mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* WLED - Fix empty segment element in DB * WLED - Fix to not overwrite on state when not isStayOnAfterStreaming * Refactor ProviderRestApi, increase default timeout * Fix Smoothing - Fix empty updates, consider smoothing configs for effects * UI - Fix not removed priority * Add missing header and code updates * setRedirectPolicy was only introduced in Qt 5.9 * Adalight - Align to HyperSerial v9.0.0 * HyperSerial Hyperion with awa protocol v8.0.0 * Correct line-endings
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400 lines
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// Local-Hyperion includes
#include <utils/Logger.h>
// Qt includes
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QUrlQuery>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QBasicTimer>
#include <QTimerEvent>
#include <chrono>
constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds DEFAULT_REST_TIMEOUT{ 1000 };
//Set QNetworkReply timeout without external timer
class ReplyTimeout : public QObject
enum HandleMethod { Abort, Close };
ReplyTimeout(QNetworkReply* reply, const int timeout, HandleMethod method = Abort) :
QObject(reply), m_method(method), m_timedout(false)
if (reply && reply->isRunning()) {
m_timer.start(timeout, this);
connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &QObject::deleteLater);
bool isTimedout() const
return m_timedout;
static ReplyTimeout * set(QNetworkReply* reply, const int timeout, HandleMethod method = Abort)
return new ReplyTimeout(reply, timeout, method);
void timedout();
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent * ev) override {
if (!m_timer.isActive() || ev->timerId() != m_timer.timerId())
auto reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply*>(parent());
if (reply->isRunning())
m_timedout = true;
emit timedout();
if (m_method == Close)
else if (m_method == Abort)
QBasicTimer m_timer;
HandleMethod m_method;
bool m_timedout;
/// Response object for REST-API calls and JSON-responses
class httpResponse
httpResponse() = default;
bool error() const { return _hasError; }
void setError(const bool hasError) { _hasError = hasError; }
QJsonDocument getBody() const { return _responseBody; }
void setBody(const QJsonDocument& body) { _responseBody = body; }
QString getErrorReason() const { return _errorReason; }
void setErrorReason(const QString& errorReason) { _errorReason = errorReason; }
int getHttpStatusCode() const { return _httpStatusCode; }
void setHttpStatusCode(int httpStatusCode) { _httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode; }
QNetworkReply::NetworkError getNetworkReplyError() const { return _networkReplyError; }
void setNetworkReplyError(const QNetworkReply::NetworkError networkReplyError) { _networkReplyError = networkReplyError; }
QJsonDocument _responseBody {};
bool _hasError = false;
QString _errorReason;
int _httpStatusCode = 0;
QNetworkReply::NetworkError _networkReplyError { QNetworkReply::NoError };
/// Wrapper class supporting REST-API calls with JSON requests and responses
/// Usage sample:
/// @code
/// ProviderRestApi* _restApi = new ProviderRestApi(hostname, port );
/// _restApi->setBasePath( QString("/api/%1/").arg(token) );
/// _restApi->setPath( QString("%1/%2").arg( "groups" ).arg( groupId ) );
/// httpResponse response = _restApi->get();
/// if ( !response.error() )
/// response.getBody();
/// delete _restApi;
class ProviderRestApi : public QObject
/// @brief Constructor of the REST-API wrapper
/// @brief Constructor of the REST-API wrapper
/// @param[in] host
/// @param[in] port
explicit ProviderRestApi(const QString& host, int port);
/// @brief Constructor of the REST-API wrapper
/// @param[in] scheme
/// @param[in] host
/// @param[in] port
explicit ProviderRestApi(const QString& scheme, const QString& host, int port);
/// @brief Constructor of the REST-API wrapper
/// @param[in] host
/// @param[in] port
/// @param[in] API base-path
explicit ProviderRestApi(const QString& host, int port, const QString& basePath);
/// @brief Constructor of the REST-API wrapper
/// @param[in] scheme
/// @param[in] host
/// @param[in] port
/// @param[in] API base-path
explicit ProviderRestApi(const QString& scheme, const QString& host, int port, const QString& basePath);
/// @brief Destructor of the REST-API wrapper
virtual ~ProviderRestApi() override;
/// @brief Set an API's host
/// @param[in] host
void setHost(const QString& host) { _apiUrl.setHost(host); }
/// @brief Set an API's port
/// @param[in] port
void setPort(const int port) { _apiUrl.setPort(port); }
/// @brief Set an API's url
/// @param[in] url, e.g. "http://locahost:60351/chromalink/"
void setUrl(const QUrl& url);
/// @brief Get the URL as defined using scheme, host, port, API-basepath, path, query, fragment
/// @return url
QUrl getUrl() const;
/// @brief Set an API's base path (the stable path element before addressing resources)
/// @param[in] basePath, e.g. "/api/v1/" or "/json"
void setBasePath(const QString& basePath);
/// @brief Set an API's path to address resources
/// @param[in] path, e.g. "/lights/1/state/"
void setPath(const QString& path);
/// @brief Set an API's path to address resources
/// @param[in] pathElements to form a path, e.g. (lights,1,state) results in "/lights/1/state/"
void setPath(const QStringList& pathElements);
/// @brief Append an API's path element to path set before
/// @param[in] path
void appendPath(const QString& appendPath);
/// @brief Append API's path elements to path set before
/// @param[in] pathElements
void appendPath(const QStringList& pathElements);
/// @brief Set an API's fragment
/// @param[in] fragment, e.g. "question3"
void setFragment(const QString& fragment);
/// @brief Set an API's query string
/// @param[in] query, e.g. "&A=128&FX=0"
void setQuery(const QUrlQuery& query);
/// @brief Execute GET request
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse get();
/// @brief Execute GET request
/// @param[in] url GET request for URL
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse get(const QUrl& url);
/// @brief Execute PUT request
/// @param[in] body The body of the request in JSON
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse put(const QJsonObject& body);
/// @brief Execute PUT request
/// @param[in] body The body of the request in JSON
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse put(const QString& body = "");
/// @brief Execute PUT request
/// @param[in] URL for PUT request
/// @param[in] body The body of the request in JSON
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse put(const QUrl &url, const QByteArray& body);
/// @brief Execute POST request
/// @param[in] body The body of the request in JSON
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse post(const QString& body = "");
/// @brief Execute POST request
/// @param[in] body The body of the request in JSON
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse post(const QJsonObject& body);
/// @brief Execute POST request
/// @param[in] URL for POST request
/// @param[in] body The body of the request in JSON
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse post(const QUrl &url, const QByteArray& body);
/// @brief Execute DELETE request
/// @param[in] URL (Resource) for DELETE request
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse deleteResource(const QUrl& url);
/// @brief Handle responses for REST requests
/// @param[in] reply Network reply
/// @return Response The body of the response in JSON
httpResponse getResponse(QNetworkReply* const& reply);
/// Adds a header field.
/// @param[in] The type of the header field.
/// @param[in] The value of the header field.
/// If the header field exists, the value will be combined as comma separated string.
void setHeader(QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders header, const QVariant& value);
/// Set a header field.
/// @param[in] The type of the header field.
/// @param[in] The value of the header field.
/// If the header field exists, the value will override the previous setting.
void setHeader(const QByteArray &headerName, const QByteArray &headerValue);
/// Remove all header fields.
void removeAllHeaders() { _networkRequestHeaders = QNetworkRequest(); }
/// Sets the timeout time frame after a request is aborted
/// Zero means no timer is set.
/// @param[in] timeout in milliseconds.
void setTransferTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = DEFAULT_REST_TIMEOUT) { _requestTimeout = timeout; }
/// @brief Set the common logger for LED-devices.
/// @param[in] log The logger to be used
void setLogger(Logger* log) { _log = log; }
/// @brief Append an API's path element to path given as param
/// @param[in/out] path to be updated
/// @param[in] path, element to be appended
static void appendPath (QString &path, const QString &appendPath) ;
httpResponse executeOperation(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation op, const QUrl& url, const QByteArray& body = {});
Logger* _log;
// QNetworkAccessManager object for sending REST-requests.
QNetworkAccessManager* _networkManager;
std::chrono::milliseconds _requestTimeout;
QUrl _apiUrl;
QString _basePath;
QString _path;
QString _fragment;
QUrlQuery _query;
QNetworkRequest _networkRequestHeaders;