mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Creating Audio Grabber Creating Audio Grabber Creating Audio Grabber. Successfully began capturing audio in windows. Starting to implement a hard-coded UV Visualizer. Got Windows DirectSound Implementation working. Hardcoded basic VU Meter. Begin working on linux audio grabber implementation. Finished Linux Draft Implementation. Minor Mods to windows implementation. Windows: - Free memory used by device id. - Prevent starting audio if the grabber is disabled - More debug logging Linux: - Prevent starting audio if the grabber is disabled Added strings to english Removed "custom" from device selection Made hard-coded visualizer values configurable. wrote values to imageData with BGR priority to enable configurable values to be set in RGB format. created logic to support "Automatic" to enable the API to select the default device. Add language key for audio in "Remote Control" section. Removed audio configuration for number of channels. This was causing an error with some devices. Fixed logic to update capture while its active. Optimizing code . UI Tweaks Destructuring. Fixed build error on linux. Custom Effects - Clean-ups and Enhancements (#1163) * Cleanup EffectFileHandler * Support Custom Effect Schemas and align EffectFileHandler * Change back to colon prefix for system effects * WebSockets - Fix error in handling fragmented frames * Correct missing colon updates * Update json with image file location for custom gif effects * Image effect deletion - considere full filename is stored in JSON * Correct selection lists indentions Creating Audio Grabber Creating Audio Grabber Creating Audio Grabber. Successfully began capturing audio in windows. Starting to implement a hard-coded UV Visualizer. Got Windows DirectSound Implementation working. Hardcoded basic VU Meter. Begin working on linux audio grabber implementation. Finished Linux Draft Implementation. Minor Mods to windows implementation. Windows: - Free memory used by device id. - Prevent starting audio if the grabber is disabled - More debug logging Linux: - Prevent starting audio if the grabber is disabled Added strings to english Removed "custom" from device selection Made hard-coded visualizer values configurable. wrote values to imageData with BGR priority to enable configurable values to be set in RGB format. created logic to support "Automatic" to enable the API to select the default device. Add language key for audio in "Remote Control" section. Removed audio configuration for number of channels. This was causing an error with some devices. Fixed logic to update capture while its active. Optimizing code . UI Tweaks Destructuring. Fixed build error on linux. Commented setVideoMode from AudioGrabber. Linux Threading changes. Implementing new API Continuing to implement audio into new APIs Fixed Audio Grabber for DirectSound on Windows Fixed UI for Audio Grabber Configuration Default AUDIO to off unless specified. fixed missing #ifdef for audio grabber. Added logic to calculate a dynamic multiplier from the signal input. Updating linux api for discovering devices. Fixed HTML/JS issues with view. Fixed NPE in Windows. Disabled setting thread priority in linux. updated the schema options check to pass through hidden states and commented the change. Updated grabber start conditions Updated Audio grabber to instantiate similar to video grabber Updated windows grabber to set "started" flag to false when shutting down. Removed "tryStart" to prevent enabling audio capture unnecessarily. Fixing instance audio grabber device configuration Added configurable resolution Reduced tolerance to 5% Fixed issue where grabber failed for additional instances when "start" was called multiple times. Fixed resolution calculation Change averaging algorithm to prevent overflowing the sum. Updated logic to stop audio grabber when disabled. Fix integer casting and rounding. Restart grabber on configuration change. Fix missing include/grabber/AudioGrabber. Disable tolerance. Added configurable tolerance. Fixed tolerance algorithm. reset multiplier on configuration change. Line Endings Proposed change and questions/request to fix implementing more of LordGrey's suggestions. Fix mode for snd_pcm_open. Latest ALSA uses SND_PCM_NONBLOCK instead of SND_PCM_OPEN_NONBLOCK defaulted multiplier to 0 "auto" defaulted tolerance to 20% changed 100 to 100.0 for pixel value percentage calculation to fix value from being 0. missed a 100 as a double so precision isn't lost during math operation. Fix Windows grabber and further cleanups Enable Audio grabbing in standard build Remove empty methods Fix audio capture priority setting Remove unused code Clean-up default config Allow additional json-editor attributes Allow multiple effects and resetting to defaults Correct default values Allow to build for Qt < 5.14 Update CodeQL build dependency Update build dependencies Remove effect1 placeholder * Renamed uvMeter to VU Meter (Volume Unit) - Fixed issues flagged by code scanning bot. * Moved stop call into destructor of implementing class. * Removed commented linux audio channel configuration logic. --------- Co-authored-by: Michael Rochelle <michael@j2inn.com>
773 lines
21 KiB
773 lines
21 KiB
// proj
#include <hyperion/SettingsManager.h>
// util
#include <utils/JsonUtils.h>
#include <utils/QStringUtils.h>
#include <db/SettingsTable.h>
#include "HyperionConfig.h"
// json schema process
#include <utils/jsonschema/QJsonFactory.h>
#include <utils/jsonschema/QJsonSchemaChecker.h>
// write config to filesystem
#include <utils/JsonUtils.h>
#include <utils/version.hpp>
using namespace semver;
// Constants
namespace {
const char DEFAULT_VERSION[] = "2.0.0-alpha.8";
} //End of constants
QJsonObject SettingsManager::schemaJson;
SettingsManager::SettingsManager(quint8 instance, QObject* parent, bool readonlyMode)
: QObject(parent)
, _log(Logger::getInstance("SETTINGSMGR", "I"+QString::number(instance)))
, _instance(instance)
, _sTable(new SettingsTable(instance, this))
, _configVersion(DEFAULT_VERSION)
, _previousVersion(DEFAULT_VERSION)
, _readonlyMode(readonlyMode)
// get schema
if (schemaJson.isEmpty())
schemaJson = QJsonFactory::readSchema(":/hyperion-schema");
catch (const std::runtime_error& error)
throw std::runtime_error(error.what());
// get default config
QJsonObject defaultConfig;
if (!JsonUtils::readFile(":/hyperion_default.config", defaultConfig, _log))
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read default config");
// transform json to string lists
QStringList keyList = defaultConfig.keys();
QStringList defValueList;
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
if (defaultConfig[key].isObject())
defValueList << QString(QJsonDocument(defaultConfig[key].toObject()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
else if (defaultConfig[key].isArray())
defValueList << QString(QJsonDocument(defaultConfig[key].toArray()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
// fill database with default data if required
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
QString val = defValueList.takeFirst();
// prevent overwrite
if (!_sTable->recordExist(key))
_sTable->createSettingsRecord(key, val);
// need to validate all data in database construct the entire data object
// TODO refactor schemaChecker to accept QJsonArray in validate(); QJsonDocument container? To validate them per entry...
QJsonObject dbConfig;
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
QJsonDocument doc = _sTable->getSettingsRecord(key);
if (doc.isArray())
dbConfig[key] = doc.array();
dbConfig[key] = doc.object();
//Check, if database requires migration
bool isNewRelease = false;
// Use instance independent SettingsManager to track migration status
if (_instance == GLOABL_INSTANCE_ID)
if (resolveConfigVersion(dbConfig))
QJsonObject newGeneralConfig = dbConfig["general"].toObject();
if (!BUILD_VERSION.isValid())
Error(_log, "Current Hyperion version [%s] is invalid. Exiting...", BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str());
if (_configVersion > BUILD_VERSION)
Error(_log, "Database version [%s] is greater than current Hyperion version [%s]", _configVersion.getVersion().c_str(), BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str());
// TODO: Remove version checking and Settingsmanager from components' constructor to be able to stop hyperion.
if (_previousVersion < BUILD_VERSION)
if (_configVersion == BUILD_VERSION)
newGeneralConfig["previousVersion"] = BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str();
dbConfig["general"] = newGeneralConfig;
isNewRelease = true;
Info(_log, "Migration completed to version [%s]", BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str());
Info(_log, "Migration from current version [%s] to new version [%s] started", _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str(), BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str());
newGeneralConfig["previousVersion"] = _configVersion.getVersion().c_str();
newGeneralConfig["configVersion"] = BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str();
dbConfig["general"] = newGeneralConfig;
isNewRelease = true;
// possible data upgrade steps to prevent data loss
bool migrated = handleConfigUpgrade(dbConfig);
if (isNewRelease || migrated)
saveSettings(dbConfig, true);
// validate full dbconfig against schema, on error we need to rewrite entire table
QJsonSchemaChecker schemaChecker;
QPair<bool, bool> valid = schemaChecker.validate(dbConfig);
// check if our main schema syntax is IO
if (!valid.second)
for (auto& schemaError : schemaChecker.getMessages())
Error(_log, "Schema Syntax Error: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(schemaError));
throw std::runtime_error("The config schema has invalid syntax. This should never happen! Go fix it!");
if (!valid.first)
Info(_log, "Table upgrade required...");
dbConfig = schemaChecker.getAutoCorrectedConfig(dbConfig);
for (auto& schemaError : schemaChecker.getMessages())
Warning(_log, "Config Fix: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(schemaError));
saveSettings(dbConfig, true);
_qconfig = dbConfig;
Debug(_log, "Settings database initialized");
QJsonDocument SettingsManager::getSetting(settings::type type) const
return _sTable->getSettingsRecord(settings::typeToString(type));
QJsonObject SettingsManager::getSettings() const
QJsonObject config;
for (const auto& key : _qconfig.keys())
//Read all records from database to ensure that global settings are read across instances
QJsonDocument doc = _sTable->getSettingsRecord(key);
if (doc.isArray())
config.insert(key, doc.array());
config.insert(key, doc.object());
return config;
bool SettingsManager::restoreSettings(QJsonObject config, bool correct)
// optional data upgrades e.g. imported legacy/older configs
return saveSettings(config, correct);
bool SettingsManager::saveSettings(QJsonObject config, bool correct)
// we need to validate data against schema
QJsonSchemaChecker schemaChecker;
if (!schemaChecker.validate(config).first)
if (!correct)
Error(_log, "Failed to save configuration, errors during validation");
return false;
Warning(_log, "Fixing json data!");
config = schemaChecker.getAutoCorrectedConfig(config);
for (const auto& schemaError : schemaChecker.getMessages())
Warning(_log, "Config Fix: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(schemaError));
// store the new config
_qconfig = config;
// extract keys and data
QStringList keyList = config.keys();
QStringList newValueList;
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
if (config[key].isObject())
newValueList << QString(QJsonDocument(config[key].toObject()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
else if (config[key].isArray())
newValueList << QString(QJsonDocument(config[key].toArray()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
bool rc = true;
// compare database data with new data to emit/save changes accordingly
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
QString data = newValueList.takeFirst();
if (_sTable->getSettingsRecordString(key) != data)
if (!_sTable->createSettingsRecord(key, data))
rc = false;
emit settingsChanged(settings::stringToType(key), QJsonDocument::fromJson(data.toLocal8Bit()));
return rc;
inline QString fixVersion(const QString& version)
QString newVersion;
//Try fixing version number, remove dot separated pre-release identifiers not supported
QRegularExpression regEx("(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+-?[a-zA-Z-\\d]*\\.?[\\d]*)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption | QRegularExpression::MultilineOption);
QRegularExpressionMatch match;
match = regEx.match(version);
if (match.hasMatch())
newVersion = match.captured(1);
return newVersion;
bool SettingsManager::resolveConfigVersion(QJsonObject& config)
bool isValid = false;
if (config.contains("general"))
QJsonObject generalConfig = config["general"].toObject();
QString configVersion = generalConfig["configVersion"].toString();
QString previousVersion = generalConfig["previousVersion"].toString();
if (!configVersion.isEmpty())
isValid = _configVersion.setVersion(configVersion.toStdString());
if (!isValid)
isValid = _configVersion.setVersion(fixVersion(configVersion).toStdString());
if (isValid)
Info(_log, "Invalid config version [%s] fixed. Updated to [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(configVersion), _configVersion.getVersion().c_str());
isValid = true;
if (!previousVersion.isEmpty() && isValid)
isValid = _previousVersion.setVersion(previousVersion.toStdString());
if (!isValid)
isValid = _previousVersion.setVersion(fixVersion(previousVersion).toStdString());
if (isValid)
Info(_log, "Invalid previous version [%s] fixed. Updated to [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(previousVersion), _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str());
isValid = true;
return isValid;
bool SettingsManager::handleConfigUpgrade(QJsonObject& config)
bool migrated = false;
//Only migrate, if valid versions are available
if (!resolveConfigVersion(config))
Warning(_log, "Invalid version information found in configuration. No database migration executed.");
//Do only migrate, if configuration is not up to date
if (_previousVersion < _configVersion)
//Migration steps for versions <= alpha 9
semver::version targetVersion{ "2.0.0-alpha.9" };
if (_previousVersion <= targetVersion)
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: Migrate from version [%s] to version [%s] or later", _instance, _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str(), targetVersion.getVersion().c_str());
// from { hscan: { minimum: 0.2, maximum: 0.3 }, vscan: { minimum: 0.2, maximum: 0.3 } }
// from { h: { min: 0.2, max: 0.3 }, v: { min: 0.2, max: 0.3 } }
// to { hmin: 0.2, hmax: 0.3, vmin: 0.2, vmax: 0.3}
if (config.contains("leds"))
const QJsonArray ledarr = config["leds"].toArray();
const QJsonObject led = ledarr[0].toObject();
if (led.contains("hscan") || led.contains("h"))
const bool whscan = led.contains("hscan");
QJsonArray newLedarr;
for (const auto& entry : ledarr)
const QJsonObject led = entry.toObject();
QJsonObject hscan;
QJsonObject vscan;
QJsonValue hmin;
QJsonValue hmax;
QJsonValue vmin;
QJsonValue vmax;
QJsonObject nL;
if (whscan)
hscan = led["hscan"].toObject();
vscan = led["vscan"].toObject();
hmin = hscan["minimum"];
hmax = hscan["maximum"];
vmin = vscan["minimum"];
vmax = vscan["maximum"];
hscan = led["h"].toObject();
vscan = led["v"].toObject();
hmin = hscan["min"];
hmax = hscan["max"];
vmin = vscan["min"];
vmax = vscan["max"];
// append to led object
nL["hmin"] = hmin;
nL["hmax"] = hmax;
nL["vmin"] = vmin;
nL["vmax"] = vmax;
// replace
config["leds"] = newLedarr;
migrated = true;
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: LED Layout migrated", _instance);
if (config.contains("ledConfig"))
QJsonObject oldLedConfig = config["ledConfig"].toObject();
if (!oldLedConfig.contains("classic"))
QJsonObject newLedConfig;
newLedConfig.insert("classic", oldLedConfig);
QJsonObject defaultMatrixConfig{ {"ledshoriz", 1}
,{"ledsvert", 1}
newLedConfig.insert("matrix", defaultMatrixConfig);
config["ledConfig"] = newLedConfig;
migrated = true;
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: LED-Config migrated", _instance);
// LED Hardware count is leading for versions after alpha 9
// Setting Hardware LED count to number of LEDs configured via layout, if layout number is greater than number of hardware LEDs
if (config.contains("device"))
QJsonObject newDeviceConfig = config["device"].toObject();
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("hardwareLedCount"))
int hwLedcount = newDeviceConfig["hardwareLedCount"].toInt();
if (config.contains("leds"))
const QJsonArray ledarr = config["leds"].toArray();
int layoutLedCount = ledarr.size();
if (hwLedcount < layoutLedCount)
Warning(_log, "Instance [%u]: HwLedCount/Layout mismatch! Setting Hardware LED count to number of LEDs configured via layout", _instance);
hwLedcount = layoutLedCount;
newDeviceConfig["hardwareLedCount"] = hwLedcount;
migrated = true;
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("type"))
QString type = newDeviceConfig["type"].toString();
if (type == "atmoorb" || type == "fadecandy" || type == "philipshue")
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("output"))
newDeviceConfig["host"] = newDeviceConfig["output"].toString();
migrated = true;
if (migrated)
config["device"] = newDeviceConfig;
Debug(_log, "LED-Device records migrated");
if (config.contains("grabberV4L2"))
QJsonObject newGrabberV4L2Config = config["grabberV4L2"].toObject();
if (newGrabberV4L2Config.contains("encoding_format"))
newGrabberV4L2Config["grabberV4L2"] = newGrabberV4L2Config;
migrated = true;
//Add new element enable
if (!newGrabberV4L2Config.contains("enable"))
newGrabberV4L2Config["enable"] = false;
migrated = true;
config["grabberV4L2"] = newGrabberV4L2Config;
Debug(_log, "GrabberV4L2 records migrated");
if (config.contains("grabberAudio"))
QJsonObject newGrabberAudioConfig = config["grabberAudio"].toObject();
//Add new element enable
if (!newGrabberAudioConfig.contains("enable"))
newGrabberAudioConfig["enable"] = false;
migrated = true;
config["grabberAudio"] = newGrabberAudioConfig;
Debug(_log, "GrabberAudio records migrated");
if (config.contains("framegrabber"))
QJsonObject newFramegrabberConfig = config["framegrabber"].toObject();
//Align element namings with grabberV4L2
//Rename element type -> device
if (newFramegrabberConfig.contains("type"))
newFramegrabberConfig["device"] = newFramegrabberConfig["type"].toString();
migrated = true;
//Rename element frequency_Hz -> fps
if (newFramegrabberConfig.contains("frequency_Hz"))
newFramegrabberConfig["fps"] = newFramegrabberConfig["frequency_Hz"].toInt(25);
migrated = true;
//Rename element display -> input
if (newFramegrabberConfig.contains("display"))
newFramegrabberConfig["input"] = newFramegrabberConfig["display"];
migrated = true;
//Add new element enable
if (!newFramegrabberConfig.contains("enable"))
newFramegrabberConfig["enable"] = false;
migrated = true;
config["framegrabber"] = newFramegrabberConfig;
Debug(_log, "Framegrabber records migrated");
//Migration steps for versions <= 2.0.12
_previousVersion = targetVersion;
if (_previousVersion <= targetVersion)
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: Migrate from version [%s] to version [%s] or later", _instance, _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str(), targetVersion.getVersion().c_str());
// Have Hostname/IP-address separate from port for LED-Devices
if (config.contains("device"))
QJsonObject newDeviceConfig = config["device"].toObject();
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("host"))
QString oldHost = newDeviceConfig["host"].toString();
// Resolve hostname and port
QStringList addressparts = QStringUtils::split(oldHost, ":", QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
newDeviceConfig["host"] = addressparts[0];
if (addressparts.size() > 1)
if (!newDeviceConfig.contains("port"))
newDeviceConfig["port"] = addressparts[1].toInt();
migrated = true;
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("type"))
QString type = newDeviceConfig["type"].toString();
if (type == "apa102")
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("colorOrder"))
QString colorOrder = newDeviceConfig["colorOrder"].toString();
if (colorOrder == "bgr")
newDeviceConfig["colorOrder"] = "rgb";
migrated = true;
if (migrated)
config["device"] = newDeviceConfig;
Debug(_log, "LED-Device records migrated");
// Have Hostname/IP-address separate from port for Forwarder
if (config.contains("forwarder"))
QJsonObject newForwarderConfig = config["forwarder"].toObject();
QJsonArray json;
if (newForwarderConfig.contains("json"))
QJsonArray oldJson = newForwarderConfig["json"].toArray();
QJsonObject newJsonConfig;
for (const QJsonValue& value : qAsConst(oldJson))
if (value.isString())
QString oldHost = value.toString();
// Resolve hostname and port
QStringList addressparts = QStringUtils::split(oldHost, ":", QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
QString host = addressparts[0];
if (host != "")
newJsonConfig["host"] = host;
if (addressparts.size() > 1)
newJsonConfig["port"] = addressparts[1].toInt();
newJsonConfig["port"] = 19444;
newJsonConfig["name"] = host;
migrated = true;
if (!json.isEmpty())
newForwarderConfig["jsonapi"] = json;
migrated = true;
QJsonArray flatbuffer;
if (newForwarderConfig.contains("flat"))
QJsonArray oldFlatbuffer = newForwarderConfig["flat"].toArray();
QJsonObject newFlattbufferConfig;
for (const QJsonValue& value : qAsConst(oldFlatbuffer))
if (value.isString())
QString oldHost = value.toString();
// Resolve hostname and port
QStringList addressparts = QStringUtils::split(oldHost, ":", QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
QString host = addressparts[0];
if (host != "")
newFlattbufferConfig["host"] = host;
if (addressparts.size() > 1)
newFlattbufferConfig["port"] = addressparts[1].toInt();
newFlattbufferConfig["port"] = 19400;
newFlattbufferConfig["name"] = host;
migrated = true;
if (!flatbuffer.isEmpty())
newForwarderConfig["flatbuffer"] = flatbuffer;
migrated = true;
if (json.isEmpty() && flatbuffer.isEmpty())
newForwarderConfig["enable"] = false;
if (migrated)
config["forwarder"] = newForwarderConfig;
Debug(_log, "Forwarder records migrated");
//Migration steps for versions <= 2.0.13
if (_previousVersion <= targetVersion)
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: Migrate from version [%s] to version [%s] or later", _instance, _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str(), targetVersion.getVersion().c_str());
// Have Hostname/IP-address separate from port for LED-Devices
if (config.contains("device"))
QJsonObject newDeviceConfig = config["device"].toObject();
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("type"))
QString type = newDeviceConfig["type"].toString();
const QStringList serialDevices {"adalight", "dmx", "atmo", "sedu", "tpm2", "karate"};
if ( serialDevices.contains(type ))
if (!newDeviceConfig.contains("rateList"))
newDeviceConfig["rateList"] = "CUSTOM";
migrated = true;
if (type == "adalight")
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("lightberry_apa102_mode"))
bool lightberry_apa102_mode = newDeviceConfig["lightberry_apa102_mode"].toBool();
if (lightberry_apa102_mode)
newDeviceConfig["streamProtocol"] = "1";
newDeviceConfig["streamProtocol"] = "0";
migrated = true;
if (migrated)
config["device"] = newDeviceConfig;
Debug(_log, "LED-Device records migrated");
return migrated;