redpanther 0f17e031e8 basic loop connection detection. prevent if you configure forward to<port> and your server has the same port.
But this doesn't protect if not forwarded to localhost "". Loop connections across different hosts arn't detected too.

Former-commit-id: 464a80708ebd11c0f7c83dc87a1afe0f10e0e078
2016-02-18 10:32:38 +01:00

69 lines
1.8 KiB

// system includes
#include <stdexcept>
// project includes
#include <jsonserver/JsonServer.h>
#include "JsonClientConnection.h"
JsonServer::JsonServer(Hyperion *hyperion, uint16_t port) :
if (!_server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, port))
throw std::runtime_error("Json server could not bind to port");
QList<MessageForwarder::JsonSlaveAddress> list = _hyperion->getForwarder()->getJsonSlaves();
for ( int i=0; i<list.size(); i++ )
if ( list.at(i).addr == QHostAddress::LocalHost && list.at(i).port == port ) {
throw std::runtime_error("Loop between proto server and forwarder detected. Fix your config!");
// Set trigger for incoming connections
connect(&_server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(newConnection()));
// make sure the resources are loaded (they may be left out after static linking
foreach (JsonClientConnection * connection, _openConnections) {
delete connection;
uint16_t JsonServer::getPort() const
return _server.serverPort();
void JsonServer::newConnection()
QTcpSocket * socket = _server.nextPendingConnection();
if (socket != nullptr)
std::cout << "New json connection" << std::endl;
JsonClientConnection * connection = new JsonClientConnection(socket, _hyperion);
// register slot for cleaning up after the connection closed
connect(connection, SIGNAL(connectionClosed(JsonClientConnection*)), this, SLOT(closedConnection(JsonClientConnection*)));
void JsonServer::closedConnection(JsonClientConnection *connection)
std::cout << "Json connection closed" << std::endl;
// schedule to delete the connection object