIME].toInt();
//Determine the original state.
_originalState = state;
void PhilipsHueLight::setOnOffState(bool on)
Debug(_log,"Light: %s, id: %s -> %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_name), QSTRING_CSTR(_id), on ? "On" : "Off");
this->_on = on;
void PhilipsHueLight::setTransitionTime(int transitionTime)
this->_transitionTime = transitionTime;
void PhilipsHueLight::setColor(const CiColor& color)
this->_hasColor = true;
this->_color = color;
bool PhilipsHueLight::getOnOffState() const
return _on;
int PhilipsHueLight::getTransitionTime() const
return _transitionTime;
CiColor PhilipsHueLight::getColor() const
return _color;
bool PhilipsHueLight::hasColor() const
return _hasColor;
CiColorTriangle PhilipsHueLight::getColorSpace() const
return _colorSpace;
LedDevicePhilipsHue::LedDevicePhilipsHue(const QJsonObject& deviceConfig)
: LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge(deviceConfig)
, _switchOffOnBlack(false)
, _brightnessFactor(1.0)
, _transitionTime(1)
, _isInitLeds(false)
, _lightsCount(0)
, _blackLightsTimeout(15000)
, _blackLevel(0.0)
, _onBlackTimeToPowerOff(100)
, _onBlackTimeToPowerOn(100)
, _candyGamma(true)
, _groupStreamState(false)
LedDevice* LedDevicePhilipsHue::construct(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
return new LedDevicePhilipsHue(deviceConfig);
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
bool isInitOK {false};
if (!verbose)
verbose = deviceConfig[CONFIG_VERBOSE].toBool(false);
// Initialise LedDevice configuration and execution environment
_useEntertainmentAPI = deviceConfig[CONFIG_USE_HUE_ENTERTAINMENT_API].toBool(false);
// Overwrite non supported/required features
if ( deviceConfig["rewriteTime"].toInt(0) > 0 )
InfoIf ( ( !_useEntertainmentAPI ), _log, "Device Philips Hue does not require rewrites. Refresh time is ignored." );
_devConfig["rewriteTime"] = 0;
_switchOffOnBlack = _devConfig[CONFIG_ON_OFF_BLACK].toBool(true);
_blackLightsTimeout = _devConfig[CONFIG_BLACK_LIGHTS_TIMEOUT].toInt(15000);
_brightnessFactor = _devConfig[CONFIG_BRIGHTNESSFACTOR].toDouble(1.0);
_transitionTime = _devConfig[CONFIG_TRANSITIONTIME].toInt(1);
_isRestoreOrigState = _devConfig[CONFIG_RESTORE_STATE].toBool(true);
_groupId = _devConfig[CONFIG_groupId].toString();
_blackLevel = _devConfig["blackLevel"].toDouble(0.0);
_onBlackTimeToPowerOff = _devConfig["onBlackTimeToPowerOff"].toInt(100);
_onBlackTimeToPowerOn = _devConfig["onBlackTimeToPowerOn"].toInt(100);
_candyGamma = _devConfig["candyGamma"].toBool(true);
if (_blackLevel < 0.0) { _blackLevel = 0.0; }
if (_blackLevel > 1.0) { _blackLevel = 1.0; }
if (LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::init(_devConfig))
log( "Off on Black", "%s", _switchOffOnBlack ? "Yes" : "No" );
log( "Brightness Factor", "%f", _brightnessFactor );
log( "Transition Time", "%d", _transitionTime );
log( "Restore Original State", "%s", _isRestoreOrigState ? "Yes" : "No" );
log( "Use Hue Entertainment API", "%s", _useEntertainmentAPI ? "Yes" : "No" );
log("Brightness Threshold", "%f", _blackLevel);
log("CandyGamma", "%s", _candyGamma ? "Yes" : "No" );
log("Time powering off when black", "%s", _onBlackTimeToPowerOff ? "Yes" : "No" );
log("Time powering on when signalled", "%s", _onBlackTimeToPowerOn ? "Yes" : "No" );
if( _useEntertainmentAPI )
log( "Entertainment API Group-ID", "%s", QSTRING_CSTR(_groupId) );
if( _groupId.isEmpty() )
Error(_log, "Disabling usage of Entertainment API - Group-ID is invalid [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(_groupId) );
_useEntertainmentAPI = false;
// Everything is OK -> enable
_isDeviceInitialised = true;
isInitOK = true;
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::setLights()
bool isInitOK = true;
QStringList lights;
if( _useEntertainmentAPI && !_groupId.isEmpty() )
lights = getGroupLights( _groupId );
if( lights.empty() )
if( _useEntertainmentAPI )
_useEntertainmentAPI = false;
Error(_log, "Group-ID [%s] is not usable - Entertainment API usage was disabled!", QSTRING_CSTR(_groupId) );
lights = _devConfig[ CONFIG_lightIdS ].toVariant().toStringList();
_lightIds = lights;
int configuredLightsCount = _lightIds.size();
if ( configuredLightsCount == 0 )
this->setInError( "No light-IDs configured" );
isInitOK = false;
Debug(_log, "Lights configured: %d", configuredLightsCount );
if (updateLights( getLightMap()))
if (_useApiV2)
_channelsCount = getGroupChannelsCount (_groupId);
Debug(_log, "Channels configured: %d", _channelsCount );
int ledsCount = getLedCount();
if ( ledsCount == _channelsCount)
isInitOK = true;
QString errorText = QString("Number of hardware LEDs configured [%1] do not match the Entertainment lights' channel number [%2]."\
" Please update your configuration.").arg(ledsCount).arg(_channelsCount );
setInError(errorText, false);
isInitOK = false;
isInitOK = false;
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::initLeds()
bool isInitOK = false;
if ( !this->isInError() )
if( setLights() )
if( _useEntertainmentAPI )
_groupName = getGroupName( _groupId );
// adapt latchTime to count of user lightIds (bridge 10Hz max overall)
setLatchTime( 100 * getLightsCount() );
isInitOK = true;
_isInitLeds = true;
isInitOK = false;
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::updateLights(const QMap<QString, QJsonObject> &map)
bool isInitOK = true;
// search user lightId inside map and create light if found
for(const auto &id : std::as_const(_lightIds))
if (map.contains(id))
_lights.emplace_back(_log, _useApiV2, id, map.value(id), _onBlackTimeToPowerOff, _onBlackTimeToPowerOn);
Warning(_log, "Configured light-ID %s is not available at this bridge", QSTRING_CSTR(id) );
int lightsCount = static_cast<int>(_lights.size());
setLightsCount( lightsCount );
if( lightsCount == 0 )
Error(_log, "No usable lights found!" );
isInitOK = false;
//Populate additional light details
int i {1};
for (PhilipsHueLight& light : _lights)
Info(_log,"Light[%d]: \"%s\" [%s], Product: %s, Model: %s, Segments [%d]",
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::openStream()
bool isInitOK = false;
bool streamState = getStreamGroupState();
if ( !this->isInError() )
// stream is already active
if( streamState )
// if same owner stop stream
Debug(_log, "Group: \"%s\" [%s] is in use, try to stop stream", QSTRING_CSTR(_groupName), QSTRING_CSTR(_groupId) );
if( stopStream() )
Debug(_log, "Stream successful stopped");
//Restore Philips Hue devices state
isInitOK = startStream();
Error(_log, "Group: \"%s\" [%s] couldn't stop by user: \"%s\" - Entertainment API not usable", QSTRING_CSTR( _groupName ), QSTRING_CSTR(_groupId), QSTRING_CSTR( _streamOwner ) );
Error(_log, "Group: \"%s\" [%s] is in use and owned by other user: \"%s\" - Entertainment API not usable", QSTRING_CSTR(_groupName), QSTRING_CSTR(_groupId), QSTRING_CSTR(_streamOwner));
isInitOK = startStream();
if( isInitOK )
// open UDP SSL Connection
isInitOK = ProviderUdpSSL::initNetwork();
if( isInitOK )
Info(_log, "Philips Hue Entertainment API successful connected! Start Streaming.");
Error(_log, "Philips Hue Entertainment API not connected!");
Error(_log, "Philips Hue Entertainment API could not be initialized!");
return isInitOK;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::startStream()
int retries {3};
while (!setStreamGroupState(true) && --retries > 0)
Debug(_log, "Start Entertainment stream. Retrying...");
bool rc = (retries > 0);
if (rc)
Debug(_log, "The Entertainment stream started successfully");
this->setInError("The Entertainment stream failed to start. Give up.");
return rc;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::stopStream()
int retries = 3;
while (!setStreamGroupState(false) && --retries > 0)
Debug(_log, "Stop Entertainment stream. Retrying...");
bool rc = (retries > 0);
if (rc)
Debug(_log, "The Entertainment stream stopped successfully");
this->setInError("The Entertainment stream did NOT stop. Give up.");
return rc;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::getStreamGroupState()
bool streamState {false};
QJsonDocument doc = getGroupDetails( _groupId );
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "GroupDetails: [%s]", QJsonDocument(doc).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData());
if ( !this->isInError() )
if (_useApiV2)
QJsonArray groups = doc.array();
if (groups.isEmpty())
this->setInError( "No Entertainment/Streaming details in Group found" );
QJsonObject group = groups[0].toObject();
QString streamStaus = group.value(API_STREAM_STATUS).toString();
if ( streamStaus == API_STREAM_ACTIVE)
streamState = true;
QJsonObject streamer = group.value(API_STREAM_ACTIVE_V2).toObject();
_streamOwner = streamer[API_RID].toString();
QJsonObject obj = doc.object()[ API_STREAM ].toObject();
if( obj.isEmpty() )
this->setInError( "No Entertainment/Streaming details in Group found" );
streamState = obj.value( API_STREAM_ACTIVE ).toBool();
_streamOwner = obj.value( API_OWNER ).toString();
return streamState;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::setStreamGroupState(bool state)
QJsonDocument doc = setGroupState( _groupId, state );
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "StreamGroupState: [%s]", QJsonDocument(doc).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData());
if (_useApiV2)
if (doc.isEmpty())
_groupStreamState = false;
_groupStreamState = state;
return (_groupStreamState == state);
QJsonArray response = doc.array();
if (!response.isEmpty())
QJsonObject msg = response.first().toObject();
if ( !msg.contains( API_SUCCESS ) )
Warning(_log, "%s", QSTRING_CSTR(QString("Set stream to %1: Neither error nor success contained in Bridge response...").arg(active)));
//Check original Hue response {"success":{"/groups/groupId/stream/active":activeYesNo}}
QJsonObject success = msg.value(API_SUCCESS).toObject();
QJsonValue result = success.value(valueName);
if (result.isUndefined())
//Check diyHue response {"success":{"/groups/groupId/stream":{"active":activeYesNo}}}
QString diyHueValueName = QString( "/%1/%2/%3" ).arg( API_RESOURCE_GROUPS, _groupId, API_STREAM);
result = success.value(diyHueValueName).toObject().value(API_STREAM_ACTIVE);
_groupStreamState = result.toBool();
return (_groupStreamState == state);
return false;
void LedDevicePhilipsHue::stop()
int LedDevicePhilipsHue::open()
int retval = -1;
if ( LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::open() == 0)
if (initLeds())
retval = 0;
return retval;
int LedDevicePhilipsHue::write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> & ledValues)
// lights will be empty sometimes
if( _lights.empty() )
return -1;
// more lights than LEDs, stop always
if( static_cast<int>(ledValues.size()) < getLightsCount() )
Error(_log, "More light-IDs configured than LEDs, each light-ID requires one LED!" );
return -1;
int rc {0};
if (_isOn)
if (!_useApiV2)
rc = writeSingleLights( ledValues );
if (_useEntertainmentAPI && _isInitLeds)
rc= writeStreamData(ledValues);
return rc;
int LedDevicePhilipsHue::writeSingleLights(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledValues)
// Iterate through lights and set colors.
unsigned int idx = 0;
for ( PhilipsHueLight& light : _lights )
// Get color.
ColorRgb color = ledValues.at(idx);
// Scale colors from [0, 255] to [0, 1] and convert to xy space.
CiColor xy = CiColor::rgbToCiColor(color.red / 255.0, color.green / 255.0, color.blue / 255.0, light.getColorSpace(), _candyGamma);
if (_switchOffOnBlack && xy.bri <= _blackLevel && light.isBlack(true))
xy.bri = 0;
xy.x = 0;
xy.y = 0;
if( _useEntertainmentAPI )
if (light.getOnOffState())
this->setColor(light, xy);
this->setOnOffState(light, false);
if (light.getOnOffState())
setState(light, false, xy);
bool currentstate = light.getOnOffState();
if (_switchOffOnBlack && xy.bri > _blackLevel && light.isWhite(true))
if (!currentstate)
xy.bri = xy.bri / 2;
if (_useEntertainmentAPI)
this->setOnOffState(light, true);
this->setColor(light, xy);
this->setState(light, true, xy);
else if (!_switchOffOnBlack)
// Write color if color has been changed.
if (_useEntertainmentAPI)
this->setOnOffState(light, true);
this->setColor(light, xy);
this->setState( light, true, xy );
if (xy.bri > _blackLevel)
else if (xy.bri <= _blackLevel)
return 0;
int LedDevicePhilipsHue::writeStreamData(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledValues, bool flush)
QByteArray msg;
if (_useApiV2)
int ledsCount = static_cast<int>(ledValues.size());
if ( ledsCount != _channelsCount )
QString errorText = QString("Number of LEDs configured via the layout [%1] do not match the Entertainment lights' channel number [%2]."\
" Please update your configuration.").arg(ledsCount).arg(_channelsCount);
this->setInError(errorText, false);
return -1;
// "HueStream", //protocol
// 0x02, 0x00, //version 2.0
// 0x07, //sequence number 7
// 0x00, 0x00, //reserved
// 0x00, //color mode RGB
// 0x00, //reserved
// "1a8d99cc-967b-44f2-9202-43f976c0fa6b", //entertainment configuration id
// 0x00, //channel id 0
// 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //red
// 0x01, //channel id 1
// 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00 //green
// 0x02, //channel id 2
// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff //blue
// 0x03, //channel id 3
// 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff //white
// //etc for channel ids 4-7
msg.reserve(static_cast<int>(sizeof(HEADER_V2) + sizeof(ENTERTAINMENT_ID) + sizeof(PAYLOAD_PER_CHANNEL_V2) * _lights.size()));
msg.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(HEADER_V2), sizeof(HEADER_V2));
uint8_t maxChannels = static_cast<uint8_t>(ledValues.size());
ColorRgb color;
for (uint8_t channel = 0; channel < maxChannels; ++channel)
if (channel < 20) // v2 max 20 channels
color = static_cast<ColorRgb>(ledValues.at(channel));
quint16 R = static_cast<quint16>(color.red << 8);
quint16 G = static_cast<quint16>(color.green << 8);
quint16 B = static_cast<quint16>(color.blue<< 8);
const uint16_t payload[] = { qToBigEndian<quint16>(R), qToBigEndian<quint16>(G), qToBigEndian<quint16>(B) };
msg.append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(payload), sizeof(payload));
// "HueStream", //protocol
// 0x01, 0x00, //version 1.0
// 0x07, //sequence number 7
// 0x00, 0x00, //reserved
// 0x00, //color mode RGB
// 0x00, //reserved
// 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, //light ID 1
// 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //red
// 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, //light ID 4
// 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff //blue
msg.reserve(static_cast<int>(sizeof(HEADER) + sizeof(PAYLOAD_PER_LIGHT) * _lights.size()));
msg.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(HEADER), sizeof(HEADER));
ColorRgb color;
uint8_t i = 0;
for (const PhilipsHueLight& light : _lights)
if (i < 10) // max 10 lights
uint8_t id = static_cast<uint8_t>(light.getId().toInt());
color = static_cast<ColorRgb>(ledValues.at(i));
quint16 R = static_cast<quint16>(color.red << 8);
quint16 G = static_cast<quint16>(color.green << 8);
quint16 B = static_cast<quint16>(color.blue<< 8);
msg.append(2, 0x00);
const uint16_t payload[] = {
qToBigEndian<quint16>(R), qToBigEndian<quint16>(G), qToBigEndian<quint16>(B)
msg.append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(payload), sizeof(payload));
if (verbose3) {
qDebug() << "Msg Hex:" << msg.toHex(':');
writeBytes(msg, flush);
return 0;
void LedDevicePhilipsHue::setOnOffState(PhilipsHueLight& light, bool on, bool force)
if (light.getOnOffState() != on || force)
Debug(_log,"id: %s, on: %d", QSTRING_CSTR(light.getId()), on);
QStringList resourcePath;
QJsonObject cmd;
if (_useApiV2)
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHT << light.getId();
cmd.insert(API_STATE_ON, QJsonObject {{API_STATE_ON, on }});
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHTS << light.getId() << API_STATE;
cmd.insert(API_STATE_ON, on);
put(resourcePath, cmd);
if (!isInError())
light.setOnOffState( on );
void LedDevicePhilipsHue::setTransitionTime(PhilipsHueLight& light)
if (light.getTransitionTime() != _transitionTime)
QStringList resourcePath;
QJsonObject cmd;
if (_useApiV2)
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHT << light.getId();
cmd.insert(API_DYNAMICS, QJsonObject {{API_DURATION, _transitionTime }});
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHTS << light.getId() << API_STATE;
cmd.insert(API_TRANSITIONTIME, _transitionTime);
put(resourcePath, cmd);
if (!isInError())
light.setTransitionTime( _transitionTime );
void LedDevicePhilipsHue::setColor(PhilipsHueLight& light, CiColor& color)
if (!light.hasColor() || light.getColor() != color)
if( !_useEntertainmentAPI )
QStringList resourcePath;
QJsonObject cmd;
if (!light.hasColor() || light.getColor() != color)
if (_useApiV2)
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHT << light.getId();
// Brightness is 0-100 %, Brightness percentage. value cannot be 0, writing 0 changes it to lowest possible brightness
const double bri = qMin(_brightnessFactor * color.bri * 100, 100.0);
QJsonObject colorXY;
colorXY[API_X_COORDINATE] = color.x;
colorXY[API_Y_COORDINATE] = color.y;
cmd.insert(API_COLOR, QJsonObject {{API_DURATION, colorXY }});
cmd.insert(API_DIMMING, QJsonObject {{API_BRIGHTNESS, bri }});
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHTS << light.getId() << API_STATE;
const int bri = qRound(qMin(254.0, _brightnessFactor * qMax(1.0, color.bri * 254.0)));
QJsonArray colorXY;
cmd.insert(API_XY_COORDINATES, colorXY);
cmd.insert(API_BRIGHTNESS, bri);
put(resourcePath, cmd);
color.bri = (qMin(1.0, _brightnessFactor * qMax(0.0, color.bri)));
if (!isInError())
light.setColor( color );
void LedDevicePhilipsHue::setState(PhilipsHueLight& light, bool on, const CiColor& color)
QStringList resourcePath;
QJsonObject cmd;
bool forceCmd {false};
if (light.getOnOffState() != on)
forceCmd = true;
if (_useApiV2)
cmd.insert(API_STATE_ON, QJsonObject {{API_STATE_ON, on }});
cmd.insert(API_STATE_ON, on);
if (!_useEntertainmentAPI && light.getOnOffState())
if (light.getTransitionTime() != _transitionTime)
if (_useApiV2)
cmd.insert(API_DYNAMICS, QJsonObject {{API_DURATION, _transitionTime }});
cmd.insert(API_TRANSITIONTIME, _transitionTime);
if (!light.hasColor() || light.getColor() != color)
if (!light.isBusy() || forceCmd)
if (_useApiV2)
// Brightness is 0-100 %, Brightness percentage. value cannot be 0, writing 0 changes it to lowest possible brightness
const double bri = qMin(_brightnessFactor * color.bri * 100, 100.0);
QJsonObject colorXY;
colorXY[API_X_COORDINATE] = color.x;
colorXY[API_Y_COORDINATE] = color.y;
cmd.insert(API_COLOR, QJsonObject {{API_DURATION, colorXY }});
cmd.insert(API_DIMMING, QJsonObject {{API_BRIGHTNESS, bri }});
const int bri = qRound(qMin(254.0, _brightnessFactor * qMax(1.0, color.bri * 254.0)));
QJsonArray colorXY;
cmd.insert(API_XY_COORDINATES, colorXY);
cmd.insert(API_BRIGHTNESS, bri);
if (!cmd.isEmpty())
if (_useApiV2)
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHT << light.getId();
resourcePath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHTS << light.getId() << API_STATE;
put(resourcePath, cmd);
if (!isInError())
light.setTransitionTime( _transitionTime );
light.setColor( color );
light.setOnOffState( on );
void LedDevicePhilipsHue::setLightsCount(int lightsCount)
_lightsCount = lightsCount;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::switchOn()
bool rc {false};
if ( _isOn )
Debug(_log, "Device %s is already on. Skipping.", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType));
rc = true;
if ( _isDeviceReady )
Info(_log, "Switching device %s ON", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType));
if ( storeState() )
if (_useEntertainmentAPI)
if (openStream())
if (startConnection())
if ( (!_useApiV2 || _isDiyHue) ) //DiyHue does not auto switch on, if stream starts
_isOn = true;
// TODO: Failed to OpenStream - should retry
if ( powerOn() )
_isOn = true;
if (_isOn)
Info(_log, "Device %s is ON", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType));
emit enableStateChanged(_isEnabled);
rc =true;
Warning(_log, "Failed switching device %s ON", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType));
return rc;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::switchOff()
bool rc {false};
if ( !_isOn )
rc = true;
if ( _isDeviceInitialised )
if ( _isDeviceReady )
if (_useEntertainmentAPI && _groupStreamState)
Info(_log, "Switching device %s OFF", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType));
if ( _isRestoreOrigState )
_isOn = false;
rc = restoreState();
_isOn = false;
rc = stopStream();
if ( (!_useApiV2 || _isDiyHue) ) //DiyHue does not auto switch off, if stream stopps
rc = powerOff();
if (rc)
Info(_log, "Device %s is OFF", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType));
rc = true;
Warning(_log, "Failed switching device %s OFF", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType));
rc = LedDevicePhilipsHueBridge::switchOff();
rc = true;
return rc;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::powerOn()
bool rc {true};
if (_isDeviceReady)
for ( PhilipsHueLight& light : _lights )
setOnOffState(light, true, true);
return rc;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::powerOff()
bool rc {true};
if (_isDeviceReady)
for ( PhilipsHueLight& light : _lights )
setOnOffState(light, false, true);
return rc;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::storeState()
bool rc {true};
if ( _isRestoreOrigState )
if( !_lightIds.empty() )
for ( PhilipsHueLight& light : _lights )
QJsonObject values = getLightDetails(light.getId());
return rc;
bool LedDevicePhilipsHue::restoreState()
bool rc {true};
if ( _isRestoreOrigState )
// Restore device's original state
if( !_lightIds.empty() )
for ( PhilipsHueLight& light : _lights )
setLightState( light.getId(),light.getOriginalState() );
return rc;
void LedDevicePhilipsHue::identify(const QJsonObject& params)
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "params: [%s]", QJsonDocument(params).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact).constData());
QJsonObject properties;
_hostName = params[CONFIG_HOST].toString("");
_apiPort = params[CONFIG_PORT].toInt();
_authToken = params[CONFIG_USERNAME].toString("");
QString lighName = params["lightName"].toString();
Info(_log, "Identify %s, Light: \"%s\" @hostname (%s)", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType), QSTRING_CSTR(lighName), QSTRING_CSTR(_hostName) );
if (NetUtils::resolveHostToAddress(_log, _hostName, _address))
QJsonDocument bridgeDetails = retrieveBridgeDetails();
if ( !bridgeDetails.isEmpty() )
if ( openRestAPI() )
_useApiV2 = _isAPIv2Ready;
// DIYHue does not provide v2 Breathe effects, yet -> fall back to v1
if (_isDiyHue)
_useApiV2 = false;
if (_useApiV2)
if (!isInError() )
QStringList resourcepath;
QJsonObject cmd;
if (_useApiV2)
QString lightId = params[API_LIGTH_ID].toString();
resourcepath << API_RESOURCE_LIGHT << lightId;
bool on {true};
QString lightId = params[API_LIGTH_ID_v1].toString();
resourcepath << lightId << API_STATE;
cmd.insert(API_STATE_ON, on);
cmd.insert(API_ALERT, API_SELECT);
// Perform request
httpResponse response = _restApi->put(cmd);
if (response.error())
Warning(_log, "%s identification failed with error: '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(_activeDeviceType), QSTRING_CSTR(response.getErrorReason()));