mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* commit debug code to save it due to merge * migrate first devices to new device registry and configure on runtime * fadecandy and rs232 resets device if config is set * try to hunt crash on osx * test commit if this works with osx * refactor spi devices * cleanup * refactor leddevices file, tinkerforge and ws2812b * refactor raw usb devices * refactor udp devices * - add tpm2net driver - remove old udp driver from build (files left in place for reference for new udp driver) - json serverinfo shows available leddevices * finish rework part 2 of leddevices * add schemas for leddevices. currently only compiled in, but not usedx
942 lines
29 KiB
942 lines
29 KiB
// STL includes
#include <cassert>
#include <exception>
#include <sstream>
// QT includes
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QThread>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
// JsonSchema include
#include <utils/jsonschema/JsonFactory.h>
// hyperion include
#include <hyperion/Hyperion.h>
#include <hyperion/ImageProcessorFactory.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorTransform.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorCorrection.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorAdjustment.h>
// Leddevice includes
#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
#include <leddevice/LedDeviceFactory.h>
#include "MultiColorTransform.h"
#include "MultiColorCorrection.h"
#include "MultiColorAdjustment.h"
#include "LinearColorSmoothing.h"
// effect engine includes
#include <effectengine/EffectEngine.h>
Hyperion* Hyperion::_hyperion = nullptr;
Hyperion* Hyperion::initInstance(const Json::Value& jsonConfig, const std::string configFile)
if ( Hyperion::_hyperion != nullptr )
throw std::runtime_error("Hyperion::initInstance can be called only one time");
Hyperion::_hyperion = new Hyperion(jsonConfig,configFile);
return Hyperion::_hyperion;
Hyperion* Hyperion::getInstance()
if ( Hyperion::_hyperion == nullptr )
throw std::runtime_error("Hyperion::getInstance used without call of Hyperion::initInstance before");
return Hyperion::_hyperion;
ColorOrder Hyperion::createColorOrder(const Json::Value &deviceConfig)
return stringToColorOrder( deviceConfig.get("colorOrder", "rgb").asString() );
ColorTransform * Hyperion::createColorTransform(const Json::Value & transformConfig)
const std::string id = transformConfig.get("id", "default").asString();
RgbChannelTransform * redTransform = createRgbChannelTransform(transformConfig["red"]);
RgbChannelTransform * greenTransform = createRgbChannelTransform(transformConfig["green"]);
RgbChannelTransform * blueTransform = createRgbChannelTransform(transformConfig["blue"]);
HsvTransform * hsvTransform = createHsvTransform(transformConfig["hsv"]);
HslTransform * hslTransform = createHslTransform(transformConfig["hsl"]);
ColorTransform * transform = new ColorTransform();
transform->_id = id;
transform->_rgbRedTransform = *redTransform;
transform->_rgbGreenTransform = *greenTransform;
transform->_rgbBlueTransform = *blueTransform;
transform->_hsvTransform = *hsvTransform;
transform->_hslTransform = *hslTransform;
// Cleanup the allocated individual transforms
delete redTransform;
delete greenTransform;
delete blueTransform;
delete hsvTransform;
delete hslTransform;
return transform;
ColorCorrection * Hyperion::createColorCorrection(const Json::Value & correctionConfig)
const std::string id = correctionConfig.get("id", "default").asString();
RgbChannelAdjustment * rgbCorrection = createRgbChannelCorrection(correctionConfig["correctionValues"]);
ColorCorrection * correction = new ColorCorrection();
correction->_id = id;
correction->_rgbCorrection = *rgbCorrection;
// Cleanup the allocated individual transforms
delete rgbCorrection;
return correction;
ColorAdjustment * Hyperion::createColorAdjustment(const Json::Value & adjustmentConfig)
const std::string id = adjustmentConfig.get("id", "default").asString();
RgbChannelAdjustment * redAdjustment = createRgbChannelAdjustment(adjustmentConfig["pureRed"],RED);
RgbChannelAdjustment * greenAdjustment = createRgbChannelAdjustment(adjustmentConfig["pureGreen"],GREEN);
RgbChannelAdjustment * blueAdjustment = createRgbChannelAdjustment(adjustmentConfig["pureBlue"],BLUE);
ColorAdjustment * adjustment = new ColorAdjustment();
adjustment->_id = id;
adjustment->_rgbRedAdjustment = *redAdjustment;
adjustment->_rgbGreenAdjustment = *greenAdjustment;
adjustment->_rgbBlueAdjustment = *blueAdjustment;
// Cleanup the allocated individual adjustments
delete redAdjustment;
delete greenAdjustment;
delete blueAdjustment;
return adjustment;
MultiColorTransform * Hyperion::createLedColorsTransform(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorConfig)
// Create the result, the transforms are added to this
MultiColorTransform * transform = new MultiColorTransform(ledCnt);
Logger * log = Logger::getInstance("Core");
const Json::Value transformConfig = colorConfig.get("transform", Json::nullValue);
if (transformConfig.isNull())
// Old style color transformation config (just one for all leds)
ColorTransform * colorTransform = createColorTransform(colorConfig);
transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
else if (!transformConfig.isArray())
ColorTransform * colorTransform = createColorTransform(transformConfig);
transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
const QRegExp overallExp("([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?)(,[ ]*([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?))*");
for (Json::UInt i = 0; i < transformConfig.size(); ++i)
const Json::Value & config = transformConfig[i];
ColorTransform * colorTransform = createColorTransform(config);
const QString ledIndicesStr = QString(config.get("leds", "").asCString()).trimmed();
if (ledIndicesStr.compare("*") == 0)
// Special case for indices '*' => all leds
transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
Info(log, "ColorTransform '%s' => [0; %d]", colorTransform->_id.c_str(), ledCnt-1);
if (!overallExp.exactMatch(ledIndicesStr))
Error(log, "Given led indices %d not correct format: %s", i, ledIndicesStr.toStdString().c_str());
std::stringstream ss;
const QStringList ledIndexList = ledIndicesStr.split(",");
for (int i=0; i<ledIndexList.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
ss << ", ";
if (ledIndexList[i].contains("-"))
QStringList ledIndices = ledIndexList[i].split("-");
int startInd = ledIndices[0].toInt();
int endInd = ledIndices[1].toInt();
transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, startInd, endInd);
ss << startInd << "-" << endInd;
int index = ledIndexList[i].toInt();
transform->setTransformForLed(colorTransform->_id, index, index);
ss << index;
Info(log, "ColorTransform '%s' => [%s]", colorTransform->_id.c_str(), ss.str().c_str());
return transform;
MultiColorCorrection * Hyperion::createLedColorsTemperature(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorConfig)
// Create the result, the corrections are added to this
MultiColorCorrection * correction = new MultiColorCorrection(ledCnt);
Logger * log = Logger::getInstance("Core");
const std::string jsonKey = colorConfig.isMember("temperature") ? "temperature" : "correction";
const Json::Value correctionConfig = colorConfig.get(jsonKey, Json::nullValue);
if (correctionConfig.isNull())
// Old style color correction config (just one for all leds)
ColorCorrection * colorCorrection = createColorCorrection(colorConfig);
correction->setCorrectionForLed(colorCorrection->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
else if (!correctionConfig.isArray())
ColorCorrection * colorCorrection = createColorCorrection(correctionConfig);
correction->setCorrectionForLed(colorCorrection->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
const QRegExp overallExp("([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?)(,[ ]*([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?))*");
for (Json::UInt i = 0; i < correctionConfig.size(); ++i)
const Json::Value & config = correctionConfig[i];
ColorCorrection * colorCorrection = createColorCorrection(config);
const QString ledIndicesStr = QString(config.get("leds", "").asCString()).trimmed();
if (ledIndicesStr.compare("*") == 0)
// Special case for indices '*' => all leds
correction->setCorrectionForLed(colorCorrection->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
Info(log, "ColorTemperature '%s' => [0; %d]", colorCorrection->_id.c_str(), ledCnt-1);
if (!overallExp.exactMatch(ledIndicesStr))
Error(log, "Given led indices %d not correct format: %s", i, ledIndicesStr.toStdString().c_str());
std::stringstream ss;
const QStringList ledIndexList = ledIndicesStr.split(",");
for (int i=0; i<ledIndexList.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
ss << ", ";
if (ledIndexList[i].contains("-"))
QStringList ledIndices = ledIndexList[i].split("-");
int startInd = ledIndices[0].toInt();
int endInd = ledIndices[1].toInt();
correction->setCorrectionForLed(colorCorrection->_id, startInd, endInd);
ss << startInd << "-" << endInd;
int index = ledIndexList[i].toInt();
correction->setCorrectionForLed(colorCorrection->_id, index, index);
ss << index;
Info(log, "ColorTemperature '%s' => [%s]", colorCorrection->_id.c_str(), ss.str().c_str());
return correction;
MultiColorAdjustment * Hyperion::createLedColorsAdjustment(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorConfig)
// Create the result, the transforms are added to this
MultiColorAdjustment * adjustment = new MultiColorAdjustment(ledCnt);
Logger * log = Logger::getInstance("Core");
const Json::Value adjustmentConfig = colorConfig.get("channelAdjustment", Json::nullValue);
if (adjustmentConfig.isNull())
// Old style color transformation config (just one for all leds)
ColorAdjustment * colorAdjustment = createColorAdjustment(colorConfig);
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
else if (!adjustmentConfig.isArray())
ColorAdjustment * colorAdjustment = createColorAdjustment(adjustmentConfig);
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
const QRegExp overallExp("([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?)(,[ ]*([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?))*");
for (Json::UInt i = 0; i < adjustmentConfig.size(); ++i)
const Json::Value & config = adjustmentConfig[i];
ColorAdjustment * colorAdjustment = createColorAdjustment(config);
const QString ledIndicesStr = QString(config.get("leds", "").asCString()).trimmed();
if (ledIndicesStr.compare("*") == 0)
// Special case for indices '*' => all leds
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
Info(log, "ColorAdjustment '%s' => [0; %d]", colorAdjustment->_id.c_str(), ledCnt-1);
if (!overallExp.exactMatch(ledIndicesStr))
Error(log, "Given led indices %d not correct format: %s", i, ledIndicesStr.toStdString().c_str());
std::stringstream ss;
const QStringList ledIndexList = ledIndicesStr.split(",");
for (int i=0; i<ledIndexList.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
ss << ", ";
if (ledIndexList[i].contains("-"))
QStringList ledIndices = ledIndexList[i].split("-");
int startInd = ledIndices[0].toInt();
int endInd = ledIndices[1].toInt();
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, startInd, endInd);
ss << startInd << "-" << endInd;
int index = ledIndexList[i].toInt();
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, index, index);
ss << index;
Info(log, "ColorAdjustment '%s' => [%s]", colorAdjustment->_id.c_str(), ss.str().c_str());
return adjustment;
HsvTransform * Hyperion::createHsvTransform(const Json::Value & hsvConfig)
const double saturationGain = hsvConfig.get("saturationGain", 1.0).asDouble();
const double valueGain = hsvConfig.get("valueGain", 1.0).asDouble();
return new HsvTransform(saturationGain, valueGain);
HslTransform * Hyperion::createHslTransform(const Json::Value & hslConfig)
const double saturationGain = hslConfig.get("saturationGain", 1.0).asDouble();
const double luminanceGain = hslConfig.get("luminanceGain", 1.0).asDouble();
const double luminanceMinimum = hslConfig.get("luminanceMinimum", 0.0).asDouble();
return new HslTransform(saturationGain, luminanceGain, luminanceMinimum);
RgbChannelTransform* Hyperion::createRgbChannelTransform(const Json::Value& colorConfig)
const double threshold = colorConfig.get("threshold", 0.0).asDouble();
const double gamma = colorConfig.get("gamma", 1.0).asDouble();
const double blacklevel = colorConfig.get("blacklevel", 0.0).asDouble();
const double whitelevel = colorConfig.get("whitelevel", 1.0).asDouble();
RgbChannelTransform* transform = new RgbChannelTransform(threshold, gamma, blacklevel, whitelevel);
return transform;
RgbChannelAdjustment* Hyperion::createRgbChannelCorrection(const Json::Value& colorConfig)
const int varR = colorConfig.get("red", 255).asInt();
const int varG = colorConfig.get("green", 255).asInt();
const int varB = colorConfig.get("blue", 255).asInt();
RgbChannelAdjustment* correction = new RgbChannelAdjustment(varR, varG, varB);
return correction;
RgbChannelAdjustment* Hyperion::createRgbChannelAdjustment(const Json::Value& colorConfig, const RgbChannel color)
int varR=0, varG=0, varB=0;
if (color == RED)
varR = colorConfig.get("redChannel", 255).asInt();
varG = colorConfig.get("greenChannel", 0).asInt();
varB = colorConfig.get("blueChannel", 0).asInt();
else if (color == GREEN)
varR = colorConfig.get("redChannel", 0).asInt();
varG = colorConfig.get("greenChannel", 255).asInt();
varB = colorConfig.get("blueChannel", 0).asInt();
else if (color == BLUE)
varR = colorConfig.get("redChannel", 0).asInt();
varG = colorConfig.get("greenChannel", 0).asInt();
varB = colorConfig.get("blueChannel", 255).asInt();
RgbChannelAdjustment* adjustment = new RgbChannelAdjustment(varR, varG, varB);
return adjustment;
LedString Hyperion::createLedString(const Json::Value& ledsConfig, const ColorOrder deviceOrder)
LedString ledString;
const std::string deviceOrderStr = colorOrderToString(deviceOrder);
int maxLedId = ledsConfig.size();
for (const Json::Value& ledConfig : ledsConfig)
Led led;
led.index = ledConfig["index"].asInt();
led.clone = ledConfig.get("clone",-1).asInt();
if ( led.clone < -1 || led.clone >= maxLedId )
Warning(Logger::getInstance("Core"), "LED %d: clone index of %d is out of range, clone ignored", led.index, led.clone);
led.clone = -1;
if ( led.clone < 0 )
const Json::Value& hscanConfig = ledConfig["hscan"];
const Json::Value& vscanConfig = ledConfig["vscan"];
led.minX_frac = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, hscanConfig["minimum"].asDouble()));
led.maxX_frac = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, hscanConfig["maximum"].asDouble()));
led.minY_frac = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, vscanConfig["minimum"].asDouble()));
led.maxY_frac = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, vscanConfig["maximum"].asDouble()));
// Fix if the user swapped min and max
if (led.minX_frac > led.maxX_frac)
std::swap(led.minX_frac, led.maxX_frac);
if (led.minY_frac > led.maxY_frac)
std::swap(led.minY_frac, led.maxY_frac);
// Get the order of the rgb channels for this led (default is device order)
led.colorOrder = stringToColorOrder(ledConfig.get("colorOrder", deviceOrderStr).asString());
// Make sure the leds are sorted (on their indices)
std::sort(ledString.leds().begin(), ledString.leds().end(), [](const Led& lhs, const Led& rhs){ return lhs.index < rhs.index; });
return ledString;
LedString Hyperion::createLedStringClone(const Json::Value& ledsConfig, const ColorOrder deviceOrder)
LedString ledString;
const std::string deviceOrderStr = colorOrderToString(deviceOrder);
int maxLedId = ledsConfig.size();
for (const Json::Value& ledConfig : ledsConfig)
Led led;
led.index = ledConfig["index"].asInt();
led.clone = ledConfig.get("clone",-1).asInt();
if ( led.clone < -1 || led.clone >= maxLedId )
Warning(Logger::getInstance("Core"), "LED %d: clone index of %d is out of range, clone ignored", led.index, led.clone);
led.clone = -1;
if ( led.clone >= 0 )
Debug(Logger::getInstance("Core"), "LED %d: clone from led %d", led.index, led.clone);
led.minX_frac = 0;
led.maxX_frac = 0;
led.minY_frac = 0;
led.maxY_frac = 0;
// Get the order of the rgb channels for this led (default is device order)
led.colorOrder = stringToColorOrder(ledConfig.get("colorOrder", deviceOrderStr).asString());
// Make sure the leds are sorted (on their indices)
std::sort(ledString.leds().begin(), ledString.leds().end(), [](const Led& lhs, const Led& rhs){ return lhs.index < rhs.index; });
return ledString;
LedDevice * Hyperion::createColorSmoothing(const Json::Value & smoothingConfig, LedDevice * ledDevice)
Logger * log = Logger::getInstance("Core");
std::string type = smoothingConfig.get("type", "linear").asString();
std::transform(type.begin(), type.end(), type.begin(), ::tolower);
type = "linear"; // TODO currently hardcoded type, delete it if we have more types
if ( ! smoothingConfig.get("enable", true).asBool() )
Info(log,"Smoothing disabled");
return nullptr;
if (type == "linear")
Info(log, "Creating linear smoothing");
return new LinearColorSmoothing(
smoothingConfig.get("updateFrequency", 25.0).asDouble(),
smoothingConfig.get("time_ms", 200).asInt(),
smoothingConfig.get("updateDelay", 0).asUInt(),
smoothingConfig.get("continuousOutput", true).asBool()
Error(log, "Smoothing disabled, because of unknown type '%s'.", type.c_str());
return nullptr;
MessageForwarder * Hyperion::createMessageForwarder(const Json::Value & forwarderConfig)
MessageForwarder * forwarder = new MessageForwarder();
if ( ( ! forwarderConfig.isNull() ) && ( forwarderConfig.get("enable", true).asBool() ) )
if ( ! forwarderConfig["json"].isNull() && forwarderConfig["json"].isArray() )
for (const Json::Value& addr : forwarderConfig["json"])
Info(Logger::getInstance("Core"), "Json forward to %s", addr.asString().c_str());
if ( ! forwarderConfig["proto"].isNull() && forwarderConfig["proto"].isArray() )
for (const Json::Value& addr : forwarderConfig["proto"])
Info(Logger::getInstance("Core"), "Proto forward to %s", addr.asString().c_str());
return forwarder;
MessageForwarder * Hyperion::getForwarder()
return _messageForwarder;
Hyperion::Hyperion(const Json::Value &jsonConfig, const std::string configFile)
: _ledString(createLedString(jsonConfig["leds"], createColorOrder(jsonConfig["device"])))
, _ledStringClone(createLedStringClone(jsonConfig["leds"], createColorOrder(jsonConfig["device"])))
, _muxer(_ledString.leds().size())
, _raw2ledTransform(createLedColorsTransform(_ledString.leds().size(), jsonConfig["color"]))
, _raw2ledTemperature(createLedColorsTemperature(_ledString.leds().size(), jsonConfig["color"]))
, _raw2ledAdjustment(createLedColorsAdjustment(_ledString.leds().size(), jsonConfig["color"]))
, _effectEngine(nullptr)
, _messageForwarder(createMessageForwarder(jsonConfig["forwarder"]))
, _jsonConfig(jsonConfig)
, _configFile(configFile)
, _timer()
, _log(Logger::getInstance("Core"))
, _hwLedCount(_ledString.leds().size())
, _sourceAutoSelectEnabled(true)
_device = LedDeviceFactory::construct(jsonConfig["device"]);
registerPriority("Off", PriorityMuxer::LOWEST_PRIORITY);
if (!_raw2ledAdjustment->verifyAdjustments())
throw std::runtime_error("Color adjustment incorrectly set");
if (!_raw2ledTemperature->verifyCorrections())
throw std::runtime_error("Color temperature incorrectly set");
if (!_raw2ledTransform->verifyTransforms())
throw std::runtime_error("Color transformation incorrectly set");
// set color correction activity state
_transformEnabled = jsonConfig["color"].get("transform_enable",true).asBool();
_adjustmentEnabled = jsonConfig["color"].get("channelAdjustment_enable",true).asBool();
_temperatureEnabled = jsonConfig["color"].get("temperature_enable",true).asBool();
InfoIf(!_transformEnabled , _log, "Color transformation disabled" );
InfoIf(!_adjustmentEnabled , _log, "Color adjustment disabled" );
InfoIf(!_temperatureEnabled, _log, "Color temperature disabled" );
// initialize the image processor factory
// initialize the color smoothing filter
LedDevice* smoothing = createColorSmoothing(jsonConfig["smoothing"], _device);
if ( smoothing != nullptr )
_device = smoothing;
connect(this, SIGNAL(componentStateChanged(hyperion::Components,bool)), (LinearColorSmoothing*)_device, SLOT(componentStateChanged(hyperion::Components,bool)));
// setup the timer
QObject::connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update()));
// create the effect engine
_effectEngine = new EffectEngine(this,jsonConfig["effects"]);
unsigned int hwLedCount = jsonConfig["device"].get("ledCount",getLedCount()).asUInt();
_hwLedCount = std::max(hwLedCount, getLedCount());
Debug(_log,"configured leds: %d hw leds: %d", getLedCount(), _hwLedCount);
WarningIf(hwLedCount < getLedCount(), _log, "more leds configured than available. check 'ledCount' in 'device' section");
// initialize the leds
// switch off all leds
// delete components on exit of hyperion core
delete _effectEngine;
delete _device;
delete _raw2ledTransform;
delete _raw2ledTemperature;
delete _raw2ledAdjustment;
delete _messageForwarder;
unsigned Hyperion::getLedCount() const
return _ledString.leds().size();
void Hyperion::registerPriority(const std::string name, const int priority)
Info(_log, "Register new input source named '%s' for priority channel '%d'", name.c_str(), priority );
for(auto const &entry : _priorityRegister)
WarningIf( ( entry.first != name && entry.second == priority), _log,
"Input source '%s' uses same priority channel (%d) as '%s'.", name.c_str(), priority, entry.first.c_str());
void Hyperion::unRegisterPriority(const std::string name)
Info(_log, "Unregister input source named '%s' from priority register", name.c_str());
void Hyperion::setSourceAutoSelectEnabled(bool enabled)
_sourceAutoSelectEnabled = enabled;
if (! _sourceAutoSelectEnabled)
DebugIf( !_sourceAutoSelectEnabled, _log, "source auto select is disabled");
InfoIf(_sourceAutoSelectEnabled, _log, "set current input source to auto select");
bool Hyperion::setCurrentSourcePriority(int priority )
bool priorityValid = _muxer.hasPriority(priority);
if (priorityValid)
DebugIf(_sourceAutoSelectEnabled, _log, "source auto select is disabled");
_sourceAutoSelectEnabled = false;
_currentSourcePriority = priority;
Info(_log, "set current input source to priority channel %d", _currentSourcePriority);
return priorityValid;
void Hyperion::setComponentState(const hyperion::Components component, const bool state)
emit componentStateChanged(component, state);
void Hyperion::setColor(int priority, const ColorRgb &color, const int timeout_ms, bool clearEffects)
// create led output
std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors(_ledString.leds().size(), color);
// set colors
setColors(priority, ledColors, timeout_ms, clearEffects);
void Hyperion::setColors(int priority, const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledColors, const int timeout_ms, bool clearEffects)
// clear effects if this call does not come from an effect
if (clearEffects)
if (timeout_ms > 0)
const uint64_t timeoutTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() + timeout_ms;
_muxer.setInput(priority, ledColors, timeoutTime);
_muxer.setInput(priority, ledColors);
if (priority == _muxer.getCurrentPriority())
const std::vector<std::string> & Hyperion::getTransformIds() const
return _raw2ledTransform->getTransformIds();
const std::vector<std::string> & Hyperion::getTemperatureIds() const
return _raw2ledTemperature->getCorrectionIds();
const std::vector<std::string> & Hyperion::getAdjustmentIds() const
return _raw2ledAdjustment->getAdjustmentIds();
ColorTransform * Hyperion::getTransform(const std::string& id)
return _raw2ledTransform->getTransform(id);
ColorCorrection * Hyperion::getTemperature(const std::string& id)
return _raw2ledTemperature->getCorrection(id);
ColorAdjustment * Hyperion::getAdjustment(const std::string& id)
return _raw2ledAdjustment->getAdjustment(id);
void Hyperion::transformsUpdated()
void Hyperion::correctionsUpdated()
void Hyperion::temperaturesUpdated()
void Hyperion::adjustmentsUpdated()
void Hyperion::clear(int priority)
if (_muxer.hasPriority(priority))
// update leds if necessary
if (priority < _muxer.getCurrentPriority())
// send clear signal to the effect engine
// (outside the check so the effect gets cleared even when the effect is not sending colors)
void Hyperion::clearall()
// update leds
// send clearall signal to the effect engine
int Hyperion::getCurrentPriority() const
return _sourceAutoSelectEnabled || !_muxer.hasPriority(_currentSourcePriority) ? _muxer.getCurrentPriority() : _currentSourcePriority;
QList<int> Hyperion::getActivePriorities() const
return _muxer.getPriorities();
const Hyperion::InputInfo &Hyperion::getPriorityInfo(const int priority) const
return _muxer.getInputInfo(priority);
const std::list<EffectDefinition> & Hyperion::getEffects() const
return _effectEngine->getEffects();
const std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> & Hyperion::getActiveEffects()
return _effectEngine->getActiveEffects();
int Hyperion::setEffect(const std::string &effectName, int priority, int timeout)
return _effectEngine->runEffect(effectName, priority, timeout);
int Hyperion::setEffect(const std::string &effectName, const Json::Value &args, int priority, int timeout)
return _effectEngine->runEffect(effectName, args, priority, timeout);
void Hyperion::update()
// Update the muxer, cleaning obsolete priorities
// Obtain the current priority channel
int priority = _sourceAutoSelectEnabled || !_muxer.hasPriority(_currentSourcePriority) ? _muxer.getCurrentPriority() : _currentSourcePriority;
const PriorityMuxer::InputInfo & priorityInfo = _muxer.getInputInfo(priority);
// copy ledcolors to local buffer
_ledBuffer = priorityInfo.ledColors;
// Apply the correction and the transform to each led and color-channel
// Avoid applying correction, the same task is performed by adjustment
if (_transformEnabled) _raw2ledTransform->applyTransform(_ledBuffer);
if (_adjustmentEnabled) _raw2ledAdjustment->applyAdjustment(_ledBuffer);
if (_temperatureEnabled) _raw2ledTemperature->applyCorrection(_ledBuffer);
// init colororder vector, if nempty
if (_ledStringColorOrder.empty())
for (Led& led : _ledString.leds())
for (Led& led : _ledStringClone.leds())
_ledStringColorOrder.insert(_ledStringColorOrder.begin() + led.index, led.colorOrder);
// insert cloned leds into buffer
for (Led& led : _ledStringClone.leds())
_ledBuffer.insert(_ledBuffer.begin() + led.index, _ledBuffer.at(led.clone));
int i = 0;
for (ColorRgb& color : _ledBuffer)
//const ColorOrder ledColorOrder = leds.at(i).colorOrder;
// correct the color byte order
switch (_ledStringColorOrder.at(i))
// leave as it is
std::swap(color.red, color.blue);
std::swap(color.green, color.blue);
std::swap(color.red, color.green);
std::swap(color.red, color.green);
std::swap(color.green, color.blue);
std::swap(color.red, color.blue);
std::swap(color.green, color.blue);
if ( _hwLedCount > _ledBuffer.size() )
_ledBuffer.resize(_hwLedCount, ColorRgb::BLACK);
// Write the data to the device
// Start the timeout-timer
if (priorityInfo.timeoutTime_ms == -1)
int timeout_ms = std::max(0, int(priorityInfo.timeoutTime_ms - QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()));