Paulchen Panther 464de381a0 JsonCpp to QTJson (Final Part) (#273)
* Update CMakeLists.txt

* Update Hyperion.h

* Update LedDevice.h

* Update LedDeviceFactory.h

* Update Hyperion.cpp

* Update LedString.cpp

* Update JsonClientConnection.cpp

* Update LedDeviceAdalight.cpp

* Update LedDeviceAdalight.h

* Update LedDeviceAPA102.cpp

* Update LedDeviceAdalightApa102.h

* Update LedDeviceAdalightApa102.cpp

* Update LedDeviceAPA102.h

* Update LedDeviceAtmo.cpp

* Update LedDeviceAtmo.h

* Update LedDeviceAtmoOrb.cpp

* Update LedDeviceAtmoOrb.h

* Update LedDeviceDMX.cpp

* Update LedDeviceDMX.h

* Update LedDeviceFactory.cpp

* Update LedDeviceFadeCandy.cpp

* Update LedDeviceFadeCandy.h

* Update LedDeviceFile.cpp

* Update LedDeviceFile.h

* Update LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp.cpp

* Update LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp.h

* Update LedDeviceLightpack.cpp

* Update LedDeviceLightpack.h

* Update LedDeviceLpd6803.cpp

* Update LedDeviceLpd6803.h

* Update LedDeviceLpd8806.cpp

* Update LedDeviceLpd8806.h

* Update LedDeviceMultiLightpack.cpp

* Update LedDeviceMultiLightpack.h

* Update LedDeviceP9813.cpp

* Update LedDeviceP9813.h

* Update LedDevicePaintpack.cpp

* Update LedDevicePaintpack.h

* Update LedDevicePhilipsHue.cpp

* Update LedDevicePhilipsHue.h

* Update LedDevicePiBlaster.cpp

* Update LedDevicePiBlaster.h

* Update LedDeviceRawHID.cpp

* Update LedDeviceRawHID.h

* Update LedDeviceSedu.cpp

* Update LedDeviceSedu.h

* Update LedDeviceSk6812SPI.cpp

* Update LedDeviceSk6812SPI.h

* Update LedDeviceTinkerforge.cpp

* Update LedDeviceTinkerforge.h

* Update LedDeviceTpm2.cpp

* Update LedDeviceTpm2.h

* Update LedDeviceTpm2net.cpp

* Update LedDeviceTpm2net.h

* Update LedDeviceUdpE131.cpp

* Update LedDeviceUdpE131.h

* Update LedDeviceUdpH801.cpp

* Update LedDeviceUdpH801.h

* Update LedDeviceUdpRaw.cpp

* Update LedDeviceUdpRaw.h

* Update LedDeviceWs2801.cpp

* Update LedDeviceWs2801.h

* Update LedDeviceWS2812b.cpp

* Update LedDeviceWS2812b.h

* Update LedDeviceWs2812SPI.cpp

* Update LedDeviceWs2812SPI.h

* Update LedDeviceWS281x.cpp

* Update LedDeviceWS281x.h

* Update ProviderHID.cpp

* Update ProviderHID.h

* Update ProviderRs232.cpp

* Update ProviderRs232.h

* Update ProviderSpi.cpp

* Update ProviderSpi.h

* Update ProviderUdp.cpp

* Update ProviderUdp.h

* Update LedDevice.cpp

* Update CMakeLists.txt

* Update hyperiond.cpp

* Update hyperiond.h

* Update TestSpi.cpp

* Delete AUTHORS

* Delete CMakeLists.txt

* Delete LICENSE

* Delete json_batchallocator.h

* Delete json_internalarray.inl

* Delete json_internalmap.inl

* Delete json_reader.cpp

* Delete json_tool.h

* Delete json_value.cpp

* Delete json_valueiterator.inl

* Delete json_writer.cpp

* Delete sconscript

* Delete autolink.h

* Delete config.h

* Delete features.h

* Delete forwards.h

* Delete json.h

* Delete reader.h

* Delete value.h

* Delete writer.h
2016-10-13 21:59:58 +02:00

148 lines
4.0 KiB

#include "LedDeviceFadeCandy.h"
static const signed MAX_NUM_LEDS = 10000; // OPC can handle 21845 leds - in theory, fadecandy device should handle 10000 leds
static const unsigned OPC_SET_PIXELS = 0; // OPC command codes
static const unsigned OPC_SYS_EX = 255; // OPC command codes
static const unsigned OPC_HEADER_SIZE = 4; // OPC header size
LedDeviceFadeCandy::LedDeviceFadeCandy(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
: LedDevice()
_deviceReady = init(deviceConfig);
LedDevice* LedDeviceFadeCandy::construct(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
return new LedDeviceFadeCandy(deviceConfig);
bool LedDeviceFadeCandy::init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig)
if (_ledCount > MAX_NUM_LEDS)
Error(_log, "fadecandy/opc: Invalid attempt to write led values. Not more than %d leds are allowed.", MAX_NUM_LEDS);
return false;
_host = deviceConfig["output"].toString("").toStdString();
_port = deviceConfig["port"].toInt(7890);
_channel = deviceConfig["channel"].toInt(0);
_gamma = deviceConfig["gamma"].toDouble(1.0);
_noDither = ! deviceConfig["dither"].toBool(false);
_noInterp = ! deviceConfig["interpolation"].toBool(false);
_manualLED = deviceConfig["manualLed"].toBool(false);
_ledOnOff = deviceConfig["ledOn"].toBool(false);
_setFcConfig = deviceConfig["setFcConfig"].toBool(false);
_whitePoint_r = 1.0;
_whitePoint_g = 1.0;
_whitePoint_b = 1.0;
const QJsonArray whitePointConfig = deviceConfig["whitePoint"].toArray();
if ( !whitePointConfig.isEmpty() && whitePointConfig.size() == 3 )
_whitePoint_r = whitePointConfig[0].toDouble();
_whitePoint_g = whitePointConfig[1].toDouble();
_whitePoint_b = whitePointConfig[2].toDouble();
_opc_data.resize( _ledRGBCount + OPC_HEADER_SIZE );
_opc_data[0] = _channel;
_opc_data[1] = OPC_SET_PIXELS;
_opc_data[2] = _ledRGBCount >> 8;
_opc_data[3] = _ledRGBCount & 0xff;
return true;
bool LedDeviceFadeCandy::isConnected()
return _client.state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState;
bool LedDeviceFadeCandy::tryConnect()
if ( _client.state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState ) {
_client.connectToHost( _host.c_str(), _port);
if ( _client.waitForConnected(1000) )
Info(_log,"fadecandy/opc: connected to %s:%i on channel %i", _host.c_str(), _port, _channel);
if (_setFcConfig)
return isConnected();
int LedDeviceFadeCandy::write( const std::vector<ColorRgb> & ledValues )
uint idx = OPC_HEADER_SIZE;
for (const ColorRgb& color : ledValues)
_opc_data[idx ] = unsigned( color.red );
_opc_data[idx+1] = unsigned( color.green );
_opc_data[idx+2] = unsigned( color.blue );
idx += 3;
return ( transferData()<0 ? -1 : 0 );
int LedDeviceFadeCandy::transferData()
if ( isConnected() || tryConnect() )
return _client.write( _opc_data, _opc_data.size() );
return -2;
int LedDeviceFadeCandy::sendSysEx(uint8_t systemId, uint8_t commandId, QByteArray msg)
if ( isConnected() )
QByteArray sysExData;
ssize_t data_size = msg.size() + 4;
sysExData.resize( 4 + OPC_HEADER_SIZE );
sysExData[0] = 0;
sysExData[1] = OPC_SYS_EX;
sysExData[2] = data_size >>8;
sysExData[3] = data_size &0xff;
sysExData[4] = systemId >>8;
sysExData[5] = systemId &0xff;
sysExData[6] = commandId >>8;
sysExData[7] = commandId &0xff;
sysExData += msg;
return _client.write( sysExData, sysExData.size() );
return -1;
void LedDeviceFadeCandy::sendFadeCandyConfiguration()
Debug(_log, "send configuration to fadecandy");
QString data = "{\"gamma\": "+QString::number(_gamma,'g',4)+", \"whitepoint\": ["+QString::number(_whitePoint_r,'g',4)+", "+QString::number(_whitePoint_g,'g',4)+", "+QString::number(_whitePoint_b,'g',4)+"]}";
sendSysEx(1, 1, data.toLocal8Bit() );
char firmware_data = ((uint8_t)_noDither | ((uint8_t)_noInterp << 1) | ((uint8_t)_manualLED << 2) | ((uint8_t)_ledOnOff << 3) );
sendSysEx(1, 2, QByteArray(1,firmware_data) );